THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Memb3r American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, , Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Associa- tion. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 665, Southfield, Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ CHEERS !RTHE 6ANEISTSR Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections . This Sabbath, the 23rd day of Tamuz, 5734, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Num. 25:10-30:1. Prophetical portion, Jeremiah 1:1-2:3. Candle lighting, Friday, July 12, 8:50 p.m. , July 12, 19'74 Page Four VOL. LXV. No. 18 More Wholesome Inter-Racial Relations Unfortunate prejudicial attitudes toward Jews in the black community appear to be vanishing to a degree, and there is hope that a traditional friendship will be reaffirmed. Prominent black leaders reasserted, in recent months, the basic truths related to the Jewish- Black background positions and experiences. While many in the ranks of the Blacks had been misled by agitators, mostly under the inspiration of Arab and anti-Israel leftists, in- to animosities that caused serious concern, the knowledgeable among them_ have refused to join the ranks of inciters to enmity. A typical example of most recent occur- rences is the declaration by an eminent black psychiatrist, Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint, who sees great danger if the schism between Blacks and Jews should continue in this country and who admonished: "The historic alliance between Jews and Blacks has been important to the individual advancement of both groups and the black community should not relinquish this alliance on either the Israeli dispute or quota argu- ments." Dr. Poussaint, a member of the faculty of the Harvard Medical School, warns that Blacks who promote anti-Sem•tism may be falling into a trap laid by their enemies and he pleads for affirmative action by both groups so that their social and academic needs should be brought into perspective. He gives this ad- ditional advice to his fellow Blacks as a re- minder of what has been accomplished coop- eratively in the past by Jews and Blacks: "The Jewish community has long been one of the strongest allies of the Blacks. More than any other white group, Jews helped to spearhead and support the civil rights move- ment." This remains and continues as a policy in Jewish community relations ranks. The basic principle of justice can never be negated by Jewish traditionalists. It its necessary that Blacks, too, should reaffirm their posi- tion of friendship with Jews who have backed their just struggle for hurhan rights. Prejudices stemming from black sources, especially aimed at undermining favorable at- titudes toward Israel, have drawn repudia- tions from distinguished black leaders. Bayard Rustin, executive director of the A. Philip Randolph Institute, writing in the Crisis magazine, official organ of the NAACP, took issue with Israel's critics. He expressed con- cern for the refugees but acknowledged that the refugee problem was built up by the Arab nations as an instrument aimed at Israel's destruction. On the question of black atti- tudes toward Jews and Israel he stated: Israel's black critics have misrepresented Is- rael's policy toward black African nations. The suggestion, for example, that Israel has syste- matically supported and aided Portugal against the liberation forces in its African colonies is simply not true. Israel has in fact been a con- sistent supporter of the freedom movements in Angola and Mozambique and has demonstrated this support through her anti-colonialist votes in the United Nations and through technical aid extended to the liberation forces themselves. The Afro-Asian Institute, for example, has from the outset carried out a policy of recruiting trainees from the freedom movements in nations still under minority white dominance. Furthermore, the critics generally fail to an- alyze in any depth the nature of Arab and Is- raeli societies. To propose, as some have, that the Arab nations in general and the Palestinians in particular represent a revolutionary vanguard. for the underdeveloped world is simply to ig- nore the realities of the Arab social structure. And to assert that there are historic - ties of brotherhood linking black Africans to Arab Mos- lems requires both a substantial rewriting of history and a disregarding of the tensions be- tween Blacks and Arabs which exist to this day. The conflict between Africans and Arabs dates back many centuries. Moslems were in fact one of the first outside forces to enslave and uproot tribal Africans on a wide scale. - A new hope emerges, from the ranks of the recognized black leadership, that the prejudicial views can and will be overcome and that the rational in their ranks will not permit the disruption of an established friend- ship. The Black-Jewish amicable relationship must not be undermined by bigotries emanat- ing from areas where slavery rather than freedom is still dominant. On the strength of a relationship that has built friendship, and in the interest of a cause that in itself spells freedom—the Zionist idea—there can be no other approach but that of strengthen- ing a good relationship for Jews in black ranks. The eminent leaders who are