Congressional Candidates State Positions on Mideast, Soviet Jews The Middle East situation and the Russian restrictions on Jews desiring to emigrate are two issues on which con- gressmen will have to take positions time and again. Because of the overriding importance of these issues, The Jewish News queried candidates for congressional seats: Kathleen Straus, Wil- liam Brodhead and Joseph Levin in the 17th District, Robert Huber and James Blanchard, 18th, and William Broomfield, 19th. Following are their state- ments: JOSEPH LEVIN The United States must make available to Israel the arms she needs to survive against the much larger mass of Soviet-trained troops and Soviet-supplied equipment still dedicated to the annihilation of her people. The United States must also continue its uniquely constructive role in moving Israel and her neigh- bors to the conditions of a just and stable peace. We must support Israel, not because of the present Soviet-American power strug- gle, but because Israel's cause is morally right. Thus, my support of Israel will always transcend inter- national politics and the dyn- namics of world power pol- itics at any point in time. We also must use our pres- ent economic leverage with the Soviet Union to bargain THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38 Friday, July 26, 1974 — POE pd poi adv BY POPULAR DEMAND! Now Booking .. ED- BURG and His Orchestra 851-6118 not only for larger Soviet emigration quotas but also for assurance that emigration visa applicants and their families will be neither har- assed nor deprived of their livelihoods while awaiting Visas. KATHLEEN STRAUS The United States was the first nation to recognize and support the state of Israel. This support must remain strong and unwavering throughout these troubled times. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger certainly performed well during his long series of negotiations, but we must recognize that peace is more than the ab- sence of declared war. Peace must be built upon mutual respect and under- standing, not muted threats and wars of attrition. Cer- tainly, lasting peace has not been facilitated by the Presi- dent's promise of arms and nuclear reactors to countries hostile to Israel. Nor can peace be accomplished by forcing the Israelis into ter- ritorial concessions which may jeopardize their survi- val. _ America also has a grave responsibility in aiding the survival and existence of Jews in the rest of-the world. Now, we must extend our help to the oppressed Jewish communities of the Soviet Union and Syria. Complete and unqualified support for the Jackson Amendment to the Soviet trade bill is an excellent op- portunity to exert pressure on behalf of the Soviet Jews. And, I would support legis- lation that would completely protect the rights of the Syrian Jews before we sign any further agreement with Syrian government. BILL BRODHEAD Permanent settlement of all outstanding grievances should be the overriding policy objective of the United States in the Middle East. Naturally, I support a per- manent peace solution. But in such a solution, Israel must be guaranteed recog- nized defensible boundaries. I believe in . continuing American assistance to Israel in its effort to repel aggres- sion. Israel is a shining ex- ample of courage, tenacity and true democratic princi- ples. Every U.S. citizen should be proud of our aid to the brave people of Israel. On the question of Russia's policy regarding the emigra tion of Jews to Israel, I be- lieve that the U.S. can help. We can use our substantial • Super Imposed • Silhouettes , • Unique Poses • Bar Mitzvahk• economic leverage to push Russia toward a freer emi- gration policy. Currently, Congress is con- sidering legislation to grant Russia "most favored nation" trade status. Amendments have, been proposed which would tie such a move to Russia's willingness to change its emigration laws. If I were in Congress, I would vote for that amend- ment. Anyone who says that one nation never uses its trade to influence another na- tion's internal policies simply has not studied history. Just the fact that the amendment is being discussed has al- ready caused Russia to relent in a few cases. I favor detente with the USSR but I don't believe it is necessary to compromise our principles. JAMES BLANCHARD I strongly favor continued U.S. support for the sovereign state of Israel. I do so, not only because Israel is a de- mocracy with close ties to several million U.S. citizens, but also because Israel is our only legitimate ally in the Middle East. Only a strong and inde- pendent Israel ensurses U.S. security in the Middle East and the political stability which will lead to peace in that area of the world. Congress should concern itself with matters that affect Israel's independence and security indirectly, as well as directly. Congress must act as a watch dog over military and economic agreements sought in the name of peace elsewhere in the world, but which sow the seeds of hos- tilities against our Israeli allies in the Middle East. In this regard, the expor- tation of nuclear technology to the Arab nations is naive, just as previous military grants to those nations have proven to be. Relations with the Soviet Union, of course, deeply in- volve Middle East politics. Therefore, I am concerned that today's so-called "de- tente" might not be a livable arrangement for us tomor- row, any more than the granting of a trade prefer- ence to the USSR will be liv- able for