Subsidy Freeze Cripples Projects for Elderly By BEN GALLOB (Copyright 1973, JTA, Inc.) Plans to sponsor in San Francisco the fourth low-in- come apartment project for the elderly under auspices of the National Council of Jew- ish Women have been crip- pled by the Nixon adminis- tration freeze on subsidies for such housing. The three completed projects—in Seat- tle, St. Louis and Cleveland —have a total of 300 apart- ment units. The first NCJW-sponsored housing project for the elder- ly is Council Gardens in Cleveland, built under spon- sorship of the NCJW section there, which was opened in November 1963. Council Gar- dens is a garden-type facility of one-story apartments, con- struction of which involved an outlay of $1,450,000. Of that sum, $1,300,000 was the cost of land, building and equipment, and $150,000 was a deposit in trust to comply with terms of a loan of $1,- 250,000 at 3% per cent inter- est, under section 202 of the 1959 federal housing act. It is repayable in 50 years, according to Mrs. Morton L. Mandel, section president. She added that the final $200,000 was raised privately from foundations and inter- ested individuals in the com- munity. Council Gardens operating costs are covered mainly by rental income but a $10,000 annual subsidy from the Cleveland section helps to balance the budget, as does volunteer service by section members in food service and clerical tasks. The total num- ber of apartments is 92-56 efficiency apartments and 24 one-bedroom and 12 two-bed- room units. The monthly rental changes, which in- cludes all utilities, are $110 for efficiencies; $148 for one- bedroom units; and $170 for two-bedroom units. In September 1972, Coun- cil Gardens received permis- sion for rent supplementa- tion for 18 apartments but only 12 tenants are using the rent supplement. Occupancy is 100 per cent Jewish, Mrs. Mandel said. The age range of the tenants is 62 to 90. None are on welfare. Dinners are served in the project din- ing room three evenings a week at $1.80 for a full- course - dinner. Emergency help is available on a 24-hour RABBI- S. ZACHARIASH Specialized MOHEL In Home or Hospital 557-9666 . REV. SIDNEY RUBE Mohel 358-1426 Of 357-5544 ■ RABBI LEO GOLDMAN Expert Mohel Serving Hospitals and Horne: LI 2-4444: . • LI 1-9769! basis. Each apartment is con- month after the project was nected by an emergency call opened, all 144 apartments button intercom with the di- were occupied, with a lengthy rector's office and with a waiting list then and now. nurse's apartment. The tenants at Delcrest The Delcrest in St. Louis, range in age from 62 to 92. which has 172 tenants in its The Council House in Seat- 45 efficiency units and 99 tle was opened in May 1972, one-bedroom apartments, all with 96 efficiency units and but one of them Jewish, was 68 one-bedroom apartments, opened in August, 1967. The renting at $90 and $115 month- St. Louis NCJW section or- ly. Financed by a private ganized Council Apartments, bank loan, the project was Inc. in 1964 as a non-profit built under HUD 236 with its Missouri corporation, eligi- mortgage guaranteed by the ble for a 50-year 3 3/4 per cent Federal Housing Administra- loan from the Community tion for $2,436,000, according Facilities Administration A to Mrs. Sydney Weinstein, 1 1, -acre site was purchased president of the board of for $250,000 near a neighbor- Council House. She said fie hood shopping center and a Seattle section, as sponsor, new doctors building. Coun- pays one per cent over the cil Apartments raised capi- 40-year life of the mortgage. tal funds of $325,000 in ad- with the balance paid by the dition to the government loan federal government. She said of $1,988,000. A low-pres- the section solicited members sure campaign produced that and friends to raise, over a sum from four foundations five-year period, about $75.- and 74_individual gifts. One 000 to cover incidental costs. Censorship Alive Well in M.E. , An Associated Press sur- vey of the status of the world press and the growing cen- sorship problems contains this analysis of the conditions in the Middle East: "In Lebanon, a free-wheel- ing national press demanded —and usually got—a lot of freedom. But in last year, the Lebanese government im- posed censorship during Is- raeli attacks made in retali- ation for the Olympic killings in Munich. "Censorship does not offici- Peoplehood Judaism is an outlook on life which is associated and interwoven ideologically with the history of a people . . . If somewhere in China today an individual were to work out for himself all the ethical and theological principles of Judaism, and live up to them, would that make him a Jew? My answer is no. He would be as good a person as any Jew, and better than most Jews; but he would not be a Jew until he had associat- ed himself with the fellow- ship, and had accepted the responsibilities and instru- mentalities of that fellowship. gIe rt As Sept. 20—To Mr. and Mrs. Gary Faber (Sandi Wagner), 18683 Parklane, Livonia, a son, Seth Adam. . * * * Sept. 17—To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S' hulman (Joela Acre), 41712 Onaway, North- ville, a son, Adam Isaac. * * * Sept. 9—To Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Feldman (Marcy Becker), 22350 Hallcroft, Southfield, a - daughter, Kelli Jill. * C Aug. 31—To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sachs (Kathy Brand), 15020 Northfield, Oak Park, a son, Kenneth Jay. * * * Aug. 28—To Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Miller (Arlene Tyne r), 27530 Arlington, Southfield, a daughter, Dana Nicole. * * * Aug. 26—To Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Miller (Shelley Che- rin), 1668 Graefield, Birming- ham, a son, Blake Emory. ally exist in Egypt, but every foreign correspondent