_MMEN1 42—Friday, July 26, 1974 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Parliamentarians Urge Solidarity With Israel JERUSALEM (JTA)—Rep- resentatives of 13 European parliaments, at a two-day conclave here, urged Euro- pean countries not to give in to Arab economic pressures aimed against Israel. The resolution a do p t e d unanimously by the some 140 persons attending the Con- ference of the Europe-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Association also urged world solidarity with Israel while calling for direct negotiations between Israel and the Arab states. Premier Yitzhak Rabin told the closing session of the conference that Israel would not negotiate over her very existence despite her desire for peace talks with the Arabs. He declared that Jerusalem would remain un- der Israel sovereignty with guarantees of free access and usage of the holy places. Earlier, former Foreign Minister Abba Eban called on Europe not to give in to Arab oil blackmail. He said the Cyprus crisis showed there was no value in international guarantees and the only way to solve disputes was through direct negotiations. As the session was ending, a small group of delegates decided to keep in constant touch on efforts to help So- viet Jews to emigrate to Is- rael. British MP Greville Janner, temporary coordina- tor for the group, said he was "delighted" at the de- velopment since it was the first time parliamentarians from a large number of countries had agreed to work together on the problem. At a press conference to- day, the European visitors said they would act in their countries against the resolu- tion adopted by the nine Common Market countries , supporting the Arab interpre- tation of Security Council Resolution 242. They said that they now understood Israel's problems better and could therefore exert their influence more effectively for a more pro- Israeli policy by their gov- ernments. Meanwhile, in Brussels, the nine foreign ministers of the European Economic Commu- nity (EEC) have reportedly worked out a general plan of EEC proposals for the projected Euro-Arab dia- logue of cooperation. The president of the EEC Council of Ministers, French Foreign Minister Jean Sau- vagnargues, and the presi- dent of the ,EEC Commis- sion, Francoies-Xavier Ortoli, will present these proposals to an Arab delegation in Paris 'on Wednesday. The Arab delegation will consist of Arab League Sec- retary General Mahmoud Riad and Kuwait Foreign Minister Sheik Al-Sabar. At that time, the two EEC officials are expected to out- line possible directions of Euro-Arab cooperation in the areas of economy, industry, technology and education. Jerusalem in 'Drifting Cities' Dr ama of War Jerusalem shares roles with Cairo and Alexandria in a dramatic trilogy about the Middle East and the defeat of the anti-Fascists in the struggle of 1942. The events that occurred, involving the Communists, relating to major events in that area during World War II, are depicted in "Drifting Cities," by eminent Greek author, Stratis Tsirkas. The Knopf-published vol- ume, in which the original trilogy is presented in an ex- cellent translation from the Greek by Kay Cicellis, re- lates also to the Hitler era. "Drifting Cities" covering a significant period in Euro- pean history, and the Greek struggle, with a cast of characters who are involved in many intrigues, is bril- liantly introduced to depict the roles of refugees, the Communist involvement, the libertarian principles. In the Jerusalem portion— the first of the books in the trilogy—to which the follow- up two books also refer — describes the refugees who came to the Holy City, the Jews who were involved in the drama, the controversial episodes relating to interna- Italy Fears Anti-Semitism Rise ROME (JTA) — Heads of the Jewish community here fear an underground revival of anti-Semitism in taly based on the increan of anti-Jewish incidents in the past few years. "I am seriously worried about these incidents," said Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff. "The situation is not helped by the political, economic and social unrest in the country today." Alfons M. Di Nola, a Jew- ish professor, has published a book "Anti-Semitism in Italy," in which he lists various acts of vandalism and violence over the past 10 years, all committed against Jews or synagogues. Rabbi Toaff recently re- ceived a letter addressed to "The Head Rabbi of the Jews of Rome," which read, "For a Zionist such as you there is only lead' (a bullet) or the scaffold. You will get it." Sympathetic Italians be- lieve these acts represent the w o r k of misguided youths, rather than country- men with deep-seated anti- Semitic feelings. But Rabbi Toaff and other Jewish lead- ers say the growing evidence of anti-Semitism is serious RAMAT GAN — "What is enough to cause concern. WZO, Knesset Spur a Jew but an eternal ques- tion-mark?" asked Elie Diaspora Education Wiesel during a recent JERUSALEM (JTA) — A speech at Bar-Ilan Univer- joint committee to promote sity where he received an Jewish education in the Dias- honorary PhD degree for his pora will be set up soon by contributions to the world of the World Zionist Organiza- letters. By BEN GALLOB tion and the Knesset Educa- "A Jew must find justifi- (Copyright 1974, JTA, Inc.) tion Committee, a conference NEW YORK — A survey of 40 overseas Jewish edu- cation for himself only as a cators and 40 Israeli edu- member of his people. I do of attitudes of members of cators was told at the close not wish anything - to happen Orthodox familie's in the of a six-day conference here. in Jewish _history without it Boro Park section of Brook- happening to me. Whoever lyn has indicated that while Avraham Schechterman, sees and experiences his life there is a generation gap, chairman of the Knesset in 'these terms will live a most young Jews still ex- committee, said the confer- fuller life." press deep commitment to ence examined Jewish unity Wiesel said that in the the values of 'their Orthodox and solidarity with Israel and Talmud it is written: He who parents. how to teach it; the cen- mourns over the destruction A Brooklyn College sociolo: trality of Israel in Jewish of Jerusalem will be privi- gist, Egon Mayer, reported MICHAEL KAPUT education; and Jewish leged to rejoice at her res- that the data for his study Photography studies in schools abroad. toration. "The reverse is also were obtained mainly from Weddings • Bar:Milzvas Improvement . of Jewish true. He who does not mourn two separate surveys: inter- studies instruction in Israeli will not rejoice." views with 65 Boro Park 642-1039 schools also was studied by "On the face of it, -it seems families randomly chosen the conference delegates. permissible to wonder: How from the telephone directory is it possible that Jews like and a mail questionnaire `I will seek out the lost, us go on living without going sent to Young Israel Inter-_ I will bring back the strayed, out of their minds for joy?" collegiates, with 44 question- I will bind up the wounded, Wiesel explained; "It may naires completed and re- I will strengthen the sick; be that this is a punishment." turned. and I will watch over the fat It may be that we did not Mayer reported he found pd po! ad ,/ and the' strong ones, tending- weep enough over our own that 68.8 per cent of the them rightly.'—Ezekiel 34:16. period's destruction of Jeru- young respondents indicated salem." MEM 11111 ■ that they were satisfied with 1111111111111111M NM 1•11 .110111111- 11111111111 MIME INN 14 Wiesel •said he feels that the Orthodox Character of I the Thanksgiving Prayer, the community and 84 per I more than many other cent declared they intended prayers, typifies the Jews. to remain Orthodox through- I "We possess the quality of out their lives. Ninety one I thanksgiving more than per cent said emphatically I others . . ." they would never join a Con: I Wiesel said: "I teach my servative or Reform syna- FOR WOMEN I students that when a Jew in. gogue. the Diaspora speaks of Is- But the survey also found rael, he should use the prb- that 52 per cent were dis- I noun 'we'. I should like it if satisfied with the lack of VERDE, reg. to $30, now I here, too, this consciousness political activities, on behalf I I were inculcated upon stu- of Israel. I dents and their parents: For girls the major source AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES i when they speak here of of inter-generational conflict good Jews — scholars and was their desire for advanced philanthropists — in Detroit, secular education and con- I Brooklyn or Strasbourg, let temporary clothing styles, say: We. Anything that particularly those that vio- I them troubles Jews there affects lated "parental norms of I 9 Mile & Coolidge ( A & P Center) us here Any trouble here sexual modesty," the sociolo- 399-6766' gist declared. !.'immososmoommuumoouiwm•N000....•IoroE affects us there." `Most Orthodox Youth Support Parent Values' POE r Wiesel Says Jew Is Eternal Question Mark SAVE .20 to 75% NATURALIZERS1280 1 MEN'S SHOES $1 g80 CHILDREN'S SHOES I I TUKEL'S SHOES tional involvements of those who figured in the struggle for freedom. Quite appropriately, the author quotes George Seferis: "Jerusalem, drifting city, Jerusalem, city of refugees," as an introductory note to the first portion. Also, he quotes "If I forget thee, 0 Jerusa- lem . ." from Psalm 137. They properly relate to the gathering of escapees, dip- lomats and intriguers, who assembled in the Holy City. A six-page chronological outline of the important dates in Greek history—from Aug. 4, 1936, to Oct. 16, 1949 — serves to emphasize the events that affected the rag- ing battles and the role of the Communists, whose cease fire in the libertarian war occurred on the latter date. The carnal love affairs, the suspicions, the internal strug- gles, the aims of the repre- sentatives of the various fac- tions involved — all are in- terlinked with the cities in which the events occurred. There were betrayals and cruelties, and scores of love affairs. There also were ele- ments of courage and ideal- ism. "Drifting Cities" is a Mid- dle Eastern drama of great dimensions. AJCongress Seeks Health Care Plan WASHINGTON, D.C. House Ways and Means Co mittee was urged by •1 American Jewish Congress approve a national health surance plan that would p. vide every American w "the best available hea care as a matter of righ11. - no cost. The AJCongress stater:, voiced particular conce about "the growing numt of elderly persons living fixed incomes, poor and n( poor, for whom the tion of low-cost, health services is a prob of overriding importance. Existing legislation — eluding Medicare and Me caid—was "inadequate," t statement said, because "incomplete cover age a high costs even for the derly poor." I myself will tend r flock, and I myself will le ?) them to their pasture,' oracle of the Lord God." Ezekiel 34:15. INSTITUTE OF SEX AND ANSWERS Professional guidance avail° 538-2655 days or 646-79 nights. 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