Israel Thwarts Arab Terrorist Invaders (Continued from Page 1) for the terrorist infiltrator. Israeli artillery shelled tar- gets in southern Lebanon Tuesday in what was de- scribed as a preventive meas- ure against terrorist concen- trations. The fire was di- rected at the outskirts of Mazraat, at Sharda and Kil- lah villages. The incident fol- lowed by a week an Israeli air force strike against terrorist strongholds in the same area. The pre-Yom Kippur air strike was similar to an Is- raeli bombing raid prior to Rosh Hashana, which spokes- men said were intended to prevent any terrorist incur- sions - during the holiday period. At the United Nations, Is rael declared that the Leb- anese government was being imperiled by the same ter- rorist "murder squads" for whom "p ressure is being brought to bear to accord some kind of standing" in the General Assembly. In a let- ter Sept. 27 to Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, Is- raeli Ambassador Yosef Te- koah cited a statement on Sept. 11 by Kazem Khalil, the Lebanese Justice Minis- ter, that "it is not just the Palestinians should conquer a small country like our and turn us into a scapegoat." Tekoah prefaced his state- ment with a review of new efforts by the terrorist groups to infiltrate Israel from their bases in southern Lebanon to carry out missions of sabo- tage, kidnap and murder. Tekoah declared that "even Jamal Jumblatt, a well-known Lebanese politician and strong supporter of the ter- rorist organizations, found it necessary to declare, as re- ported in the Beirut daily, Al Hayat on Sept. 17, that 'I regret that some of the fe- dayeen in the south are not implementing the clear or- ders and instructions of sev- eral months ago to withdraw from the villages.' " Tekoah cited the discovery on the eve of Yom Kippur of two breaches of the border at which footprints of ter- rorists leading from Lebanon into Israel and back to Lebanon were found. He re- ported that the terror squad left weapons, ammunition and leaflets in Arabic and Hebrew, demanding the re- lease of 10 persons in Israel for terrorist activities. He said one of the names was that of Archbishop Hil- larion Capucci, now on trial in Israel on charges of in- volvement in supplying weap- ons to terrorists. He said the leaflets were signed in the name of El Fatah. On Sept. 8, he renorted, the Zarit area was shelled from Lebanese territory and on Sept. 11, an Israeli patrol north of Zarit was attacked by automatic rifle fire from across the Lebanese b o r de r. "These criminal attacks," Tekoah, de- clared, "demonstrate time and again that the Palestinian murder organizations in Leb- anon maintain what is in fact a regime of their own, com- pletely unfettered in its odi- ous operations." He said Israel was defend- 48 Friday, October 4, 1974 — ing the lives of its citizens "by taking appropriate meas- ures against the murder or- ganizations." He added that the Lebanese government "which permits the terror ac- tivities to continue f r o m Lebanese territory, must bear sole responsibility for the consequences of this situa- tion." Meanwhile, in Paris, the executive committee of UNESCO will deliberate the question of admitting the Palestine Liberation Organi- zation to the organization as an observer. Political an- alysts are predicting that the UNESCO vote will mirror the predicted majority which is forming in the United Nations General Assembly to sponsor the admission of the PLO. The Israeli delegation to UNESCO is strongly oppos- ing the resolution. Terrorists Says Lebanon Allows Same to Move Across the Border TEL AVIV (JTA)—A cap- tured terrorist who admitted he was on a mission to seize hostages in Israel said in a television interview Sunday that the Lebanese authorities and army are fully aware of terrorist movements in south- ern Lebanon and could stop them at any time if they so desired. Haled Mahmoud Yassin, 28, of Tripoli, was captured by Israeli forces during a skirmish near Fassouta in Upper Galilee on Sept. 3 in which two of his companions and two Israeli soldiers died. Yassin said that he and his fellow terrorists infiltrat- ed Israel under orders to cap- ture hostages and hold them for the release of terrorists in Israeli jails. He said their orders were to blow them- selves up. along with their hostages should Israeli au- thorities refuse to make the exchange. According to Yassin, ter- rorists come and go at will in southern Lebanon despite the fact that the region -is a military area, heavily pa- troled by the Lebanese army which knows of the terror- ists' movement and could stop them from entering Is- rael. He said that he and his companions passed through Lebanese villages in broad daylight, in full view bf soldiers and civilians who knew their identity. Police identified an Arab laborer killed when a bomb exploded in an Egged bus Sunday morning as a mem- ber of a terrorist gang in Gaza. They said that Ibrahim Hilmi, 23, died when the bomb he intended to leave in the Tel Aviv central bus ter- minal exploded prematurely as his bus carrying