Katzir Portrait Set on Stamp in Israel Violet Khoury—'The Arab Golda 20—Friday, Sept. 28, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS if My father allowed me. It was is only in the home, her only 11.11PP1 %EH 1 El By RUTH SELIGMAN JERUSALEM — President JERUSALEM — Violet his belief in me that gave me task to raise children. When Ephraim Katzir has been QUALITY • SERVICE • PRICE Khoury, mother of three, my initial push. I wanted so I was appointed to the coun- presented with an album of who has been elected chair- hard to prove myself, to cil (she served first as a Keren Kayemet stamps bear- man of the Local Council of show him that his faith in member b e f o r e assuming ing his portrait, by the mem- Kfar Yasif, a Christian, Mos- me was justified that I be- chairmanship) I knew that I bers of the Public Committee LEADS THE WAY lem and Druze community of haved extra-modestly. I fol- would have to be twice as for Keren Kayemet Stamps, SO DOES strong and effective in order lowed the traditions and cus- headed by the chairman of 5,000 people in Western Gal- ilee, is a forthright, dynamic toms of the village. Aft er- to complete my career. If I the fund, Jacob Tsur. and perceptive in d iv idu a 1 wards, other fathers let their fail, I will put back the clock The stamp, which is used who knows what she wants daughters go to work. They for Arab w o men every- NORTHLAND FORD by school children thrdugh- and is well on the way to saw that Violet hadn't dis- where." says: - 10 MILE 8 GREENFIELD Khoury As Mrs. out Israel and abroad, is be- achieving it. She is the first g r a c e d her family." Mrs. didn't want to vote "Women this type that Khoury agrees ing issued in IL .25, IL .50 Israeli Arab woman to head a local council which is al- of change does not o c cur for me. When I asked them and IL 1 denominations. most like being the mayor of overnight. "It is a process of for their votes, they said that they co u l dn't give a small town: as a result, evolution, not revolution." me their support. They As many a non-Arab fe- she is the first Israeli Arab said that if they voted for male in this day and age of woman to invade the Arab supposed emancipation me then they were voting world of politics. against the will of their hus- Called the "Golda of Kfar knows, independence is often bands. Yet, w h en I was dependent on the goodwill Yasif," Mrs. Khoury, a grad- chosen, I saw how happy the Tolleisim Mochzorim uate of an English mission- a n d understanding of t h e women were. Until then the A large selection Tell us the synagogue you attend ary high school, was a social male members of the society. Council had been man's do- of sizes, colors and fabrics. correct book. and we will give you the Mrs. Khoury agrees: "The worker for 13 y ea r s. Re- main. Now, when I see first step in helping change cently, she was deputy direc- • We Carry Israeli Newspapers women coming to the Coun- tor of the Arab-Jewish Cul- male attitudes is to show cil offices with their ques- tural Center in Haifa. She is them that the female can tions and problems, I'm Complete Selection of an example both to the young earn money. If a woman is There is something happy. Arab girls in Israel and to n o t economically indepen- wonderful about hearing a J(o3her Wine for Me -14ofiday3 their mothers who lack the dent, she cannot be indepen- woman say, 'Now I know • Carmel • Kedem • Lipschutz strength and energy to assert dent in other spheres." For what a Council is for, that it, themselves in a society where this reason, Mrs. Khoury is is for us — the people of the Please Place Your "every Arab man is a Sultan m o s t anxious to establish village, to serve and help in his own home" and where workshops in Arab villages, customs, laws and behavior "to give the girls who cannot us'." Lulov & Esrog Order Mrs. Khoury is aware that patterns unequivocally favor study at high school the the Arab women in Israel chance to learn a skill which the male. has advanced—comparatively Right Away Education is the key and will provide them with a liv- speaking—very quickly since V i o 1 et Khoury is eternally ing and increase their im- t h e establishment of t h e Mail In Order grateful to her father who portance in the eyes of the state. "She has benefited recognized a n d appreciated male world. It is not enough f r o m the social legislation Nam* her desire to study and learn just to establish sewing or passed in Israel such as the I Address a profession. "Actually, from cooking courses. You can't "Equal Rights for Women" my experience I would say make a real living