...mmummon THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 36—Friday, October 4, 1974 Victor Landed by Beth Achim A total of 18 courses on a wide variety of Jewish sub- jects will be offered to the adults of the entire Jewish community when the College of Jewish Studies opens its fall semester 7:30 p.m. Oct. 16 at Temple Beth El. Ber- nard E. Linden is chairman. of the board of governors of the college. The college is sponsored by the Metropolitan Detroit Fed- October War Memorial Held TEL AVIV 1(JTA) — Is- raelis joined in a somber memorial day observance of the first anniversary of the Yom Kippur War last week with special assemblies at all army bases and informal gatherings of Yom Kippur War veterans from various reserve units. Gen. Mordechai Gur, chief of staff, declared, in an or- der of the day, that since the war, Israel had increased the might of its defense forces quantitatively and qualita- tively. He warned that "forces in the world" were aiding the Arab armies with modern weapons and political support and that Israel must create the capacity "to pre- vent war or win it." Afraid of the High Cost Of TV Repairs?? Cali Ron Schultz 543-0314 For experienced reliable ► service at reasonable prices. No charge for in home esti- mates. 4. STEVEN I. VICTOR A. H. LIEFF Steven I. Victor, past presi- dent of Congregation Beth Achim will be honored at a congregational tribute dinner 7 p.m. Oct. 14 in the Wasser- man Hall of Beth Achim for "his dedication to the com- munity and to Israel, and for his service to the congrega- tion." Victor was the Detroit con- gregational representative at the Prime Minister's Israel Bond Conference in Israel after the Yom Kippur War. A leading attorney, he is active in legal circles and is a past board member of United Hebrew Schools. The Hon. Justice A. H. Lieff of the Supreme Court of the Province of Ontario will be the main speaker. Justice Lieff is prominent in the Liberal Party and active in the Canadian Jewish com- munity. He is past president of the Ottawa Jewish Community Council and of the Ottawa Lodge of Bnai Brith and is on the boards of the Jewish National Fund and Friends of Technion. Justice Lieff has served as president of Con- gregation Agudat Israel of Ottawa. William Freedman is chair- man of the dinner committee. Members and friends are in- vited to participate in the black tie optional affair, with cocktails at 6 p.m. For res- ervations, c a 11 the Beth Achim office, 352-8670. BE SURPRISED Arnon to Speak at Bond Event COMPARE OUR PRICES ... SANdy FRIEdMAN phoTogRAphy 398 -7211 cANdids • MOVIES • PORTRAITS ....... 1 0q., ■ -• 2-s4r 6 ),a1 the 14941 1, A %\ttp, o_f Temple Beth El Plans Adult Courses fvuee .afrAIPA Ion% d‘asiond ai the 1PN A tf For the first time since the inception of the 'Israel Bond Drive, an enlarged board of governors meeting of metro- politan Detroit will be held 7- p.m. Oct. 23 at the Standard Club of the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel. A reception will be held at 6. The featured speaker will be Michael Arnon, president and chief executive officer of the World Israel Bond Or- ganization. Arnon held the key post of secretary of the ■ &41 yfr cattAden.ce Norman Allan 8. Tri. 17540 WYOMING • TEL. 341-1330 • Mon. & Thurs. 9:30-7:00 ■ & Fr179:304:01, Sat . 10-5:30 Sr CHERRY BEAUTY SALON 354-1737 ENTIRE METROPOLITAN AREA • 9 STYLISTS • 2 MANICURISTS • HAIR COLORING • HAIR BLOWING • ORGANIC PERMANENTS • SIX MINUTE PERMANENT • WE HAVE THE LATEST FOR STREAKERS • SPECIALIZING IN CHILDREN'S HAIR AND LONG HAIR • PERMA LASHES by Arlene We Use Organic Products "The scientific approach to Hairdressing" 25255 TELEGRAPH near 10 Mile MICHAEL ARNON cabinet and government for six years prior to his current position, and was formerly ambassador to Ghana and consul general in New York. David Pollack, .general chairman of the Israel Bond Drive, reports participants at the dinner conference will be addressing themselves to some of the most crucial is- sues involved in the support of Israel's economical devel- opment p r o g r a m through Israel Bonds. 