Wexler to Be guest Speaker Dr. William A. Wexler, .norary president of Bnai rith and chairman of the n a i Brith International uncil, will be guest aker at the annual Bnai rith Presidents Brunch, 10 m. March 31 at Cong. Beth raham-Hillel. Dr. Wexler I Y3nat. rid?, Activities I Trifa's Headaches Mount Within Romanian Church DEBORAH CHAPTER in- stalled the following officers and board members at its installation d i n n e r: Mes- dames Mel Tichik, President; Richard Greenstein, Robert Managan and Frank Wolff; vice presidents; Joseph Pahblak, treasurer; Edward Tunick, Michael Weiner and Robert Rudolph, secretaries; and Burt Levitt, junior past president. Board members are: and Mark Klinger, junior past president. Board mem hers include: THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 22, 1974-39 Cabaret Night Set While the Romanian Jew- showing Viorel Trifa in Ber- by Criterion Club Mesdames Marvin Bernstein, ish community in America kenbruck camp (German Gerald Broida, Edwin Cohen, mounts a campaign to bring y Criterion Club will host a 1941) not like a 'captured Joseph Dobrusin, Aaron Engel, Joseph Epstein, Harold Goldman, Bishop Valerian Trifa to jus- prisoner but with a high Cabaret Night 9 p.m, March Danny Hechtman, Marc Konvis- tice for war crimes, the proud profile and his hands 30 'at the Charterhouse Apts. ser, Eugene Nabat, Elliott Nelson, Seymore Weinstein and Robert Romanian Orthodox church arrogantly tucked into his recreation hall, announces Zifkin. is undergoing a radical split trousers." it • Betty Weinberg, vice presi- • over his leadership. Credinta adds: "The book dent. TIKVAH CHAPTER w i 1 I Bishop Valerian, whose was not written by a 'mis- hold its annual installation Dancing, cocktails, enter- luncheon noon _Tuesday, at immigration to the United sionary' or a 'communist' tainment, hors d'oeuvres and the Knob Woods Apts. club States is under scrutiny by but by a legionary aide- dinner are included. Friends federal officials, has been commander and was pub- Mesdames Michael Berger, Har- house. Chairman of the day and guests welcome. For vey Cohen, Stewart Ettinger, will be Mrs. Louis Barden, charged by both Jews and lished not in Bucharest or tickets, Myron Gelt, Lawrence Light, Christians with inciting mur- Detroit but in Buenos Aires 559-5175. call Betty Weinberg, David Perlin, Marc Rich, Broton and the installing officer will Roth, Harry Rubenstein arid be Mrs. Andrew Berger, past derous pogroms in Bucharest, in 1974." Howard Winkler. president of Metropolitan De- Romania, in January 1941. * * * If the charge by Jewish MUSIC BY The U. S. Immigration and GALILEE CHAPTER will troit Women's Council. The Naturalization Service is re- groups that Trifa incited following will be installed: pogroms is proven and can hold its 15th annual installa- viewing charges that Trifa tion dinner 7:30 p.m. Wednes- Mesdames Irving Lash, misrepresented his b a c k- win "justice for the dead," day at Cong. Beth Abraham- president; George Lewis, ground in applying for citi- states Credinta, "B i s h o p AND HIS ORCHESTRA DR. WILLIAM WEXLER Valerian cannot possibly be Hillel. Mrs. Sanford Rosen- Sheldon Deutsch and Arthur zenship. 968-2563 Leichtman, vice presidents; the victim of communism but ." been affiliated with Bnai thal, past president of Louis At the same time, the of a talmudic justice which • th for 36 years and- was Marshall Chapter, will install Sally Paul, treasurer; Philip 11111•••• ■•■ •••=minammu siamar .airman of the Conference the following officers: Mes- Kramer, Harry Alger, Harry bishop, whose episcopate never forgives. Fisher, Isadore Pearlman and headquarters is at Grass Presidents of Major dames Ha r old Michaels, Watch Repairing "If their allegations cannot nerican Jewish Organiza- president; Harvey Freed- and Herman Kazdan, secre- Lake, near Jackson, Mich., be proved, but it is proved On Premises taries; and Bernard White- is confronting increasing op- that he committed perjury ms in 1970. man, Michael Zonder and man junior past president. position from Romanian Or- For reservations, call JNF, Roland Naftaly, vice presi- Beard members are: Mesdames before the American author- 8-0820. The planting of two dents; Paul Schreiman, treas- George Barr, Charles Belsky, thodox church leaders. He ities, he cannot again be the has brought suit against one Charles Berman, Samuel Gold- more trees per person is urer; Jerome Lipman, stein, victim of communism but of Kaufman, Etta Levin, of them, Fr. Michael Iancu, Michael Rosenberg and Mur- Harry Jack his own lie." e price of admission. Mendelsohn, Sol Gantz, ray Slomovitz, secretaries; Irwin Sherman, Sidney Rattb and of the 33-year-old St Simeon One of Trifa's foes said Lawrence Slone. parish in Detroit, who has that of 10 Romanian Ortho- What gums up our budgets Also Accutrons serviced here There will be a nominal withdrawn his church from yearnings outstripping 3 Day Service dox churches in the Detroit charge, and guests are in- irnings. Bnai Brith Women vited. Bishop Valerian's jurisdic- area, only four still support Free Crystal with Repair tion. 210 S. Woodward Trifa. "And we expect a fall_ Parley Set in Dallas (in the Continental (Mkt.) HOW ABOUT HAWAII? Fr. Iancu, with the strong ing off of other churches," WASHINGTON — About SAVE MANY $$$ support of his parish council, he said 642-0423 Daily 9:30-6 CALL ME AT HAMILTON, MILLER, 1,000 representatives of Bnai Einstein to HUDSON & FAYNE TRAVEL CORP. differs with Trifa primarily Brith Women, international on legal and canonical AIN Jewish volunteer service or- grounds, but he also refuses ganization with 150,000 mem- to share the bishop's political bers in 22 counties, will at- views. 