'A Passion for Truth' Heschel's Overpowering Posthumous Classic Just before his death, Abra- ham Joshua Heschel com- pleted a book of essays re- plete with Hasidic tales, marked by the impassioned love for justice that has dis- tinguished the noted scholar. Farrar, Straus and Giroux just issued this volume under the title "A Passion for Truth." Deeply moving, in- formative, inspired, this vol- ume may well have emerged as the most important of Prof. Heschel's writings. "A Passion for Truth" is a combination of philosophy, religious fervor, love of man- me with chains. I never had the courage to break the chains and entered into joys with my shortcomings in mind. I owe intoxication to the Baal Shem, to the Kotz- ker the blessings of humilia- tion. "The Kotzker's presence recalls the nightmare of men- dacity. The presence of the Baal Shem is an assurance that falsehood dissolves into compassion t h r ()ugh the power of love. The Baal Shem suspends sadness, the Kotz- ker enhances 'it. The Baal Shen' helped me to refine my sense of immediate mys- tery; the Kotzker warned me of the constant peril of for- feiting authenticity. "Honesty, authenticity, in- tegrity without love may lead to the ruin of others, of oneself, or both. On the other hand, love, fervor, or exaltation alone may seduce us into living in a fool's Paradise—a wise man's Hell." There is an immense amount of fascination in Heschel's "A Passion for Truth." There is a chapter entitled "Money, Pfui!" Con- cerned with "separating wall between the sacred and the secular," he again turned to his Hasidic teacher: "The Kotzker was disgusted with the debauchery of mak- ing money. Outraged by the scandals of the world, he re- DR. A. J. HESCHEL fused to join his people in kind, devotion to his people. the pursuit of material good. He defined the Kabala, drew `Discard the world!' Money- upon the teachings of the Pfui!" Baal Shem Tov and the Kotz- ker Rebbe. He offered a study of Soren Kierkegaard, the eminent Danish philosopher and theo- logian, and describing "The Affinity of Strangers" he in- dicated an equation between the world famous Dane and the "hardly known" Kotzker by stating: "When, long ago, I began to read the works of Kier- kegaard, the father of mod- ern existentialism, I was sur- prised to find that many of his thoughts were familiar to me. I realized that a number of his perspectives and basic concerns had reached me from the teachings of the Kotzker." For students of Philosophy, Kabala and Hasidism, for existentialists, for philoso- phers of all faiths, this may be a revelation. At the same time the new Heschel book provides them with a great textbook to evaluate the phi- losophy of the world's great- est minds. Dr. Heschel naturally com- menced with the Baal Shem, the father of Hasidism. He had been "taught about in- exhaustible mines of meaning by the Baal Shem," and from the Kotzker he "learned to detect immense mountains of absurdity standing in the way." The explanation: Thus, radicialism and the "battle for faith" receive their due analyses, and the Kotzker's guidance is a phi- losophy brilliantly outlined and adhered to in a great work by a great scholar. Equated with Kierkegaard and other scholars, the Kotz- ker's teachings are the reve- lations that inspire the phi- losophy Heschel shares with his students and readers. Another subject for intel- lectual fascination, "Sar- casm," receives this treat- ment: "Learning to know dread is an adventure which every man has to confront if he would not go to perdition .. He therefore who has learned rightly to be in dread has learned the most important thing . . . The greater the dread, . the.greater the man ... "Dread is the possibility of freedom. Only this dread is by the aid of faith absolutely educative, consuming as it does all finite aims and dis- covering all their deceptions. "The Kotzker found dread an effective instrument in his desire to subdue self-asser- tion in his disciples and to in- tensify their estrangement from the world. A passage from Johann George Ham- ann, quoted on the final page of Kierkegaard's 'The Con- cept of Dread, sheds light on the meaning of this strategy: "This dread, which we ex- perience in the world, is the only proof of our heterogene- ity. For if we lack nothing, we should do no better than the pagans and the transcen- dental philosophers who know nothing of God and like fools fall in love with this precious w orl d; no homesickness would attack us. This imper- tinent uneasiness, this holy hypochondria, is perhaps the fire whereby we sacrifical animals must be salted and preserved from the decay of the passing age. "We all claim we want truth and integrity in our lives. Honesty in relation to ourselves and to other selves is a quality that determines the attainment of basic vir- tues. But do we honestly de• sire honesty, and is it easily r attainable? The heart plays cruel and bitter jokes on us; imperceptibly, almost unwill- ingly, we become guilty of deceiving others as well as ourselves." Then there is the definition for the subject of sarcasm: "Dour and tragic, strongly introspective, grim, strange, deep, persistent, doubting, contradictory, des pa i r in g, OMMOIS• ■ •.