THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 5, 1974-19 NOTICE! _ ALL GRAN TORINOS, ELITES FULL SIZE FORDS &. T-BIRDS TO BE SOLD FOR $50.00 OVER DEALER'S INVOICE. PROOF OF INVOICE WILL BE SHOWN ON REQUEST. See me for long term leasing— (All Makes) SEE PHIL SCHOSTAK AT AVIS FORD MICHIGAN'S LARGEST SELECTION OF MUSTANG ll's 29200 TELEGRAPH AT 12 MILE, SOUTHFIELD les. 559-5584 Bus. 354-3000 Best Wishes To Our Many Jewish Friends and Customers For a HAPPY and HEALTHY PASSOVER 31455 Southfield Rd. 645-5560 Stnolar's Recollections of Bukharan Visit (Continued from Page 18) with thick Bukhara rungs, on which lay cushions en- cased in thick Bukhara silk and other native woven fab- rics. People sat on these cushions when they prayed, according to an ancient Oriental custom. At the east . wall stood a sculptured holy , ark, in which were deposited• ancient scrolls encased , in their coverings, embellished with gold and silver arti- facts,. relics certainly of priceless worth. The Jewish tailor who guided me to this "court- yard" spoke a few words to the rabbi in Tadjik, and the rabbi extended his long, lean hand toward me in friendly welcome, and greeted me in Hebrew: "Shalom!" He invited me to his home and expressed the hope that my time was not limited and that I would be able to spend a few hours with him and his family. "I have so much to ask you, and you certainly must have much to tell us!" he spoke'in Hebrew. The Jewish tailor had, ap- parently, informed him that I had come from that remote land, America. The _ aged rabbi offered me the traditional cup of Turkish coffee with which every guest in the Orient is honored. He then summoned all the members of his fam- ily to be presented to me. "You are the first Jew from America whom I have seen in my lifetime . I want my children and grand- children to see you also," he spoke in Hebrew. "Let them know how a Jew from another world looks! . . ." His family consisted of his wife, his son, who was al- ready a gray-headed man, perhaps in his fifties, his son's wife and his grandchil- dren, who were already grown up. Clad in his long, loose robe of ,Bukharan silk usually worn by the natives, with his long white beard and delicate features, he looked, standing there in the midst of his family, like a biblical patriarch. His fam ily, naturally, resided in the same house, which was a primitive structure,, white- washed in the interior-, as well as on the exterior. He explained 'to his house- hold, speaking in Tadjik, that I was a Jew from a very distant country; that I was a world traveler; and that I came to Bukhara to see how the Jews lived here. The curiosity with which his fam- ily scrutinized me bore testi- mony to the fact that, ,to them, I was an entirely strange type of Jew. "My grandchildren had, in- deed, never seen a 'foreign' Jew," he told me, explain- ing that Bukhara was for- bidden' territory to foreign- ers, and even Soviet Jews may not enter into the province unless they were government officials on some special mission. Then, he continued: "Even in Czarist days we had never seen Jews from abroad. Those ,Russian Jews who had come here were soldiers who were sent to serve in military detach- ments stationed here. On Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur they would appear, in military uniform in the synagogue. I would invite a few of them to participate in our seder services in my home on Passover. However, since the Communist take- over, we haven't, seen any Jews here in the military. If there be any, I never see them in the synagogue." * * "I'm sure you' wish to know how we live in Buk- hara," he returned to his discussion in Hebrew. "But I would like to hear from you about life of our brothers in your remote country and in other countries as well. Also about the life of Jews in the land of Israel. Have you ever •been in the land of Israel?" he suddenly in- terrupted his talk with a question. "A number of times!" I re: plied. "Tell us then first, how are our Bukhara Jews faring there? Have you visited the Bukhara Quarter in Jeru- salem?" "Certainly! . . . I am very well acquainted with that quarter . . ." "Tell us, then" he became more and more inquisitive. "It's extremely difficult for us to maintain contact with our brothers in the land of Israel . During the Czarist regime this was easier to - RICHARD H. LOVE, C.L.U. MOE LEITER WE: WISH YOU HAPPINESS The historic drama of the Exodus is an epic of Jewish liberation depicting the pilgrimage fruin. .slavery to freedom under law. • If 'e are aware of the many significaht•mennings of this happy time, sym- bolizing as it does., deliverance from all ,forms of suffering. As life insurance people, we rejoice, with deep humility,. in the fact that our daily tasks are to provide protection. against financial suffering, and we pledge ourselves anew to the service of our friends and clients. At this time we extend a sincere wish for a happy Passover to one and all. RICHARD H. LOVE, C.L.U., Manager MOE LEITER, Associate Manager Detroit Centre Branch 1766 Penobscot Bldg. 965-3134 Dominion Life THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Our Success Is Built on a Firm Foundation of Sincere Service -- achieve. We were able to correspond. Now it has be- come much more difficult. To cross the border of Buk- hara in order to make our way to Jerusalem has now become