•-• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 46—Friday, February 8, 1974 50—BUSINESS CARDS LOOKING for a good painter? Experienced and reasonable. 543- 0130. ELECTRIC REPAIRS. Reasonable. 644-0409. 557.7228. FURNITURE refinished and re- paired. Free estimates. 474-8953. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING With a golden touch. CUSTOM WALLPAPERING. Free esti- mates, fully insured. CALL Al Benkoff Dove Benkoff 543-6842 352-3281 LARKINS MOVING CO. Household and Office Furniture Local and Long Distance Also Storage 894-4587 or 361-5222 SILVER plating and repairing, gold, silver, brass and copper. VE 6-0721. PLUMBING repairs. All types. Reasonable. Evenings. 864-8573. DELUXE firewood, seasoned split hardwoods, black, white and red. Delivered and stacked. 524-2899, 372-8130. PAINTING and plastering, minor repairs, reasonable rates. 862- 8427. PERSONALIZED income tax serv- ice by a local C.P.A. Call for appt., LI 8-9223. No Sabbath calls. 55—MISCELLANEOUS WHOLESALE Top quality raw oak picture frames. Priced to dear. Call 771-8160 ALFREDO'S FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON NEW GIFT ITEMS Super sale on dishes, glassware, jewelry, ice bucket and much mare. Fcrmington and 14 Mile Rd. Roiling Oak Sub. 30935 Perry Crossing Wed. thru Sun. 11-6 p.m. 851-5816 Hasidic Stories Rabbi Noah Lekhivitzer (died 1833) said: "Man is of- ten called a small world. This title is to be explained as follows: If a man is small in his own eyes, he is in- deed a world.' But if a man is a world in his own eyes, then he is indeed small." He also said: "To worry is a sin. Only one sort of worry is permissible: to worry be- cause one worries." Rabbi Leib Dimimles of Lantzut (died 1834) was a wealthy merchant, and very learned in the Torah. It hap- pened that he lost his me- mory and was reduced to poverty. Rabbi Leib paid no heed. to this calamity and continued his studies. His wife inquired: "How is it possible for you not to show the least anxiety?" The Rabbi answered: "The Lord gave me a brain which thinks rapidly. The worrying which another would do in a year, I have done in a moment." Rabbi Mordecai of Tzerno- bil (died 1837) said: "If you wish to acquire the habit of truthfulness. make it a point when you catch yourself tell- ing a falsehood to say un- 'ashamedly: 'I have just been guilty of a lie.' In this man- ner you will speedily disci- pline your tongue." Americans Submissions to Fascist Ideologies Decried in Diggins An avalanche of books ex- posing the Holocaust and Nazi cruelties keeps reminding mankind of the horrors and the mass murders. The role of Benito Mussolini did not receive sufficient attention until the publication of the thorough review of Italy's role in World War II by Prof. John P. Diggins of the de- partment of history of the University of California at Irvine. In "Mussolini and Fascism: The View From America, - published by Princeton Uni- versity Press, Diggins gives a full account of American reactions to Fascism in the entire era of Mussolini's rule, the attitude of the Catholic Church, the Jewish position, the affirmations of friendship for Jews by Mussolini before he became the tool of Adolf Hitler. For an understanding of the American Italians' atti- tudes, which also related to Jewish responses, to attitudes of national magazines and government leaders, it is his- torically valuable to have the earliest view of Mussolini vis-a-vis Hitler. In the early 1930s, Diggins states, "the immediate effect of Hitler on Mussolini's image was am- bivalent . . . At first his ap- pearance created the alarm- ing impression in some cir- cles that Der Fuehrer was Mussolini's diabolical disciple — an argument harped upon by Fascism's enemies both here and abroad. Il Duce tried to deny the damaging analogy. He reassured Ital- ian-Americans that Italy did not depend upon Germany; told Anne O'Hare McCorm- ick (of the New York Times) that Nazism was not an 'off- shoot' of Fascism; informed American-Jewish leaders that under his regime Italian Jews enjoyed complete free- dom and the respect of their countrymen; and insisted to Emil Ludwig that Italy had no 'Jewish problem.' . . . One measure of Mussolini's suc- cess in separating himself and his regime from Hitler and Nazism. may be seen in the fact that in 1933 Ameri- can Jewish publishers se- lected him as one of the world's 12 'greatest Christ- ian champions' of the Jews." Mussolini was able to pa- rade as t h e enlightened statesman w h o countered Hitler's aggressive designs. Watchful Americans, Diggins reminds his readers, were confused by the impetuous warmongering of Mussolini, as "a Nazi sympathizer and a foil to Hitler . . . " But soon there developed the Italian-American anti-Fascist resistance. There were the related anti-Semitic trends, the era of Father Coughlin's discriminatory attacks on Jews, the differing views be- tween Joseph