354-1737 For appointment Tel-Ex Plaza Open Tues. thru Sat.; Thurs. & Fri. evenings by appointment Sana Hassan, an Egyptian journalist, and Amos Elon, Israeli author, will speak on "A Vision of Peace" 8:15 p.m. Oct. 13 for Adat Shalom Syn- agogue's progrma of continu- ing Jewish education for 1974-75. It will be the second annual Morris E. Bloomberg Judaica Lecture. Elon is the author of "The Israelis: Founders and Sons," A man should never threat- en his child, but punish him at once, or say nothing. Talmud day sessions are held from 1 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Registration for all classes will be held 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Oct. 16 and 12:30 p.m. Oct. 17. Reg- istration and courses will be held at Temple Beth El. There are courses for non- Jews preparing for conver- sion to Judaism. For information, call Can- tor Asher at Temple Israel, 863-7748 during regular bus- iness hours, or Mrs. Helen Resnick, registrar, 557-7074, evenings. FIRESTONE JEWELRY holesnle Diamonds & emouniing, Jewelry & ll (itch Repo SUITE 318 ADVANCE BLDC..,-.. 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile (313) 557-1860 • Let The Professionals Perform DICK STEIN Inc. Jeep Sm ith — Dick Stein Shelby Lee -- Patty Grant Mori Little — Leonard McDonald Etc. From one to any number of musicians Complete Party Planning on Request 358-2777 "Music The Stein Way" MRS. HASSAN, ELON a book which studies the wan- ing of Zionist ideology from the generation of the pion- eers to that of their children. Mrs. Hassan is the daugh- ter of Mahmoud Hassan, Egyptian Ambassador to the United States from 1938 to 1948. In addition, she is the wife of a high official in the Egyptian government. Mrs. Hasan and Elon first met at Harvard University. Elon was lecturing on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal, and Mrs. Hassan was a PhD candidate at the university. They have completed a new volume of dialogue entitled "Between Enemies" Which will soon be published by Random House. The Morris E. Bloomberg Judaica Lecture is an annual presentation of Adat Shalom, made possible by the gener- osity of the Bloomberg fam- ily. It was established on the occasion of Mr. Bloomberg's 60th birthday in 1973. Leader of Blind Cited for Service Proudly Featuring the FOREMOST HAIR STYLISTS IN THE Israel, Egypt Authors Due at Adat Shalom eration of Reform Syna- gogues and all courses are taught by the rabbis, cantors and educators of affiliated congregations. Courses are open to any adult in the community and include: Beginner's and ad- vanced Hebrew, beginner's and advanced Yiddish, Bible, the Book of Kings, modern Jewish history, biblical phil- osophy, modern Jewish phil- osophy, rabbinic responces to modern Jewish problems, comparative religion, t h e prayerbook, folk music of the shtetl and Hasidism. Cantor Arthur Asher, dean of the college, announces that 14 weekly Wednesday evening sessions are sched- uled and students may elect as many as three classes, starting at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- NEW YORK—Leaders of more than 50,000 members of the National Federation of the Blind, and the Jewish Braille Institute of America, honored one of the foremost civil right leaders of the blind Thursday, Dr. Jacob Freid. Dr. Freid, JBI director, was cited for "his 25 years of service." Dr. Freid, who has sight in only one eye, started as a volunteer with the Jewish Braille Institute. He became deeply involved in trying to intergrate the Jewish blind into temple life and the com- munity, and eventually gave up his academic career to work full time for the blind. 5,4451 It's our 3rd Anniversary and we're celebrating in both our locations - Pant Suits ... Checks, plaids, solids, fall color $ values to $47. 27" Coat Sweaters lushious fall colors, warm and washable. values to $28. $19" Knit Pants fashion perfect colors ... values to $14. $ 80 Jeans the stable of your wardrobe values to $10.00. $590 Z./ OUR EVERYDAY PRICES 30 TO 50% OFF BANKAMERICARD WA MASTER CHARGE Ran OUSE STORE 3160 W 12 Mile, Berkley 23 Mile & Van Dyke, Shelby Plaza Open Daily 10 to 6 - Mon., Thurs., Fri. til 9 Sundays 12 to 5 j •