Ugliness of Spreading Bigotries Hearty Words for Israel from Menuhin and Talmadge JOSEPH POLAKOFF their environment which are Exposed in `New Anti-Semitism' By Reiterating his s u p p or t chanics, tradesmen, crafts- (Copyright 1974, JTA, Inc.) incredible. There is space There is a revived ant i_ Israel's policies in Jerusalem, At the National Press Club's for everybody, there is said that even as "the Jews" Jewish bigotry in many ranks praise God "they begin almost luncheon for Yehudi Menu- wealth for everybody, there's and it expresses itself through simultaneously to put Him to hin, the violinist spoke and land for everybody, there's death." (However the words were a variety of hatemongers. intended, they contained an ob- responded to questions main- intelligence for everybody. Arnold Forster and Benja- vious allusion in the minds of ly pertinent to the arts until It is too tragic that the posi- min R. Epstein, officials of many listeners on the very Sun- David Garrison Berger, the tive possibilities are not seen the Anti-Defamation League day before the Crucifixion.) Nor did Mr. Richardson men- club's historian with a long and only the old fears and of Bnai Brith, show how the tion that Father Berrigan, speak- personal association with Is- power struggles are being developed movements are ing before a convention of Amer- raeli leaders, put this to fed." ican Arabs in Washington, as- basking in prejudices in "The sailed Israel as "a criminal Jew- him: "The state of Israel— These remarks brought the New Anti-Semitism" (Mc- ish community" that "tortures What is your opinion after 26 loudest applause of the after- Arab terrorists," seeks "biblical Graw Hill Book Co.). years?" Menuhin's spontane. justification for its crimes against noon from the approximately Nearly forgotten, Gerald humanity" and "manufactures hu- ous response was substan- 250 attending. Menuhin, born man waste." American Jewish tially as follows: Lyman Kenneth Smith car- leaders, he said, "ignored the Asi- to Russian emigrants in 1916 "I feel naturally, as a Jew, ries on his spreading hatreds an holocaust in favor of aid to Is- rael." Most Jews, he added, "aren't extremely partisan. It has in New York, gave a concert through his magazine "The shaken by the burning flesh of in San Francisco when he ass and the Flag," and his children." (In a transparent pre- been the hope for hundreds was 7. He began playing the at impartiality, he leveled and hundreds of years for paganda that is reeking tense violin when he was 3. this cruelty against the Arabs, Jews to return to Israel—in with misrepresentations and too.) Berger, a former New York appeals to violence. By ex- Not reading the ADL study, those days to die — to re- City newspaperman and now posing him anew the new Mr. Richardson naturally misses turn to the religious and cul- a Washington lawyer, began ironically, he points to tural homeland which has book offers a timely indict- —though, —our central thesis: that many arranging appearances of Is.. ment of activities that keep major respectable voices in Amer- now become, of course, a raeli leaders at National society have lately betrayed national homeland with all adding venom to smoldering a ican disturbing insensibility to Jew- the attendant difficulties Press Club lunches in 1950 fires of bigotry. ish concerns, to personal feelings when he scheduled the first Jews as Jews, and—in other which befall nations that In the media and the arts, of cases not mentioned here—to have to survive. But I still of five speeches there by there have been occurrences blatant anti-Semitism itself. Foreign Minister Abba Eban. Our point is well documented, have high hopes that the The late Israel Prime Minis- that were marked by ill and we neither attack. "legiti- breadth of vision that the winds in the treatment ac- mate" political criticism of Is- Jew has shown over thou- ter David Ben-Gurion spoke corded Jews. Passion plays rael nor attempt to "isolate" peo- sands of years . . . will find in 1951; Golda Meir, then and performances 'akin to ple as Father Berrigan does. foreign minister, in 1956; The CSMonitor, on April its realization and (there and Israel's Labor Party them, unfriendly commenta- will be) an eventual frater- 11, suggested editorially "re- tors who have spread libels, nization of all peoples within leader Yitzhak Rabin in 1968 movies with messages that thinking . . . about the na- that area . . . shortly after he had arrived inspired suspicions, the anti- ture of the state of Irsael "I think Israel will . . as Israel's ambassador. Semitism stemming from ha- and its future." What is im- fulfill its greatest mission as * * * tred for Israel and Zionism plied in "the nature of the the country, the people which Talmadge's Encouraging transformed into the inter- existence of the state?" In will bring peace _and friend- Words for Israel national campaign of anti- that same issue there is an ship to all the elements in Some of the most encour- Zionism with roots in this article by John K. Cooley the Middle East. That will aging words for Israel come country as part of the Arab from Beirut claiming that come when the peoples of from members of Congress. propaganda—these and many "most of the publicity in this region themselves decide A bellwether speech in this other aspects of the hatreds Western news media has that they don't want to be respect was Senator Herman been given to Israel charges are exposed in this book. the pawns of any great power E. Talmadge's to Jews in Both the Radical Left and rather than Arab ones," and . • . to refuse arms sent Atlanta at a David Ben- then he proceeded with a the Radical Right are shown them by the great powers, Gurion Awards dinner hon- to be the enemies of truth long list of charges, with a to concentrate on the human oring an old friend, attorney of bill of complaints, problems and promises of and the expounders of the sort I. T. Cohen. against Israel. hatreds that add to the exist- In that editorial the CSMon- ing tensions. Radio hate-mon- gering like that of Jeffrey St. itor made much of reports John are a major part of the that 20 per cent of Israelis By ADAM PENN rael spread like wildfire in bigotries that pollute the me- plan to emigrate and to leave (A Seven Arts Feature) 1948, and many of them left the country., The claims are dia. There is a teacher in the en masse, but not all of questionable and have been There are newspaper ani- ORT s c h o o l in Teheran mosities and a measure of disputed, but they make good named Abdollah, who has them. Abdollah's m o the r went to Israel, but he re- unfriendliness and o