practically impos- sible. That is why we had lost touch with the Bukhara Jewish community in Jeru- salem." "Every detail you can tell us about it will become a powerful invigoration for all the Jews here. Almost every Jew in Bukhara has rela- tives in the land of Israel and later, when I repeat in the synagogue what you told us here, it will be like bring- ing living greetings for every Jewish family in this coun- try . . ." I related to him and to his son everything I knew about the Jews in the Bukhara Quarter in Jerusalem. They devoured every word I spoke. I drew for them a general picture of life in that ancient Bukhara Quarter; about the older generation which still held to the acceptance of polygamy; about the younger generation which was more modern, yet was bound to the old mode of family life; about the colorful wedding ceremonies I had witnessed in their quarter which con- tinued for several days in rejoicing and song." I also described the isola- tion in which Bukharan Jews exist holding to their reli- gious customs and family traditions and the fast bonds which are extant between themselves. A large portion of our con- versation was, naturally,. de- voted to Jewish life in Buk- hara. The information given me by the rabbi — the head of the community — was of the utmost interest. That year the Jewish population in Bukhara num- bered some 45,000 people, 7,006 of theni residents of the city of Bukhara. Yet no m6re than 113 Jews were members of the local Com- munist Party. Of course,' these were all young Jews. But even among these there was a goodly number who used to attend the synagogue on Yom Kippur. And that was already 12 years after the Communists had taken Over the rule of Bukhara. The anti-religious propa- ganda of the ComMunist Party engendered no note- worthy influence upon the Bukhara Jews, where reli- gious traditions had been deeply rooted froth very an- cient times. Nor had such indoctrination been pursued here, as energetically as in the European part of the So- viet Union. The central So- viet government was con- ducting an entirely different policy in regard to religion within its possessions in Cen- tral Asia. It understood very well how deeply religious persuasion had been implant- ed among the Moslem popu- lace there, and it wanted to keep the Moslem people in tranquility rather than in tur- moil, which anti-religious acts would have evoked. In any case, the Jewish religion had benefitted by those cir- cumstances. It was allowed to remain in complete peace. The rabbi told me that no one ever interfered with him in the conduct of his com- munity's religious program; "kashrut" was permitted; the synagogue had an ample supply of copies of the Pen- tateuch and other religious tomes; prayer-shawls posed no problem because they could be woven locally; there was no paucity of phylac- teries. Religion, the rabbi emphasized, was still quite solidly entrenched among the Jewish adolescent genera- tion, which had remained under the influence of the family, although the regional Soviet government was doing its best to draw away the Jewish youth from its Jewish tradition by attracting them to enroll in secular clubs. The common speech used by the Jews was Tadjik, the rabbi continued. Very few Jews spoke Hebrew, al- though they recited their prayers in Hebrew. It was becoming more difficult to teach children the reading of Hebrew, because they were now compelled to At- tend government public schools under the existing laws for the compulsory edu_ cation of children of school age. What the influence of Communist courses in the public schools will have on the Jewish children was difficult for him to predict, but he was already antici- pating severe competition for the control of the Jewish , child between the home, which was solidly, religiously Jewish and the public school which was atifeistic. Anti-Semitism? . . . Yes, there were anti-Semitic ele- ments in Bukhara. Anti-Jew- ish sentiments had been en- couraged in Bukhara back in Czarist days and now there still existed unfriendly feelings toward Jews even among certain individuals in the Communist administra- tion. Two years before in 1928, even a ritual murder accusation had teen brought against the Jews in Bukhara, and it had spread throughout Uzbekistan. The most curious aspect of this case was that the boy 'who had vanished, on whose account the ritual murder case had been pre- sented, was himself a Jewish child, proven when the police found him alive. Until the Communist Revo- lution there had been among the Bukhara Jewi._-a signifi- cant number of merchants of considerable substance. But they had disappeared a long time ago. They smuggled themselves across to Afghan- istan and made their way to other countries. The present Jewish population in Buk- hara consisted nearly entire- ly of artisans, some of whom were self-employed, while others were employed in artels cooperative shops. They were chiefly tailors, cobblers, weaver s, cap- makers, carpenters and simi- lar tradesmen. Their earn- ings were meager and their families large. The rabbi related many other interesting facts. Prior to my taking leave from him, he agreed to pose with his family for me for a snap- shot. This photograph played later an important role in Jerusalem where the Buk- haran Jewish community had thought the rabbi put to death by the Communists.