Taxes and Your Future Sadat Says Egypt Went to War in Defiance of Russia and 38-Friday, April 12, 1974 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ■ A, ■ • Now Sy MEM. I. 0 •=10 me. o ■ 1.■ •■ Om ••••■ 4• March 15 explained that a r im o■Iml. ■ I reduction in taxes might re- Boris Smolar's sult when a business owner- LONDON - Amid reports promises of arms shipments ship is shared with other from political sources that for Egypt. Only in April 1972 members of the family. did the Soviet Union start Soviet-Egyptian relations are The device of sharing busi- I at an alltime low, Egyptian sending some weapons, he ness income with children or President Anwar Sadat said. other family members can charged last weekend that reduce the over-all tax bur- Egypt went to war last Nobel Prize Due Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA den by making use of their October in defiance of the (Copyright 1974, JTA Inc.) personal exemptions and USSR and the United States. for 'Angel of Camps?' lower tax brackets. OSLO - The German-born. Sadat told students at COMMUNAL REFLECTIONS: Attending the three-day That was the first of three Alexandria University that authoress and doctor, Hilt- meeting of the board of the Council of Jewish Federations suggestions for tax reduc- the Soviet Union opposed his gunt Zassenhaus, now living Editor's Note: Guidance on plan to seek a military solu- in the U. S., has been nom- important problems provided tions. This month we suggest and Welfare Funds in New York, and listening to basic tion to the Mideast conflict, inated for the 1974 Nobel by the Jewish Welfare Fed- another; gifts of stock (vot- discussions there on various problems affecting Jewish while the U.S. had thought Peace Prize by two mem- eration - United Jewish ing or non-voting) in a fam- communal life in this 'country - as well as Israel, and Jew- Egypt and the Arabs "a dead bers of the Norwegian Par- Charities Endowment Fund ily-held corporation or a gift ish emigration from the - Soviet Union - I was impressed liament. body." Tax Advisory Committee, of a partnership interest (if with the atmosphere of high esteem felt there for Max M. Sadat said the Russians During the war Mrs. Zas- will be offered periodically. the business is a partner- Fisher. I was also impressed by Fisher's remarkable influence in the American Jewish community, as noticed "continued to insist that mili- senhaus looked after Scan- Professional advice about is- ship.) These require the careful at the meeting in which several hundred leaders r-om - tary action should not be con- dinavian prisoners interned sues discussed in these col- sidered and that we should in German concentration umns should be secured from development of a "master various communities participated. This quality leadership was achieved by Fisher thi.ough await a peaceful solution." camps and became known an attorney or an estate plan- plan" which would look be- He charged that the Russians as the "angel of the concen- ning adviser. Questions of yond the immediate income years of profound dedication to Jewish causes and through repeatedly failed to keep tration camps." general interest in these mat- tax requirements and bring his gentle manner of dealing with delicate and complicated ters should be addressed to into focus the entire estate issues. In addition to being a tireless leader, he also pos- "Taxes and Your Future," plan of the family and the sesses the gift of persuading others, in a mild-mannered 50-BUSINESS CARDS 50-BUSINESS CARDS business. way, to understand his point of view on controversial mat- care of The Jewish News. CUSTOM interior and exterior The master plan's purpose ters and to accept it. His sincerity is convincing. LARKINS MOVING CO. painting. Wood finishing and A previous Endownmente is to forecast, as definitely antiquing. Reasonable. Refer- At the . CJFWF board meeting he stood out as the Household and Office Fund column, ("Plan Now," as possible, the impact of re- recognized ences. 547-1438. "Jewish Leader Number One" of the organized Furniture , tirement, d e rn i s e of the American Jewish communities. He is considered as such also PLUMBING repairs, including principal, new additions to in Israel. -As chairman of the board of governors of the disposals and sump pumps, no Local and Long Distance service charge. 