t h e r editorial copy for those seek- been tapped, to become head mained among the few hun- ing to denigrate Israel. It's a spheres related to the media, of the department of air con- dred families left behind, and the most blatant exam- pity that a great newspaper ditioning and refrigeration living with his uncle. ple of anti-Israelism is shown should thus fault itself. technology. Strange name for In those early years, Ab- in the pages of the Christian The Forster-Epstein vol- a Jew, but that is what his dollah worked as a gleaner Science Monitor. It is on this ume is a study that must not father named him at his in the fields, begged, bor- score that an exchange of let- be ignored in the search for birth 29 years ago. rowed, lived from hand to ters in the New York Times amity in the American so- His odyssey from his native mouth until he came to a adds to the regrettable ex- ciety. "There is abroad in hamlet of Karavandan to the town that had a school where periences. The following let- our land," the two eminent industrial application of cry- he studied. ter by Arnold Forster, ADL's authors of this book state, "a ogenics, which is his special- One day milling around the general counsel, was pub- large measure of indiffer- ty, in the ORT school, tele- marketplace of Zanjan, the lished in the New lork Times, ence to the most profound ap- scopes in less than three big town of the province, March 28: prehensions of the Jewish decades the transformation and mixing with the Jewish In his March 13 letter John P. people; a blandness and apa- of Iran and of its Jews. peddlers, he was told about Richardson delivered a mislead- ing comment on the recent Anti- thy in dealing with anti-Jew- When Abdollah was bOrn, the ORT school in Teheran Defamation League study which ish behavior; a widespread Iran had no industry to speak and assured that he would found a new insensitivity toward Jews and Jewish concerns in incapacity or unwillingness of; schools were for the very find there a place to live. various sectors of American so- to comprehend the necessity rich, and usually in Europe; He proved an apt student, ciety. It is too bad that Mr. of the existence of Israel to there was no ORT, and the and in his senior year at Richardson did not wait for the publication of the study, for if Jewish safety and survival notion of technical or voca- the ORT school he took top he had read it he would know throughout the world." tional education had no roots honors in the state examina- that his accusations are unfound- ed—that is, his charges that Russian, Arab, religious, or tradition whatsoever. Jews tion for refrigeration special- ADL wants to "silence" or to black and other forms of were marginal people, de- ists. He was publicly honored "isolate" all those who express ' - itimate" criticisms of Israel. anti-Semitism are dealt with spised as infidels and taught by the Shah for his achieve- mentions specifically our alike, being brought into the just enough for Bar Mitzva. ment. The Christian Science Mon- Karavandan was l i t t, l e The next step was the uni- itor. He does not mention (prob- light to be seen in all their ably only because he has not read ugliness, in this volume. more than a stopping place versity, tuition for which was the study he is denouncing) that Apathy may be charged on a caravan trail across the provided by the ORT Alumni The Monitor stated that the Arabs' Yom Kippur attack in Oc- primarily against Jewish Kurdish mountains where the Association. He continued to tober was not aggression but only past persists in the form iof live at the ORT school, since an effort to recapture lost terri- leadership which is not con- this was his only home, and tory, that it was within the fronting the issues firmly oral tradition. bounds of "responsibility" for The Jews of Kurdistan he taught other young Jews Moscow to arm the Arabs to "re- enough. While the book is di- found meaning in the endless from distant places part gain their lost lands" while it rected at the American peo- was irresponsible for the U.S. to ple and all media of all faiths retelling of their first settle- time. Last June, he gradu- arm Israel equally. Considering ment in the 5th Century BCE ated at the head of his class that Jews relate their security and races, it also aims at as a people to Israel's safety Jewish activists. If "The New at the time of Ezra the as an engineer. from destruction, this Monitor Scribe, then serving in the "Our plans for him," re- opinion was certainly closer to Anti-Semitism" can arouse our word "insensitivity" than to them from their apathy, it court of Cyrus the emanci- ports Joshua Gabay, director pator, who had freed the of ORT Iran, "are to round Mr. Richardson's "compassion." will serve a great purpose. Mr. Richardson also denounces Jews from Babylonian cap- out his education with a our criticism of Dean Francis B. tivity. They lived, an esti- scholarship at a French uni- Sayre and Father Daniel Berri- This would be a much mated 18,000 of them, as versity to prepare him to gan, who have been "respected for courage." What he does not happier world if we allowed peddlers, beggars and ar- assume the position of head mention is that in a 1972 Palm of the refrigeration depart- Sunday sermon (our specific ob- opportunity to do all the tisans. jection) Dean Sayre, speaking of knocking. News of the advent of Is. ment." " both for Israel and Soviet Jewry, Talmadge saw peace ahead in the Middle East be- cause of the "spirit of co- operation that is ingrained in the Israeli people." Comparing Israelis with the plain people of Georgia from which he draws his own strength of will, Talmadge declared: "I was born and raised in Georgia: I have lived with hard working people all my life. As I have traveled all across the state, I have come to appreciate what hard work means to the farmer scratch- ing a few ears of corn from our Georgia red clay . . . or the fisherman hauling his living from the sea . . or the factory workers, me- 'Bar Mitzvas, Weddings and special occasions Garson Zeltzer Photography 559-7876 men, housewives, clerks and laborers who toil daily to build and mold our future. "But I can tell you quite frankly that I was impressed with what I saw in Israel two years ago when I visited the Jewish state. Israelis work. They work hard and they work together. They will work to make peace, They will work to insure that their peace will endure." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 24, 1974-41 r ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE Plymouth, Mich. 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