ic===gic==x FIRESTONE JEWELRY U holesnle Diamonds & Jen-eh.): . eininoting. Jewelry & II arch Repaii -ing SUITE 318 ADVANCE BLDG. Commemoration Held SOFIA (JTA)—A cermony was held here recently to commemorate the 30th anni- versary of the burning of the Kaylaka concentration camp near Pleven where Bulgarian Jews were interned. Brazil-Arab Trade Pact May Be Due RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) — A 40-member delegation of bankers and businessmen from seven Arab countries are here for two weeks to examine the possibilities of increasing trade with Brazil. The delegation, comprising representatives from Leb- anon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, 'Jordan, Morocco and Libya, is considered by offi- cials here to be of great im- port. diplomatic However, sources here say that no dra- matic results are expected and that the group is not here to make investments. Since the steep increase in the price of oil, the Brazilian economy has, been hard hit and since that time Brazil has sought to strengthen its ties with the Arab oil-produc- ing nations. `PLO Should Not Be Only Palestinian ilepresentative' Rifai took a hard line on tinians in other areas. By MICHAEL SOLOMON However, Rifai said, if "all OTTAWA (JTA) — King Jordan's demands on Israel Hussein of Jordan said here as a condition for Jordan's the Arabs" decided that the_ Aug. 7 that while he has participation in the Geneva PLO should represent the " alo;tV liltVIIIVKIVIce.; 4 •4;• %LW %SM . •zelfe;4 bko;111.1 ;64111:64 ■ ;64 V..61 WI 11:6411;z7.111.41:; agreed that the Palestine peace conference. He insist- Palestinians of the West 't- v. ,,, : . ,, 4 OZ ,,, je;: 07. MI 47:141M4 I P.7 .. 07. I PM147:11 .. 1 P:7: 7 41F:1 MI PIZ Liberation Organization ed that "the next step must Bank, "Jordan would disen- ■ $ should be represented at the be an agreement for an Is- gage entirely from the nego- ' . 1 k; ' . v Middle East. peace confer- raeli withdrawal from parts tiations." .14.3 Rifai expressed optimism ence in Geneva, he cannot of the West Bank as a first accept the idea of the PLO step toward convening the about the prospects for a as the sole representative of Geneva conference to discuss Middle East settlement after complete withdrawal. If there emerging from a two-hour all the Palestinians. At a press conference after is no withdrawal," he de- talk with Kissinger. • Rifai came to Washington his talks with Prime Minister clared, "it is useless to talk for talks with administration Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Hus- about peace." He also rejected reported officials a day after Israeli sein asserted that "Jordan is the home of the over- Israeli suggestions that Jor- Foreign Minister Yigal Allon whelming majority of Pales- dan might be given civilian left after conducting a week tinians and I hardly can see control of some West Bank of talks with officials. In Jerusalem Premier Yitz- W how people, who have been towns while Israeli forces under our jurisdiction for 25 remained in the West Bank, hak Rabin said this past of 12 Mile I , r years, should be represented adding, "we are talking about weekend it was still too early Elt3 ;i10, total Israeli withdrawal." to decide if Israel would hold Across from The TEL-12 MALL by somebody else but us." :irk; :11E talks first with Egypt or with He outlined Jordan's settle- When asked by the JTA ment goals as recovering the Jordan as the next stage of about an Izvestia article that . • Friday, August 16, 1974-11 said that as soon as Israel West Bank, re-establishment the peace process. " 110;64 b;±;41,2■51ti ' ■ ; bet; nt;411.:6411;t26:611r a t;4 ■ ;. ■ .;• ••• In an army radio interview, F .1;1111 ■ '&41114;111,-.2;41%. ■ ;4 110'&1 of Arab sovereignty "over . t.; THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS withdraws from Arab terri- . 111.Z 11P.r.:111V: 11.M . ■ t•fr■IIIP...VP-4: SIP.Z . 1 P.Z . the Arab part of the city of the premier said he prefer- s ' 4 t'Z •7.4 tories measures should be red to postpone this decision taken to prevent the area Jerusalem" and then contri- until after the Arab leaders buting toward making. Jeru- from falling under control of hand ended their round of a "reactionary Arab regime," salem a city of peace "for- talks with administration of- all concerned." He said any Hussein replied: "With all problems after "recovery of ficials in Washington. due respect to the Soviet However, in Copenhagen Union we have more right the territory" could be dealt Premier Rabin said in a to be involved with the Pales- with "by reciprocity." Rifai rejected claims of the newspaper interview that Is- tinians than they have, and Palestine Liberation Organi- rael "is ready to negotiate will continue to be." zation to represent Palestin- and surrender territories to He said he wanted "to see ians in the West Bank. He re- achieve a true peace with the the Palestinians exercise the iterated Jordan's position Arab states." He ruled out, right of self-determination that it represents all Pales- however, the possibility of whether they would remain tinians in Jordan, including Israeli withdrawal to the p-re- with us in one country, feder- the West Bank but that the Six-Day War borders in a ate or separate. Whatever PLO might represent