Soviet Role, Mt. Hermon's Status Crucial for Israel (Continued from Page 1) unalterably opposed to any form of Soviet access to its lines or positions. The sources said the two sides were also "very far apart" on the depth of the proposed Israeli pullback and on the question of limit- ed forces zones where both sides would reduce their military strength. The latest Syrian proposals —presented to U. S. Secre- tary of State Henry A. Kis- singer in Washington last weekend and conveyed to the government by Israel Am- bassador Simha Dinitz, were described as different, but not significantly so, from the earlier Syrian ideas. The sources said Israel was not surprised by them and antic- ipated tough and prolonged negotiations. Nevertheless, Israel does not regard the situation as hopeless and takes the view that Kissinger's forthcoming visit to the region is worth- while and by no means doomed to failure. A difficult factor is mount- ing Soviet pressure on Kis- singer for a Soviet role in Middle East diplomacy. The Geneva conference will have to be resumed in some form sooner or later, it is felt here. For the present, it has been agreed that U. S. Am- bassador Ellsworth Bunker will meet with his Russian counterpart in Geneva. But Moscow apparently wants more. If Israeli-Syrian disengagement talks make progress, it is believed that joint military working groups will be set up by the two sides—along the Israeli- Egyptian pattern — which would meet in Geneva to continue the bargaining. Israel's reply to the Syrian proposals are expected to be given to Kissinger when he returns to the Middle East next week to resume his ef- forts for a disengagement ac- cord. Kissinger, serving as a go- between the two sides, re- ceived Israel's disengage- ment proposals, with a de- 'tailed map, from Defense Minister Moshe Dayan in Washington two weeks ago. Last week, he got the Syrian proposals and map from a Syrian delegation headed by Brig. Gen. Hikmat al-Shi- habi. The secretary of state passed the Israeli plan over to the Syrians and presented the Syrian proposals to Dinitz for conveyance to the government in Jerusalem. Dinitz, who met with Kis- singer for 90 minutes Sun- day, expressed guarded op- timism afterwards. He told reporters that he thought the Syrian plan "definitely has room for "give and take." The initial Israeli re- action has led observers to believe that disengagement negotiations have a good chance of getting started de- spite the continued fighting between Israel and Syria— now in its fifth week—along the Yom Kippur War enclave and the Golan Heights. But an ominous portent emerged Tuesday in a report 12 Friday, April 19, 1974 — by the Beirut newspaper Al Anwar that Syria will receive the most modern fighter air- craft and "Scud" ground-to- ground missiles from the So- viet Union under a new arms deal signed by Syrian Pres- ident Hafez Assad when he was in Moscow last week. According to Al Anwar, which quoted diplomatic sources, Syria has already received the highly sophisti- cated MIG-23 fighter aircraft and is to get the even more advanced MIG-25. In addi- tion, the Soviet Union has agreed to train Syrian air force pilots in the USSR to operate the MIG-25s, the first time the Soviets have agreed to train the pilots of any but Warsaw Pact coun- tries, Al Anwar said. The beefing up of Syria's military strength and the es- calated fighting on the Golan front—especially' Syria's per- sistent attempts to capture the strategic peak of Mt. Hermon — indicate that Da- mascus may try to recap- ture territory it lost to Is- rael in the Yom Kippur War before it sits down to serious disengagement negotiations. The Syrian proposals pre- sented to Kissinger are be- lieved to demand that Israel return all of the Syrian ter- ritory it captured in October plus part of the Golan Heights Israel seized in the 1967 Six-Day War, including the town of Kuneitra, the former capital of the Golan region. Israel's proposals reported- ly offer to withdraw from 'part of the territory captured in October but not one inch of • the Golan Heights. Is- rael is offering to relinquish strategic points on 'Mt. Her- mon, but to the UN, not to Syria. Israelis Take Mr. Hermon Peak in Heavy Fighting TEL AVIV (JTA)—Israeli forces captured the peak of Mt. Hermon Sunday after an early morning battle with Syrian troops in frigid tem- peratures nearly 10,000 feet above sea level. According to an Israeli military spokes- man, the Syrians retreated, leaving behind 12 dead. Thirteen Israeli soldiers were wounded in the heavy fighting during which Israel air force jets pounded Syr- ian positions on the moun- tain top and Syrian artillery batteries supporting their soldiers. Four more Israeli soldiers were wounded in heavy exchanges of artillery and rocket fire between Is- raeli and Syrian . forces on Mt. Hermon and the southern Golan Heights later in the day. Israel Air Force jets were called into action and