workers from Gaza entered Tel Aviv. Hilmi was employed in the bus garage in Gaza. A search of his home yielded a quanti- ty of potash, the chemical base used in the manufacture of explosives, police said. Another terrorist suspect, Ahmed Mouhamed Yassin, 30, was arraigned before a military tribunal in Nablus Monday on charges of mem- bership in the National Pal- estinian Front, the military THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS arm of the Palestinian Com- munist Party. According to the charges, Yassin, who was employed as a city en- gineer in Nablus, underwent training near Moscow for acts of sabotage to be carried out in Israeli territory. Gen. Zeevi Named to Co-ordinate Battle Against the Terrorists TEL AVIV (JTA)—A high ranking Israeli general will direct the nation's war against terrorists. Sources believe this is the assignment given Res. Gen. Rehavim Zeevi whose appointment as special adviser to Premier Yitzhak Rabin was approved Sunday by the cabinet. The official communique announcing his appointment said only that he would ad- vise the premier in certain spheres. But his primary task will be to coordinate the bat- tle against terrorists whose activities have increased in recent weeks, cabinet sources said. Zeevi, known to his friends as "Gandhi," was formerly commander of the central front and later held a top post at general headquarters. Former Gen. Aharon Yariv, who is now information minister, said in a radio in- terview that the recent wave of terror could definitely be regarded as organized, timed to coincide with the Palestine Liberation Organization's drive for observer status at the General Assembly. The increase of terrorists activity this month also has been attributed to Israel's policy of permitting summer travel by Arabs. Yariv praised the alertness of the public in thwarting ter- rorist acts and sabotage and urged continued caution. Ya- riv said terrorist groups were apparently* trying to pene- trate Israel from Jordan without the approval of Jor- danian authorities. He said there was evidence that Jordan was trying to stop the terrorists and he was confident that they would be able to. Meanwhile, Israeli army units have seized a road in southern Lebanon that paral- lels the Israeli border and are stopping and searching vehicles for arms and explo- sives destined for terrorist groups. According to milit a r y sources Sunday, Israeli troops began setting up road- blocks on the road last week. They took the action after a sudden increase in traffic along the road aroused su s - picion that large quantities of arms were being trans- ported to terrorists in the region. Army Officer Killed in Ambush of Patrol on Mt. Hermon Slope TEL AVIV (JTA)—Lt. Gad Raz of Tel Aviv, was fatally wounded Saturday when ter- rorists ambushed his infantry patrol on the western slopes of •Mt. Hermon near Har Dov. One terrorist was killed in a skirmish that followed, but another escaped leaving be- hind a Kalachnikoff rifle. Lt. Raz was evacuated by heli- copter but died on the way to the hospital. A small explosive device was found in a Jerusalem bus Sunday and defused be- fore it exploded. The device was spotted by the bus driver on a rear seat while making a routine inspection of the vehicle after it reached the bus terminal. A driver on the way to Eilat was fired on by two unidentified persons on the road who had signaled him to stop. He reported the incident to police who combed the area and captured two sus- pects on a hillside near Beer Orah north of Eilat. According to police, the two men were heavily armed and carrying leaflets de- manding the release of 20 terrorists in Israeli custody. Security sources also re- ported several recent inci- dents in which terrorist infil- Brazil Jews Show Concern Over Israel Policy and Anti-Semitism RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) — Leaders of Brazil's Jewish community have been as- sured by a high government official that y the regime of President Ernesto Geisel has not altered the nation's "even-handed" policy in the Middle East conflict. The Jewish leaders were also promised by Gen. Golbery do Couto E. Silva, chief of cabinet, that the government will look into alleged anti- Semitism in Brazil. Similar assurances were given to Israeli Ambassador Mordechai Shneerson by the director general of the for- eign ministry in Brasilia, Ambassador Ramiro Elisio Saraiva Guerreiro. The Is- rael envoy was told that the traditionally friendly rela- tions between Brazil and Is- rael remain unchanged. But, according to sources, the attitude of the Geisel gov- ernment toward the Israeli- Arab conflict was indicated two weeks ago in a joint dec- laration by Foreign Minister Azeredo Da Silveira and the visiting foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, Omar Sa- qa af. It affirmed that "a con- structive treatment of the Middle East question have as fundamental components the de-occupation of all territor- ies seized by force and the recognition of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people." The