Kennedy and his son John F. Kennedy — the latter, having support- ed the Spanish Republic, advocating "collective secur- ity against Fascist aggres- sion." It is interesting to note Diggins' explanation that in those early years "in the Jewish community opposition to Fascism sprang mainly from labor unions." He re- calls that "Bnai Brith Maga- z i n e , surveying European Fascist movements in 1934, reassured its readers that no anti-Semitism existed within the borders of Italy. It will be remembered that Musso- lini repeatedly denied to Americans that Italy had a `Jewish problem.' " Diggins also asserts: "At this point it is enough to state that during the '20s neither Protestant- ism nor Judaism proved to be a spiritual sentinel against the vogue of Italian Fascism, while Catholicism demon- strated that an elastic apol- ogia would accommodate both religiosity and reaction." A propaganda campaign to silence anti-Fascist senti- ments was conducted from the Italian Mussolini quarters which aimed to retain Amer- ican friendships. Then the Ethiopian crisis arose. Dig- gins points out: "The con- science of American Jewry, racked more by German anti- Semitism than liberal neu- tralism, tended to support Ethiopia as the victim of ag- gression." The role of Fa- lasha—black Jews in Ethio- pia — is taken into account but there is this added note about the attitudes of that time: "In 1935 Jews through- BENITO MUSSOLINI , out the world were sickened by the sight of Hitler's po- groms. Since many German- Jewish refugees were finding asylum in Italy, American Jews were in no position to attack the Mussolini govern- ment which thus far had scorned Hitler's anti-Semitic policies." Then came the changing trend, to quote Diggins: "Officially the anti-Semitic campaign began on July 14, 1938, with the publication of the fabricated Carta della Razza. To most watchful Americans t h e publication came as a stunning shock. That the cancer of anti-Sem- itism could afflict the people of Italy seemed incredible to those who had always pointed to the absence of racism in Italy as the saving remnant of Italian Fascism. Thus the announcement of a 'scientific' racial policy had an air of unreality. Moreover the de- crees, which would involve the deportation of thousands of Italian Jews, confiscation of property, and exclusion from government and profes- sional occupations, did not go into effect immediately (and when they did many meas- ures were either ignored or sabotaged by the Italians th emselves ). Consequently America did not react as hostilely as in the case of the German pogrom. Nor did the Jews. The journalist Martin Jewish solidarity. But even then there were sympathiz- ers. Anne O'Hare McCormick of the New York Times sought to play down the im- portance of racial documents published in Italy. Diggins makes the point that "Miss McCormick's strange argu- ment •that Italy could not he rang hollow . . . Indeed anti- Semitism was a major part of a vicious anti-American campaign formally launched in 1938." At this point, too. Coughlin is quoted as having spread his views on "Jewish demo- cratic propaganda," a n d noted Americans, Jews and non-Jews, were the targets Agronsky reported from Rome that even Italian Jew- ish leaders assured him Mus- solini's adopted racial policy amounted to nothing more than 'diplomatic expediency.' But Agronsky, perhaps with the Nazi experience in mind, was appalled when six months later world opinion still ap- peared indifferent: " 0 n e wonders at the capacity for understatement of the foreign press which even today writes about Mussolini's "mild anti-Semitic measures." That's when Catholic World, New Republic began to condemn "Italy's cold war" and Mussolini sought to nip in the bud Catholic- 0 .■ .11 ••••t,AMIN, 0 ANEW INIMO ■ 1111•1•11. 41 ■ IIMM•IMI.1 ■ •••• 0 1 MINIIINPOIM 114111.1 1■ .11••• ■ •■■ •IC 'Between You . . and Me' Boris Smolar's Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1974, JTA Inc.) UNIVERSITY AT HOME: Something new and impres- sive has been added by the American Jewish Committee in its attempt to strengthen Jewish identity and Jewish education. It is the establish- ment of credit - giving cor- respondence courses for home study in Jewish history, cul- ture and tradition. The courses are of par- ticular value to Jews living in small towns, remote from Jewish centers and isolated from the mainstream of •ew- ish life. Here they will have a chance to receive a sys- tematic Jewish education on many subjects in their free time while sitting at home. HISTORIC ACHIEVE- MENT: Adult Jewish educa- tion is not new in the United States. There are numerous groups — like Bnai Brith and synagogue groups—that con- duct courses in adult educa- tion. Their activities in this field are, however, limited. They lack proper education material for their courses. They attract little attention. The new established