Soviet Jews if they are not allowed to peacefully emigrate from the USSR. ROBERT J. HUBER As a co-sponsor of the Vanik Amendment, I cer- tainly favor doing all that we can to facilitate emigration of Russian Jews to the coun- try of their choice as well as any other nationalities that want to leave. In my mind this is a fundamental human right, given by God, and not to be capriciously abridged by government. As regards US-Israeli re- lations, I am the co-sponsor of legislation putting the Congress on record as saying that we will match the So- viets gun for gun and plane for plane in any Middle East conflict. Our airlift in the most recent conflict certainly proved that our deeds match our words. A free Israel is vital to the United States. (Huber speaking at Captive Nations Week ceremonies in Detroit, said Congress should write laws to forbid the President from making trade concessions to the Soviet Union until "such time as we see real concessions, such as freedom of emigration.") WILLIAM S. BROOMFIELD At a time when the Soviet emigration rate has been re- duced and Soviet emigration practices have been made even more repressive, it is vital that the U.S. Congress reaffirm its commitment to the universally recognized rights of the individual to practice his culture and re- ligion, to live in freedom and dignity, or to leave for a country of his choice. Americans of all religious and ethnic backgrounds sup- port these basic human rights. We need to emphasize this fact constantly so that Soviet authovities can never forget that the plight of So- viet Jewry is one which has the concern 'and support a broad spectrum of the American people. As one who has long sup- ported Israel and her econa- mic and military needs, I be- lieve it has never been mo7 \ important than it is now to maintain and shore up thg support. The recent Middle East war demonstrated that Is- rael's only guarantee again destruction is a strong tary posture. A secur€ lasting peace can only L assured when Israelis enemies are convinced that she cannot be destroyed. That goal can only be assured through continued U.S. sup- port and friendship. M LTER future, it will be built upon the sound education of all of its children. Therefore, we must all work to ensure that all of our children receive full and equal opportunities. "The Jewish community of Metropolitan Detroit pledges its support and cooperation for any solution that furthers these goals." The 5-4 Supreme Court de- cision strikes down a mas- sive school desegregation plan in metropolitan Detroit and rejects cross-district bus- ing as 'a means of desegre- gating the schools. The sub- urbs, it was ruled, cannot be held resp'onsible if Detroit schools are sebregated, if the suburban schools themselves are obeying the law. Sephardi Federation Joins Education Body NEW YORK—The Ameri- can Sephardi Federation, the all- - embracing organization for Sephardic Jews in the United States, has been ac- cepted into membership by the American Association for Jewish Education. Haim Eliachar, chairman of the board of the American Sephardi Federation, said that he felt much more must be done in the curriculum of Jewish 'schools to advance understanding of the Sephar- dic way of life. There are more than 150,- 000 Sephardic Jews in the U. S. The American Sephardi Federation is dedicated to the revitalization of Sephard- ic culture and heritage in the U. S. and the world, and to the support of Israel. it Designers of Fine Furs I Complete Fur Service . 1 1 1 MILE AND LAHSER, Phone: 358-0850 SUNDAY! July 26th, 27th, 28th FRIDAY! SATURDAY! Clean Sweep JCCouncil Issues Statement on High Court's Busing Ruling Lewis Grossman, president of the Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan De- troit, issued the following statement on behalf of Coun- cil in the wake of the Su- preme Court busing decision Thursday morning: "The U.S. Supreme Courts decision to reverse and re- mand has not laid to rest our duty as citizens of metro- politan Detroit to find a solu- tion to racial segregation in all public schools. '"The court's decision 'not to decide' ultimately may not necessarily rule out some form of busing. The court's decision only postpones the determination of a concrete proposal f o r desegregating the Detroit schools. "It is morally and civically irresponsible to allow this intervening period of time to go to waste. We cannot in good conscience adopt the at- titude of 'out of sight, out of mind.' In the time that re- mains while the Tower court reconsiders what course of action we must eventually take, we should seize the op- portunity to make sure that whatever plans are finally adopted are educationally sound and workable for all children. "The Jewish Community Council joins the leaders of our city's Protestant and Catholic communities in call- ing upon all members of the metropolitan community to meet this challenge in the spirit of fellowship and re- sponsible citizenship. "If Detroit is to have a successful a n d prosperous OF HARVARD ROW SIDEWALK CLEARANCE SALE! Bang! Bang! We're shooting out the summer wear .. . down go the prices! Pick up big savings from the racks . . . both outside and inside the store! While they last! DRASTICALLY REDUCED • HALTER DRESSES! •AFTER-5 WEAR! •GOLF CLOTHES! •BEACH COVER-UPS! • All Famous Name SWIM SUITS! AND MORE OF ORIGINAL PRICE •PANT SUITS! WHILE THEY LAST! • RAINCOATS! Super-Duper Master Charge WEEKEND SPECIAL! 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