8—Friday, April 19;11 /74' THE DETROIT JEWISWINEWS S i ste rh o s IVIap Ociole'r- Wedding Cultural Calendar of Events in Detroit Jewish Community Week of April 19-25 April 21-1:15 p.m.—Memorial Academy to Six Million at Cong. Bnai Moshe. Free. 21-8 p.m.—"An Evening With Shlomo Carlebach" at Temple Israel. Free 22-8:30 p.m.—"Evening of Chamber Music for Is- rael" at Hillel Day School. Tickets. 851-2055. 23-8 p.m.—Esther Broner reading from her new novel, "Her Mothers;" at the Bayit, 16845 Muir- land. Free. 861-1929. 23-8:15 p.m.—Israeli Film Night sponsored by Tech- nion Society Detroit Chapter at Shiawassee Hotel. Free. 24-7 p.m.—Israel Independence Day Services at Young Israel Center of Oak-Woods. Moses Schon- feld, speaker. Free. 24-8:30 p.m.—Israel Independence Day observance at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Dr. Bernard Mandelbaum: "Towards Israel's Golden Anniversary—the Next 25 Years." Free. th GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, wlil have a fund-raising bingo party 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the Oak Park Community Center. Regina Weisman, chairman, announces the r e will be pr i z e s and refreshments. Guests are invited. Proceeds will go to the Israel Emerg- ency Fund. The chapter will meet noon Monday at the home of Mrs. Gerald Brody, 13400 Northfield, Oak Park, to celebrate the 26th anni- versary of Israel. Anne Wein- berger will discuss her trip to Israel. Refreshments will be served, and guests are in- vited. CHANA CZ ENE SH CHAP - TER, Pioneer Women, will meet noon Monday at the Charterhouse Apt s. club room. Rabbi Ernst Conrad of Temple Kol Ami and stu- dent adviser at Oakland Uni- versity, will speak on "How to Retain an Interest in American Politics." Guests are invited, and refershments will be served. * * DETROIT WOMEN OF ALPHA OMEGA will hold its annual election meeting noon Tuesday at the Wabeek Country Club, Bloomfield Hills. A handicrafts display, "What's Buzzing at the Bee- hive," will be presented. For - reservations, call Nancy Korby, 353-2413, or Charlotte Tessler, 851-5017. Guests are welcome. * * * PRIMROSE BENEVO- LENT CLUB will meet 8 p.m. Monday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Refresh.. ments will be served, and husbands are invited. * * * FANNIE GLUCK CHAP- TER, Mizrachi Women, will have a pre-donor luncheon noon Monday at the Zionist Culttiral Center. Mrs. Philip Fealk will give a book re- view. For reservations for the May 14 donor, call Mrs. A. Bednarsh, 352-9363. * * OAKFIBLD CHAPTER, Women's American ORT, will hold a bingo party 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Hillel Day School. For tickets, call Mrs. Susan Colbert, 398-5318. * * * BETH - EL SISTERHOOD will present Dr. David Di- Chiera, general director of Michigan Opera Theater and executive director of t h e Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts, 10 a.m. Monday at the temple. Guests are invited. For reservations, call the temple office, 851- 1100. * * * CITY OF HOPE CANCER FIGHTERS will meet 8 p.m. at the Raleigh House. Mrs. Leo Rosen announces Dr. Ed- ward Ruzumna will speak on "Sex in the Middle Years." Husbands and friends are in- vited. Refreshments will be served. * * * Spring Parley Michigan Branch of Wom- en's League for Conservative Judaism will hold its annual spring conference May 7 and 8 at Adat Shalom Synagogue. Skits, thoughtshops, panel discussion, luncheon and so- ciability are planned. Mrs. Harold Leaf of Roslyn, N.Y., national vice president of Women's League, will be consultant speaker on the theme of the conference, "With an Understanding Heart." Mrs. Irving Chaiken, pres- ident, Mrs. Eugene Tapfer MISS MIRIAM TAYLOR and Mrs. Carl R. Lichten- stein, conference chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Taylor and Mrs. Leon Sears and of Parkiawn Ave., Oak Park, Mrs. B e r n a r d Whiteman, announce the engagement of branch registration chairmen. their daughter Miriam Sue to Sanford N. Newman, son of Mrs. Arnold Zalenko of Muirland Dr., Farmington Hills, and the late Mr. Charles J. Newman. An October wedding is planned. will present the slate. Mrs. Donald Davis, vice president of program announces Nathan Garvin, of Common Cause will s p eak. Refreshments will be served. An oneg Sha- Women of Wayne (State bat will be held 12:30 p.m. University) will honor seven May 4 followed by a program alumnae at its annual Head- of readings from S h o l e m liners luncheon noon April Aleichem and a skit by Lahav 27 at the Detroit Yacht Club. United Synagogue Youth. A cocktail reception will be Cantor Simon Bermanis will held at 11:30. lead community singing. For Among the honorees are reservations, by May- 1, call Olga G. Dworkin, chairman Mrs. Ben Davis, chairman, of the university's campus 356-3349; Mrs. Max Kruger, beautification committee of co-chairman, 273-3424; or the the Wayne State Fund; Dr. synagogue of fice, 352-8670. Sonya K. Friedman, psy- The public is 'invited. chologist, author and col- * * * umnist; and Naomi Siegel, SHAROgA CHAPTER, cinematographer and direc- Pioneer Women, will hold a tor of promotion for Dayton- board meeting 8 p.m. Thurs- Hudson Properties, Eastern day at the