The Few in the Anti-Zionist Cabal Who Would Destroy Israel THE JEWISH NEWS E E A Weekly Review Commentary Page 2 . 101 of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper VOL. LXVI, No. 3 , t 17515 W. 9 Mile, Suite 865, Southfierd, Mich. 48075 424-8833 The New Allied Jewish Campaign Leadership . Sukkot Symbolism Editorials Page 4 $10.00 Per Year; Thii Issue 30c September 27, 1974 • Challenges Oil Magnates; Sadat 'Cagey' on Peace Hopes Egyptian President Anwar el Sadat's recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization as the responsible representative of the Palestinians, both at the United Nations and at the Geneva peace conference in November, sparked a new menace to peace in the Middle East. •Jordan's King Hussein rejected the PLO and said he would boycott the Geneva sessions if the PLO is recognized as spokesman. Peace hopes not only were deferred but seemed menaced in the statements made by Sadat in his interview for the NBC Today Show with Barbara Walters Tuesday. Sadat said there would not be a "sudden" attack on Israel, but he refused to commit himself on peace, asserting at one point that he would not take any steps without Syria and Jordan. He seemed dedicated to Syria's intentions. A major development was the tough stand taken by the United States against oil gouging. The speeches of Secretary of State Henry , Kissinger at the UN and President Ford at the Energy Conference in Detroit were warn- ings to the Arab states not to press for high oil prices for use as a political instrument. Their appeals for peace were major factors in current developments. The single optimistic note of the week was the declaration at the UN by Andrei Gromyko, Soviet foreign minister, that the USSR adheres to a policy of assuring Israel's right to existence and that diplomatic relations may be resumed with Israel by the USSR.—(Detailed story on Page 5.) In Jerusalem, Israeli spokesmen said the pronouncements by Jordan's Hussein and Egypt's Sadat on the PLO representing Palestinians were not necessarily the final positions of either Arab leader. The Israelis believe that the Arab summit conference in October will affect the question. Foreign Minister Yigal Allon criticized the PLO, saying its objective is not to make peace, but to torpedo the current peace efforts. He and other spokesmen repeat- ed Israel's stand that the country was prepared to give up some territory in exchange for a guaranteed peace, but not what Egypt would demand. A US. State 'Department spokesman in Washington said he did not believe that the Palestinian and U.S. dele- gations at the United Nations would have official contact, even though the U.S. took no stand on placing the Pales- tinian question on the UN agenda. Gromyko said progress towards a Middle East settle- ment will "create prer6quisites for the development of re- lations between the Soviet Union and all the states of the Middle East, including Israel.'_' He said this could mean resumption of Soviet-Israeli diplomatic relations. Israeli analysts said the recognition of the PLO by Egypt and Syria is not necessarily final, and may be just a move to put pressure on Israel in the upcoining peace- negotiations. They said Jordan's opposition and the Arab summit conference in Morrocco in October could change the PLO's support. Allon warned that the United Nations sessions will be difficult for Israel because of the inclusion of the "Palestinian question" on the agenda, and the presence of the PLO. He said_discussion of the Palestinian question at the United Nations could jeopardize the Middle East peace conference scheduled for November in Geneva. Kissinger attributed the world's rising energy costs not to an actual shortage, but to deliberate efforts by the Arab nations to restrict production and inflate prices. His remarks were not considered as strong as those made last week by President Ford at the opening sessions of the UN, which were seen as a veiled threat by the Arabs. (Related stories on Pages' 5, 6, 8, 12) PLO's 56 Patrons at UN •71ttrin 1:1= ❑th orre71' crl ,;r1 rtz n`171 Yy., l'1; mrY:IttP1 t mr;12i. nt7.*7 (40 ,:z s791) trtl r17;•4; ❑rrIt71.4 vi;pt? • And ye shall take you on the first day the fruit of goodly trees, branches of palm-trees, and boughs of thick trees, and of the brook, and ye shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days (Leviticus 23, 40) SUKKOT 5735_ nn5wn UNITED NATIONS (JTA)—Placing the "Palestine question" on the agenda of the United Nations. General Assembly was sup- ported in a proposal by 56 - of the 138-member world organization. The inclusion of the question for UN discussion was adopted in spite of the strong protest by Israel's chief delegate, Yosef Tekoah. The states endorsing the request are Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Burundi, Chad, China, the Congo, Cuba, Cyprus, Dahomey, Democratic Yemen, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, ,East Germany, Guinea, Guiana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, the Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Madagas- car, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra -Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ugan- da, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Ukrainian SSR and Zaire.