tt i. • • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 'I • Friday, Feb. 15, 1974-15 UP TO 40% OFF ON ALL '73 MODELS IN STOCK MORRIS BUICK 14500 W. 7 MILE 342-7100 • PICK-A-LANGUAGE TAKE-A-LESSON FREE! Call for a obligation: 352-5535 22255 Greenfield Road LLIVA LANGUAGE SCHOOLS An educational division of Behavioral Research Laboratories. Inc 37 Locations Coast to Coast Complete Translation Service now available. Classified Ads Get Fast Results ?if ) I Rising Interest in Demons Hit by Tanenbaum NEW YORK (JTA) — The current "flirtation" with "de- monic possession and exor- cism of evil spirits" is re- jected by contemporary Juda- ism according to Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, director of interreligious affairs of the American Jewish Committee. He cited the film, "The Ex- orcist," as having become "the occasion for the surfac- ing of all the discussion about the devil and the demonic," adding that this had been "predictable for some time." He said every period of major social disruption and radical change "has given rise to mass movements yearning for instant salva- tion, messianic redemption and apocalyptic experience with the occult" in "a weary a n d emotionally battered America." Rabbi Tanenbaum said Jewish theology "does not deny the reality of evil nor the existence of spiritual be- ings capable of harming per- sons" but "sin itself, rather than Satan, is regarded by the rabbis as the opponent of man and of the Deity." The best antidote against the demonic, the rabbis taught, "was the observance of authentic religious tradi- tions," Rabbi Tanenbaum de- clared, adding that "the best response to the current epi- demic of the demonic is to refuse to be caught up in that collective hysteria and to face soberly and responsibly the real demons of oppres- sion, injustice and intoler- ance that are of our own making." Participants in Kissinger Meeting Deny He Badmouthed King Faisal, Suggest Unfavorable Story a Plant WASHINGTON (JTA) — A report in the Washington Post Feb. 9 that Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger had described King Faisal of Saudi Arabia as a "religious fanatic" at a meeting with seven Jewish writers and Harvard professors m o r e than two months ago has been branded untrue and inaccur- ate by those who were there. At the same time, deep sus- picion has arisen within parts of the Jewish leadership in New York and Washington that detailed information about a private, off-the-rec- ord meeting with Kissinger Dec. 6 at the State Depart- ment was made available for publication in Washington long after the gathering had been reported in numerous journals, for the purpose of embarassing Kissinger on the eve of major internation- al conferences directly con- cerned with the Middle East oil embargo, production cut- backs and hoisted prices. Harvard sociology Prof. Seymour M. Lipset, one of the participants at the State Department gathering, told the Jewish Telegraphic Ag- ency that it is the consensus of the people present that Kissinger did not make the remark. While the reported refer- ence to the Saudi Arabian monarch was not made by Rich in Colombian beans 3-2. Sunday the Post ran a correction, saying that Kis- singer had not said the chances were 2-1 against an- other airlift but 2-1 another would be put into operation. To compound matters, a re- liable source told JTA that the Post's first 2-1 version was correct and the correc- tion was wrong. Lipset, who spoke with JTA from his home in Belmont, Mass., emphasized that Kis- singer did not make the re- mark about King Faisal. The Post itself quoted Kissinger as saying the remarks it had attributed to him were "in- accurate” and "out of con- text." Lipset thought the timing in the Post was peculiar, and another observer commented that obviously someone un- friendly to Kissinger had planted it. Lipset confirmed that pres- ent at the meeting besides Kissinger and an aide were New York attorney Rita Hau- ser who had served at a U. S. representative to the United Nations; Henry Rosovsky, dean of Harvard's faculty of arts and sciences; Irving Howe, editor of "Dissent"; Norman Pohhoretz, editor of the monthly magazine "Com- mentary"; and Harvard pro- fessors Michael Walzer, Ken- neth Arrow and David Lan- des. Genocide Treaty Approval Doomed by Senate Conservatives' Filibuster We. must remember that there are no short cuts in WASHINGTON (J T A) — ternational treaty against evolution. —Louis D. Bran- deis. Senate ratification of the