from just law passed in 1951 and from Zip City that the previous generation having learned to sew. We contact with the modern Jew- may be less conservative have to provide meaningful ish woman. "Yet," cautions I Phone than the present one. My opportunities f o r profitable this wise and astute politi- I- 12 .11114 Ihreerv brothers violently opposed work. If a girl can contribute cian, "we must realize that to the family's income, she my studying social work, en- we cannot talk a bout the 'I 1 tering a field which would acquires status in her own Arab-Israeli woman as if she family c i r c le as well as the home into lead me out of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bornstein were one type. There is a activities where I would have much-needed self-respect and wide range, from profession- Mr. and Mrs. Avroham Borenstein to mix and mingle with many dignity." Adds Mrs. Khoury: als in the cities to village different types of individ- "We are still at the stage housewives, from those who Wish You A uals." Arab women lead pro- where in most Arab home are educated to those who a it is a minor tragedy when tected, sheltered lives. As Happy and Healthy Year are completely under the con- rule, the only acceptable pro- a girl is born — even if her trol of their husbands. There fession is teaching in a girls' arrival has been preceded are still families which school where the shelter of by five or six male births." marry off their daughters M r s . Khoury's entrance the school as an institution without her consent, espe- is an adequate substitute for into politics has been a trau- cially in those villages which Your Jewish Supply House the confines of the home. matic experience for her vil- are not near cities, not near "My brothers didn't want me lage. "Until now it was as- the Western influence which to work as a social worker. sumed that a woman's place these cities provide." On the other hand, "there are today more than 50 Israeli Arab North of 10 Mile in Greenfield Center girls studying at university 398-9095 • Ample Free Parking in Haifa. These 50 are the nucleus of the future." HARRISBURG, Pa. — Bnai f r o m the administration's Brith officially opened a $4,- suspension of the pre sent 000,000 senior citizen housing housing law. A presidential message on project here, its third such complex for elderly persons 'lousing last week indicated that the White House will with low incomes. The 14-story high r is e, seek new legislation calling calle d Bnai Brith Apart- for direct cash rental sub- ments, contains 207 units di- sidies to the poor. This proposal has been vided. into 105 studio apart- ments for single persons and challenged by Abe Cramer, x:xx:x4xx:2 4g4z4z4zz, 102 one-bedroom apartments chairman of Bnai Brifh's for couples. T h e nonprofit senior citizen housing com- venture is funded by a gov- mittee. Cramer, who a Is o ernment-guaranteed m o r t- participated in the dedication program, contends that t h e gage. It is one of five such proj- White House proposal, "by ects — each architecturally offering a handout instead of designed with ramps, guard housing," would fail to alle- rails and similar devices to viate the shortage of housing accommodate t h e physical units and "elderly persons needs of the elderly — that would still be trapped in sub- Bnai Brith completed or had standard dwellings." * x:x 4g2014Y 4x Other Bnai Brith s e n i o r under construction before the White House freeze halted citizen housing projects now federal subsidies on all types in operation are in Wilkes- Barre, Pa., and St. Louis. of housing programs. David M. Blumberg, presi- Projects in Albany, a n d dent of Bnai Brith, address- Baltimore are each scheduled ing the dedicatory c e r e- for completion next year. monies, reasserted a Bnai But ' the administration's Brith plea that the adminis- tration reinstitute t h e pro- freeze, he added has "com- gram which has e n a b l e d pletely stalled" 29 other pro- religious and philanthropic jected Bnai Brith complexes groups to sponsor non-profit `that c o u Id mean 6,000 housing for the elderly poor urgently needed units of 557-1551 23077 Greenfield, Southfield "by exempting this worth- decent housing for the elder- ly." and effective feature" while NORTHLAND FORD GEORGE RUSKIN BORENSTEIN'S 4 • 4 BORENSTEIN'S 25242 GREENFIELD OAK PARK 4 , BB Opens Housing Complex for Elderly in Harrisburg, Pa. **2::x A 47 4x***c 4x4g ** May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a healthy, prosperous New Year Harvey, Harriet and Craig Jaslove JASLOVE AGENCY, INC. INSURANCE •