Purely Commentary The Roll Call . . . Counting Enemies and Friends, By Philip Crisis of Israel's Critical Confrontations SiOmOvitz With Gratitude for Libertarians' Emergence in The Roll Call . . . Me et Our People's Friends and Know the Enemy There is a roll call. Israel is being threatened with annihilation, and in the struggle for life the enemies are apparent, the friends are asserting themselves. If not for Russia there would be peace in the Middle East. The Soviet Union establishes it on her own ac- cord. History will know how to judge the chief enemy of the Jewish peo- ple. The Lynch Mob at the UN Another Book of Lamentations is being written by the modern diplomats. In the hope that Israel will emerge in dignity with a retention of sovereignty, there must be the admission that the scars of battles are being taped with infamy. In what had been expected to develop into a great international organization of honor there is, instead, a cesspool of hatred. An impartial observer — Robert Alden — reporting on a shocking demonstration of hatred and bigotry at the UN Security Coun- cil, which appeared under the combined headings "UN's Anti-Israel Tone ... Debate Over Current Fighting Reflects a Hostilit• Brewing for Many Years," opened his au alysis of the buildup as follows: UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Oct. 10 — The Security Council met yesterday in an atmosphere filled with hostility toward Israel. "At times I felt I was in the middle of a lynch mob," said one delegate of the atmosphere in the packed Council chamber . . . When Yakov A. Malik, the Soviet rep- resentative, shouted at the Israeli dele- gate, "The Soviet delegation is unwilling to hear excuses and condolences from a representative of the murdrers and inter- national gangsters," the room exploded with prolonged applause — an outburst not considered proper in the Council chamber. Alden wrote the brief summary on the UN Security Council occurrence in the Sunday New York Times Week in Re- view Section, stating: Expiating on a bombing of the Soviet Embassy in Damascus that had not, in fact, taken place, the Soviet representa- tive, Yakov Malik, called Premier Golda Meir and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan "international criminals whose hands have been made filthy by the bloody crime and the assassination of foreign nationals." Mr. Malik walked out of the chamber as the Israeli representative was speaking. Accusing Mr. Malik of using the methods of the Nazi propagandist JoSef Goebbels, the Israeli representative, Yosef Tekoah, said, "I have listened to your definition of what criminal, barbar- ian military actions are. Well, let me tell you one thing, by this definition which you threw at us, all of the Soviet mar- shals and generals and officers and soldiers who defended themselves against the Nazi aggressors in the Second World War should be considered crim- inals and barbarians — and no one in his right mind would suggest that." Yet, the Russian suggests it, the Young Socialist Alliance and the Progressive Labor Party are propagating Israel's destruction (Jewish illiberal liberals please note). * • r The Arabs are deluded into a hatred that causes 18 vastly rich na- tions to affirm a denial of the right to live to a numerically small people in a tiny area in the vast expanse of Arabian, oil-rich territories. A sense of gratitude motivates the appreciation of Jews everywhere of the humanitarian role of noble Chris- tians who realize the dangers ahead and who will not tolerate another Holocaust. This is exactly what the present situation holds in store: a defeat of Israel could well mean utter destruc- tion of the entire Jewish state. It has become apparent that the blessings of the Six-Day War were the miracles of setting up a boundary between life and death. It meant es- tablishing an area whence the heart- land of Eretz Israel could not be at- tacked too easily. The doves now ad- mit it. Military strategists support that view in defense of Israel's posi- tion. It is in the defense of the lifeline that Israel's friends are asserting themselves and the enemies are so evident. The roll call is a vital one. Heading the list of Israel's defenders is the Jewish people itself. May no one in our ranks ever falter in de- fense of justice for kinsmen fighting for freedom and their very lives. Nations. Among the few who took note of CBS and False Rumor Spreading It stands to reason that war correspon- cencies at the world organization, in its treatment of Israel, he advised: "We'd bet- dents in Tel Aviv, Cairo, Damascus, Beirut ter 're-think' the United Nations before it is and other areas must depend upon official too late." He had the wisdom to assail the communiques for developments on the bat- "spectacle of ineptness and weakness" at tlefields. If they do not report them as such, they doctor the news. That's what the the UN. Two days later, Judd Arnett recognized