8-Friday, December 7, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Africans Chided for Their Insensitiveness (Continued from Page 1) great and the mighty, but show toughness and abide by your "principles" when it concerns the small, the weak and the isolated. All the examples I quoted above are of aggressive pow- ers, yet you did not sever re- lations with them. On the oth- er hand you chose this time to sever relations with the attacked, when he was fight- ing for his very survival! Believe me, this action will not gain you any glory! But it's not this that I wanted to discuss with you, rather something that you hold most dear: racism that oppresses peoples, and degrades human dignity. Apparently you have very little knowledge of world history. The Jewish problem preceded the Negro prob- lem in the world. We were the victims of racial discrim- ination long before you were, long before the discovery and the conquest of the Black Continent. We were the "Ne- groes" of Europe and they used to measure the arch of our noses and the distance between our ears, and put our "hyper" industriousness to the test, long, long before they "discovered" that the thickness of your lips, the curliness of your hair, the shape of your skull and your natural "indolence", 'are the signs of racial inferiority. By all the rules of racial prejudice we should have found ourselves in one and the same boat. This was to be expected because in the first place it is not we who were the slave traders and the plantation owners in the southern states of America. And as for slave traders— their address is only too well known: they continue to trade in members of your race down to the present day. Positively speaking, the Jews were among the pioneers of your liberation and equality, beginning with the disciples of Karl Marx the Socialist, down to the disciples of Herzl the Zionist. If I may be allowed to with Israel became apparent this week with the announce- Very often you yourself have ing for war and declaring ly, and if I assume that there ment that Christian and Mos- declared that we're entirely their intention to liquidate is a great measure of politi- lent African leaders are plan- free from the air of disdain the state of Israel. There was cal infantility and empty and "superiority," unlike the no question of territory then. boastfulness in your action, Europeans who come as "en- Before the 1967 war the Is- coupled with a crying insen- lightened" patrons to offer raelis were neither in Sinai sitiveness toward a people you advice, for they come nor in the Gaza Strip, neither that are open to error like merely to reap neo-colonial- in the West Bank, nor in the all other people, but unlike ist profits from the natural Golan Plateau, nor at Sharm other nations is forced con- treasures in your country. el-Sheikh. Yet the Arabs stantly and incessantly to Moreover, members of my people in the United States have for generations strug- gled for the equality of rights of members of your race who were degraded and exploited by the "white" regime there. But that is how you repay us. Yet you expect us to respect your decisions and perhaps also the "one-party" regimes that you are setting up in many African states under the banner of a progressive and faultless "Third World." You know very well who it was that launched the at- tack in the Middle East this time. Yet -you side with the aggressors because you be- lieve that "historically" it is they that are attacked, and are fighting for their rights. May I be permitted to ask: Do you recognize our rights in our country? It is a human right, just as your right to independence. If you don't, why did you establish diplo- matic relations with us at all, before you decided to sever them? And if you do recognize our rights perhaps you will also recognize the necessity of bringing about a detente between ourselves and our rivals in the Arab camp. In a spirit of compromise, the Jews had, at one time, proposed to the Arabs the es- tablishment of a bi-national state — yet they rejected it. The United Nations in 1948 suggested the establishment of two states in Palestine—a Jewish state and a Palesti- nian state, but the Arabs re- jected the UN decision and launched an armed attack against us. For 20 years, from 1947 until 1967, the Is- raelis proposed peace and mutual recognition between the Jews and the Arabs, but teach you a brief lesson in the Arabs replied by prepar- history, I would draw a com- parison between two holo- causts—that of the negroes who were uprooted from the tribes and loaded like cattle onto boats, beaten to death on the high seas, and trans- formed into beasts of burden under a regime of slavery in the southern states of Amer- ica—and that of the Jews who were uprooted from their townlets in Europe and loaded like cattle onto freight trains, to be burned in the crematoria, or at best doomed to slavery in the fac- tories of the Third Reich. But No! Instead of stretching out a brotherly hand to a fellow sufferer you give us a re- sounding smack in the face at a time when we are fight- ing for our existence. What have we done to you? In what way have we sinned against you that you have risen so gallantly to stick a knife in our back? As for myself, I have been teach- ing at the, Afro-Asian Insti- tute under the auspices of the Histadrut for the last 10 years. Thousands of Africans and Asians have studied the principles of development, cooperation and practical so- cialism there. Thousands of people from my country have gone out to your countries in Ex-Nazi Sympathizer Urged by Wiesenthal 73 Refuse Nobel Prize VIENNA—Nazi hunter Si- mon Wiesenthal, head of the Jewish Documentation Cen- ter, urged Konrad Lorenz, winner of the 1973 Nobel Prize for medicine to re- nounce the award because of his Nazi sympathies during World War II. Lorenz, an Austrian pro- fessor lecturing on the be- havior of animals, won the prize for his scientific re- search on geese. Wisenthal said that in an article in 1940, Lorenz supported the idea of "extermination of ethnic inferior life." In a letter to Lorenz, a copy of which was sent to the Nobel Prize committee, Wiesenthal said, "In the name of Jewish victims of the Nazi regime, I appeal to you to renounce the Nobel Prize to show that you no longer support these ideas." in BIRMINGHAM at launched the war with the struggle for its existence. declared intention of pushing Editor's Note: The tragedy the Jews into the sea. I can't recall your having severed of Africans' abandonment of relations with the Arab states friendship and cooperation that inscribed genocide on their banners. Now, you speak about the return of territories—of all the territories, else you cut your diplomatic relations with us. In other words, un- less the Egyptians return to within 70 kilometers of Tel Aviv, and the Jordanian ar- my to within one kilometer of our Knesset, and the Syr- ian army to within several hundred meters overlooking the whole of the upper Gali- lee and the Egyptian army to within several score me- ters from the Sharm el- Sheikh Straits; unless we bare our bosoms and lay? open the heart of our cities to constant military threat, you sever all connections with him who refuses to com- mit suicide. In other words our blood is free to spill on the altar of your diplomatic games, which are played thousands of kilometers away from the zones of danger, in the lobbies of the UN or in the demonstrative confer- ences in Algiers. I count myself among the moderates in all that con- cerns guarantees for our safety, but we shall not per- mit you to make politics with the blood of our young peo- ple and with the physical ex- istence of our children and grandchildren. You may think that, dressed in your diplomatic frock-coat and top hat, you have al- ready reached political ma- turity and statesmanship, but you have still a lot to learn from much older states; you have still a lot to learn from your history and our history. Meantime, forgive me if I do not take your flippancy and lightheadedness too serious- One ning an intercession with the Vatican to demand a return of control of East Jerusalem to the Arabs. WILSON-CRISSMAN CADILLAC CALL BUS. MI 4-1930 RES. 642-6836 1350 N. 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