Henny Youngman to Entertain at Doctors' Event Israel's Internal Issues to Be Aired at Assembly 1 Letters to Editor 1 Action on Quotas by Two Organizations Is Severely Assailed I am wondering how many The two Jewish organiza- An examination of Israel's of Council, will convene the Editor, The Jewish News: current domestic situation assembly at which guest The legality, or otherwise, tions are the Union of Amer- of your readers who belong will be the focus of discus- speaker will be Dr. Itzhak of the quota system (camou- ican Hebrew Congregations to local Reform congregations sion at the Jewish Commun- Galnoor, professor of political flaged as "affirmative ac- (the national body of Reform and/or the National Council ity Council delegate assembly science at the Hebrew Uni- tion") is currently being Judaism) and the National of Jewish Women know what has been done in their name. scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Tues- versity. Dr. Galnoor, visiting argued before the U.S. Su- Council of Jewish Women. And if, as not infrequently ,:r day at the Labor Zionist In- professor of political science preme Court in connection at Wayne State University, with the DeFunis Case. happens, their own sons and stitute. Closing of WW II daughters are being kept out Hubert J. Sidlow, president will explore Israel's internal As is to be expected, a problems and the impact of of the colleges and univer- Museum Called a the war in the light of the number of Jewish organiza- sities of their choice, will Committee to Pick recent Israel elections, the tions, including the Jewish Loss to Community they know to whom, among current economic situation Rights Council, have filed Editor, The Jewish News: others, their gratitude is Council Nominees and the changing attitudes of "friends of the court" briefs, The Detroit area is about be expressed? objecting to the application Jewish Community Council the Israeli public. to lose a valuable and irre- (RABBI) President Hubert J. Sidlow Prof. Galnoor, a native of of quota systems in American placeable f a c i 1 i t y unless JAKOB' J. PETUCHOWSKI universities. has announced the appoint- Sao P a ulo, Brazil, immi- 44k something is done, and done Cincinnati, 0. Comedian Henny Young- ment of Dr. Shmarya Klein- grated to Israel with his fam- What was not to be ex- quickly. man will be guest entertainer man, past president, as ily in 1949. He is a graduate pected was the fact that two Stanley BOzich, the creator at the fifth annual State of chairman of the nominating of Hebrew University and Jewish organizations have and curator of the World THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel Bonds medical profes- committee for 1974. Syracuse University. The actually joined the Americans War II War Crimes Museum 44—Friday, March 8, 1974 sions dinner-dance Sunday at Other members are Henry author of numerous publica- for Democratic Action, the at Keatington Antique Vil- Cong. Beth Achim. The divi- Auslander, Mrs. -B e r t h a tions, he was a member of National Urban League, the lage in Lake Orion, can- no sion will honor Dr. Sidney Brotm an, Robert Naftaly, the research staff of the Van United Farm Workers of longer handle the financial F. Ellias, who will be the Mrs. Morton Oppenheim, Leer Jerusalem Foundation. America and similar bodies burden of running it. He recipient of the Eleanor Mrs. Albert Rosenblum and He is a captain (active re- in filing a friend of the court will be shutting the museum Roosevelt Humanities Award. Mrs. Robert Siegel. serve) in the Israel Defense brief in support of "affirma- down on March 31. For information, call Israel The nominating committee Forces and served in both tive -action"! I have visited the museum Bonds, 968-0200. is responsible f o r recom- the Six-Day War and the (described in the March 1 mending names for officers more recent Yom Kippur and feel that its loss Joe Slatkin's 1st Day Cover Cites issue) and for members of the exec- War. to the Jewish and non-Jewish utive committee. Nominees 'community is nothing short Prior to the program, Corn Emma Lazarus JEWELRY _ will be reported to the dele- munity Council Executive Di- of criminal, considering the j ei;;1,y -- bin ni gate assembly Tuesday, and rector Alvin L. Kushner will WASHINGTON — Emma I almost total lack of any real Remounting, Jewelry & fratcfr Repairing elections will be held at the report on recent Council ac- Lazarus, whose Statue of public educational facility SUITE 364 ADVANCE BLDG. Liberty sonnet has welcomed dealing with the Holocaust. May 16 assembly. 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile tivities. • 20811 W. 8 Mile (311).557-11340 Additional nominations by LEONARD H. GABA, D.O. Also on the agenda will be millions of immigrants to Southfield & Telegraph between America, is honored in a new petition will be accepted for the report of the 1974 nom- a 14-day period following inating committee, under the first-day cover from the Bnai Tuesday's assembly. Each chairmanship of Dr. Shmarya Brith Philatelic Service. MICHAEL KAPLIT petition must have the signa- Kleinman. The assembly will Bearing -the 18-cent Statue Photography tures of five delegates and close with a social hour of Liberty airmail stamp Our Promise To You: Weddings • Bar Mitzvas the candidate must be a hosted by members of the issued to accommodate new BETTER SERVICE! delegate who has indicated Detroit Council of Pioneer international airmail rates _ 642-1039 his or her willingness to serve Women._ to Latin America, the cover if elected. features a portrait of Miss Names of all nominees, in- Lazarus and the familiar cluding those put forward by Agudath Israel Hits quotation from her poem petition and those recom- Saturday Gas Day THE BIRMINGHAM HOUSE MOTEL "The New Colossus." mended by the nominating Lazarus, born in 1849 • ifflull MAX SCHRUT committee, will apear on the NEW YORK — State gov- in Miss has a corner New York of Sephardic 11.111 WI liall All ernment officials were urged ballot at the May election WINS a.