home of Helen Region. F o r reservations, c a 11 Laski , 21305 Glenmorra, Alumni House on the univer- Southfield. sity campus, 577-2167. * * * n e ws WSU Women to Cite Alumnae NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pi- oneer Women, will have a meeting noon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lena Schwartz, 22121 Harding, Oak Park. A prize will be awarded. Guests are invited. * * LADIES OF YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH and WOM- EN'S SABBATH LEAGUE will hold a luncheon-meeting noon Wednesday at the Yes- hiva building. Mrs. Ida Fried- lander will sponsor the lunch- eon. Friends are invited. BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY NATIONAL WOMEN'S COM- MITTEE, Detroit Chapter, will have an election lunch- eon noon Wednesday at the Shiawassee Hotel. Dr. Roy F. Grow, professor of politics at Brandeis University, will e a k on "Where Do We Stand In This World With Relationship to the Mideast, Russia and China?" There is a charge. For reservations, ATEMA-ROSENTHAL: Mr. call Mrs. Jerome Shapero, and Mrs. Nathan Greenhouse 354-0192. of Riverside Dr., Southfield, anounce the marriage of BETH ACHIM SISTER- Ilyse Rosenthal, the daughter HOOD will hold its annual of Mrs. Greenhouse and the election meeting noon Mon- late Mr. Myron Rosenthal, to day at the synagogue. Mrs. Dr. Jelle Atema, son of Mr. Thomas Partovich, chairman and Mrs. Ate Atema of Oos- of the nominating committee, terbeck, Holland. The wed- ding ceremony was solemn- ized April 3 at Martha's Vineyard, Mass. activities in Society Anne Rubin, president of the Jewish War Veterans Ladies Department of Michigan, will attend the national executive committee meeting April 26-May 1 in New York. Also attending are national officers Sara Nemon, Shirlee Iden and Rozalyn Liner, and department officers Rita Goyer and Eve Dryman. They will attend the regional upon their return. Windsor Hadassah Sets Bazaar for Miriam Taylor at Cleary Auditorium May 15 You must not stand in ter- ror of them, for the Lord your God is in your midst, a great and awful God . "— Deut. 7:21. Windsor Hadassah — WIZO will have its eighth annual bazaar and exposition 10 a.m.-10 p.m. May 15 at the Cleary Auditorium and Con- vention Hall. Proceeds will aid Hadassah projects such as Youth Aliya and cancer and heart research. Prizes will be awarded in- cluding a color TV and a new automobile. Among this year's fea- tures at the bazaar are fur and fashion shows that will be held at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. There will be a gourmet food booth, baked goods sale and a continuous cafeteria serv- ing such delicacies as cab- bage rolls, cheeze blintzes and noodle pudding. Several booths will be set up featuring clothing, art ob- jects, linens, toys, books, records, handicrafts, white elephant pieces and sports equipment. There also will be an Israeli display and ex- hibits representing business and industry in the Windsoi community. Tickets will be available a, the door and from chaptei members. Children under 121 accompanied by an adult will be admitted free. SAVE! SAVE! BUY DIRECT . v FROM THE SEYNLO1111t, KALF•EAr and Co. IMPORTER AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 30555 Southfield, Suite 100 6454200 Catering " i st el " \\ in Catering Ultimate Will have for your Holiday Pleasure The Finest In Complete Passover Dinners Place Your Order Now With yiddish taam• 543-3585 ,0 IMPORTER p Hall Available 541-7940 • 4 4 14 25900 Greenfield Rose Citron 968-0670 In Landmark Bldg. Oak Park ROSIE'S PLACE Over Stocked 10% & 20% Off On All Spring Merchandise APRIL 20 - 27 Mon. - Wed. 9:30 - 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. 9:30 - 8 Sat. 9:30 - 5:30 1,572 Reasons Why Your Next Party or Banquet Belongs at the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel. ma rriag es "I will make your descend- ants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and I will give your descendants this whole country, so that all the na- tions of the earth will invoke blessings on one another through your descendants." —Gen. 26:4. Letters glowing with praise, 1,572 of them, doc- ument why you should consider he Sheraton-Cad- illac Hotel for your next party or banquet. These unsolic ited testimonials praise our outstand- ing facilities (30 handsome banquet rooms accommodating 10 to 1,000), superlative cuisine (from roast chicken to Beef Wellington, plus flaming dishes) and thoughtful service (the combined experience of our catering personnel totals over 2,000 years). An added feature is valet parking. Attendants take your car at the door. Whether an elaborate wedding with service, a dinner' gold dance, bar mitzvah, prom, /, christening, fashion show, holiday party or other function, the Sheraton- Cadillac catering depart., ) to ment stands r( assist with eves y' de- tail down to the,I smallest. Permit us to tell you more withou: obligation. Call James Barrett or Andrea Farris, of our catering department, al: WO 1-8000. Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel 1114 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD AT MICHIGAN AVENUE SHERATON HOTELS AND MOTOR INN; A WORLDWIDE SERVICE OF ITT