•111.111111111111111110111111/11111111111111111•111111111111.111111111111•7 • Mafdal May Join Coalition Due to Aloni's Interference on Three Cabinet Positions three months for the eventual return of the Mafdal minis- ters, amongst other members of the cabinet. Thre months ago, when the new Rabin Cabinet had been formed, it was decided to wait for the 'Mafdal for three months and not to fill in per- manently their three port- folios: interior, religious af- rairs and social welfare. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Mrs. Aloni has already Friday, Sept. 27, 1974-33 waited with impatience for the end of the three months in order to demand the in- portfolio for herself. 'FACIAL HAIR terior She demanded Premier Ra- PERMANENTLY bin immediately to fill in the three vacant portfolios and to REMOVED appoint, her minister of in- Eyebrows—Neckline—Arms—Legs terior affairs. Recommenaed by physicians FREE CONSULTATION When the Mafdal leaders SHIRLEY PERSIN heard about this demand, Registered Etectrologist they got frightened. The for- ADVANCE BUILDING mer cabinet members of the 23077 GREENVILD • doom 260 Mafdal, Drs. Joseph Burg Nr. Northland & Providoncekosaital PHONE 557-1108 and Yitzhak Itaffael in- i s".on Downtown creased their pressure in their party to join the gov- TEL- AVIV—Nobody knows whether the Mafdal (Israel's religious parties' group) would now hurry to return into the governnjent, if the Minister - Without - Portfolio Shulamit Aloni had not direct- ed a dramatic appeal to Pre- mier Yitzhak Rabin to distrib- ute the three portfolios, which had been open for, the last ernment. Some leaders of the . Mafdal, who were up until now against joining the gov- ernment, if it would not adopt their version of Who Is a Jew or agree to the forming of a government of national unity. with Likud, are now ready to accept a compromise version of the Labor Party in the Who Is a Jew question. Accordingly immigrants who were converted to Judaism outside of Israel, would not be registered as Jews and Israelis for the period of a year until a special commit- tee of government decided the issue. It is assumed that the new compromise proposal would get a majority in the central committee of the Mafdal and that the Mafdal would join FINE JEWELERS LINCOLN CENTER • OAK PARK We honor Master Charge end SankAnnwicard Hebrew U. Chew-Ins Study Food Acceptance and Rejection JERUSALEM — Dr. Jac- ob Steiner, head of the oral physiology, laboratory at the Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, founded by Alpha Omega is discovering why persons in- stictively favor foods which are good for them over those which are not. A definitive series of "chew-ins" at which college students _ patiently downed as many as 18 specially pre- pared cookies at one sitting — in the name of science — showed that the sweeter the cookie, the faster you chew it up. Common sense per- haps, but the study marks the first time this simple re- lationship has been scientifi- cally verified. Because the-rate at which persons chew — like the rate at which we walk — is gov- erned partly by our conscious mind and partly by an in- nate meehanism, Dr. Steiner attributes the more rapid chewing on the sweeter cookie to an eagerness for ingestion. Further, he said that this eagerness is part of an overall scheme of in- stincts which ensures that persons eat the right foods. To maintain experimental control, Dr. Steiner had a leading bakery in Philadel- phia (where the research took place) bake up a spec- ial order of cookies which were identical in - size, shape, weight, texture, color and flavor, and different only in that some were slightly sal- tier and others slightly sweeter. - During a' sabbatical in Philadelphia, Dr. Steiner had the opportunity to collaborate with scientists at leading in- LEWIS. II IRRIET LE1DER & DOROTHY DOLINK4 OFFER YOU , .. . 5 0UCh o eicoo —ELEG‘NT CLOTHING WITH THAT PERSONAL TOUCH NOW OPEN IN FRANKLIN a MON.-FRI. 10-4 the government after the re- turn of Premier Rabin from his visit to the U.S. The older leaders of the Mafdal are not afraid of opposition from the younger leader Levulum Ha- mer and Dr. Yehuda Ben- Meir. Many assume that in the case of the Mafdal joining the government, Ms. Aloni would leave the cabinet and go over to the opposition. Maarakh is very much inter- ested in the Mafdal joining the government. Such a de- velopment would also have some influence and effect on the talks of Premier Rabin in Washington. The Labor Party does not wish a rup- ture of the cooperation with the Mafdal, which lasted doz- ens of years. It wishes also uch 0/ Ciaa, 32751 FRANKLIN. RD. FRANKLIN 851-8252 stitutions across the United States, like the Monell Chem- ical Senses Center of the Un- iversity of Pennsylvania, finding much encouraging re- sponse to this study, as well as previous studies on taste anti smell. ,Now, the results of his innovative "cookie" study have been submitted to the Satellite Symposium of the International Union of Physiological Sciences for discussion in Jerusalem in October 1974. As a result of Dr. Steiner's collaboration in the United States with Brown University Profs. Louis Lipsitt and Trygg Engen, a study of how infants learn, based on the "chew-in" findings, is now in progress there. Dr. Steiner, a gourmet cook in his spare time, has been studying questions of taste perception since 1966. At that time he developed a simple psychophysiologice test to measure a person's sensitivi- ty to the four basic tastes — sweet, sour, salty and bitter. The first application of the test was • a study of the effect of heavy smoking on taste. Another research on a lar- ger scale measured the ef- fect of severe depression on the ability to taste: This re- search, conducted entirely within the framework of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, showed that severe depression • is accom- panied by the dullness of the sense of taste, verifying com- plaints of depressive patients that their favorite foods sud- denly seemed tasteless. In the course of these studies, Dr. Steiner noticed that adults from different cul- tures made the same faces when they tasted the same materials. He hypothesized that the acceptance or rejec- tion of certain tastes might be an inborn mechanism, common to all mankind. This reflex has been found to be useful for detection of the Riley-Day syndrome (Familial Dysotonomia), a disease which strikes the in- fants and children of Ash- kenazi • Jews almost exclus- ively, and prevents them from. tasting and feeling pain. Revenge has a way of deal- ing from the bottom of the deck. to foil the plans of some Knesset members of the La- bor Party to bring about a new constellation in the gov- ernment in order to bring the Rabin Cabinet to a fall. After the joining of the Mafdal the government would muster a majority of 68 from 120 Knes- set deputies, even if the three members of Ms. Aloni's Civil Rights List would leave the government. The situation in all -the Knesset commissions would change and the coalition join a majority in them as well as in the Knesset presidium. Up until now the opposition could muster a majority in most of the Knesset commissions to- gether with the Mafdal and the Aguda bloc. Also the obligatory presence of cabi- net members and coalition members in the Knesset meetings would change, be- cause the opposition would be too weak in order to make use of a casual absence of some of them in order to try to bring the government to a fall. Therefore, Rabin appealed to the central committee of the Labor Party to accept his compromise proposal in the Who Is a Jew question and to enable the Mafdal to join the government. His proposal was supported by the majority, led by the chairman of the Jewish Agency Pinhas Sapir and carried by 24 against 5 votes. Rabin immediately opened talks with the leaders of the Mafdal, Mapam and the In- dependent Liberals, and asked them to accept his proposal. The Likud opposition is, of course, sharply attacking the intention of the Mafdal to join the Rabin Cabinet, as such a step would strengthen the, coalition and weaken the prospects of bringing the gov- ernment to a fall. On the other hand there were some voices in the opposition which claimed that the joining of the government by the Maf- dal would strengthen the wing in the cabinet which is against territorial conces- sions in the West Bank. 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