JNF Salute to Brandwines Expected to Draw Big Turnout on Monday Friends of • Morris and Club, prior to his appearance Matilda Brandwin e are ex- at the dinner. pected to turn out en masse The Morris and Matilda 'for the testimonial dinner Brandwine Forest, situated being tendered by the Jewish in the trouble-haunted Kiryat National Fund 6:30 p.m. Shemona area, will be estab- Monday at Cong. Shaarey lished on this occasion, Zedek. taking place when communal The guest speaker, Sen. focus is on the JNF program Robert Taft Jr., will address of restoring, replanting and a press conference 4 p.m. rebuilding w a r - damaged Monday at the Detroit Press areas in Israel. Brandwine, vitally interest. r■l■ ■ ■•■ -I ed in the work of the Jewish FIRESTONE • National Fund since child- JEWELRY hood, has served as presi- holesale Diamonds & Jewelry dent of the JNF Council for . .iounting, Jewelry & R atch Repniiins three years, was Detroit SUITE 364 ADVANCE BLDG. chairman of the fund's foun- 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile (313) 557-1860 dation, and now is on the . • ,•=1•11 1! MMINIMMIN • • I L.. * * JNF Summer Houri YOUR WEDDING BAR MITZVA WHEN PHOTOGRAPHED BY The Jewish National Fund offices will be closed on Sundays during July and August. Weekday office hours remain as usual: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday hours will be re- sumed the first Sunday in September. AND ASSOCIATES BY POPULAR DEMAND! Now Booking .. . ALBUM FINER WINER WILL BE- - Complete Coverage ED BURG KE 1-8196 851-6118 JWV foundation's national board. The Brandwines plan to be in Israel later in the year, joined by their three chil- dren, to dedicate the forest. According to general dinner chairman Samuel Frankel, program participants will in- clude Cantor Hyman Adler and Rabbi Solomon Poupko of Bnai David; Bnai David past president Max Sosin; JNF P resident Charles Milan; Mandell L. Berman, president of the Jewish Wel- fare Federation; Leonard N. Simons, 1966 JNF honoree; Max Biber; and Alan E. Schwartz, chairman of the executive committee of the Jewish Welfare Federation. Honorary chairmen a r e Mrs. Morris Adler, Louis Berry, Irwin I. Cohn, Dr. William Haber, Dr. and Mrs. I. Jerome Hauser, Bernard Isaacs, Leonard N. Simons, Philip Slomovitz and Paul Zuckerman. Installation Set for Socialites Detroit Socialites will have an installation dinner-dance 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the Ra- leigh House. Johnny C and his Trio will provide music for dancing. and His Orchestra There will be a nominal charge for attending the dance only, at 9 p.m. The public is invited. For infor- mation, call Mollie Stern, 342-2791, or Shirley Kaner, * DEXTER DAVISON * KOSHER MEATS 398 2296. - In the Dexter Davison Shopping Plaza No Charge for Koshering sAomiy s! 4Daw Wino sjoyi snopuawaii s! Janouini Wino NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS AT LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES I Extra Super Special RAW PICKLED TONGUES 556 CARA-MIA MARINATED HEINZ FANCY KING SIZE ARTICHOK HEARTS TOMATO KETCHUP 6,:z 390 DEXTER DAVISON MARKETS • • 41. Specials We Reserve Good Right to Limit thru Quantity Wed. — PRODUCE SPECIALS • — —1 4 B0 t-Otize69° SWEET — JUICY dANTER'S FAMOUS ,.... New Improved VERNORS MIXED GINGER ALE NUTS n_o z. nno ca. ay 6 16-oz. No Return Bottles 89' 39 SWISS CHEESE 69' For your special partis or other events try our DELICIOUS MEAT OR DAIRY TRAYS We use only Kosher-Wilno-Best-Zion or Feinbergs Kosher Products on our Meat Trays FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL JO 6-4640 TASTY BAR-B-0 CHICKEN You'll Also Be Delighted with Our Very, Very Best Delicious (We Use Empire Kosher Poultry Only) NECTARINES Kraft Natural SLICED 84 . I e U.S. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA LONG OR TEXAS RED POTATOES 1 1 LB. $ 1 BAG 49 I I i L _______SaturclaY, Suniciay) ..... — —I FRESH FISH DEPARTMENT The finest and largest selection in the area. We.clean, bone, skin and grind all fish free of charge. For special service call JO 6-4640 I Announced Harriet Singer to Be Bride of Mr. Kirsch * BLOCH-ROSE AUXILIARY will hold its first meeting under its new president 8:15 p.m. Tuesday at the JWV headquarters. There will be an ice cream social, and future programs and service dates will be discussed. For information, call the chair- man, Frances Bloom, 543- 5984, or the president, Belle Letzer, 557-3372. Members who were promoted to state department level are Dorothy Cohen, treasurer; Gerry Feldman, patriotic instruc- tress; Bertha Greenberg, finance; Lina