••7 et. -• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 8, 1974-11 Campaign Workers to Gather for Report Meeting on Sunday Great Entertainers: JOHNNY MATHS LADDER'S SCOTCH 86 Proof All Allied Jewish Cam- paign - Israel Emergency Fund workers are being asked to attend the campaign report breakfast meeting 10 a.m. Sunday at Cong. Shaa- rey Zedek. William M. Davidson and Lewis S. Grossman, general campaign chairmen, an- nounced that Paul Zucker- man, general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, will report on his latest trip to Israel and the meeting of the board of overnors of the g Jewish Agency. Campaign division leader- ship will make progress re- ports. For reservations, call the Jewish Welfare Federation, WO 5-3939. Junior Telethon Lauder's is keeping company with some big names these days. It's the good honest Scotch at a good honest Scotch dollar price. You can buy Lauder's for a song. f RoDuc ? Fsc °44,0 44V4::1: IAU DER'S SCOTCH SC26 NI 4/5 Qt. Authentic Scotch Do!tar (Crown) minted between 1603-1625. Symbol of Lauder's. $1 2 77 $2 79 4/5 Pt. 1/2 Gal. All Taxes Included. Rear JoImov Mathis on his Columbia Records Album "rm Camino Rome:' Makin kis Australian Concert Tour Feb. 8th - 24th 11.1.0f0 g44(4;604/Za‘def (4111 GLASGOW sCk , It AND SCOlOc.. ■■ •,1 ••• The junior division's gener- al campaign to support the 1974 Allied Jewish Campaign- Israel Emergency Fund will be kicked off with an orienta- tion meeting 10 a.m. Sunday in the 12 Mile Rd. building of United Hebrew Schools. General campaign chair- man. Neil Satovsky said the campaign will differ from those of other years. Using a new telethon format, volun- teers will be working in groups, rather than as indi- viduals calling from their own homes. "We're optimistic that the camaraderie and the team spirit of working together will result in greater success than before," he said. The telethons begin Sunday evening at 7- and continue with three - hour sessions nightly, excepting Friday and % • • •• • • :.:;;;;.•:;.:::::-mxP*.§:: A recent immigrant to Israel from Russia, Dr. Michael Kotik, describes his experiences to Elly Passer, adviser, and Dorene Finer, chairman, of the junior division women's section. At a meeting of the section's 1974 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund, many young women doubled their AJC-IEF pledges. ports that the total raised is Saturday, until Feb. 21. Satovsky said that his corn- about double that from the mittee, co-directed by Feder- same contributors last year.. ation Junior Division Presi- Last year's division total dent Burton D. Farbman, de- topped $100,000 for the first cided on the change for sev- time. Vice chairmen of the gen- eral reasons. "New cam- paigners can learn from lis- eral campaign are Barry M. tening to others with more Klein, Barbara Kosit and experience. It's not so hard Garry Rosenblum. Associate when there are other workers chairmen are Harold Du- nearby. We can eliminate the browsky, David A.• Jaffa, Su- bothersome followup calls san Karabelnick, Gail Ker- which workers had to make win, Jeffrey Kukes and Jane by simply putting the 'no- Zukin. Area chairmen for the tele- answer' number on the list thons are Peter Alter, Je- for the next session." A total of 250 workers will rome Beale, Michael Bene- be asked to contact 2,500 dek, Ian Cascade, Miriam young adults in the Detroit. Chaiken and Jennifer Cohen. area. Also included are Stephen C. Speaking at Sunday's ori- Cooper, E d r i e Goldstein, entation meeting will be at- Mark Goodman, Michael Jaf- torney Abba Friedman, chair- fe and Haven King. man of the foreign affairs Other area chairmen are committee of the American Vicki Levin, Barry Levine, Jewish Committee Detroit Donna Levine, Margaret Met- Chapter and member of the zger, Judy Moss, Roberta Jewish Community Council's Patt, William Rubenfaer, Charles Schiff, Susan Silver, executive committee. Friedman will explain the Cherie Sternberg and Nancy. overseas needs of -the cam- Yost. Those working on the jun- paign, and Satovsky will identify the local and na- for division telethons are tional beneficiaries which re- asked to attend Sunday's ceive funds raised by the an- meeting and to contact Lil- nual AJC-IEF. Tian Bernstein, junior division To date, the JWF's junior director, there. For informa- division has held two meet- tion, call Mrs. Bernstein at ings to raise funds for the the Jewish Welfare Federa- 1974 campaign. Farbman re- tion, WO 5-3939. Israel Budget to Focus on Security Expenditures %( --"•••41. 4 " Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette 'Smoking is•Dangerous to Your Health. nicotine av Per cigatti(e . (Continued from Page 10) approximately 48 per cent this year. Next year's bud- get will probably be the first in which more than 50 per cent of the GNP will be de- voted to security expendi- tures. The heavy security burden forces an increase in the foreign currency deficit. This year's deficit in foreign cur- rency is estimated to be $2,500,000,000 compared to $1,750,000,000 in the last fis- cal 'year. Next year's deficit will be higher, partly to be covered by United States foreign aid. The cabinet decided on a series of measures intended to "depress the standard of living" in the goverment of- fices and of officials. These were the first meas- ures adopted following the recommendations of a minis- terial saving committee head- ed by Agriculture Minister Haim Gvati. The new measures are in- e to save IL 30 , 000 , 000 t en ddt in the next two months, a cut of 20 per cent in the expendi- tures in that period. The measures the cabinet adopted include replacement of large official cars, includ- ing those serving ministers and deputy ministers, by me- dium sized cars; mileage quotas to be frozen until the end of the next fsical year; the policy of providing high officials with full-time cars to be reviewed; telephone ex- penses to be frozen; special efforts to be made to see that officials do not use of- fice telephones for private calls; travel abroad on pub- lic account (government Jew- ish Agency, municipalities, universities, Histadrut) will be decreased. The cabinet also discussed in detail problems arising from the implementation of the recent law providing spe- cial privileges for discharged soldiers. Housing Minister Zeev Sharef told how in some ministry district offices sol- diers entered with their per- sonal weapons in order to make their demands for bet- ter housing more impressive. Men who live on promises have a slim chance of real success.