Acrimony and Terror Drag Mankind Back Into Jungle . . . Inhumanity of Man to Man That Brands Israel as a Luxury in World Dominated by Hate Purely Commentary By Philip Slomovitz A UN That Glorifies Terrorists Abandons Basic Rules of Decency Acrimony is a mild word when applied to the form oratory assumes at the United Nations. The international organization, formed for the purpose of advancing world peace, becomes malignantly inhuman the moment the blocs antagonistic to Israel _take over the platform. They never abandon it when truth seeks access into the areas of hatred poisonously irrigated by an endless avalanche of speeches. The entire world suffers from the plague of terrorism that has been nurtured by the attitudes that exist in the world organization. Yet every step taken by the hate- inspired majority of the world organization nourishes the terror that keeps threatening mankind. During one of the most recent terroristic acts, the New York Times (Sept. 19 issue) demanded "Stopping the Terrorists" and pointed a finger at the guilty by stating: The end of the grim vigil at the French Embassy in The Hague cannot take the eyes of the world off the three Japanese terrorists who held 12 persons, includ- ing French Ambassador Jacques Senard, captive — nine of them for four interminable days. The fact that all the hostages have now been released • physically unhurt hardly minimizes this latest criminal act by international outlaws. The main reason for continuation of the plague of international piracy, kidnaping and extortion is the long history. of open or covert complicity by govern- ments which, by their refusal tg invoke the full force of the law against such criminals, undermine the peace and safety of civilized societies everywhere. The only way to stop the terror is to shut off all sanctu- aries for terrorists. The answer to governments which refuse to cooperate in such simple procedures to up- hold international law is to confront them with the prospect of being ostracized and quarantined. The only acceptable course open to the authorities at Damascus, where the aircraft commandeered by 'the terrorists has landed, is to arrest the trio, and with them the 25-year-old fellow•extremist whose - release from a French prison they extorted with guns pointed at their innocent victims, and bring them to justice, preferably, by turning them over to the Dutch police. Zalman Shazar—Scholar and Hasid Shneur Zalman (Rubashov) Shazar com- bined in his pleasant personality the genius of many cultures. It carried over from the last years of the 19th into the entire fulcrum of the 20th Century. He emerged from the shtetl, the small Russian ghetto- town, into the Russian uni- versity ajid thence into the world of scholars and diplomats without losing an _iota of the Jewish qualities of the Old World; while gaining all of the spirit and power of West- ern culture. In both he displayed knowledge, and he imparted it to his fellow men with charm. The late president of Israel was a master of languages. He was an orator in Yiddish and Hebrew as well as in English. And he wrote equally powerfully in all of them. Therefore, he also mastered the classics of all of these three languages. He was respectful and therefore earned great respect in return. He lived amidst many secularists, yet he loved the syna- gogue and was a hasid on a high level of spiritual enthusiasm. He did not shrink from his tefilin and talit while sharing the devo- tions of the Chabad affiliates, and, indeed, he personified the very meaning of that word which stems from the initials of the three Hebrew words Khakma, Bina, Da'at- It will be instructive to see whether the Syrian Gov- ernment now allies itself with civilized procedure or with the terrorists. Tragically, appeals to reason fall on deaf ears. There is no hope that sparks of decency might be ignited among a majority of UN delegates. The hatred for. Israel, the power of the oil magnates, has blinded statesmen who are expected to have visions of decency, and where it was expected that there may emerge an ear for kindness deaf- ness has set in. Inhumanity of man to man has acquired a center for action in the parliament of the nations of the world. If the-haters should decide on a platform for Yassir Arafat, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the inspirer of terrorism, there won't be a place for honor and decency in the world assembly that is destroying rather than creating hopes for peace. The vision of Isaiah has been one of the symbols of that parliament. That hope has been turned into a sham and the shambles are being defiled by demoniacal tactics. recen. meeting of a committee in race discrimination at the United Nations, referred to Israel's existence as a luxury for the world when he declared: " . . . Human rights, which is the issue, is an issue which will resolve itself once the Palestinian people recapture their primary right, their overriding right, the right to self-deter- mination, and the day is closer than many people would think. And you might, Mr. Chairman, remember that I said last year, that eventually, maybe in a year, maybe