Encyclopedic Work on Notable False Messiah Professor Scholem's Great Work on Sabbatai Sevi The mounting "euphoric of confidence and defiance not only rewriting the He- manifested by the Jews did enthusiasm" of the messianic brew, to do justice to the not fail to provoke anti-Jew- king reached heights of great spirit of the English lan- ish demonstrations and even excitement during his ruler- guage, but also occasionally riots. The Jews menacingly ship while in the Galipoli paraphrasing, enlarging or told their Christian neighbors fortress when he declared adding explanatory remarks. that the day of vengeance the Seventeenth of Tamuz Werblowsky's virtuosity in was at hand, and carried and the Ninth of Av as feasts this respect and his deep about pictures of Sabbatai rather than fast days as an familiarity with the subject Sevi and Nathan. The Chris- affirmation of the arrival of enabled him to carry out this tian mobs seems to have at- the day of liberation: "The decidedly difficult task. I tacked the Jews in several abolition of the fast of the wish to ekpress my gratitude places, for example in Pinsk Ninth of Av constituted and obligation to Prof, Wer- (March 21), Vilna (March climax of the movemen blowsky, without whose as- 28), Lublin (April 27). A.re- the Orient." It similarly ex- sistance this book could not script of May 5 by King cited Jewries in other com- have attained the degree of John Casimir forbade the munities. readability which I hope will Jews to carry Sabbatai's pic- The apostasy did not end- recommend it to the reader." ture and made the local the Sabbatian movement. It Nathan of Gaza was the authorities responsible-- for persisted among many be- inspired prophet who pro- lievers, and traces of the keeping the peace." moted the Sevi messiahship. movement have been found Rumors of miracles stem- "The great messianic awak- by Prof. Scholem more re- ming from Anointed and ening," Scholem indicates, cently, so that a subsequent Prophet kept reverberating "began on the Seventeenth of volume will serve as an and pilgrimages grew, first Sivan. A prophet as well as to Constantinople to the Sab- addendum to the present a king had arisen in Israel, batai jail and later to Gali- great study. but the people accepted their Sabbatai's activities were poli. Vizier Ahmed Koprulu king only because the prophet is credited with having avoid- halted when he was moved to had confirmed his kingship." ed disturbances -because he Adrionople, 150 miles from This was in the crucial "evidently realized that out- Galipoli, on Sept. 15, 1666, year 1665 and events began bursts of some kind would and it was on the following to move swiftly when Sevi be inevitable if the messiah, day that he was brought to proclaimed himself the mes- PROF. SCHOLEM in whom practically all Jews the sultan's court to be told siah in May. The chain re- \ believed, would be put to that it was either abandon- action began from Palestine ment of Judaism and accept- Sabbatai Sevi death." (commonly known under the when the prophet proclaimed Therefore, boatloads of pil- ance of the Mohammedan spelling Shabbatai Tzvi or his selectee to be "worthy of faith or death. He readily ac- Shabasai Tzvi in the Yiddish- being ning king over Israel." Sab- of its short duration, • as ed the Turkish government grims came, brought jewels, cepted the clemency. He was ized pronounciation) is not batai then more seriously traced here, is in itself a against "the madman." paid homage, and Sabbatai only a great work 15iographi- began to "connect himself study of events in all Jewish The Turkish government held court in kingly style. 'given the name Mehemed took action. Sabbatai's ar- While wealth was reportedly Effendi or Aziz Mehemed cally: it is an immense study with the names of God " communities of that time. and was given the of the events and the people while "the prophet saw si While the Sabbatian move- rival was delayed by a storm mobilizing for the messianic Effendi honorary office of kapici movement, there were indi- involved with Sabbatai, a that 'the exaltation of gths the thorough evaluation of the rabbi Sabbatai Sevi as the ment began in the Holy at sea. His arrest took place ca tions that most of the fol- bashi, keeper of the palace kabalistic ideas and influ- Anointed of the God of Land, its worldwide spread on Feb. 8, 1666. lowers were the poverty- gates. Some of his associates also ences, a commentary on the Jacob' was about to begin." commenced when Sevi left Prof. Scholem states may stricken who were hoping for IV, that Palestine. The "glad tidings" the sultan, Mehmed (Concluded on Page 20) Christian millenarians and on Among his major acts at were accepted in Egypt and not have been in Constanti- relief from want. the chiliastic views in Chris- the outset was to proclaim an from there spread widely in nople, but Grand Vizier tian theology. end of Shiva Asar b'Tamuz, the Diaspora. Enthusiastic Ahmed Koprulu, who is de- More: Dr. Scholem's "Sab- the Seventeenth of Tamuz letters from the Sabbatians scribed as "one of Turkey's batai Sevi" is an example of (commemorating the day carried the word of his mes- greatest statesmen," was unsurpassed research by a when the Babylonians made siahship and the role of the there to deal with the case great scholar. The 1,000-page the first breach in the wall Prophet Nathan of Gaza. himself. The case was treat- book is a classic in theologi- of Jerusalem during the siege Hymns were composed, pam- ed as a rebellion and Sab- cal, historical, biographical