declaration heightened the Jewish community's an- xiety and prompted the visit by the Jewish delegation to the chief of cabinet. The del- egation stressed the Jewish community's commitment to Israel and concern over the possible deterioration in Bra- zil's traditional pro-Israel policy which, they noted, dated from the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948. They also expressed the community's growing concern over "anti-Zionist" attacks in some newspapers and in radio and television commen- taries and the hawking of the anti-Semitic "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in Brazilian cities. - trators who entered Israel re- turned to Lebanon without perpetrating any acts. Arms and leaflets were left behind by infiltrators near Fassouta, Hanita and Malakiyeh in northern Israeli. Israeli security forces have been strengthened along the Lebanese border and on the infiltration routes from Syria. As a result, security sources said, terrorists are attempt- ing to enter Israel via Jor- dan, risking capture by Jor- danian forces. The Jordan- ians do not cooperate with terrorists seeking to use their territory as a corridor to Israel. Last week a unit of the Jordanian Arab Legion re- portedly clashed with ter- rorists who shelled the Is- raeli Arab settlement of Ne'ot Hakikar. Jordanian soldiers have been seen pa- trolling the east side of the Jordan Valley in recent days, r I I z 1111•11.0 ■ 1K1 ■ 111• 11 apparently on the look-out for terrorists. Israeli Civilian Shot in Vegetable Market; Assailant Flees TEL AVIV (JTA) — A 50- year-old Israeli was fatally wounded Sept. 4 by a ter- rorist in the crowded vege- table market in Jenin. The assailant fled after firing a single shot into the back of Avraham Wexler of Tel Ha- nan, near Haifa, who was walking with his wife and daughter and two friends among the fruit and vegetable stalls. Police said the n. weapon was appare.Liy equipped with a silencer. Wexler collapsed and was rushed to a hospital but was dead on arrival. A curfew was clamped on the West Bank town and several hun- dred Arabs were detained for questioning. ■ 041111 ■ 0 41■0■0■4 Boris Smolar's 'Between You .. . and Me' I I Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1974, JTA Inc.) NEW FACES: There is always something stimulating at the meetings of the board of directors of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. The board meets four times a year to review and analyze problems faced by the American Jewish community. These are meetings of action. Each lasts four days. Invited to participate in these meetings also are more than 200 communal leaders and top executives from various cities. The gatherings are therefore a kind of a mini-parlament of the Jewsh communities. All phases of communal life affecting American Jewry—and also Jews overseas, including Israel—are discussed at the four-day deliberations. What impressed me most at the September meeting in New York was the preponderance of young people among the participants. For years I have known most intimately almost 90 per cent of those who attend the CJFWF board meetings. They were like members of a large family. This time, I admit, more than half of the participants were to me "new faces"—young people either holding already, or aspiring to hold, top leadership posi- tions in their communities. Looking at the predominance of the young faces in the audience, it was easy to predict that within a few years the majority of federation leaders throughout the , country will be composed of persons between 35 and 45 years of age. The young elements at the . meeting displayed not only eagerness but also enthusiasm in their observations and attitudes. They were a guarantee for normal con- tinuity of organized Jewish communal life, in spite of pre- vailing assimilation, increase in mixed marriages and other factors that undermine the American Jewish com- munity. WOMEN LEADERSHIP: Even more impressive at the CJFWF board meeting was the number of young women who came from various cities to participate in the se. ,. The CJFWF's Young Leadership development progi—o, obviously had its impact on many highly educated American- born young women. The CJFWF had for a number of years inspired w to take an active part in communal affairs in their communities. The women's groups of the federations have been raising millions of dollars yearly among themselves for Jewish communal causes. However, the aspirations of many of the young women now is not merely to become a leader among women but also to assume positions of leadership in Jewish communal life in general. FACTS AND FIGURES: All this leads the CJFWF leaders to believe that the future of the American Jewish communal structure—as exemplified by the community federations—is safe and sound. The federations, of which the CJFWF is the central body, are now a $725,000,000 a year enterprise. That amount raised by the federations, together with other in- come of their beneficiaries, actually represents a total annual expenditure of over $1.5 billion.