Golds Praises U. S., Kissinger for Role in Agreement (Continued from Page 1) U.S. could prove invaluable in the promotion of relations between the two parties and the continued observance of the settlement." Regarding Syria, she re- gretted that she could report no progress, with the Damas- cus government still refusing to publish the POW lists and allow Red Cross visits. "This refusal is unsurpassed in its brutality," she cried. Kissin- ger "was unable to tell us that he had succeeded in his efforts to move matters from a state of deadlock but we have been promised that his efforts will continue," (Egyptian President Anwar Sadat said in Rabat, Moroc- co, Wednesday that Syria was ready to hold talks with Israel about- withdrawal of troops. ) Likud opposition leader Menahem Begin was at his fiery best Tuesday when he lashed at the government's "unilateral withdrawal while the state of war still con- tinues," as he described the disengagement agreement with Egypt. But though he inveighed for 40 minutes, flaying each of the align= ment's senior ministers in turn, he provided no real answer to the question ad- dressed to him by the next speaker, Moshe Dayan: "Mister Begin—what do you suggest we do.?" Likud's new bright star, Arik Sharon, attempted later in the debate to answer that key question, but he, too, left Likud's own policies far from clear to the objective listener. Begin began by greeting the re-elected speaker, Yis- rael Yeshayahu, and warning him most solemnly that Likud would not tolerate any more of the bias and unfairness which Begin claimed he had shown during the previous Knesset. (Likud opposed Yes- hayahu in the vote Monday.) He greeted, too, the new Knesseters and the premier, who was restored to health from shingles. And then he began: "Did the outgoing government ask for a man- date from the people to un- dertake a unilateral with- drawal during this period of W a r ? " He recalled that when the "partial settlement p 1 a n" was current, the government had insisted that not one single Egyptian soldier be allowed across the canal. "And now there would be many. Not whole divisions, to be sure, but what was at issue was the principle. Egypt's insistence on posi- tioning its troops in Sinai — the traditional gateway to Eretz Israel from time im- memorial — showed that it intended war, not peace. This was a remilitarization —not demilitarization — of Sinai, and the government had agreed to it." Begin cited an official statement from Egypt's sole party, the Arab Socialists Union, to prove that Cairo by no means was bent on peace and prosperity as the Labor leaders in Israel said, but on war and conquest. The Egyptian party had said the disengagement agreement afforded Egypt the ability to bring as much equipment and as many sol- diers across the canal from 8 Friday, January 25, 1974 — west to east whenever it wished. The party spoke too of the ultimate aim: freeing all the occupied areas and restoring Palestinian rights, "and we all know what that euphemism means," said Begin. He recalled statements from each of the Egyptian leaders — just before the Yom Kippur War — predict- ing that war was totally un- likely. On Eban he was particu- larly harsh. He recalled Eban's pre-election appear. ance when he said that Likud voters would not be able to face their own children. Begin accused the foreign minister — who Tuesday denied he had said this — of sinking to unplumbed depths and offending one half mil- lion Israeli citizens, including 100,000 serving men who had supported Likud. "Hang your head in shame," he cried at - Eban. For Dayan he had kind words at first, publicly de- claring his deep affection and admiration for the man and his part in getting his appointment in 1967 as de- fense minister. But now he declaimed: "Whither are you leading this people?" How could Dayan tell the nation that "the face of Egypt was now towards peace? Who had told Dayan that, how could he so mis- lead the public? Was this a correct assessment on the basis of Israel's previous dealings with Egypt?" Begin turned to the West Bank of Jordan issue. Here he said, the government would have to rely on the Rakah Communists if it wanted to redivide Eretz Is- rael. He counted 54 Knesse- ters of Likud and the reli- gious parties who were op- posed and said there would be Laborites opposed too. "Will you redivide Eretz Is- rael with Rakah's help?", he demanded. "What is this talk of 'disengagement with Jordan'. There must be no nighttime secret diplomacy on this. The Knesset had a right to know." Likud's new Knesseter, ex- General Arik Sharon, in his maiden speech Tuesday, ac- cused the government of relinquishing the most im- portant topographical/mili- tary area of Sinai by forsak- ing the line of raised sand dunes ten kilometers from the canal. He said this line was vital and the Gidi-Mitla line was relatively unimport- ant in military terms since it commanded only a small area of the peninsula. He accused the government of deliberately concealing these facts. Sharon said Likud wanted a peace or an arrangement with Egypt no less than any- one else, and that Likud had a peace plan which involved less risk for Israel and per- haps even greater conces- sions to Egypt than labor was willing to make. (On TV Monday night Sharon advocated ceding civilian administration of Sinai to Egypt while main- taining the military line ten kilometers from the canal.) He said that