in five, the steady current of history will be and justice will be done and peoples right will emerge triumphant and the crazy dream would have faded and everyone would realize that crimes against humanity like any other crime doesn't pay. And, Mr. Chairman, came October (1973) to mark the begin- nings of this natural course of history. "October came to wine out the June (1967) syndrome. Since October, Israel has lost its sex anneal and cancer in the area has turned into septic focus which will eventually be removed. The spoiled child of the Middle East has become the sick man of the Middle East. "Minister Sapir himself said 'October cost us more than billion. We cannot afford to fight such a war every couple • years; maybe the Arabs could.' In fact there would hav been no longer an all Israeli state for the huge American airlift and one wonders what kind of state is this, a political fallacy that needs blood transfusions in order to stay alive. "Will it stay alive, as the Sunday Times once put the question, to see the year 2000? Israel, using business language, claims that it was a good American investment. October proved that it was a very bad investment. It did threaten to cut the veins that carry life to the whole world, while Israel proved to be a paper tiger unable to defend its own very existence and while it appeared to be just a political luxury that the world could do without"! • Once again . American policy is being put to the test. How many concessions will be made to terrorists? Are our representatives at the United Nations able to stem the tide of hatred and will mere rhetoric serve the purpose of pre- venting calamities for Israel, for the few who still offer a hand of friendship to the Jewish state? Will Henry A. Kissinger bring back a message of cheer from his newest Middle East trip? Andrei Gromyko, speaking for the Soviet Union, re- affirmed his government acquiescence to Israel's right to exist. What does the USSR do to guarantee it? It keeps pouring munitions into the camps of those who advocate Israel's destruction! Dr. Kissinger keeps reiterating an American aspira- tion for peace. How is that policy, which was viewed as traditional in American-Israel relations, jibe with the views. of those who must guarantee that peace? Neither Anwar Sadat nor any other Arab spokesman has even spoken in terms other than Israel's eventual disappearance. An Egyptian representative, M. Khalifa, addressing a Only a bigot and a hater of men would ever dare assert that any of the 20 Arab states, which occupy mil- lions of acres of land and whose wealth has begun to dominate the world, is a luxury. Not a single Arab leader has ever granted Israel the just right of existence. History will know how to judge the current events that emanate from a sentiment that brands a small group amidst so many saber-rattling nations as a luxury in the world's social structure. But the generation yet to be judged appears unaware of the crimes that are being committed while sanctions for genocide are being granted by the world parliament that dares call itself a unity of nations. Perhaps the wisdom of Isaiah (swords shall be broken into plowshares) should be removed from the entrance hall to the UN and in its stead should be substituted a warning that those entering it must abandon all hope for humanity. wisdom, understanding, knowledge. In the early years of Zionist struggles for attainment of the libertarian goals of the great movement that sought fulfillment of prophecy for the rebirth of the Jewish nation, he labored tirelessly, traveling every- where to propagate the great cause. He inspired many thousands, and from their ranks Israel gained citizens of stature. When he became Israel's third president, he rose to his high position with dignity, ability to meet the statesmen of the world with courage, and when it fell to his lot to welcome Pope Paul VI to Israel he meas- ured up to the task as a proud Jew and distinguished Israeli. His name will live in Jewish history with a blessing due a man of devotion, scholar- ship, leadership ability and the charm of the head of a state in the making of which he played an historic role. That, in itself, symbolized one of the major results of reborn Jewish statehood. With the emergence of Israel there was emphasis on the rebirth of the Holy Tongue as the spoken language of the Jewish state and its citizens. It might have been hoped that the un- usual occurrence of Hebrew 'being used as a diplomatic medium of expression would awaken concern among the nations of the world in the unusual occurrence of the lan- guage of the Bible, the accepted guide to all of mankind's religious faiths, would also inject a desire to protect the small nation that perpetuates the Holy Tongue against any calamities and cataclysms. But the bursts of oratory are imbedded in so much hatred that hope for an early adoption of compassion vanishes. What a sad contributing factor to the international tragedy! * * * Hebrew on Deaf Ears at UN For the first time in the history of the United Nations, an address was heard in Hebrew. Yigal Allon's address was translated for