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May 24, 1974 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1974-05-24

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Golds Appoints illa"alot Inquiry Teatn;
Begins Calls for Vigilantes to Combat
Terrorists: Death Penalty Demanded

(Continued from Page 1)
school outing in which the vic-
tims were participating and
the security arrangements
for it; the terrorist attack on
a truck carrying Arab wo-
men workers several hours
before they invaded Ma'alot;
the murder of three members
of the Cohen family in Ma'a-
lot and the measures taken by
the local authorities; and the
contacts made with foreign
governments in 'the effort to
negotiate an exchange of hos-
tages for imprisoned teror-
Mrs. Meir said she was
deeply worried by outbursts
of anti-Arab feelings and
urged citizens not to take the
law into their own hands. But
Begin urged the formation of
citizen vigilante squads and
the arming of responsible and
trained citizens, under prop-
er supervision, to assist the
regular forces.
The government is to dis-
_ cuss resumption of the death
penalty for terrorists guilty
of killing, Justice Minister
Haim Zadok announced in
the Knesset Wednesday.
Zadok answered an urgent
motion to the agenda by
Knesseters who asked that
the government change a
standing order to the army
prosecutor not to ask for the
death sentence.
Explaining the current pol-
icy in this matter, Zadok said
the government decided at
the time against capital pun-
ishment for the following rea-
It may limit terrorists' wil-
lingness to give themselves
up; it may supply the terror-
ist organizations with mar-
tyrs; and it encourages addi-
tional terror acts which would
try to reverse death penalty
The issue was passed to the
Knesset legal committee.
As the minister was ad-
dressing the Knesset, a group
of students from the Hebrew
University met the speaker,
Yisrael Yeshayahu, and pre-
sented him with a petition
calling for the renewal of
capital punishment. Thous-
ands of citizens signed the
petition, which had been
composed following the Mun-
ich Massacre.
The students' petition was
only part of a public drive
directed to reinstitute the
death penalty. Rallies have
been held outside the Knes-
set, and demonstrators from
Ma'alot and Kiryat Shemona
made this one of their main
Meanwhile, the Safed mu-
nicipality' h a s suspended
three teachers who escaped
from the Netiv Meir school
building in Ma'alot, leaving
90 of their pupils and one
.other teacher to their fate.
The town council acted af-
ter bereaved parents of the
21 youngsters slain by the
terrorists demanded dismis-
sal of the teachers who fled.
The teachers will remain
suspended until a committee
appointed by the mayor of
Safed investigates their be-
Safed, home of most of the
Ma'alot victims, continued to
agonize over the tragedy as

16 Friday, May 24, 1974

the father of one of the vic-
Shimon Eshed, command-
tims claimed that he had ant of the northern regional
begged the headmaster of police headquarters in Nahar-
the high school, Shlomo Ben- iya, refused to comment
Lulu, to cancel the three-day Tuesday on Ben-Lulu's claim
camping trip because of re- that he had called the police
ports that terrorists had en- station but was not given in-
tered the area where the formation. He said the mat-
youngsters were to go. ter was under investigation
According to Nissim Sit- by a committee appointed by
ban, whose daughter was the national chief of police,
slain, Ben-Lulu told him it Shaul Rosolio.
was too late to cancel the
S a f e d residents have
Gadna outing because all ar- formed an "action commit-
rangements had been made. tee" with plans to hold a
Ben-Lulu, who has been in demonstration in Jerusalem
seclusion since enraged par- and to approach key govern-
ents tried to attack him dur- ment ministers about the se-
ing mass funeral services curity of border towns and
last Friday, confirmed to a villages.
reporter that Sitbon had in-
The army has established
deed approached him May 14 a special security officer for
with a plea to cancel the trip. Safed. Maj. Gen. Rafael Ei-
He said Sitbon called him tan, commander of the nor-
only an hour and a half be- thern region, also assigned
fore the students were to soldiers to back up police
leave. He said, nevertheless, guards and civil defense
that he telephoned police in units stationed at schools and
Nahariya and Acre to ascer- in the central bus terminal
tain the situation. According in Safed.
to Ben-Lulu, a police official
Security forces along the
in, Nahariya who refused to northern border Wednesday
identify himself hung up with- took precautionary measures
out giving details.
to avoid the operation of ter-
But the telephone calls re- rorist units.
sulted in last-minute changes
The Galilee Police District
in the route of the trip, Ben- recruited all its manpower in
Lulu said.
order to deal effectively with