398-1754. the family, and the matter Jewish Agency he plays a basic role in setting policies and Also Storage of succession. These events programs for the humanitarian work which the Jewish WALLPAPER can all change the complex- Agency conducts in Israel, including the absorption and 331-3011 ion of family and business settlement of Jews from the Soviet Union. DISCOUNTS well being in regard to in- The board of governors was created about four years 20% OFF come tax, gift tax, capital ago when the Jewish Agency was reorganized with the Afraid of the High Cost of gains tax, etc. Need quality wall covering at TV Repairs?? assistance of the Council of Jewish Federations. Half of - Too many times we delay its members now come from the organized Jewish com- discount prices. 20% discount Call on all patterns. All first quality _dealing with matters which 1. What are three wisdom do not provide immediate re- munities in the free world and the other half come from brand names. Open Mon.-Fri. the World Zionist Organization. Fisher represents the com- books of the Bible? 1:00-5:00. Sunday 1-5. wards. We find time to work 2. What is the reference on the problems that have munities of the free world. MANUFACTURERS For experienced, reliable service in the Bible to 'ear piercing? definite deadlines, neglecting APPOINTMENTS FOR 1975: Important as Fisher's 3. What prophet anointed the long-range matters. WALL COVERINGS at reasonable prices. No charge Saul, leadership is for American Jewry and for Israel, he plays the King of Israel? We know from experience also a very active role in Washington when it comes to 2998 W.. "!' Rd. for in home estimates. What was created on the 4. that procrastination often re- LI 5-7810 matters Jewish. He is perhaps the only Jewish leader who fourth day? sults in great sacrifices and has private access to the highest figures in the government What is the fifth com- 5. -hardships. This can be espe- and he carries influence with them. 53-A-ENTERTAINMENT mandment? PAINTING cially true in financial plan- Most of the time he keeps himself in the background 6. "Is Saul also among the ning and in planning for the Sheyer, famous orches- PAPERHANGING FREDDIE when it comes to action in Washington. He seeks no credit tra, $60.00 average price. 398-2462. prophets?" What is the ref- distribution of property at from any Jewish quarter for what he does. His record Very neat and reasonable. I Any occasion. _Call Geo. Zeff. erence? death. decorate your home, like it was 353-1065 or 353-6323. this respect is known only to few. Few, for instance, are 7. "God saw it was good" A prominent attorney once my own. is the expression used at the said, "It is usually impossible aware of the role he played in stimulating originally the 55-MISCELLANEOUS conclusion of the different to correct the mistakes of a intervention on the part of the present administration with 547-7569 Moscow to permit emigration of Jews from the Soviet days of creation. In connec- decedent." Union. Brandeis Women's Committee tion with which one of the Property owners would do 56-ANTIQUES Having successfully served for several terms as national needs your unwanted books, pa- days was the expression well to bear in mind, before, chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, and later as presi- perbacks, magazines, music, used "God saw it was very that action is essential to dent of the Council of -Jewish Federations and Welfare etc. for its Sept. '74 sale. Pick- good"? security. Procrastination only up all _year., 8. According to the Bible, invites loss and hardship for Funds, Fisher knows the Jewish communities and their PARAMONT problems as few Jewish leaders do. He also knows per- the three sons of Noah were your survivors. Call DI 1-2461 PROMOTIONS sonally the leaders of almost every Jewish community in the progenitdrs of the divi- Tax deductible. Again we- urge you, at this the country. As for Israel, there is no greater leader of GREATER DETROIT sions of mankind. What were tax season to d e ve lop a ANTIQUE their names? Which one was master plan with your CPA, American Jewry today in the eyes of the Israelis than 57-FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD Fisher. SHOW & SALE the father of the Semites? tax consultant, attorney, or GOODS & FURNISHINGS His activities on the communal scene in this country, April 11, 12, 13 and 14 9. What three animals estate planner. Take the time his frequent visits to Israel and his efforts in Washington, • Daily 1-11 p.m. Designer sectional for discrim- were used for transportation now to plan for your future require him to spend a great deal of his time in New York, Sun. 1-6 p.m. inating buyer, 2 months old, in biblical times? and for your family's. Washington and Jerusalem, while his home is in Detroit.