SCHMIER understi REAL PROBLEMS of Sc ELECT A MAN who will bring top-level legal experience to the Southfield City Council. Widely respected as Michigan — Abe Schmier has a reputation for fairness! His experience in handling billions of dollars fu developers provides Southfield with a unique opportunity to utilize his knowledge to the advantage of its important decision. By electing him to the Southfield City Council — you will be adding A LEVEL-HEADED, ABE BELIEVE OUR C ey MAKE SOUTHHELD A SAFER PLACE TO 1VE! More police and fire protection. Of cc But I want police patrols where citizens r protection. In night-time parking lots, s ping centers, schools! • 9MPROVE PROGRAMS FOR ouR SEMOR OMZENS Southfield owes a responsibility to the'.. ly. The retired. The lonely! Facilities mus available for them to spend their time d things they enjoy. And these facilities r be dispersed throughout the city — so can use them! O USE OUR TAX DOLLARS P E FFFCF Waste and inefficiency cannot be tolera Instead of constantly raising taxes, I bW in finding ways to reduce expenses witl cutting services. I've done it for huge L.c. rations. I can do it for Southfield! VOTE