••• ■•■■■••■•0■ 00M1•11 ■0■ 10.4 ■ 04 ■ 14MOAIN00 ■ 1•0 ■ •••• ■1■ 0•1 ■ 0 Boris Smolar's 'Between You ... and Me' Editor-in• Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1973, JTA Inc.) MONUMENTAL CONTRIBUTION: A monumental con- tribution to Jewish culture and heritage was proudly pre- sented by the YIVO Institute of Jewish Research. It is a four-volume "History of the Yiddish Language" by Dr. Max Weinreich, tracing 1,000 years of Yiddish and of the Ashkenazi culture of which Yiddish is the bearer. It took Dr. Weinreich 50 years of hard and diligent labor from the time he started planning his gigantic project till he completed his manuscript. Shortly before his death in New York in 1969, he still managed to read the first proof of his lifetime work and to make necessary corrections, Dr. Weinreich was the founder of YIVO--the largest depository of historical material on the life of the Jewish communities in East European lands. He was the guiding spirit of this institute of Jewish research from the time it was founded in Vilna, Poland, in 1925 and later when it was re-established in New York. He was a professor at Columbia University devoting all his life to the advancement of Yiddish. A Center for Advanced Jewish Studies bearing his name was estab- lished by YIVO at Columbia under a charter granted by the New York State Board of Regents. * * * ASHKENAZI CULTURE: American Jews are practically all Ashkenazim or descendants from Ashkenazi families who immigrated to this country from lands in Central and East- ern Europe. There are very few Sephardic Jews today in the United States, although the Sephardim were the first Jewish newcomers to this country in the years following the expulsion of all Jews from Spain and Portugal. Although Dr. Weinreich's work is not intended to be a history of Ashkenazim, it nevertheless brings out directly and indirectly important high points in their history. Dr. Weinreich centered on four periods of Yiddish. The first dates back to more than 800 years ago when the Ashkenazi Jews lived in the part of Europe now known as Germany. The second period, which the author calls Alt-Yiddish (old Yiddish), embraces the years 1250-1500, when Jews were persecuted in Central European countries and left for Slavic lands in Eastern Europe. The third period in the Mittel-Yiddish (middle Yiddish) period of 1500-1700 was marked by the 30 Years of War, by pogroms on Jews, by edicts against Jews and by Jews concentrating in townships and villages—all this affecting their vocabulary and bringing in new words into use in their Jewish daily life. The fourth period—the most important in the develop- ment of Yiddish—begins with the 18th Century. Yiddish was during that period influenced by urbanization, by Hasidism, by slow political emancipation of Jews, by the growth of Jewish political groups and cultural movements, by a growing Yiddish literature, school system and press. hopeful, angry — the Kotz- ker's sarcasm reflected the intense sincerity of an ex- plosive soul. I believe this brilliant spirit denied itself the joy of expression, for he wrote no books for posterity. "Neither Kirkegaard nor the Kotzker is an ingratiat- ing figure. It is not the mag- netism of their personality that attracts us. It is a recog-. nition of our own ache that drives us to them." It is an endless philosophic study leading up to the ex- periences and the agonies of the present and the Kotzker's legacy for our time, as Hes- chel sums it up, is: "He taught us never to say fare- well to Truth; for God laughs at those who think that false- ness is inevitable. He also enabled us to face wretched- ness and survive. For Truth is alive, dwelling somewhere, never weary. And all of man. kind is needed to liberate it." That's how Heschel offers faith to his generation in a volume of great immensity. "A Passion for Truth" vides the inspiration. It tainly is among Heschel's best works. Ben Jones' Interest in Words Produces Charming Book of Poems, Issued by Children ANNIVERSARY Ben Jones has long been actively interested in many This day, beyond that first day to heaven returns to take its local causes. His marriage to place in Genesis. Esther Kasle linked him to Eden through Eve to morning, then a kiss repeats its wonder the family