in- genocide is a pp a r e n t1 y doomed for the remainder of this session. For the second successive day an attempt by the trea- ty's backers to cut off the fili- buster by the opposition fail- ed to win the required two- thirds vote and they indicated no further effort to revive ratification will be made un- til a new Congress meets next year. Twice 55 senators voted to end the debate that began on Jan. 28, but 38 others, mostly conservatives from the South and West, opposed the motion made by Sen. Frank Church (D., Idaho), chairman of the Senate For- eign Relations Subcommittee on the treaty, who strongly favored ratification. Thirty-six senators apprised cloture and when two more joined them the leadership for the treaty decided to put off further consideration to a later and more propitious time. Two-thirds of the sena- tors present and voting are necessary for cloture. The same number is required for passage of the treaty. Opponents of the treaty, who had successfully bottled it up in Senate committees over the years, expressed fear that it would cause the United States to close juris- diction over trials of its citi- zens to an international tri- bunal. FREEZE III DRIED In a statement after the voting, Sen. Jacob K. Javits K DECAFFEINATED COFFEE (R., N.Y.), who with Church Certified K and Sen. William Proxmire Kosher (D., Wis.) fought for the treaty, expressed disappoint- ment that cloture was not voted. During the debate "it be- GENERAL FOODS „came.. ap_parent that_ a, great, deal of misinformation about Rationing your coffee? You can enjoy all the great-tasting Brinfyou want. If you've been rationing yourself to half a cup of coffee because you're worried about caffein, forget it. Decaffeinated Brim''' is for you—wonderfully rich coffee that's 97% caffein free. Get some today—and enjoy! Regular or Drip Grind, Freeze-Dried, or Electric Perk. the secretary, Lipset said, such words may have been used by some other person present. Lipset, who made his comments in a telephone interview initiated by the JTA, also said that the group as a whole never made a re- port on the meeting nor has it met again as a group since Dec. 6. Some of those who had at- tended wrote personal notes about it from memory after- wards and presumably circu- lated them to friends, he said, but none took notes at the meeting itself and no re- corder was used. The Washington Post, in an article by staff writer Mari- lyn Berger, under an eight- c o l u m n headline reading "Kissinger Remarks to U. S. Jews Leaked in Report," re- ferred to a nine-page report it said was drafted by a par- ticipant from his recollections in which, according to the Post. Kissinger had also c ailed European leaders "craven" and "contempt- ible." The Post reported that Kis- singer had said that if an- other war broke out in the Middle East, the chances were 2-1 against his bringing another airlift into being to aid Israel. -The Post, how- ever, also said that another participant had recalled Kis- singer had put the adds at ' this treaty had been circu- lated and totally unwarranted fears about the treaty were generated. We intend to use the next few months to en- gage in public education on the real meaning and import- ance of the genocide treaty ond we look forward to the Senate advising and consent- ing to this humanitarian treaty at a later date," Javits said. Hyman Bookbinder. Wash- ngton chairman of the Na- tional Ad Hoc Committee on Human Rights and the Geno- cide Treaty, declared: "Re- fusal to vote on the treaty re- flects either hostility to the treaty itself or yielding to the most hateful extremist group pressure—the Liberty Lobby and the Birch Society." Bookbinder said he was ts- pecially outraged by the neg- ative votes of Senators J. William Fulbright (D., Ark.) and Samuel Ervin (D., N.C.). "Here are two men who are constantly preaching about morality in international af- fairs and morality in govern- ment and yet they vote to prevent a Senate vote on the issue of genocide," he said. Tel Aviv Friends' VP LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Boris Young has been ap- pointed to the new position of executive vice-president and chief executive officer of the American Friends of the Tel Aviv University, according to Victor M. Carter of Los An- geles, president of the Amer- ican Friends and chairman of the International Board of Governors of the university. Young has served as director of the Western United State ,o f f i c e of the American Friends since Oct. 1, 1972.