contrib- uting toward it have earned appreciation from all libertarians. Russia's Suppression of Truth on TV It took two seconds for the Russian KGB agents to disrupt the American television op- erations which would have brought to the American people and to the world the voices of the courageous opponents of oppression in the USSR. The Kremlin succeeded in stifling the ap- peals for fredom while President Nixon was in Russia, and the many dissidents who were arrested were, reportedly, freed the moment the President left Russia. What had occurred re-emphasized the con- ditions. Proof of Soviet tyrannical policies was proVided by the oppressors themselves. The evidence of attempts at enslaving the Russian people was flaunted by the government. In evidence was another significant occur- rence: the emergence of a courageous move- ment for freedom and justice that defined one of the oppressive government. Non-Jews and Jews spoke their minds, demanding justice, the right to affirm their beliefs, the privilege of emigrating wherever they chose. It is hardly to be expected that any action could have been taken or may be encouraged in adding America's protests to the suppres- sion of freedom to assert themselves by the people of Russia. The Russians, too, together with the world at large, were to have shared in the views that were to be presented on American TV from the USSR. But President Nixon had already aligned himself, prior to his trip to the Kremlin, that this country could not intercede in the internal affairs of another land. That's what happened when Franklin Roosevelt failed to act during the emerging years of the Nazi Holocaust. That's what gives the go-sign to terrorists. Will the American TV crews' experiences serve as a warning to a generation advocat- ing and striving for freedom of expression to reject and condemn the Communist meth- ods of suppressing truth? A few such voices could go a long way in preventing frequent repetition of the indecencies. dmstirn Tribute to Famous Rabbi 'Revered by AIV—Biography of Eminent Hafets Hayyim One of the great rabbis of the last and the present centuries is the subject of an interesting biography by Dr. Lester Samuel Eckman, a Hebrew scholar who is now a professor of history at Touro College. Delving deeply into the nearly a century covered by the life of Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan, who became famous as the Hafets Hayyim, Dr. Eckman appropriately calls his biography, which has been pub- lished by Shengold, "Revered by All." Because of the reverence in which the eminent rabbis was held and whose writings still are studied and treated with great respect, that the term revered is properly ap- plied to the noted teacher and scholar who died in 1933 at the age of 95. Having studied in Vilna, with the famous Rabbi Israel Salanter, Rabbi Kagan in 1869 — he was then 31 — became rosh yeshiva of the * ► Radun Yeshiva which soon became known as the Hafets Hayyim Yeshiva. But, as the biographer points out, Rabbi Kagan did not earn his living from his work as rosh yeshiva but from the saving of his numerous books, "allowing himself only a small profit." Dr. Eckman goes into detail about the Hafets Hayyim's views on Zionism. Orthodox rabbis, messianically motivated, condemned the movement as being secularist. Rabbi Kagan tried to be neutral, but in his private writings, Dr. Eckman shows, he was distressed because he viewed Zionists as breaking with tradition. Dr. Eckman states that when Asher Ginzberg—he fails to identify him as Ahad Ha'am- brought reports that in schools of Palestine the critical method was applied to Bible studies, Rabbi Kagan forbade his students to join the Zionist movement. But by 1925, when eminent contemporaries like Rabbis Isaac Reines, Samuel Mohilever, Abraham Kook and others became avoved Zionists, Rabbi Kagan began to think in terms of himself settling in pre-state Israel and he ended the opposition to Zionism and his debates with Zionists. After World War I, Rabbi Kagan had occasion to protest again Communist oppression of Jews. He continued his battle for traditional Judaism and in 1927 be urged rabbis and lay leaders not •to participate in a secular conference on communal problems. The author of this biography was told by Rabbi Kagan's son-in- •aw, Rabbi Mendel Zaks, that the Hafets Hayyim was invited to come to America to help strengthen Judaism and establish yeshivot in this country, but he felt he was needed in Europe. Dr. Eckman praises the Radun Yeshiva directed by Rabbi Kagan as one of the great schools of learning. The biographer hails Rabbi Kagan as a "genuine folk hero," that he was "revered by all," that "there was no situation, no edict, no tribulation of his time which Rabbi Kagan did not inquire into." There is this added tribute to the Hafets Hayyim by Dr. Eckman: "His impact on the dissemination of the teachings of the Torah, on the education of children, on the establishment and maintenance of yeshivot, is immeasurable. His contributions to rabbinic literature show him to be one of the most prolific and influential writers of his time, his pen enriching almost every aspect of rabbinical literature and his concerns . encompassing all Jews and every aspect of their relations with one another, with the non-Jewish world, and with God." ,