16—Friday, October 12, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Memorials Are Held for Danish Jewry Yiddish Leaflets Explain Food Stamps Ah, Those Cinnamon Trees! By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1973, JTA, Inc.) But the cinnamon tree seems to have everything in excelsis. Even the apple pie tastes better with some cinnamon on it. It also is used medically for healing— and it speaks Hebrew! The Jewish Community which would permit them to Council announced that leaf- purchase more food. Similar versions of the lets published in Yiddish, food stamp leaflet already which explain the food stamp are available in Spanish, program, are available from Eskimo and Chinese. This is the Department of Agricul- the first time that the gov- ernment has published a leaf- ture. Through this leaflet, the let in Yiddish. Quantity copies should be government hopes to reach a large proportion of elderly ordered directly from: Mrs. Jewish poor who have not Martha Cashion, Food and mastered the English lan- Nutrition Service, U. S. De- guage. Unused to govern- partment of Agriculture, ment programs, many Jew- Washington, D. C. 20250. For information, contact ish poor have failed to take advantage of this program the Council offices, 962-1880. COPENHAGEN (JTA)—Is- housed in any synagogue in Mrs. Golda Meir and other raeli Ambassador to Denmark the world, according to Rabbi leaders of Israel have been Moshe Leshem and leaders of Saul P. Besser of Temple conferring about plans for the Danish Jewish commun- Shalom. Jerusalem's future. The city ity commemorated the 30th is growing fast. A writer in anniversary of the saving of Kirov Ballet Star the Daily Forward says that D a nish Jews from Nazi- anyone who has not seen First Arab University Immigrates to U.S. I Jerusalem occupied Denmark. in the last four NEW YORK — Alexander years would not recognize it. on West Bank Opens On Oct. 3, 1943, 6,000 Dan- JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Some fear the high rise ish Jews were transferred by Mintz, one of the world's first Arab university on the the Danish underground from leading ballet dancers and buildings that begin to dot choreographers, who was a the city will cause it to lose West Bank opened in the Denmark to neutral Sweden. Anglican monastery in Beth- The ceremony was held at solo performer at the Kirov the special identity which Opera Theater in Leningradwe associate with the city. I lehem. Brother Joseph Marry the "Ryvang" memorial park said it would include faculties and featured recently at La Richard Crossm an, one of in the humanities, science, for war victims here. Scala Opera in Milan, has I the old-time Christian friends • economy and public adminis In Dallas a memorial to arrived in New York. of Zionism has been warn- the 6,000,000 and a tribute to United Hias Service, the ing against this. Some look tration. The university is seeking recognition by uni- the Danish people will be ded- worldwide Jewish migration icated Sunday by the mem- agency, assisted him in his more favorably at this, being versities in Arab countries. eager above all to enlarge bers of Temple Shalom, the emigration. the Jewish population of the newl y constructed Reform city. Christians and Moslems Forgiving Enemies Mintz was met by Mrs. Congregation here. alSo have a special feeling If others speak ill of you, Bent Skou, the counselor to Clive Barnes, wife of the for the city, but the Jew has the Royal Danish Embassy in dance and drama critic of the superior claim. The Bri- let the worst they say seem Washington, will receive the The New York Times, and tish have London, the Arabs to you trifling. But if you will be a house guest of Mr. speak ill of others, let each tribute on behalf of the Dan- and Mrs. Barnes. He plans have many capital cities, trivial remark seem to you ish people. to make his new home in Jews are entitled to one enormous. The tribute to the Danish New York and will pursue capital city. If you have done much people is the only such tribute his professional career here. Jews for 2,000 years when good, let it be in your own Mintz was born in 1940 reciting their prayers turn to eyes as little, but a small in a concentration camp near Jerusalem in their thoughts benefit from others should West Bloomfield the Ural Mountains, where — so every Jew has a right seem to you very great. Golf Country Club Est. he and his mother had been to a voice in the plans for Builders Custom Model If A says to B: "Lend me imprisoned. His father lost the future of Jerusalem. life during World War II. We have our plan — it is your scythe," and B refuses, FOR SALE • his Following his release, Mintz connected with cinnamon and the next day B says to Immediate Occupancy A: "Lend me your shovel," attended elementary school trees! 3,100 Sq. Ft. of QUALITY and A replies, "I will not, in Leningrad and studied The Talmud says that in seeing that you refused to LIVING with 4 bedrms. & ballet at the Leningrad the days of old when the lend me your scythe"—that 4 baths. Many deluxe fea- Choreographic Institute. Jews were in control of Jeru- is revenge (which the Law tures. Includes 110x150 lot salem, the city was aromatic forbids). on the Shenandoah Golf with the scent of cinnamon $84,900 Course. If A says to B, "Lend me trees. on Tequesta Dr. (p- re„,iption)f-\(\ Optical Co. We have often thought of your spade," and B refuses, North of Walnut Lake Rd. this. We would like to restore and the next day B says to A, 3 Blks. W. of Farmington Rd. that smell of the cinnamon "Lend me your scythe," and PRESTIGE BLDG. CO . A replies, "Here it is, for I 26001 COOLIDGE HWY trees to Jerusalem. 682-0333 L! 8-7676 543.3343 OAK PARK When the first agricultural am not like you, who would 145 00' W. 7 MILE (at Lodge) colonies were established in not lend me your spade" — Israel, the settlers imported that is bearing a grudge from far away Australia the (which also is forbidden). eucalyptus tree to help dry — Midrash Sifra. out the swamps. The fragrant odor will keep our finer feelings from drying., up. Millions of Jews have contributed to the Jew- ish National Fund for mil- lions of trees of different kinds to be planted in Israel. Why cannot the JNF launch a project to make Jerusalem again possess that cinnamon scent? When we first read that passage in the Talmud about the city being full of the scent of cinnamon trees, we understood for the first time why the Hebrew prophets PLAN TO ATTEND THIS SALE . YOU WILL POSITIVELY BE THRILLED WITH YOUR PURCHASES! arose in Jerusalem, why Rhinestones David sang his psalms. Can PRICES • one walk about in a city fra- light up black grant with cinnamon and not wool double be inspired? There is another special knit, outlining reason why the cinnamon the jacket Collar tree should enjoy a prefer- ence. The cinnamon tree and eutts. speaks Hebrew. • SUITS • SPORT COATS Onejeweled If you don't believe it, look in your dictionary. We must • TOPCOATS • OVERCOATS confess, we had not known the waist. • RAINCOATS it until recently. The Ameri- can College Dictionary says Underneath . . LARGE SELECTION that the word cinnamon is sleeveless derived from the Hebrew CADETS & PORTLYS quinoman. U neck shell Every time someone says and straight cinnamon, they are speaking Hebrew whether they know leg pants. it or not. 10 to IS There are many wonderful trees. We have lived in the southland and admired the magnolia. It confers a special kind of charm and dignity on the southland. It is beautiful and aromatic, but you don't eat magnolias. There is the peach tree. It produces a fine fruit to eat, 398-9188 but it is not, as we recall, 22141 COOLIDGE, OAK PARK Just South of 9 Mile Rd particularly aromatic. MON., TUES., THURS., SRI. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. There is the apple tree, WED. & SAT. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. MIME ' beautiful, good to eat and Ope Sun. 11 a.m. to 3 .m. even aromatic. '74 Buicks ON SALE NOW ' BUSINESS EXPANSION SALE AT RADON'S CLOTHIERS Vial:11Y AVING adorn Jaifor3 & Cloi4ier3 ) .