Damascus CBS representative seems to have another injustice and he had the courage to done. It was he who gave emphasis to the utter a challenge: "Our Choice in Mideast is false rumor that Israeli pilots killed 30 Morality or Oil." His summation: Russians in the USSR Embassy in Damas- "Oil is perishable; morality is not. That cus. He told stories of witnessing children is the essence of this challenge and if wen i agony after Israeli attacks. He sounded are to deserve future recognition If he wasn't, he'll have to prove it. , as a great biased. He should have much explaining to do when nation, we we should not of forget it." among our this is all over. Surely, doctored news must When speak the wise .,eighbors, let us remember the name Judd not be tolerated.* * * Arnett. And now his name should be linked Now . . . Concern for Detente amr-vz.; the very courageous in the journal- • Damage to the Detente? istic raternity. It was apparent in the earliest hours of * the conflict. U.S.-USSR relations may he The Detroit News Brands Us Political: Owes Apology to Jewish Community Whose fault is it? Accumulated infamy attributable to ani- James Reston offered the following in the mosities toward Israel and possible preju- New York Times: dicial attitudes will include irresponsible Though President Nixon appealed to members of the advertising staff of the Chairman Brezhnev to cooperate in get- ting a cease-fire along the Suez, and Sec- Detroit News. Last Friday the Detroit News carried the retary of State Kissinger urged Huang same advertising copy that appeared in The Hua of China here to cooperate in a big- Jewish News — of the same date — re- power effort to stop the fighting, the garding the "hour of crisis" for Israel, over plain fact is that Washington got no the imprimatur of the Allied Jewish Cam- cooperation. paign-Israel Emergency .Fund. (The only Huang Hua said it was "perfectly just" for the Arab countries to "rise in exception in the Detroit News ad was that resistance to the invading enemies of it did not carry the names of Louis Berry their own sacred territories." Yakov and I. William Sherr). Malik of the Soviet Union not only sup- But there was one other difference: the ported the military activities of Egypt Detroit News committed the crime of insult- and Syria against Israel, but criticized ing the Jewish community by labeling the the United Nations Security Council for advertisement at the very top as: even raising the question at the UN. PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Meanwhile — and this is the main Let the facts be known: point — the information coming here to The Detroit News insisted upon payment the United Nations was that the Soviet in advance for this ad and called it a politi- Union, while committed to reduce ten- cal ad. sions under the Nixon-Brezhnev agree- That's just fine: ment, was actually urging Algeria, Leb- The credit of the Jewish community anon and particularly the King of Jordan wasn't much good to that ignoramus, and to get into the war against Israel. the advertising representative of the Detroit This is not a casual or frivolous re- News insisted on advance cash payment. port. The fact is that while the United What it failed to take into account is States has been talking to Moscow and that when the j.ewish community needs Peking about reducing tensions, while someone to judge our people we will do our Mr. Kissnger has been talking to Soviet own choosing. Ambassador Dobrynin in Washington But the Detroit News resorted to an in- about cooperating for peace, cutting mili- sult on more than the mere ground of not tary forces on both sides of the Iron trusting us. It also chose to fall into the Curtain, and working together for peace trap of the Arab and Russian propagandists in the Middle East, the Soviets have been who created a lynch atmosphere at the increasing their military budget in Cen- United Nations by calling Israel's battle tral Europe and meanwhile urging Al- for her very life as merely political. geria, Lebanon and Jordan to get into the Whatever the background, the Detroit Middle Eastern war. News owes an apology to the entire Jewish Here are the culprits! community. Who can stop them? The Detroit News, by labeling a philan- After Hungary and Czechoslovakia and thropic advertisement as political accepted a welfare fund under false pretenses. We the prosecution of liberals and persecution of Jews, what power is there to halt the begrudge that, too. Oh, the Katzap ! In crisis, when a nation is fighting for its Russiari onslaught on civilization? All that's left to do is to aid Israel in What's the origin of the term katzap ap- very life, no one dares insult the kinsmen resisting all attempts to destroy her. With plied to Russian bullies by Jews? What's of those threatened with annihilation. (A query to the Detroit News: the issue the limited aid from this country, we hold the significance of