prominent in seven times seven unto Zionist, cultural and educa- eternity. tional activities. In the Jones Let us walk then on grass, through rain, in warmth again family — his brother and and again, each walk a kiss, sister-in-law, Harry and Jen- each kiss an embrace taut within Adam's reach. nie Jones, have similarly MY SON THE DOCTOR A long time ago it was ordained to be That David would graduate an honor M.D. He holds the stethoscope with a steady hand, His bedside manner is divinely grand. He opens your mouth and makes you say — "ah!" He taps your chest for bronchial catarrh. He dispenses pills and lotions too. There is nothing in medicine that he can't do. As David's Mom I'm as proud as can be, My son David the Doctor has just turned three. BEN JONES been in top communal and social ranks—the Ben Jones' names have been synonymous with communal delineations. Now his children make his name even more popular by honoring him, on his recent 60th birthday, with a volume of his poems. "In honor of Dad," Judy and Mark Petricoff, Linda and Ed Morse, Karen and David Stutz and David Jones compiled the poems. Under the title "These, Them and Those," they issued a book, limited to 100 copies, printed by Carolingian Press, Stock- ton, N.J. From high school on, Ben Jones, was always interested in words and the sounds they created. He soon found him- self putting words together which led to the writing of poetry. In 1953 he attended a night course at Wayne State University in creative writing and from then on he found time while on airplanes during business trips, or in the small hours of the early morning at home, to put his inner sounds and words to- gether. Ben Jones was born in New York City, on Jan. 25, 1912. He attended New York Uni- versity and majored in busi- ness administration. After working four years in the retail furniture business he married Esther Kasle and came to Detroit to work for k Kasle Steel Corporation. have three married (14_,,a- ters, one son, and six grand- children. Many are the topics affect- ing human interests that were dealt with by Ben * * Jones. Here are a couple of YIDDISH AND ARAMAIC: One does not necessarily have samples from his poetic to be a Yiddishist to recognize the great value which the dishes: massive work of Dr. Weinreich will have for Jewish culture for generations to come. In a way, Yiddish today can be compared to the Ara- Argentine Media Charged With Bias maic language used by Jews centuries ago in the Mediter- ranean area. Some prayers in Aramaic are being recited in Coverage of Middle East Conflict He said Arab influence in BUENOS AIRES (JTA) — "The Kotzker restricted me, by Jews all over the world even today. Kol Nidre, the most debunked cherished attitudes. solemn prayer on Yom Kippur is, for instance, in Aramaic. Coverage of the Middle East the press was particularly From the Baal Shem 1 re- The Kadish is in Aramaic. Parts of the Hagada—like "Ho war was heavily biased in strong in the provinces but ceived the gifts of elasticity Lakhmo" and the merry song "Had Gadya"—are in Ara- favor of the Arabs during the less so in the capital. first days of the conflict, Dr. in adapting to contradictory Meanwhile, a special Latin maic. conditions. Just as Yiddish flourished as the language of the Jews Nehemia Resnizky, secretary American assembly in soli- "The Baal Shem dwelled in till the Nazis annihilated 6,000,000 of them in Europe, so of the .DAIA, reported at a darity with Israel ended here my life like a lamp, while the was Aramaic flourishing centuries ago as the language of special session of the Argen- with an appeal to all gov- Kotzker struck like lightning. Jews in the Middle East who knew no Hebrew. Even the tine Jewish representative ernments and peoples in La- To be sure, lightning is more tin America as well as else- Talmud and the Bible were translated into Aramaic for body. authentic. Yet one can trust Resnizky said that meas- where "to act positively" in these Jews. a lamp, put confidence in it; Aramaic is still today the living language of small ures to counter the distorted order to obtain peace and one can live in peace with a groups of Jews in Syria and Lebanon. You meet some of presentation of the news justice for all peoples in the lamp. these Jews now in New York and they speak to you in were undertaken by the Middle East. "The Baal Shem gave me The assembly was called Aramaic. Religious Jews in the United States and all over DAIA, the Buenos Aires Ke- wings; the Ifotzker encircled the world still recite today in the synagogues the "Akdomot" hilla and the Argentine Zion- by the Latin American Jew- ish Congress. ist Federation. 48 Friday, November 9, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS on Shavuot. —