Ben-Gurion and Spinoza: The God-Idea in B-G's Philosophy David Ben-Gurion's philosophic views as well as his personality will 'be subjects for discussion without limit, by his contem- poraries and by future generations. His ideological emphases have been under dis- cussion since his death in December. Sur- prisingly, one subject has been ignored: his advocacy, on the occasion of the tercen- tenary of the excommunication of Baruch Spinoza by the Amsterdam Jewish com- munity, that the philosopher should be reinstated as a Jew and that Israel should publish his collected works. Nothing has come of this suggestion. Perhaps it is because the Herem — the ex- communication — of Spinoza has had less effect in Jewish life generally than the un- inhibited, constant reference to Spinoza in Jewish ranks as if he had never left the fold, or rather had never been ousted from it. Nevertheless, history records the ex- pulsion of Spinoza from the ranks in which he was raised for his heretical views. It was because his ideas were condemned as heresy towards Christianity as well as Judaism that the Jewish community, non- too-secure even in Holland, hastened to punish a heretic who himself stemmed from Marrano ranks. Perhaps Ben-Gurion was especially in- fluenced towards Spinoza because the ex- communicated philosopher at one time ex- pressed belief in a reconstructed Jewish state. He had written in reference to the Jewish people: "I would go so far as to believe that, if the foundations of religion have not en- feebled their minds, they may, if the occa- sion presents itself amid the changes to which human affairs are liable, even raise their empire anew, and that God may elect them a second time." This excerpt from Spinoza's "Tractatus Theologico-Politicus" is of considerable in- terest in view of this reference to Spinoza's Jewish attitudes by Heinrich Graetz in his "History of the Jews": "In spite of his condemnatory verdict on Moshe Pearlman Judaism, he was struck by two phenomena, which he did not fully understand, and which, therefore, he judged only superfi- cially. according to his system. These were the moral greatness of the prophets, and the superiority of the Israelite state, which in a measure depend on each other. With- out understanding the political organization, in Which natural and moral laws, necessity and freedom work together, Spinoza ex- plains the origin of the Jewish state, that Baruch Spinoza • is, of Judaism, in the following manner: When the Israelites, after deliverance from slavery in Egypt, were free from all politi- cal bondage, and restored to their natural rights, they willingly chose God as their Lord, and transferred their rights to Him alone by formal contract and alliance. That there be no appearance of fraud on the divine side, God permitted them to recog- nize His marvelous power, by virtue of which He had hitherto preserved, and promised in future to preserve them, that is, He revealed Himself to them in His glory on Sinai; thus God became King of Israel and the state a theocracy. Religious opin- ions and truths, therefore, had a legal character in this state, religion and civic right coincided. Whoever revolted from re- ligion forfeited his rights as a citizen, and whoever died for religion was a patriot ..." Graetz, the pious historian and the dedi- cated Jew, provided thorough review of Spinoza's teachings in his monumental "His- tory of the Jews," and he defined the threats to the Jewish community from Spinozaism, thus: "Spinoza might have brought Judaism into extreme peril; for he had not only furnished its opponents with the weapons of reason to combat Judaism more effec- tually, but also conceded to every state and magistrate the right to suppress it and use force against its followers, to which they ought meekly to submit. The funeral piles of the Inquisition for Marranos were, ac- cording to Spinoza's system, doubly justi- fied; citizens have no right on national grounds to resist the recognized religion of the state, and it is folly to profess Judaism and to sacrifice oneself for it. But a peculiar trait of Spinoza's character stood Judaism in good stead. He loved peace and quiet too well to become a propagandist for his criti- cal principles . . ." For David Ben-Gurion, nevertheless, the tercentenary of the Herem was a time for forgiveness. Might he have become a Spin- ozist? In the time of Moses Mendelssohn his close friend Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was accused by the Christian theologian Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi of being a Spino- zist. It was then — 200 years ago — con- sidered adherence to heresy. Mendelssohn strongly defended his close associate against the charge. Ben-Gurion needed no defense. He affirmed belief in God. To this writer he wrote in March 1972: "I have not the slightest shadow of doubt that God exists. He is not a body and He is free from all the accidents of matter. We can neither see Him nor hear Him. He has no lineness but He exists and without Him nothing can exist in the universe. This is a profound and correct belief and no science can speak a greater truth than it. This is conviction." He was more expressive when he ex- changed views with one of his closest asso- ciates, Moshe Pearlman, who compiled a most interesting book, "Ben-Gurion Looks Back" (Schocken). In that collection of Ben- Gurion's views on all conceivable subjects, Pearlman, in his talks with Ben-Gurion gathered his ideas on God and religion. In these talks Ben-Gurion spoke his interest in Spinoza. His regret at Spinoz•'s having been "Cast out" as Ben-Gurion phrased it, was expressed in this statement quoted by Pearlman: "The great Book, or rather the collec- tion of great Books, which has given us the honor to be known as the People of the Book, was created at a time when we lived and enjoyed sovereignty in our own land. Though we were a small and poor people, small in number and the size of our ten -i- tory, we were second to no nation in crea- tiveness, giving to ourselves and the world these Books of the highest spiritual values, of an enduring expression of poetry, thought, morality and religion. "What happened when we went into exile? We continued to live in our hearts and our minds within the bounds of this biblical heritage. But we did not continue our creative process, except for multiplying our interpretations of interpretations and explanations of the explanations of our sacred writings. Our spiritual lives, like our material lives, were impoverished. They