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January 11, 1974 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1974-01-11

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Friday, January 11, 1974-9

Jewish Education Fellowships Planned

Fellowships for graduate
Classifieds Get Quick Results
study in Jewish education
will be offered through a
special new program of the
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Hyman Safran, IJL chair-
The announcement of the
fellowships, which will com-
mence in September, was
made at a meeting of the
advisory council Fellowships
in Jewish Education Leader-
ship Program (FIJEL),
which is under the auspices
of the Institute of Jewish
The fellowships will pro-
vide stipends for study com-
bining advanced work in edu-
cation and Jewish studies in
approved college and uni-
versity programs. FIJEL
fellows will also participate
in an ongoing seminar pro-
gram and perform super-
vised field work during their
courses of study.
Safran, a past president of
the Jewish Welfare Federa-
tion of Detroit, is the second
chairman of the Institute for
Jewish Life, a division of
the Council of Jewish Feder-
ations and Welfare Funds.
Federation treasurer
George M. Zeltzer, a former
chairman of its education
division, is a member of the
Fellowships in Jewish Educa-
tion Leadership advisory
Detailed information re-
garding the fellowships may
be obtained from Robert
Lapidus, FIJEL project co-
ordinator, Institute for Jew-
ish Life, 65 William St.,
Wellesley, Mass. 02181.

Major. Airlines Warned of Possible
Arab Terrorist Attacks in Europe

major airlines have been
warned or a possible series
of Arab terrorist attacks on
aircraft and airport installa-
tions in England, Germany
and Greece, it was reported
here this week.
The warnings were said to
have come from the Inter-
national Air Transport Asso-
ciation (IATA) and Interpol.
The plot was attributed to
about 10 terrorist groups
whose members came from
Beirut and are reportedly
now hiding out in Western
Europe. According to reliable
sources, the warning prompt-
ed the extensive security
measures instituted at Heath-
row Airport near London
over the weekend and which
are continuing and similar
precautions at West German
No new security measures
were reported at Athens air-
Tanks, armored cars and
more than 200 troops sur-
rounded Heathrow in an un-
precedented alert prompted
by reports that Arab terror-
ists planned to shoot down
an airliner with portable So-
viet-made ground-to-air mis-
The cordon was partially
lifted at nightfall when air
traffic is thin but was re-
stored at dawn.

Particular attention was be-
ing paid to the approaches
and takeoff points where ter-
rorists would have the best
chance of hitting low-flying
The alert, unprecedented in
peace-time Britain, has been
linked to reports that Soviet-
made SAM-7 missiles were
smuggled into Belgium in
the luggage of Libyan diplo-
mats. The missiles were said
to be somewhere "on the
loose" in Europe. But there
was no indication of the na-
ture or source of the warn-
ing received by Scotland
The Heathrow emergency
coincided with the arraign-
ment at a magistrate's court
here of three persons sus-
pected of an arms smuggling
attempt on behalf of Arab ter-
They are Allison Thomp-
son, 18, of Santa Barbara,
Calif.; Abdelkebir el-Hakka-
oui, 25, a Moroccan; and
Ather Naseem, 21, a Pakis-
tani. Their hearing was con-
tinued until Monday. All are
being held without bail.
Police sources said detec-
tives questioning the trio have
decided they had no connec-
tion with such known Arab
terrorist organizations as Al
Fatah and Black September.
The detectives were reported
to believe they were part of a


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Moroccan organization dedi-
cated to the overthrow of
King Hassan.
No connection is known to
have been established so far
between alleged activities and
the shooting Dec. 30 of J.
Edward Sieff.
The Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, which
claimed responsibility for
wounding Sieff, has close
links with the Irish Republi-
can Army.
A front organization for the
PFLP has an office in Dub-
lin and is involved with both
the Official and Provisional
wings of the IRA.
Sieff, shot by an unidenti-
fied, hooded assailant, said
in a television interview that
he had no time or opportunity
to observe his attacker.
Asked whether the attack
would make any difference
to the activities of Zionists in
this country he replied firm-
ly: "Not at all, not at all."
Sieff's doctors said that his
life was saved by the mirac-
ulous fact that the bullet hit
his teeth and met resistance.
They also said he may be
home within a week or so.
In Paris, police sources in-
dicated the Palestinian ter-
rorist ring broken up by po-
lice, was preparing major at-
tacks on diplomats and
Rome's Ciampino Airport.
They said questioning of the
suspects, 10 of whom are said
to be Turkish, and examina-
tion of confiscated papers in-
dicate the group was aiming
to strike at unnamed Euro-
pean ambassadors and their
families and at Rome's sec-
ond airport.
The group had been stock-
piling explosives and arms
in a small villa south of Paris
for the past six months, po-
lice said.
British intelligence experts
said that British security
forces are convinced that ex-
tremist guerilla forces are
linking up for coordinated ter-
rorist campaigns throughout
the world.
He was commenting on a
report in the Beirut daily
newspaper Al Liwa that Pal-
estinian guerillas and the
Irish Republican Army have
agreed to joint acts of terror-
ism in Britain.
In Tel Aviv, police have
uncovered a group of extreme
leftists who regard them-
selves as anarchists and call
themselves "T he Black
Front." Five of them have
been arrested.

Brother of Faisal
Snubbed in Brazil

— Seventy Arab and other
personalities ignored invita-
tions to a dinner in Sao Paulo
in honor of Prince Abdul
Rahaman Abdul Assiz, broth-
er of King Faisal. Of the 220
invited, only 150 attended.
Abdul Assiz is visiting
major Brazilian cities, pre-
sumably looking for large
investments. He is also dis-
tributing donations for local
Arab organizations and mos-
At the same time, Mansour
Shallita, head of the Arab
League office in Brazil, an-
nounced an Arab-Brazilian
seminar to be held in Rio at
the beginning of 1974. Invest-
ments and oil supplies will
be discussed at the seminar.
The goal of the new Fed-
eration of Arab Entities of
the Americas is to deny
Latin Ame-ritari political sup-
port to Israel.

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