fonye ganef? Whatever it is, the terms were never that branded our agonies as political also fast to hope and are comforted by the no- applied in public debates. But Malik the carried a two-page advertisement inserted bility of Christians who will not permit Jewry being sold down the river bully at the UN walked out when Tekoah by Ronald Portnoy of Pants Galore Stores Israel and. and power chicaneries. oil of swoloshch. offering a dollar to the Israel Emergency began to speak with a shout of Only a Russian bully would resort to epi- Fund from the sale of every pair of thets at an international assembly. pants sold during the emergency. It was Senator Griffin's Role Never give up hope that our legislators * for the same cause. Why wasn't that big- income-to-the-Detroit-News labeled political? will fail to give Israel comfort in the A Salute to Judd Arnett struggle for life. A salute to and an expression of appre- Answer that, too, Detroit News!) Yet, there are the hesitant and the pan- (And we deplore the trap the Jewish ciation for the comments of Free Press icked. Is Robert Griffin one of them? Welfare Federation fell into by having its columnist Judd Arnett. Read this letter that appeared in the First, he spoke out against the mockery philanthropic copy branded political. Why of "Mankind's Peace Hopes" by the United did Federation submit to becoming the vic- New York Times: To the Editor: the shocking defilement of all common de- tim of an insult to our entire community?) With the Middle East once more aflame, opinion makers here are facing THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 2—Friday, October 19, 1973 - 1•■■ 1_ 1=11- the question of possible United States involvement should Israel require active armed assistance. If the reaction of Sen- ate Minority Whip Robert ,Griffir. Michigan gains wide approval among movers and shakers of this country, then Israelis, should defeat loom larger than it does now, had best resign themselves to annihilation. Senator Griffin, in response to a news- man's likening of possible U.S. interven- tion in the Middle East to the shambles of our role in Southeast Asia, was quick to predict that Congress and the Presi- dent would be unwilling to run the risk of another such debilitating fiasco—even for Israel's sake. He fails to realize that to place Israel and South Vietnam in the same context is to exhibit the faulty logic of a nation demoralized by protracted and fruitless carnage. Should this or some future threat to Israel's survival grow grave, there could be no better redemption of U.S. honor than by our rescue — no other word is adequate — of a heroic little ally that has fought outnumbered and alone for too long. Maryellen Lowe Hausman The Fulbright Animus In justice to Michigan's junior senator, he is credited with an afterthought, in com- pliance with American policy, to favor strong U.S. aid to Israel. If those who were hesitant had been more firm, as Senator Henry M. Jackson is, con- sistently, we'd have less to fear from ob- structions. But William Fulbright remains a major obstructionist! Senator Fulbright is not only antagonistic to Israel: his attitude is one of animus to American Jewry. The charge that Jews con- trol the Congress is shocking and it is in- sulting to legislators who express a desire for Israel's survival. Isn't there a bit of compassion in the Fulbright heart? Doesn't he realize that a very tiny nation is fighting for life in an are of hatred, under stress of being threatened with extermination? Senator Mike Mansfield also is far from friendly, but at least he doesn't condone isolating Israel completely. Indeed, this is a time for a roll call of enemies as well as friends. * * * Is there any one in Christendom who was not shocked by the Yom Kippur Day infamy by Muslims? Who will forget the Holocaust? Prof. A. Roy Eckardt and his wife have always been among the most consistent in reminding the world of the sins of the 1930s and 1940s, and Dr. Eckardt is among the first to warn not to permit an- other great sin in this letter to the NYTimes: To the Editor: The Christian world was very larg, silent and complicitous before the Nazi genocide of Jews. Its silence and "neu- tralism," and even pro-Arabism, amid the attempted second holocaust of 1967 are well known. With the Yom Kippur war of 1973, Christians and the churches are given the opportunity to collaborate yet a third time in the unceasing effort to annihilate the Jewish people. The available devices are familiar ones: "even-handedness" and "calls for peace." The answer will be given almost im- mediately. And to the extent that Chris- tian collaborationism is once again forth- coming, a new fact will afflict our con- science: consent to the wicked blasphemy of utilizing the holiest day of the Jewish year to the end of destroying Jews. (Rev.) A. Roy Eckardt Coopersburg, Pa., Oct. 6, 1973 Such warnings can not possibly fall on deaf ears!