State Dept. Blocked Congress
Draft for UN Action on Terror

State Department officials,
alarmed at the possibility
after the Ma'alot massacre
that Congress would insist
the U. S. government take
the issue of Arab terrorism
to the UN Security Council,
succeeded in blocking this
demand on President Nixon
and Secretary of State Henry
A. Kissinger.
The JTA learned Wednes-
day at both houses of Con-
gress that these department
officials, pleading with Re-
publican leaders at the Capi-
tol, brought about deletion of
the demand from the resolu-
tion before it was unanimous-
ly adopted by the Senate and
permanently stalled formal
passage of the entire resolu-
tion in the House.
These officials declared to
the Republican leaders —
their normal first line of con-
tact under the Republican ad-
ministration—that presenting
the condemnation of the Arab
terrorists in the Security
Council would lead to acri-
minous international debate
at a critical point in Kissin-
ger's efforts to arrange dis-
engagement of Syria and Is-
raeli forces. Although both
Republicans and Democrats
unanimously were appalled
by the massacre, they heed-
ed the appeal to avoid possi-
bility of being charged with
obstructing Kissinger's ef-
forts, JTA was told.
Virtually identically word-
ed bipartisan resolutions
drafted for the Senate May
15 and for the House on the
following day called for U. S.
action in the Council. The
resolutions also asked Mr.
Nixon and Kissinger to urge
nations harboring terrorists
to rid their countries of them
and to call upon all govern-


ments to condemn the mas-
However, before Senator
Hubert H. Humphrey ( D.,
Min.) presented the "sense
of the Senate resolution" on
the floor, with 47 senators
sponsoring it, the demand on
the council was deleted. In
weakened form, the resolu-
tion was unanimously adopt-
ed. The same pressure tac-
tics were adopted in the
House, but Rep. Sidney
Yates (D., Ill.) who drafted
it, refused to accept the wa-
tered-down v e r s i o n. The
State Department's liaison of-
ficials with Congress were
then said to have spread the
word that they would ask
congressmen friendly to them
to fight the resolution the
This fight was averted
when Democratic leader
Thomas P. O'Neil (D.,
Mass.) and Republican lea-
der John Rhodes (R., Ariz.)
introduced the resolution with
325 sponsors—virtttally three
fourths of the rnemberghip
of both parties. With the res-
olution thus, on the congres-
ional record, no formal vote
Was takeni

New York Times Ad Condemns
Ma'alot Terrorists, Silent UN

NEW YORK—An advertis-
ment condeming Arab terror-
ists for the Ma'alot massacre
and those w h o remained
t h e situation. Roadblocks silent about the tragedy ap-
were set on roads close to peared in Monday's New
the border, and helicopters York Times.
patrolled the . area from the
The full-page ad began in
air. Infantry patrols were large letters by announcing
operating on ground, and the "Last Wednesday, while your
beach was watched by the kids were in school having
fun, Israeli kids were in
Similar measures have school being slaughtered."
been taken in Jerusalem. The
The advertisement, spon-
city police have been on the sored by the World Federa-
alert for several days, reach- tion of Bergen-Belsen Asso-
ing a climax Monday, on ciations and the International
"Jerusalem Day."
Remembrance Award Com-
The tension caused a chain mittee, was signed by Josef
of rumors Wednesday about Rosensaft and Elie Wiesel,
a penetration of terrorists in- president and chairman of
side the city. This led to pol- the organizations, respec-
ice Chief Heinz Breitenfeld's tively.
statement on the radio that
They stated: "You say it's
all such rumors were with- a horror. An outrage. An un-
out foundation.
speakable tragedy. Then you
As the internal tension turn and forget. And this is
heightened, shelling continued the greatest tragedy.
"Only a generation ago, the
along the Golan cease-fire
lines, concentrating in the world stood by silent while
Golan's southern region. 1,000,000 Jewish children
There were no Israeli casual- were massacred in Europe.
ties, but a 30-year-old lieu- Everyone knew about it. They
tenant colonel, Yaacov Ker- turned away and forgot.
en, was killed by Syrian ar-
"Will the world continue to
tillery on Tuesday.
be silent while ruthless mur-

derers kill Jewish children in
"As survivors of the Holo-
caust, we appeal to men and
women of conscience every-
where to cry out against Arab
assassins and their planned
wave of terror.
"Those who give shelter to
killers a r e killers them-
The letter continued:
"Those who give money and
weapons to assassins are
assassins themselves.
"Those who try to invent
political or ideological ex-
cuses for their unspeala
crimes are their accompli,
as are those in the United
Nations who do not condemn,
unequivocally, their policy of
"The UN Security Council
must bear the responsibility
for the tragic killings at
Ma'alot because of their re-
fusal 'to condemn the Arab
killings at Kiryat Shemona,
and all earlier massacres.
"Now—this time—we must
succeed in shaking man-
kind's indifference. H o w
much sorrow and shame can
one generation endure? Will
we again turn away and for-

the gilt
everyone will


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Israel Production
Up Sinde October

ister of Commerce and Indus-
try Haim Bar-Lev announced
that industrial production in
Israel was back to almost
100 per cent in March, after
a sag caused by the October
He said that although the
metals and electronics indus-
tries will need thousands
more workers this year, other
new complexes have been
started including expansion of
the Israel Chemicals Group
and expansion of the coun-
try's electrical network.

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