557-5145 tend the Triennial conven- After the press started its tion Sunday through Thurs- expose of Trifa's background, day at the Fairmont Hotel in a the bishop called a meeting Dallas. Creative Party Planning of priests and laymen, osten- including Volunteers from the U.S., sibly to discuss church busi- Burton's Canada, Israel, Great Britain, ..andy Centerpieces ness. Instead, Trifa related Ireland, France, Sweden and the press charges against South America will gather gal is him and asked that those Personalized Party for top-level decision-making. assembled issue denials of Mrs. Henry Favors (Mala) Dorf- The theme of the convention the charges. Fr. Iancu re- InvitationS and Party a wow is "Tomorrow Begins Today." man of Einstein Chapter, fused, insisting that Trifa .ccessories for all occasions Bnai Brith,_ and Sam Freed- Israel Ambassador to the must defend himself. U.S. Simha Dinitz will ad- man, president of Einstein in Trifa has since sought to will receive the 1974 NARCIA MASSERMAN dress the convention Thurs- Lodge, discredit Fr. Iancu and to City of Peace Award from day. Mallory Robinson of regain control over the now- 646-6138 high fashion Houston is Triennial Conven- Israel Bonds at a dinner- independent St. Simeon par- dance March 30 at Cong. tion chairman. ish. - Adat Shalom. The award AssAntiot wV •• • • • • • • • recognizes their many years BEACHWEAR Adding to Trifa's woes, • of service to Bnai Brith and the newspaper Credinta (The • • • Israel Bonds, according to Faith) published a 12-point . .. From our • lodge and chapter Israel statement refuting the "for your next affair" • the magnificent • Bond Chairmen, Oscar Baka- bishop's oft-cited charge that • lar and Mrs. Bernard Hirsch, opposition to him within the While you relax Tom Newby will create new collection of the MAGIC for your Bar Mitzvas, Weddings, • • church was inspired by • swim suits, cover-ups, • American Jewish organiza- Showers and Parties • • BB Couples Group and patio fashions tions. • • • to Pick a Name from all the Credinta, edited by the • • The new Bnai Brith cou- of Southfield Rev. B. V. Anania, archi- Famous makers! Flowers *, Gifts • ples group, which has at- mandrite of the Romanian • Distinctive Party Creations • tained 50 per cent of its goal Orthodox Missionary Episco- BankAmericard • of 50 couples, will hold a pate in America, said the 9245 Southfield at 12 Mile Master Charge 356-3921 white elephant auction 8 p.m. anti-Trifa forces within Ro- •••••••••••••••• 00000 •••••• 00000000 ••••••••• March 31 at the Somerset manian Orthodoxy have not Building, 21711 W. 10 Mile, collaborated with the Ro- Southfield. manian Jewish Federation in ,Interim president Fran its charges against Trifa. Kravitz said 50 couples are "In order for one to know needed for the group to ob- of Bishop Valerian's political tain a charter, but she an- identity," the Credinta edi- Has Moved to ticipates a sufficient number torial states, "it is not neces- SUNDAY ONLY SPECIAL! by the end of April. A name sary to consult Credinta but to encourage you to shop on Sunday Newer and Larger Quarters for the group will be chosen to look into the press of the at the March 31 meeting, to time and into the legionary To Better Serve You ALL OUR NEW SPRING which interested couples age (Iron Guard) publications in That Will Let You See A ALL- 25-35 are invited. David Bitt- exile. Full Display of Everything You Need WEATHER ker, vice chairman of the "Very recently — for ex- Michigan region of the Anti- ample — N. Arnautu pub- • First Class Concession Stand Defamation Le a g u e, will lished a Romanian book in OPEN THURS., FRI., SAT. TIL 9 • Snack Bar speak on "The New Anti- Argentina entitled 'Memories' SUNDAY 12 to 5 Semitism." • Popcorn Wagon — Contributions to the His- • Vending Machine location For information,- call Mrs. tory of Legionary Movement' Kravitz, 547-0533, or the Bnai which cites Viorel Trifa's BTJRT ON • Party Brith office, 354-6100. name associated with those This is the second Bnai of some legionary command- GLAMOUR AND LEISURE SPORTSWEAR FASHIONS 10641 Fenkell (2 Blks. E. of Meyers) Brith couples group formed ers as Garneata, Iasinschi, 11 Mile 8 Lahser. }-TARVARD ROW MALL in the area. The first has Papanace and (Horia) Sima 491-8980 Southfield over 100 member couples. and reproduces a picture SAM BARNETT CONTINENTAL Watch Sz Jewelry . Give Bond Awards 3 , . I L LET'S MAKE A DATE TOM NEWBY .DETROIT POPCORN COATS 20% off 4,e