while none thought Israel ought to re- tain the west bank of the canal area it held, Labor was letting it go too cheaply in the disengagement accord. Sharon said Egypt's main aim had been to take the 10 kilometer line in October —and it was on this line that Israel had fought back and stemmed the Egyptian ad- vance. Israel now held all of this line — but it would sur- render it all under the new accord. It was not just a 'Who Is Jew?' Issue in Politicking (Continued from Page 1) That solution emerged after a meeting between Likud leaders Menahem Begin and Elimelech Rimalt and NRP leaders Zerach Warhaftig, Itzhak Rafael and the party secretary, Tzvi Bernstein. The Likud leaders reportedly stated that they were pre- pared to join a coalition on the basis of the outgoing gov- ernment's platform or no platform at all. A similar at- titude was adopted by the NRP. - "We shall not give up our principles but we are ready to accept and seek roads that will enable us to sit together," the Likud lead- ers said. It appeared that the NRP will now take a stronger line in support of a wide coa- lition. If the Labor and Likud leaders meet but fail to reach an agreement, the NRP lead- ership could tell its constitu- ents that they tried their best. Labor Alignment leaders are known to have warned both the NRP and the Inde- pendent Liberals that new elections may have to be called unless they modified their demands. It was made clear to the NRP that there is no chance that Labor will accede to Orthodox demands on the "Who Is a Jew?" issue. Nor will it grant freedom of conscience vote rights to coalition members on ques- tions of state and religion, the ILP- was informed. In in- formal talks, Labor leaders have intimated that a second round of elections cannot be excluded if efforts to form a coalition continue to lag. They seem to hold the view that the successful disen- gagement agreement with Egypt and the demobilization of reserve soldiers would re- store to Labor the Knesset seats it lost in the Dec. 31 elections and possibly a few more should new elections be held. Other circles doubt this and predict even further La- bor losses if new elections were held. They say the La- bor leadership knows it and is using the threat of new elections as a club to bring their old coalition partners into line. But political ob- servers are inclined to the view that a new round of elections, while still a remote possibility, should not be ex- Labor Plurality Over cluded. Likud Only 147,874 * TEL AVIV (ZINS) — Final tabulation of the voting for Reform, Conservative Jews Israel's eighth Knesset, as Assailed by Orthodox confirmed by the Central NEW YORK (JTA) — Two Orthodox groups have as- Elections Committee, give the following results: sailed American Reform and Labor Alignment (Ma'- Conservative Jewish leaders for criticizing the demand by arakh) received 621,183 votes, Israel's National Religious entitling it to 51 seats in Party that the Law of Return Parliament; Likud — 473,- be amended 'according to Ha- 309 votes, for 39 seats; lakha as the price for joining Mafdal (Mizrachi and Hapoel- Hamizrachi) — 130,349 votes, a coalition government. for 10 seats; Aguda-Poalei Rabbi David B. Hollander, president of the Rabbinical Aguda — 60,012 votes (5 Alliance of America, said the seats); Moscow-oriented Com- criticism against the Ortho- munists — 53,353 votes (4 dox in Israel "is the best seats); Independent Liberals possible proof that the dis- — 56,560 votes (4 seats): qualification of the Conserva- Rabbi Meir Kahane — 12,811 tive and Reform spiritual votes (insufficient to qualify leaders as rabbis is fully justified." Furthermore, he asserted in a statement issued here, "If rabbis oppose. the author- ity of the Halakha they effec- It started with Marilyn tively disqualify themselves Gold, secretary at the Israel not only as rabbis but also as Aliya Center in Southfield. faithful Jews since they stand She talked to her brother guilty of leading many well intentioned Jews away from Arthur, a graduate natural- Judaism." Rabbi Hollander ist, who was all set to tour defended the conditions de- South America with his manded by the Israeli Ortho- friend Liz. They talked to dox parties as "in full con- their friends, Bob Levitt, formity to the democratic who was looking for a job, and Burt Levinson, who was process." Rabbi Bernard Bergman, studying natural resources at a member of the presidium the University of Michigan. Early next month, they of the World Religious Zion- ist Organization, rejected the and 10 other young adults_ contention that "giyour" (con- who had other plans will be version) to Judaism need not on their way to Israel to be according to Halakha. He work as volunteers — very noted that the term "giyour" Possibly picking onions — on has no meaning nor existence Kibutz Grofit in the hot outside Halakha. "To say, Arava. therefore, as these Reform Marilyn Gold had planned and Conservative rabbis are aliya for a long time. Now, saying that giyour need not the Aliya Center secretary be in accordance with Ha- will be moving up the date lakha is not only preposter- so she can make a contribu- ous, it is meaningless," Rabbi tion to Israel when • volun- Bergman said. "Can a ra- teers are most needed. tional person say that we can At the end of the six-month practice Jewish law but not in stint for which she has vol- accordance with the provi- unteered, Marilyn will return sions