Rabin Faces Critica (Continued from Page 1) Of more far-reaching im- portance to Israelis was the fact that his election, and the close race made by his sole opponent, Information Minister Shimon Peres, has placed the reins of govern- ment in the hands of a new generation of national lead- ers for the first time in Is- rael's 26 years of independ- ence. Peres is widely regarded as the real winner in Mon- day night's central commit- tee balloting. He lost to Rabin by a margin of only 8 per cent of the votes cast. But his strong showing elevated him from the position of No. 2 man in the small Rafi faction hitherto dominated by Moshe Dayan to No. 2 man in what is still Israel's most power- ful political party. The loser was the old Mapai faction of the Labor Party which, with the refusal of Financial Min- ister Sanir to be a candi- date, was unable to find a potential successor to Pre- mier Golda Meir within its own ranks. The Labor Party's leader- ship, and probably that of the nation, is now in the hands of the two smaller la- bor factions, Ahdut Avoda which nurtured Rabin, and Peres' Rafi. Some observers suggested that this develop- ment heralds an end to blocs within the party and new pol- itical unity in its ranks. The question asked is whe- ther it was Peres the indivi- dual or the political line he represents that commanded such strong support within the party. His political stance is more hawkish than that of Rabin on territorial concessions and peace terms with the Arabs, areas in which Israel must soon make fateful decisions. The months ahead will tell whether Rabin and Peres can form a smooth working team despite their different out- looks. The consensus at this Task; New Election SHIMON PERES time is that both men are suf- ficiently pragmatic to be flex- ible. The Labor delegation that visited President Katzir Tues- day was headed by the par- ty's Knesset whip, Moshe Bar-Am. It consisted of Sec- retary General Ahron Yadlin and MKs Yisrael Kargman (Mapai); Shoshana Arbeli Al- muzlino (Ahdut Avoda);,,Ma- tilda Gez (Rafi); and Dov Zakin (Mapam). The delega- tion represented a unified Labor Alignment, Yadlin told reporters afterwards. Bar- Am said the guidelines of the outgoing caretaker govern- ment could serve as the bas- is for a new government. Rabin, as the new Labor Party leader, said that his coalition talks with potential government partners would be as brief as possible and that if he found it impossible to form a new government within the present political structure he would have to call for new elections. Rabin said he intended to form a coalition along the same lines as the outgoing one —a partnership of the Labor Alignment with the National Religious Party and the In- dependent Liberal Party. But most political observers took a dim view of his chances. in BIRMINGHAM at WILSON-CRISSMAN_ CADII„LAC. CALL BUS. MI 4-1930 RES. 642-6836' 1350 N. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM A "CHARM Ihig Ring for Mothers Day Our Exclusive PHOTO -CHARM I -4111r o.4 A Portrait Reproduction on Metal on a gold disc _ z sa (on a On$ silver risT $14.00) 11. r. Mothers Dangle Ring Heartshaped Birthstones framed in gold SPECIAL - $8.00 each )1( FASHION'S FIRST k - 1) 14 CREilk€ C,Sc FINE JEWELERS LINCOLN CENTER • OAK PARK 968- 0 303 We honor Master Charge and BonkAmericord Bar-Am said the under- standing reached between the Labor Alignment an the NRP on the Who Is a Jew issue when Mrs. Meir formed her government still held. The security situation on the northern front, which the NRP leadership cited as their reason for joining the old coa- lition in face of bitter opposi- tion from within the party and the chief rabbinate, has worsened over the past mnoth. But so has the rift within the NRP. The NRP's secretary gen- eral, Zvi Bernstein, said Tuesday that "the party will not join any government un- der conditions that will cause an internal crisis." Dr. Joseph Burg, the inter- ior minister in the caretaker government, said the small margin between Rabin and Peres made it doubtful that Labor could form a stable government. "If the idea was to form a cabinet to serve only until new elections there is no point in going through the agony of new co- alition talks," Burg said. Zevulun Hammer, leader of the NRP's militant "Young Guard," claimed that Rabin's "dovish views" were not ac- ceptable to the NRP which is adamantly opposed to any substantial territorial conces- sions to the Arabs. Accord- ing to Hammer, there is no possibility of the NRP joining a government headed by Rabin. Gideon Hausner, speaking for Labor's other potential partner, the ILP, expressed doubt that Rabin will be able to form a cabinet under pres- ent conditions. He said the ILP would not join a govern- ment based on less than a majority of seats in the Knesset unless it called for new elections at the earliest possible time. Zakin said flatly that his party would never agree to make concessions to the re- ligious parties. But Rabbi Menahem Porush of the ultra- Orthodox Aguda bloc said that Rabin represented "ta- bula ras" (a clean slate) as far as the religious camp is concerned. Likud leader Menahem Be- gin called on Rabin to return his mandate to the president who would then have to ask Likud, the second largest par- ty, to form a government. Be- gin said in that event he would seek a national coali- tion. Begin accused the La- bor Alignment of having no intention to form a new gov- ernment but to prolong the tenure of the caretaker re- gime until general elections at the end of the year. Most observers concede that major changes will oc- cur once Rabin takes power. Foreign Minister