rained bombs and rocket fire on the Syrians. But the latter took shelter in a large cave near the top. Israeli forces reach- ed the peak to find the Syr- ians still entrenched, and an infantry battle ensued. Israeli and Syrian forces continued bitter exchange of artillery and tank fire along a 40-mile front Tuesday af- ter a night of heavy shelling by the Syrians which killed one Israeli soldier a n d wounded two others on the peak of Mt. Hermon. . The dead soldier was identified as Sgt. Avraham Feldman, 23, of Kibutz Shaimir. Student Volunteer Project 'Ezra' Motivates Lower East Side Aged NEW YORK — Project Ezra, a project named for the biblical prophet and a word that in Hebrew means help, is aimed to identify Libya Drops Oil • Sh ipments to Egypt BEIRUT — The newspaper An Nahar reported that Libya has suspended oil shipments to Egypt because Egyptian President Anwar Sadat ac- cepted the cease fire ending the Yom Kippur War. Libyan Prime Minister Maj. Abdel Salam Jalloud said that Libya responded promptly to Egyptian re- quests for oil "to be used in the battles as fuel for tanks and planes. But since the battles have stopped, why should they need oil?" Jal- loud denied that Libya sus- pended its financial subsidy to Egypt. Col. Muammer Qaddafi, chairman of Libya's ruling Revolution Command Coun- cil, told An Nahar that Libya is prepared to give Syria whatever help it needs to continue the fight against Is- rael. He opposed the Egyp- tian-Israeli cease fire al- though Libyan forces didn't take part in the October war. William Brewster, a leader on the Mayflower, in 1620, was a printer. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS and communicate with the remnant of the Jewish com- munity that resides in the Lower East Side of the city. The project, begun , 11/2 years ago, operates out of an office in the Educational Alliance Building on East Broadway. About 60 student volunteers from neighboring colleges bring in part of the changing outside world to the aged living in what was once "the cradle of the American.. Jewish community." Most of the elderly, afraid to open their doors due to fear of crime and new Spanish - speaking neighbors whom they don't understand, feel alienated until the visi- tors arrive and bring them up to date. Volunteers usually arrange for Saturday afternoon meals with neighborhood families, monthly theater parties and weekly visits from interested people to "reintroduce a human element to lives that were barren and burdened with fear." Financed by $10,000 grant- ed annually by the Jewish Association for College Youth and by what it can raise in donations, the group is run by five staff members, who each receive $350 a month. The staff recruits volun- teers from summer camps and college campuses to visit 63 elderly persons weekly and to maintain contact with 200 others each year. The Syrians kept up a and observed that Syria is Kissinger's visits to Damas- heavy artillery barrage seeking to obtain every ad- , cus and Jerusalem, next through the night in efforts vantage it can get prior to week. to dislodge Israeli infantry entrenched near the top of the strategic 9,232-foot moun- SPECIALIST IN tain. Israeli forces estab- VOLKSWAGEN lished a stronghold in a cave AND captured from the Syrians in PORSCHE CARS a fierce infantry clash Sun- day. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan was visiting the Is- CALL raeli soldiers Sunday night 548-3926 when a Syrian shell burst about 150 yards from the 548-4160 • mouth of the cave. • A 541-9704 Distress at State Dept. OF 1018 W. 9 Mile Rd. FERNDALE, Between Live nois Over Egyptian Threat & Pinehurst Alfons G. Rehme MICH. WASHINGTON—The State Department said it had "no information" on reports that the Soviet government has decided to deliver the latest Russian MIG fighter aircraft to Syria for use against Is- rael in the current hostilities on the Golan Heights. The de- Bar Mitzvah Suits, Sport partment also would not Coats and Knit Slacks comment on Egyptian For- eign Minister Ismail Fah- Complete Selection mi's threats against Israel of Sizes from 12 to 20 in the UN Security Council over operations on the Syr- Also Today's Styles For ian and Lebanese borders. His Dad and Big Brothers But department sources indicated uneasiness over Sizes 36 to 48 these developments. 0 n e source described them to the JTA as "Arab provocation" Al's Foreign Car Service FOR THE NEW MAN IN YOUR LIFE! CANDIDS 29760 SOUTHFIELD RD. ByJACK & FRITA DRAPKIN AT 121/2, MILE In The Southfield Plaza PERSONAL SERVICE 557-2290 851-2671 FIVE GOOD REA- SONS WHY SOME OF AMERICA'S PROUDEST HOME OWNERS NEVER LIFT A FINGER TO IMPROVE THEIR LAWNS. Struggling with your lawn is old-fash- ioned. Today, more and more proud homeowners call Lawn Doctor to do the job. Besides saving work. Lawn Doctor proves that beautifying a lawn is a science you can depend on. 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