knows that a censor is the first per- son to read his story on its way out of the country. A major problem for foreign correspondents in Cairo is the lack of access to officials. "In Israel, news concern- ing military security, army, oil and some stories of the oc- cupation of Arab territory re- mained on the military cen- sorship list. But there were signs that the rules were be- ing relaxed." Gaza ArabS - See Progress Correspondents around the world are reporting on pro- gress among the Arabs liv- ing in the Gaza Strip. Citrus production has in- creased by 20-30 per cent since 1967. Dr. Fahami Turk, local Arab director of citrus production in the Gaza De- partment of Agriculture, said that widespread spraying has helped to eliminate insects and diseases. A newly tarred road in Gaza passes through orchards and vegetable plan- tations. The Times of Malta cor- respondent said that Arabs have built three new packing houses for the area. Movie theaters closed after the Six-Day War have been opened, and the Gaza foot- ball team has reorganized, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. A mobile van tours refugee camps showing films for children. About 20,000 Arabs cross into Israel to work each day, 5,000 of them to Tel Aviv. The number of workers com- ing into Israel to work has increased because bomb at- tacks on labor offices and workers' buses stopped. The workers receive about IL17 to 20 (about $5) a day, and skilled laborers earn about IL50 (about $12) per day, re- ports the Voiksgazet of Brus- sels. The standard of living has risen, and the population takes advantage of the op- portunities available. Im- proved medical care reduced By MAURICE SAMUEL the infant mortality rate, In "The Professor and the military government and the Fossil" spent more than IL2,000,000 By the instrumentalities I ($500,000) on medical care in mean not only a ritual; and, 1971, said the Belgian corres- as to the ritual, we must re- pondent. member that the Jewish The government also sub- ritual is the expression of s i d iz e s and encourages the history of a people that, building by offering loans when faithful to Judasim, and grants. sees history as a manifesta- tion of God's will. Judaism cannot be separated from the Jewish Bible, the Mishna, the Talmud, the commentators, the Kabala, Hasidism, the Exile, the Restoration, the By RABBI SAMUEL FOX total fact of the Jewish ex- (Copyright 1973, JTA, Inc.) perience: it cannot be sep- It is customary for a Jew arated from these and re- when writing a letter to re- stated in the form of a fer to the date in respect to series of ethical and theolo- the particular portion of the gical theorems. Bible which is read that week There are things that the (e.g., the third day of the Jews believe; but before week of the portion Jethro). these can be understood, one From a practical viewpoint must establish the character this was a means of keeping of the Jewish people in its the Jew involved with the peoplehood. When that has Holy Scriptures as much as been done one may proceed possible. The general idea to inquire: "What do Jews was that the Jew owes his know and believe?" For in identity to the Scriptures the case of the Jew, to ac- which serve as the document cept certain tenets of faith of the covenant between the as abstractions, without a Almighty and the Jewish knowledge of the Jewish people. In the evening serv- people and an informed self- ices the words of Scriptures identification with it, does were referred to as "The not constitute true and re- Life" and the "Duration of liable membership in it. Life" of the Jewish people. Actually, it is the Scriptures It doesn't take a parent which give the Jewish people to be a Girl Scout adult their source of identity, volunteer. Anyone who can their spring-board of hope spare the time, from young and their security for the singles to senior citizens, future. The ideal was to have male or female, can become every Jew involved somehow a Girl Scout leader, assistant with the Scriptures day and leader or consultant. For in- night. Indeed, the daily pray- formation, call the Girl ers contain a host of quota- Scouts of Metropolitan De- tions from the Scriptures. Ad- ditionally, the references to troit, 961-8921. Scriptures in the course of Most people would succeed writing a letter brings about in small things if they were an almost continuous involve- not troubled by great ambi- ment with Scriptures on the tions.—H. W. Longfellow. part of the Jew. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Gemara Wisdom One who desires to be- 54—Friday, Sept. 28, 1973 come a proselyte from love of a Jewess or of a Jew is not accepted. Nor are would- Al •e proselytes from fear, or because of worldly advan- tage, received. But Hab said: t.i. et°‘ – a" k v They are to be received; this A O . ,(k is the Halakha (i.e., the es- tablished rule): they are to +4. 44' Wishing be considered as proselytes; they are not to be repelled All Our at the outset (to test their sin- cerity), and they must have Friends and friendly treatment, for per- Customers haps after all they have be- come proselytes in purity of A motive.—T. J. Kiddushin, 4. Happy, Healthy NEW YEAR Classifieds Get Quick Results Happy Holidays to All Laura & Ilen6 Dien Friday 'til 7, Daily 11-5 1 1 Silly Grin Mrs. R. Leibick That MATERNITY FASHIONS Fine Color Photography at moderate prices. For Appt. Please Call Sizes 3-20- 1 799 COOLIDGE" AT 11 MILE, BERKLEY 542-3964 el 398-1068 Leo and Estelle Berlin OF CHILDREN SHOPPE IN ORCHARD MALL ORCHARD LAKE RD., JUST NORT OF MAPLE WISH THEIR MANY FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS A VERY HEALTHY and HAPPY NEW YEAR Letters Carry Sidra Notation * LISTEN TO . . . 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