A b b a Eban, who supported the can- didacy of Peres, is considered unlikely to remain in office. Deputy Premier Yigal Allon is also expected to find it hard to work under Rabin, who was once his second in command in Palmach. Few observers doubt that Defense Minister Moshe Dayan will refuse to join a new cabinet, even if asked, though some sources believe he may be offered a new post, such as minister in charge of peace talks. In addition to a national unity drive by Likud and pos- sibly the NRP, Rabin may in Offing face a new alignment on the opposite end of the political spectrum between the ILP and Mrs. Shulamit Aloni of the Citizens Rights Party. Rabin is not expected to bind his hands by opening the doors to a coalition that includes Begin's party. A "coalition of doves," on the other hand, would force the NRP into the arms of Likud and leave the government with a mere 61 votes in the 120-member Knesset. It is be- lieved, therefore, that if Rabin cannot form a government based on the old one, he will turn to the people for a fresh mandate. About 24 hours before his selection, Rabin came under attack from Gen. Ezer Weiz- man of Likud who claimed that Rabin had suffered a nervous breakdown while chief of •staff on the eve of the 1967 Six-Day War and was incapable of making de- cisions thereafter. The charge by Weizman, a former air force command- er, set off political reverbera- tions in Israel, brought a prompt reply from Rabin and a sharp rebuke to Weizman from Likud leader Gen. Ariel Sharon. Rabin responded to Weiz- man's charges in a state- ment in which he said: "Without going into the mo- tives of those who found it appropriate to make public an old story as it was seen by one man, I confirm that I was absent from my post as chief of staff for one day— from May 23 evening to May 25 morning. On May 23 even- •ng I called in Weizman and asked him to step in so I can have some rest after the exhausting work of prepar- ing for the war. On May 25 morning I returned to com- mand the army and conduct its activities on the eve and through the Six-Day War to the victory." Sharon, a hero of the Yom Kippur War, said, "The army that won the Six-Day War was the army constructed by Rabin, prepared by Rabin for war and led by Rabin to victory." According to Weizman's version, he was summoned to Rabin's home about 10 days before the war broke out and urged by Rabin to take over as chief of staff because Ra- bin felt he was incapable of handling the burden and be- lieved that, in any event, the war would be decided in the air which was Weizman's area of expertise. Weizman claimed he was summoned to Rabin's home on the fol- lowing days and met there by the armed forces chief medi- cal officer, Dr. Eliyahu Gil- lon, who said Rabin was suf- fering from acute anxiety and was being treated with tranquilizers. Weizman said he had re- fused Rabin's request to take over command on grounds that the chief of staff's res- ignation at that time would have been a victory for the Arabs and had a demoraliz- ing effect on Israel's armed forces. But he claimed that after hearing the medical re- port he agreed to issue or- ders to the armed forces without confirmation by Ra- bin. Rabin returned to his of- fice the next day but lacked the power of decision through 14 Friday, April 26, 1974 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — out the brief war, Weizman claimed. His story brought charges of "character assassination" and "distortion" from some military and political quar- ters. ZOA Urges National All-Embracing Govt. NEW YORK (ZINS)—The Zionist Organization of Amer- ica urged President Ephraim Katzir to use his "presiden- tial powers and personal in- fluence to the utmost to bring about a national all-embrac- ing government." This action would "assure unity of pur- pose and action within Israel and by Israel, and thereby command the support of Jews of the Diaspora on a united` basis for a just and durable peace," said the ZOA. The cable was sent to President Katzir by Herman L. Weis- man, president of the ZOA. "I will be with you, and guard you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land; for I will never forsake you, until I have done what I have promised you." 1 5 . —Gen. LI AKYRACilfif l i CRACKS REP4/REb rllEAP:// i 5(1 78* sap C • I 541-01041I as4 Cor "Cenci"' IT LLY • Here are some mind-boggling facts about silver. Facts you should take a look at if you're still thinking owning silver bullion is a fad, a lack of confidence, or a risk. Silver grew to 246.74 0/0 of its original value between Feb- ruary 15, 1973 and February 15, 1974. That means $1,000 would have grown to $2467.40 during one year.* The average stock from an evaluation of a major index declined 28.03% of its original value. $1,000 would have shrunk to $719.70 in the market during the same period of time as silver soared .— Silver grew 59.27% in one month - January 15, 1974 to February 15, 1974. That's an increase from $3.45 an ounce to $5.495*. A silver dollar bought 10 loaves of bread in. 1940. A silver dollar buys 10 loaves of bread in 1974. That's consistent, time tested value; honest value. Where were you last year when silver was skyrocketing? The projections for this year are even higher. Get the facts from us about where you should be in 1974. *Spot silver prices taken from the New York Silver Futures Market. **Average stook decline taken from Standard and Poor 500 February 15, through February 15, 1974. Send your information packet about silver and why it's time to get serious about it as a hedge against projected economic crises. 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