= ' for quality photographs on comfort 11111111111111 Ilalt by Agudath Israel of Amer- heritage, had rejected Jew- meeting. gum gigs --- and fast service IVA lb,li ila , • ica not to include Saturday ish tradition until the early and call me at . as a basic gasoline rationing 1880s when czarist persecu- Iitt1 convenience I GROUP TRAVEL A SPECIALTY I I day, as recommended by the tions sent thousands of vic- HAMILTON, MILLER, HUDSON BLAIR-KEITH & FAYNE TRAVEL CORP. state assembly's energy task tims flooding to the -United 41 .‘ - '31.;' AP& :--NIPi.7 I I force. States. It was after a visit inuomenh. STUDIO- 145 S. Hunter at Maple In the exact center of down- an immigrant receiving I I The plea by the commis- to Weddings, Bar Mitzvas sion on legislation and civic center that she took up the town Birmingham (by the way, Hunter is a continuation We come to your home with samples I S57-5145 action of Agudath Israel was cause of the persecuted in 398-91 1 1 or 895-8805 .• of Woodward). sent to Gov. Malcolm Wilson her essays and poetry. Her articles promoting in- and legislative leaders, in re- Call Mt 6 7300 JO 6 4620 Mr. John Wassil, Mgr. action to the task force's dustrial training for Jewish Special weekend Group rates. proposal that a new gasoline immigrants led to establish- Complimentary Continental Breakfast ment of the Hebrew Tech- rationing plan be instituted Restaurant—Banquet—Meeting rooms here allowing Monday-Wed- nical Institute of New York. Airport li'mosine service available. nesday-Friday for one group She died in 1887. and Tuesday-Thursday-Satur- The first-day cover in- day for the other group. cludes a biographical sketch According to the Agudath of her career. Packets are Israel missive, such a plan available, at 50 cents each, The Modern Sound of Distinction would create "undue hard- from Bnai Brith Philatelic ship" for Jewish Sabbath ob- Service, 1640 Rhode Island From Solo Piano to Large Orchestra Helen 7.inberg servers, because it would Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. The hair you pluck will come back to haunt you. Before you tweeze again, remember this mean that they would be un- 20036. Orders must include a 546-7558 Quotation from one of the foremost medical MARTIN KOSINS able to obtain gasoline from stamped, self-addressed en- authorities on the subject of human hair: "Plucking out strong hairs should never he Thursday until Tuesday. velope for each packet. It's Nice To Deal With F RE TONE DEXTER CHEVROLET OW1E1E101. 534-1400 ■-•■1 71. 3 1 Jhe — Martin-Avid O rche3ira - JOIN THE FUN. NEW DANCE CLASSES ENROLL YOUR CHILD TODAY SEPARATE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES!! 3 thru HIGH SCHOOL CALL 588-0300 NOW! Help The Energy Crisis k ---- - — - Use Our Gas—NOT YOURS DOOR TO DOOR BUS SERVICE ART LINKIETTER TOTTEN DANCE STUDIOS FOR CHILDREN I 12-MILE AND EVERGREEN 13-MILE AND MAIN 357-1215 588-0300 SOUTHFIELD ROYAL OAK CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS advised." Why not? Because the long If penalties for continued plucking can be Israeli War Dead Number 2,521; 606 24 Pct. — Were Officers TEL AVIV (JTA)—The final number of Israeli dead during the Yom Kippur War and after has reached 2,521, of which 606 (about 24 per cent) were officers. The ranks range from major general to lieutenants: one general, Abraham Mendler; two colonels, one of them a brigade commander in the armored corps, which con- ducted bitter battles with the Syrians in an attempt to contain their advance; 25 lieutenant-colonels; - 89 majors; 204 captains; 248 first lieutenants; and 37 lieutenants. Among the noncommissioned officers killed were 9 regi- mental sergeant majors; 96 sergeant majors; 543 first sergeants; 701 sergeants and 548 corporals. The percentage of officers killed in action is the highest ever in Israeli battles. During the Six-Day War, 157 officers were killed of a total of 776. Preparations for the publication of "Sefer Hakedoshim," book of the fallen, are nearing completion and it will be distributed beginning Sunday. .. severe: 1• You may stimulate the growth of additional hairs around the_one you pull out. 2. You may cause succes- sive generations of hair from the abused follicle to grow coarser, longer, darker. 3. You may cause skin irri- tations, pits, scars. 4. You may make eventual permanent removal slower and costlier by pulling the of out follicle root • ' and place. Such risks are needless jet' Air-cooled that now Stream Electrolysis is avail- able to you. This is the first method of permanent hair removal with everything to commend it. Air-cooled Jet Stream is faster, more com- fortable. Electrolysis is the only medically approved method to remove hair permanently. Investigate this suprior spe- cialized service for -the per- manent improvement and confidence. You owe it to yourself to look your best. ANNOUNCING NEW LOCATION 16125 W. 12 MILE RD.—OPEN MON., WED. & FRI. 9 to 5 P.M.-557-8115 8221 Curtis Open Tues. & Thurs. 9 A.M. to 6 P.m. UN 2-8914' I;