the General Assembly delegates in various languages from his address in his native tongue. Tragedy of Egyptian Jewry They are free, 'but lonely and uneasy, is the summary of Barbara Walters' Today Show report on the remaining Jews in Egypt. She visited the Cairo synagogue on Rosh Hashana and later spoke to some of the 450 remaining Jews in Cairo and Alex- andria out of a community of 100,000 in 1948. One couple attempted to whitewash the conditions and to speak as if there were normalcy. But the very admission of isola- tion from the rest of the community was sufficient to emphasize the tragedy of Jews in all Arab countries. There are few of them left and the 700,000 Jews from Moslem coun- tries who settled in Israel are witnesses in a case cf humiliation, destruction and expulsion. Ms. Walters may have summed up_ the existing situation when she said regarding her interviews with Egyptian Jews: "Men- tion Israel and the Jews (in Cairo) clam up." The report brought back from Cairo by Ms. Walters is one of tragedy. Few young people remain among the 450 survivors whose average age is. in the 60s. A thriving community was destroyed by the Egyptians. Great wealth was confiscated, and now a few survivors are given the freedom to wor- ship in the remaining synagogue. For the Egyptians, who join the cry of "Jihad"— holy war—against Israel with a pledge to destroy Israel, to claim that they defend religious freedoms is as ludicrous as the Sadat flattery of "Dear Henry" to Kissinger while glorifying the murderous PLO and confirming the aim of pursuing the war to end Israel's existence. Allon Addresses United Nations in Hebrew: Sincere Negotiations Bring Peace UNITED NATIONS (JTA) Foreign Minister Yigal Allon of Israel told the UN General Assembly Thursday that "not a single one of the problems encompassed in the Arab-Israeli dispute can be solved by war" and that "there is no problem, includ- ing the question of the in- dependent identity of the Palestinians, which cannot be solved by sincere nego- tiations between the parties." Allon, speaking in Hebrew, the first time in the history of the United Nations that the Assembly was addressed in that language, declared, "Only a peace founded on respect for the interests of both parties can be genuine, stable and durable." He said that "the geo- strategic conditions which have evolved in the Middle East make such a peace possible" and that "Israel would be prepared to give favorable considerations to a significant territorial com- promise, but she cannot com- promise on her security." He said that if "the condi- tions are not yet ripe" for the conclusion of a final peace settlement between Is- rael and its neighbors, Israel is prepared to "examine the possibilities of reaching in- 2 Friday, October 11, 1974 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — terim agreements . '. pro- viding for effective mutual security arrangements, that, in the course of time will lead to negotiations for a peace treaty which will de- termine the final borders." It was Allon's first appear- ance before the 138-member body as head of the Israeli delegation since he became foreign minister earlier this year. The tone of his address was described as both firm and conciliatory. Declaring that "detente will either be global and ap- ply to the Middle East as well, or there will be no detente at all," Allon ac- cused the Soviet Union of being "one of the principal causes of tension" in the region. "The Soviet Union is doing no service to the people of the area when it counts weapons of war among its main exports to some coun- tries of the Middle East," Allon said. The Israeli Foreign Min- ister was most bitter in his castigation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which he described as "not a national liberation movement but the roof or- ganization of disunited and splintered terrorist groups whose pretensions and sup- port do not spring from the broad masses of the Pales- tinian population." Noting that more Arabs than Israelis have been killed by these terrorist groups and more terrorists have been killed in clashes with regular Arab forces than by Israeli security forces, Allon noted that "these facts are obvious to anybody who cares to exam- ine them." The PLO, he said, "stands in direct contradiction to the Charter of the United Na- tions. It denies absolutely the right of Israel to exist and postulates its destruc- tion as a principal objective." He also accused the Arab states of perpetuating the refugee problem since 1948 "in order to exploit human suffering for political and propaganda ends." He noted that far more dif,. ficult refugee problems other parts of the world haN, ,_ been solved long ago. He said that given good will, the question of compensation for both Arab refugees and Jew- ish refugees from the Arab states can be settled. Earlier in his address, Al- lon called attention to the plight of Jews in Syria and the Soviet Union. He ex- pressed hope that what is left of the ancient Jewish community of Syria which is "subjected to unceasing op- pression" will, "as an act of humanity, be finally al- lowed to leave.",