- 10. "You shall be the fa- DETROIT ARTILLERY beige & brown tones, seating When you speak with your He does it gladly. On his calendar one can already find ther of a multitude of na- ARMORY for 10. adviser, discuss with him the now appointments for 1975. He is the busiest Jewish leader tions," refers to whom? West 8 Mile Road, the possibility of a simultan- I ever met. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY QUIZ ANSWERS near Northland eous gift to a public charity TO BEST OFFER sisauao-•suarreu Straw so aauq in order to substantiate your 150 exhibitors from CAPTAIN PAR-EXCELLENCE: Standing out at the luto -sj aq3 -aq pInom. ungq -elctv 626-3720 22 states „S'un•uap - tueqgsqy Ol uyeaqV valuation of the gifted prop- CJFWF three-day board meeting was also Raymond Ep- erty. stein, the new CJFWF president. NEW crushed velvet gold couch T.1.10.1,1 pa2uella sem atuvu 5 TH '0I THE ONE SHOW He can show you how a tufted. 2 matching pillows. Call •Tz:91' sTsa:uao Epstein - or Ray, as he is affectionately called by his -tto2Em. pue asaoH atts.L-D after 6. 476-8266. $950. gift to the Jewish Welfare friends - is no newcomer to the ranks of national Jewish YOU CAN'T AFFORD 11:t. sisauaD-iameD g:ZZ sTsauao-ssv °LILL-A/ Federation-United Jewish leadership. He is a member of the executive of the United TO MISS :uoTieliod 87-A-HORSES FOR SALE aos sawn reormq uT pasn Charities will benefit you, Jewish Appeal, an executive member of the Joint Distribu- Admission $2.00 alam sTeunTue 2uTmollos °g,, '6 your family, your estate and tion Committee, board member of the United Israel Appeal, REGISTERED half Arab Bay '6:9 s!sauaD Special 4-day admission Geld. 15 H, Eng. Park & Jump. --'1.1.1aTTS SEM sauttios auq so Jam the community. member of the board of governors of the Jewish Av..ency, $3.00 $1,500. Inquire Centaur Farms, - e3 aLIJ. lagdep pue unEH `waLIS vice president of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency a olds Mike Sutton 626-9222. :aaam treoN s0 suns aaj,gl aqd, '8 similar positions in a number of other national orgai_ *dons t.. 'T£:r sTsauao New Road in Negev -„Too.2 SIOA SEM, q! lurip mus SDE BOKER - A road and agencies. poo„ 'Sup mixTs aqq. uo `tiorve His record of communal activities goes back to Chicago aJa attl Jo uoTsnpuoo °WI ld .2. from Ein Yahav to Sde 'I lanums-„zslatTdoad °L11 - he is a Chicago resident - where he was holding im- 2uome osie inns sj„ :pawatutuoa Boker, in the Negev, is being apioad acid, •siar4doad so dno,T2 E prepared by the experts of portant positions in the leadership of the Chicago Jewish pike paaTdsu-T ArauTATT) sr 1 Custom Made Kleer Vu Furniture Covers I pauTor the JNF. The road, which Federation in the 19505. He served for three years as invs stm Ja1JV '9 president of the Chicago Jewish Welfare Fund in 1969-72. 'ZI:OZ snpoxa-quatu 1 -purturtuoa tuns an; Si „.ratpotu will connect the Arava on He was also chairman of the board of the Jewish United the east with the settlements •s Flue Jamej ALD I A New Approach! A Better Job! of the Negev plateau on the Fund in Chicago and general campaign chairman of the sisatrao-uootu atTa. pug uns awl pa west, will also shorten the fund. In addition to his activities in the Jewish communal • Exclusive Reinforcements kuP tozno3 awl tio field, he also established for himself an enviable record in 1 quala pop •I:OT • I lantues-pelsi Jo distance to Eilat and will be • Extra Arm Covers Chicago in the general field of humanitarian and cultura.-\ i'lLitH se Ines paluloue 'animus -g a continuation of the road '9-T:iz snpaxa • GUARANTEED Free Recyairs -•.ranalos aA.109 pill0A1‘ au le Lig which now extends from Sde activities. Like Fisher, he has grown in popularity and in stature tiTs e se papaold ava sTIT peg Boker in the central sector pue a:aptif a aaojaq .talsens sTq Aq because of his energetic devotion to Jewish humanitarian 25535 Greenfield 557-7850 lOnoaci seM Slane's wouy plaauj aq of the Negev to Mash'abeh of msim lou pip 0 C(M, aneis V • Z Sadeh in the northern, cen- causes and to Israel. He is a man of great dedication anc:r •stulesa `sqaanoud `qor 1..10% OFF WITH THIS AD ■ ..mmJ a person liked by many after the first handshake. tral Negev. am3 wops!M JO S3100(.1 agy 'T 0•11111111K NI • I • • 1 • .m. •• • MD 0 'Between You . . . and Me' Bible ,Quiz Ron Schultz 543-0314 . Harris Vinyl Plasticovers