Burnstein, bud- get; and Dorothy Goldberg and Miriam Lawrence, ad- visory board. They will as- sume their new offices at the next state department meeting on July 10. For in- formation, call the president, Belle Letzer, 557-3372. * LT. ROY F. GREEN POST recently installed the follow- ing officers at its annual in- stallation: Jerome Fine, com- mander; Milton Weiss_ and Ronald Zumberg, vice com- manders; John Nemon, judge advocate; Russell Greenebrg, quartermaster; and Ben Reis, chaplain. Brevities Under the supervision of the Council of Orthodox Rabbis 'f roth The past Ladies Depart- ment presidents will meet 7:30 Thursday at the Maple House, Southfield and 10 Mile Rds. Dinner will be followed by a business meeting and election of officers. For in- formation, call acting chair- man, Dorothy Goldberg, 548- 6850. Officers to be installed are Rose Sherer-,-president; Dave Glicklin and Bill Sorokin, vice presidents; Bertha Fein- berg, Mina Moss and Dolly Zloto, secretaries; and Shir- The GERTRUDE KASLE ley Kaner, treasurer. Alter- nates are Meyer Green and GALLERY has invited the Lillian Levison. Board of di- painting and sculpture facul- ty of the Art School of The rectors includes: Society of Arts and Crafts Hy Benach, Harry Brown, Kay Goodman, Irving Kane, Ceil Lei- to exhibit work during the derman, Harry Press, Mollie month of July. The artists Stern, Peter Steffin, Augusta will be at the opening 3 to Weinberg and Hilda Wister. 5 p.m., June 28. * * * LI 8-6800 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 21, 1974-31 Rosenhaw-Rosman The Southfield Community Art Association will have its first ART SHOW AND SALE Monday through ' June 29 at Orchard Mall, Maple ' and Orchard Lake Rds. Artists will be on hand to display and demonstrate their works. Mall hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday, with evening hours Thursday and Friday until 9 p.m. MISS NANCY ROSENHAUS Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ro- senhaus of Scotia Ave., Hunt- ington Woods, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Nancy Beth, to Howard Seeman Rosman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosman of Willow Green Ct., Franklin. Miss Rosenhaus attended Stephens College and is a sen- ior at the University of Mich- igan. Her fiance was gradu- ated from Harvard Univer- sity and attends the Univer- sity of Michigan's medical school. A summer wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Singer of Sussex Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Harriet Louise to Richard Larry Kirsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sanf or d Kirsch of Grand , Concourse Ave., Southfield. Mr. Kirsch attends Wayne State University. Federation Junior Division Elects Officers MUSIC BY Edward–A. Lumberg was elected president of the Jew- ish Welfare Federations' jun- ior division at its annual election meeting Tuesday at the Somerset Recreation Center. Other officers are Richard J. Maddin, chairman of the executive committee; Dorene Finer and Neil A. Satovsky, vice presidents; and Jennifer Cohen, Bruce Finsilver, John M. Frank and Gary L. Fried, members-at-large. Elected to the board of di- rectors are: Peter Alter, Jef- frey Bonin, Alan Finer, Bar- bara Hillman, Brian J. Kott, Thomas M. Kukes, Barry S. Levine, Donna Levine, Nancy Maddin, Sue Moss, Richard Roth, Joan Satovsky, Ellen Schmier, Carol Sole and Jane Zukin. Re-elected to the board of directors were Jennifer Co- hen, Dorene Finer, Finsilver, Frank, Fried, David A. Jaffa, Barry M. Klein, Barbara Kosit, Jeffrey Kukes, Lum- berg, Sheri Safran, Kenneth Safran, Satovsky, Byron E. Siegel and Sheri Sternberg. MISS HARRIET SINGER Many people owe all they have to others — and some owe a lot more than they have. SAMBARNETT AND HIS ORCHESTRA ■ 968-2563 DRAPES Need Cleaning? Call I Roycourt Sylvan Detroit - Pontiac VE 8-0260 FE 4-9881 DuBarry French Cleaners Detroit I Livonia B R 3-5000 KE 2-4600 Over 40 Years experience in Dry Cleaning. Drapes - Leathers - Garments All drapes taken down pleated and rehung. PBK Unit Names Students at WSU Eleven Southfield students were inducted into the Gam- ma Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, in ceremonies June 13 at the Wayne State University Mc- Gregor Memorial Conference Center. They are: Andrew Barak, Barbara Feldman, Cynthia Goldfarb, Linda K a p 1 a n, Steven Matlen, Anne Pernick, Anita Plous, Deborah Row- land, Linda Tucker and Joseph Naoum. Swift- instinct leaps; slow reason ., feebly climbs. — Ed- ward Young. • AIK/d'MFAI eFtyfr'.9 ARNOLD LAKIND — PHOTOGRAPHER 5 5 7-1227