of 586 BCE) as a fast day phlets were written, the wrd batai as a rebel , s such and socio-theological studies. and declaring it a day of of redemption came to Italian was to forfeitis h life This volume therefore as- feasting. One of the recorded stories Jewry and it fell in line, as sumes great significance in It was not a unanimous did the JewrieS of other Eu- about Sabbatai's imprison- literature. This 93rd volume endorsement of his work in ropean countries, and for ment is that he might have in the series of works spon- Jerusalem, where rabbis re- Polish Jewry it was a sign been ransomed for a large sored by the Bollingen Foun- belled, where there from heaven that redemption • sum of money, but he re- dation at Princeton Univer- suspicion of the honesty was of fused, still envisioning great sity is worth every penny of his distribution of funds was arriving after the hor- things about to happen. y o he rible Chmielnicki pogroms. its $25 cost. collected in Egypt for the Indeed, there were the Meanwhile, tensions con- Because of the immensity needy. There was the charge challengers, as there later tinued between the two con- of this work, it is worth of embezzlement, were the repenters. There flicting Jewish forces in noting Prof. Scholem's tribute • There was no way of sub- were the doubters and there Turkey who were divided on to an associate who assisted duing the preachings of the were repudiations, as in the Sabbatianism. The wise vizier in making possible its ap- "true prophet"; the effects impressive verses against desired to allay pearance in the English of Nathan's success in "ex- Sabbatians by Em a n u e 1 After two months in prison translation. Dr. Scholem as- plaining to selected indivi- Frances. in Constantinople, Sabbatai duals — including Sabbatai serts: The Sabbatian fever kept was transferred to the Gali- Sevi himself — the mystical "The credit for the English "The mounting. Rabbis and lay poli fortress and a new chap- is due to Dr. R. J. significance of the strange supporters of Sabbatai gath- ter commenced in his move- Zwi Werblowsky, professor and repellent aspects of the ered en masse, acclaimed ment. of comparative religion at messiah's personality." It was a veritable mes- Kabalists from many quay- Sevi in Smyrna where he an- sianic revolution, as Prof. the Hebrew University in nounced many appointments Jerusalem, who — over sev- ters pass in long review in of kings and emissaries who Scholem details them at great eral years — invested much the story of the rise of the were to begin to rule the re- length. Nathan prophesied, time and work in its prepar- Sabbatian movement. Nathan deemed Jewish kingdom. Sabbatai preached — Jews ation. Literary Hebrew is of Gaza as much if not even The appointees were headed were called upon to repent notoriously difficult to trans- more than Sabbatai was in by Sabbatai's two brothers, and to mend their ways if late into English. The or- constant search and was Elijah Sevi having been they were to benefit from the iginal edition of the present tested for proof of the verity named king of kings of Israel rulership of the Anointed work was addressed to He- of his preachments. Scores and Joseph Sevi king of King. The enthusiasm, the brew readers — which, in of legends are rec(irc' ,,c1 by kings of Judah. The list of maddening rush to join the the nature of things, also Scholem in chronicling the known appointees fills two Sabbatian ranks in all Eu- means, in the main, Jewish story of the False Messiah, pages in Scholem's book. ropean countries, especially readers. Hence, the author the Zohar is under scrutiny B u t i n Constantinople, in Poland and in Russia and the source of the inspira- could assume familiarity with tion for the Sabbatianism, where it was believed by the. where the. pogroms of 1648 certain ideas, concepts, tradi- the adherence to the mysti- Sabbatai followers that he left their marks of suffering tions, institutions, rituals, cism of Isaac Luria, provides would soon take over the and despair, are minutely From Gershom S. Scholem's "Sabbatai Sevi": Sabba- liturgical practices, historical additional immense data in kingdom of the sultan of outlined. kingly throne, under a events and names. It was . not easy sailing, and tai Sevi as messiah, sitting on the and bearing the inscrip- "In the case of the English the volumonious Sabbatai Turkey, there was strong op- angels celestial crown held by position, an antagonism that there were riotous occur- tion "Crown of Sevi." Below: the Ten Tribes studying the reader such familiarity could Sevi story. was helpless against' the en- rences, resulting from the The spread of the Sabba- thusiasm of the Sabbatians. messianic faith, including Torah with the messiah. From an etching after the title not be taken for granted, and page of one of the editions of Nathan's "Tiqqun Qeri'ah" therefore translating meant tian movement in the period It is believed, Scholem states, conflicts with Christians, as (Amsterdam, 1666) THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS that the opponents had warn- in Poland: "The new mood 48 Friday, August 9, 1974 Prof. Gershom S. Scholem, perhaps the world's outstand- ing authority on kabala and Jewish mysticism, has pro- duced a work that is without question one of the most sig- nificant studies of the mystic trends in an important era in Jewish history. His "Sab- batai Sevi, the Mystical Mes- siah," (Princeton University Press), about the most famous of the False Messiahs — •