of Jewish law? Can a to pack her bags and head court of law be asked to rule back to Israel for good. not in accordance with the Arthur and Burt (who provisions of the law?" dropped out of U. of M. to Rabbi Bergman further ex- make the trip) see some ad- pressed astonishment and ditional pluses to their plans. dismay at an attack by the They hope to get first-hand American Jewish Congress. experience in the Israeli "This unwarranted interfer- park system and nature pre- ence by a political organiza- serves. tion into strictly religious The Kibutz Aliya Desk, matters," he said, "must be under whose auspices the strongly rejected and con- Habonim - sponsored group THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS demned." will be going, stresses that for even a single seat); Black Panthers — 13,332 votes (no seat); Bedouin List — 16,408 votes — (1 seat); Moked- Zionist Communists — 22,147 votes (1 seat); Movement for Citizens' Rights, Shulamit Aloni-35,023 votes (3 seats); Haolam Hazeh — 10,469 votes (no seat); Blue-White Pan- the s-10,469 votes (no seat). The election results show that the ruling Labor - regime won only 147,874 votes more than the opposition Likud. 0 u t of 2,037,478 qualified voters 1,601,098 participated in the elections. Of the 21 competing parties, 12 failed to gain the minimum support required to win even one of the 120 seats in the Israeli Parliament. Slight Change of Plans, and 5 Young Detroiters Off to Israel volunteers will be screened locally. This is to weed out, hopefully, the "time wasters" and the "kibutz hoppers," those who move from kibutz to kibutz in search of ideal working con- ditions. Organizations in the De- troit area have been sent letters by the local repre- sentatives of the Kibutz Aliya Desk in an appeal for scholarship aid to volunteers who cannot finance their own way. Tzvika Zidner and Paul Lupu, shlikhim to Habonim and Hashomer Hatzair, re- spectively, noted that many young people are willing to give up one or two school terms, employment, pleasure trips and comforts of home, but they cannot cover the entire expense. Their help still is needed to harvest crops, work in factories and do kitchen work on kibutzim dangerous- ly short of manpower. Scholarship screening will be done locally, said Zidner and Lupu. They can be reached at 559-6755. The Menace of Fascism Fascism . . . in its mastery of technological attainments is truly progressive — were not the propaganda machines of Goebbels and the gas chambers of Himmler models of technical rationality? — Hans J. Morgenthau. matter of 10. km. this way or that. This line of dunes was crucial to the defense of Sinai, he maintained. The canal reopening, far from being an advantage to Israel as Labor contended, would introduce massive Soviet and Egyptian naval flottilas into the Red Sea and within striking distance of Bab el Mandeb, he said. Why did the government act as though the canal re- opening and cities rehabili- tation were goodwill gestures by Egypt to Israel when tb reverse should be the case The government should shake itself free of the war trauma and act from a posi- tion of strength and be pre- pared to go to the brink for its vital interests, Sharon urged. The new Knesset—Israel's eighth—was sworn into office Monday in festive ceremonies presided over by President Ephraim Katzir during which inter-party rivalries were set aside — for the moment at least — and gregarious good- will prevailed. "It was like shul on Yom Kippur with everybody shaking every- body's hand and saying `mazal tov,' " one observer remarked. The MKs dis- carded the casual attire that distinguishes Israel's parlia- ment from most others in the world and attended the opening in jackets and ties. Women members and the wives and daughters of MKs were resplendent in their finery. Premier Golda Meir, as the oldest member, was sworn in first and she administered the oath to the other 116 members present. Three MKs were absent. In the first order of business, the new Knesset re-elected Laborite Yisrael Yeshayahu as speak- er, something of a surprise in view of reported wide-spread dissatisfaction with Yesha- yahu's alleged lack of control over the last Knesset. He was supported by all parties except the Rakah Commu- nists, and Likud which voted for its own candidate, former Supreme Court Justice Ben- jamin Halevy. Katzir had all members rise in memory of Israel's war dead and David Ben- Gurion. He offered a prayer that all Israeli prisoners in enemy hands and the war wounded still recovering in hospitals will "soon be with us again." The president also spoke of "a ray of hope" emanating from the disen- gagement agreement signed with Egypt last Friday a the Geneva peace conferent___ He noted that this Knesset was considerably younger than any of its predecessors and included many more native-born Israelis. Mrs. Meir spoke briefly and in general terms, reserv- ing her major political state- ment on disengagement and related matters for the first debate of the new Knesset. It would be inconceivable if the "get rich quick" mentality and social inequi- ties of the 1967-73 period re- turned now with the trauma of the Yom Kippur War still fresh. She said much needed to be changed, above all a willingness was required of each individual citizen to make sacrifices on behalf of the state and the nation. Mrs. Meir called for high standards of debate and be- havior in the new Knesset.