academy, through its Aca- demic Advisory Council — which is composed of about 50 foremost Jewish scholars and educators in this country — will develop the curricu- lum necessary for systematic study of Jewish subjects. The academy will also de- velop the proper texts. In this respect, the Academy will be of great importance for any of the groups in the United States interested in promoting adult Jewish edu- cation. Leaders of the academy foresee that among those en- rolled for its correspondence courses will also be students from European countries where Jewish knowledge is now sought by Jews exposed to assimilation. There are also numerous Jews in Latin American countries who will SHARE IN FREEDOM * U. S. Savings Bonds * New Freedom Shares seek to strengthen their knowledge of Jewish history and culture by enrolling in the correspondence courses. The innovation may turn turn out to be the greatest contribution in the field of Jewish education for youth estranged from Jewish knowledge as well as for adults who never received proper Jewish education. In this time, when so much is spoken about the need to combat assimilation by im- planting -stronger feelings among Jews about their own spiritual values, the Ameri- can Jewish Committee has made an important step in the right direction. However. much is yet to be done in the field of Jewish education for children and for college youth — a function upon which concentration is need- ed now more than ever be- fore by the entire Jewish community. of the anti-Semites and the Coughlinites. Ineffective Vatican efforts to intercede for Jews are re- viewed in this volume and the role of the Franklin Roosevelt administration is defined as one of an "abyss of incomprehension." While Italian Fascists' re- sort to anti-Semitism is fully exposed here, it is the American-Italian relations in World War II that receives special consideration in t! immense work by Diggin..,. There is a saddening note in the author's comment that "only for a few Americans did the meaning of Fascism remain in the deeper recesses of conscience. The great majority of robust citizens came out of World War II with little or no understand- ing of its history or ide- ology." The author concludes: "From their experience with Italian Fascism most Americans learned nothing and forgot nothing. Ameri- cans tended to externalize the problem, to regard Fas- cism as Europe's peculiar institution and thereby deny what many emigres believed was its universal significance. Yet if we regard Fascism as a state of mind and not merely as an authoritarian state, as an attitude and men- tality as well as an institution and ideology, the problem remains as much America's as Europe's. That 'it can't happen here' may seem a reassuring historical judg- ment. But it is a political truth that can easily become a moral lie. Politically man is what he does, morally he is what he thinks. Between the idea and the deed lurks the condition of mind and heart. Perhaps this study of America's admiration f o r Mussolini's Italy may help us analyze the fascism within ourselves." The lesson in Diggins' book thus is very clear and concise. The vigilant must never falter. Many often do. — P. S. Advise Me . • • To help answer questions of a personal nature we have called upon counselors from the Jewish Family and Chil- dren's Service. Other resources will be called upon as prob- lems arise in other areas. Address confidential queries to "Advise Me," care of The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Southfield 48075. My 3-year-old son has been toilet trained for some time, but since the birth of his baby brother, he sometimes wets the bed. He also wants to nurse from the baby's bottle. Is this normal? —Confused Mom Dear Confused, Your son is reacting to the birt....", ,of his baby brother. He is .4u;... normal jeal- ousy rif TO care and atten- tion -ou afe giving to the baby. Assure him of your continuing love and affection. Involve him when you care for the baby, and 'be patient. Once you have assured him of your love for him and the importance of being an older brother, he'll be fine: 0 * I am 12 years old and can never use the telephone. My sister always answers and talks for hours. When I yell at her, she makes her friends call her back after she harre - up. My mom never ink her get off for my turn. —Sister Dear Sister, You don't say how old your sister is, but what we hear is how helpless and unfair you feel about the way you are treated by your mom and sister. You used the word "never" twice, and we wonder if that means there are other times when you feel the situation is unfair. What have you tried to do on your own? Can you think of any way to share the phone that your sister agrees with too? Discuss your feel- ings with your mom; maybe she isn't aware of how badly you feel and can do some- thing to help you feel less "left out." '