THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10—Friday, June 14, 1974 INS Lets Alleged War Criminals Live Freely —Rep. Ilohzman (Continued from Page 1) For Custom Drapery Cleaning, Call DRAPERY CLEANERS "All That The Name Implies" We Also Wash & Finish Drip Dry Curtains Professionally WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVE AND INSTALL • 891-1818 Suburban Call Coiled ered offensive or because he is purportedly a war crimi- nal." Chapman also reported that the alleged statement attrib- uted to a former Lithuanian prelate forbidding church sup- port to Jews in jeopardy "does not indicate in any way that he was involved in war crimes or atrocities." In the case of another on the list who was alleged to have mur- dered a Jewish school teach- er, that person was reported in Chapman's reply to have died in 1964 in Cicero, Ill. Chapman did not explain why that person who Mrs. Holtz- man said was wanted by the West German government Michigan was the first state to establish roadside picnic tables. Reverse Charges Why Wait 'til Summer's over before enjoying the newest in Clothing Styles and Clothing Comfort? Our ENTIRE Clothing Collection of Suits and Sport Coats reduced 25% M. To Choose from the finest Famous Makers and Designers and enjoy the confidence that a perfect fit brings. hadn't been deported prior to 1964. Pointing out that Commis- sioner Chapman "confirms that INS has never contacted West Germany" or "in the last 15 years, any other coun- try for that purpose of de- porting or extraditing And- rija Artukovic," Mrs. Holtz- man said that Artukovic,. the Croatian minister of interior under the Nazis, had been under a deportation order for more than 20 years. Mrs. Holtzman also noted that Chapman said no extra- dition treaties exist with Iron Curtain countries. "In fact, she said, "there are treaties in force with Poland, Yugo- slavia, Romania and Hun- gary. "Something is clearly awry with INS investigating pro- cedures if, as the INS mem- orandum shows, it took six months to discover that Jo- seph -Matukas had been dead for 10 years," she said. Pointing out that INS claims it cannot contact the Soviet Union for inforrhation on individuals from the Baltic countries because the U. S. does not recognize the Soviet Union's takeover of them, Mrs. Holtzman • posed the question to INS: "How, then, does it explain handing over the Lithuanian seaman, Si- mas Kurdika to the Soviet Union?" She said her assertion that INS has not yet directly con- tacted official or document- ary sources in Israel is not "challenged" and that it is "only now" that INS is mak- ing "efforts to establish liai- son" with two government sources in Israel. INS Accused by ADL of Dragging Out Probe NEW YORK—On the heels of the Immigration and Nat- uralization Service's state- ment that it is investigating 37 persons charged with hav- ing been Nazi war criminals, the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith called for a congressional investigation of the INS' "more than 25-iyear record of procrastination and indecisiveness." Listed are the following as being "among the most noto- rious cases of investigative foot-dragging by the INS: Andrija Artukovic, 75, now of Surfside, Calif., alleged minister of interior of Croa- tia, in the United States since 1950, accused of participation in the mass murders of Jews, gypsies, Serbs and others; Bishop Valerian - Trifa, 60, of Grass Lake, Mich., head of the Romanian Orthodox Epis- copate of America, in the United States since -1950 and a naturalized citizen since 1957, accused of instigating anti-Jewish massacres and riots in Romania in 1941; Settlers Near Nablus Vincentas Brizgys or Brizois, 70, a former church function- Evacuated by Troops ary in Kaunas, Lithuania, JERUSALEM (JTA) — Is- accused of aiding and abet- raeli troops forcibly evacu- ting murder of Lithuanian ated several dozen Jewish Jews during the Nazi occu- squatters from the campsite they established near the West Bank -Arab town of Na- blus. The group, including worn- en and children and several opposition. Knesset members who had joined their was placed aboard trucks and taken to the Shneller Camp in Jerusalem._ Later they were released and sent to their homes. pation and now a naturalized U. S. citizen. Also, brothers Serghi and Mikolai Kowalczuk, 54 and 49 respectively, of Philadel- phia, alleged Nazi policemen accused of participating in mass murders in the Ukraine, now naturalized ,American citizens; Karl Linnas, 54, of Greenland, L.I., accused in the slaughter of Estonian Jews; and Boleslaw Maikovs- lis, 70, of Mineola, L.I., an alleged official in Latvia. tried and convicted of war crimes in that land. The ADL called for the con- gressional invesigation in let- ters to Congressman Peter Rodino, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee; Congressman Joshua Eil- berg, chairman of the House subcommittee on immigra- tion and naturalization; and Sen. James 0. Eastland, chairman of the Senate Ju- diciary Committee and of the Senate subcommittee on immigration and naturaliza- tion. eat ee.4414e4 • • • • PARTIES BAR MITZVAS SOCIALS ETC. :--'---, ' dn..; TAmARoFF • t . "4. . Xi I 'MS 'MI a M 1 PT BUICK-OPEL-HONDA Eit: Ex: :to IYOUR BEST BU no. • 1 sit . 4 28585 TELEGRAPH, So. of 12 Mile :3ti; , Ilk Across from The TEL-12 MALL m; 353-1300 •" ' 411a;411;2;411r.e4 fr*-411,W1 V.e."1 nt;111,74:41;2;111,4.; 441111W411 -4.-44 „•1,474 . . *Mt ips;: 10;: I In: - I irr " 1 I ..•I M Matthew Ross Heads UAHC a A Select Group of BETTER FOOTWEAR by • NETTLETON • FRENCH SHRINER • VOLARE . . . at Vastly , Reduced Prices too. SAVE $S MOTU For Young Men Eight to Eighty MASTER CHARGE BANKAMERICARD PRINCETON CHARGE !:1 Old Orchard Shopping Plaza Maple at Orchard Lake Rds. 851-3660-- West Bloomfield Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9-9 Tues., Wed., Sat. til 6 7 Mile and Evergreen KE 3-4310 — Detroit Thurs., Fri. til 9 Saturday til 7:30 Matthew Ross, a 61-year old Manhattan corporate at- torney, was elected chair- man of the board of trustees of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, suc- ceeding the late Harry K. Gutmann, who died (luring his term in office, April 26. The same meeting also named Albert Vorspan of Hewlett, N. Y., as vice presi- dent. He will continue to head the movement's com- mission on social action. Any man can make money first, but today .it takes a strict budget to make it last. Friday, Saturday, Sunday 5pm tollpm P ra; llamtollpm J Ilamtollom St. George Greek Orthodox Church 1515Woociwarci Ave. Bloomfield - Hills tune 21,22,23 GREEK FOOD • BAKE SALE • Dance to the music of Dino &The Continentals Artifacts • Luncheons Dinners • Admission $1.00 Live Bouzouki Band • Belly Dancer e7,. . p" ,