were shrivelled. And if we did produce some creative genius, we were quick to condemn him. In the 17th Century, at the beginning of the modern renaissance period, a great eagle, Baruch Spinoza, emerged from our midst and in his lofty thought rose to the skies. What did we do? We cast him out. He gave his wisdom to others, uttering his profound words in a foreign tongue. We lived in a political, an economic and also a spiritual ghetto. This was not because our creative power had atrophied — if it had, we could never have maintained our identity under the terrible hardships we suffered — but because we had been torn from the source of our people's vitality, their independent home- land." Another reference to Spinoza contained in Pearlman's veritable anthology of Ben- Gurionian views was an answer to Pearl- man's question "Do you believe in God?" To which, as recorded by Pearlman in his collected talks with the architect of the Jewish state, Ben-Gurion replied: "You are right. This is of concern only to the individual. But I do not mind answer- ing you. I do believe in the existence of a spiritual, eternal, all-embracing superior being, but I cannot say that I share the belief of most of my orthodox friends. Is it not curious that even institutionalized religion nowhere describes God in any posi- tive or recognizable way? We know what God is NOT — He is not a man, He has no ears, no eyes. For easier common comm• prehension and to make Him familiar to people, He is often evoked in human form, and we even use the personal pronoun, with a capital H; but when it comes to scholarly definition as for instance by Maimonides, He is defined more by what He is not than by what He is. "Nevertheless, as I say, I do believe that there must be a being, intangible, inde- finable, even unimaginable, but something infinitely superior to all we know and are capable of conceiving. Without such a being, there are certain phenomena which just cannot be explained. What is it, for example, that enables man to think? His brain is matter, just like a table. But a table does not think. The brain is part of a living organism, like my finger-nail, but my finger- nail cannot think. Nor can the brain think when removed from the body. But the whole of the living body taken together becomes a thinking being. "I once talked about this to Einstein. Even he, with his great formula about energy and mass, agreed that there must be something behind the energy. And when I spoke of this to Niels Bohr, he too agreed, and thought it was probably true of the entire cosmos, that behind it there must be some superior being. This is also Spinoza may have meant. "If, then, by 'God' is meant • such a superior being, which is neither material nor tangible, I say that I believe in God. From this it follows that, while I respect the faith of those who believe that every- thing written in the Bible is divinely in- spired, my own approach is that I accept what is written in the Bible except the passages where God is given material form, for example where He is represented as speaking, and being spoken to; except for the textual contradictions; and except for the sections which run counter to the laws of nature. If I believe that the world was created by the Lord, I believe that He has more sense than all of us put together, and He instituted specific laws in accord- ance with which nature exists. Flinging a staff and turning it into a snake, as Moses is said have done in Pharaoh's court, is against the laws of nature; therefore I cannot accept it as a true record of what happened, for I cannot accept that God would deviate from His carefully conceived laws governing nature. But I respect those who do accept it, just as I respect their belief in a conception of God different from mine." These views are inerasable from the record of Ben-Gurion's attitudes which will retain an interest for future generations. The founding prim _ e minister of the Jewish state, a staunch labor leader, was always viewed as an atheist, as an unbeliever. In his later years he emerged with a firm belief, with a theological philosophy. It had been spoken of as (Albert) Einsteinian and as Spinozist. Perhaps it is simply: Ben- Gurionian. (Copyright, 1974, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) David Ben-Gurion Golds, World Zionist Organization Issue Pleas for an Increase in Aliya JERUSALEM (JTA) —Im- passioned pleas to Jews all over the world to immigrate to Israel to "build the land" and to stand "where the su- preme struggles of Jewish history are being waged" were issued here by Premier Golda Meir and by the World Zionist Organization Execu- tive. Mrs. Meir's appeal was in 2—Friday, February 8, 1974 zi f the form of a letter ad- dressed to Leon Dulzin, act- ing chairman of the WZO Ex- ecutive, which will be distrib- uted abroad during the "Ali- ya Months" that will be held in various countries February through April to try to stimu- late increased immigration from Western countries. The texts of the letter and of a "Call to the Jewish Peo- ple from the World Zionist Organization" were released at a meeting of the WZO ex- ecutive presided oved by Dul- zin and attended by members from Israel and abroad. She said in part: "The meaning of a Jewish state is first and foremost an aliya oriented state, a state to which thousands of our brethren will immigrate and THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS in which they will be ab- i t • • o' ?, sorbed. A strong Israel, an Israel whose future and fate are in her own hands—means an Israel in which many mil- lions of Jews are building their homes. For us aliya is our life blood. Confident in our own stand, convinced of our inherent ability to over- come all difficulties, believ- ing in the Jewish people, I call upon you: Come to Israel and build the land." i ttt The WZO executive's mes- the challenges of peace," the sage, in a similar vein, ob- message said. "Today, more served that Israel was "on than ever, Israel needs Jews the threshold of f a t e f u l who will come here on aliya times" in which it could once and join us—with their talent, again find itself at war or energy, professional skills "may have embarked on the and devotion—in building a road to peace. Either altern- ative means that we must free Jewish society, a com- build a strong Israel, an Is- monwealth founded on values rael firmly rooted in its soil, and deeds that shall attract an Israel capable of facing every Jew wherever he may the enemy while facing up to be." !tip it4ri