Pales- Mideast peace settlement. their choice will be we will respect it." Hussein said that steps have been taken toward peace in the Middle East and all efforts should be made LONDON (JTA) — The imposed on him for alleged "to keep the momentum go- ing on." He said that Jordan Bulgarian High Court in So- espionage and has confirmed did not as yet know the Is- fia has dismissed the appeal Dr. Spatter's conviction and by Dr. Heinrich Spetter, the sentence. raeli position. The only way now to save Asked about the NBC-TV Bulgarian Jewish economist, report that he had met with against the death sentence the life of the 53-year-old for- mer Bulgarian representative former Premier Golda Meir on the- Unilad Nations Indus- May 27, Hussein smiled and Teens Attend Torah trial Development Organiza- said, "Yes, speculations have tion (UNIDO) is through an occurred many times" and Class at Yeshiva U. there was no need for him - to , NEW YORK (JTA) — An appeal for clemency to To- expected 1,000 Jewish teen- dor Zhivkov, the Bulgarian dwell on them. Asked about Jordan's ob- agers, most with minimal head of state. Dr. Spetter was sentenced jectives in the Mideast nego- Jewish backgrounds, will par- tiations, Hussein replied: ticipate at 20th anniversary to death May 31 by the Sofia "Frankly speaking, we wish sessions of Torah Leader- District Court following a to recover territories lost in ship Seminars in Pennsyl- trial which lasted only four the 1967 war, restore Arab vania, Washington state and days. Only his wife was ad- sovereignty over eastern Je- Quebec at- the end of this mitted into the courtroom. rusalem and make the whole month, Yeshiva University He was defended by a Bul- of Jerusalem a city of peace has announced. The "MANLY" look and the "MOTHERLY" garian lawyer, secretary of The seminars are spon- the Lawyer's Guild, and a and friendship. Following the price tag, in time for fall and the holidays. recovery of territories I think sored twice a year, once dur- member of the Communist We've spent a lot of years developing the kind we can introduce the princi- ing the winter period and Party, Velichko Ivanov. But ple of reciprocity between all once during th summer, by the District Court took little of rapport that enables us to please both — the countries involved in the the youth bureau of the uni- notice of the defense attor- The young man gets the high fashion look; mother versity's Rabbi Isaac Elcha- ney's arguments. Middle East war." - gets the quality and fit for which she yearns! Dr. Spetter's appeal was Hussein, accompanied by non Theological Seminary. program was started The heard by the high court on his wife, Aliah, flew to Can- Where's Dad? — He's in our men's suit department ada piloting his own Boeing initially to expose teen-agers Aug. 5 when he was again selecting a suit to highlight his grand personality. 707. He left for Vancouver with little or no Jewish back- represented by Ivanov. Rela- Aug, 8 to be the guest of ground to a "total Jewish tives of the defendant were Every size for the "hard to fit" and plenty honor at the Abbotsford In- experience," according to a informed of the high court's of sizes for the "impossible" to fit. decision Monday. Through- ternational Air Show and spokesman. Since the level of Jewish out, Dr. Spetter has asserted left for Seattle Saturday be- 14-18-year- the backgrounds- ALL THE NEW FALL his innocence. fore going to -Washington. old participants bring to the All efforts by Amnesty In- Asked about the impact of seminars ranges from some ternational to - intercede on President Nixon's resigna- acquaintance with Jewish- For All Young Men 8-80 tion, Hussein said he hoped ness to very little, the study- his behalf with the Bulgarian French Shriner Hush Puppies Dexter Nettleton such a development would play atmosphere of the semi- authorities failed. Friends and relatives of not hamper the "momentum" nars are designed to func- Old Orchard Shopping Plaza he said had been achieved tion on different educational Dr. Spetter appealed today Maple at Orchard Lake Rds. toward a Middle East settle- levels, according to Dr. Abra- to world public opinion to in- 851-3660—West Bloomfield tervene in this new "Drey- ment. ham Stern, youth bureau di- fus Case," as they described Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9-9 In Washington, Jordanian rector. Tues., Wed., Sat. til 6 it. Prime Minister Zaid al-Rifai They insist that the es- reported here that he made For Young Men Eight to Eighty arrangements for Hussein's Gaza Gets Electricity pionage charge is a complete 7 Mile and Evergreen KE 3-4310 — Detroit TEL AVIV (JTA) — The fabrication, and that the visit during talks with Sec- MASTER CHARGE Thurs., Fri. til 9 entire Gaza Strip is now trial was only motivated by retary of State Henry A. . BANKAMERICARD Saturday til 7:30 PRINCETON CHARGE Kissinger at the State De- linked to the Israeli electric political and internal consid- erations. . network. partment. j 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile (313) 557-1860 i TAMAROFF . ti •,.-:1 t: BUICK-OPEL-111)14DA Eik: , ;-111:: , Eni i IS STILL m.; ttlYOUR BEST BUY$1, 428585 TELEGRAPH so. 353-1300 a M PR NCET Tradition! Bulgaria Dismisses Spetter Plea Against Death Sentence as Spy SHOE STYLES RINCETON