Maimonides Prize Winner Links Views of Philosopher With Freud Taxes and Your Future Editor's Note: Guidance on important problems provid- ed by Jewish Welfare Fed- eration-United Jewish Char- ities Endowment Fund tax advisory committee. Profes- sional advice about issues discussed in these columns should be secured from your attorney or an estate plan- ning adviser. Questions of general interest in these mat- ters should be addressed to "Taxes and Your Future," in care of The Jewish News, 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., South- field, Mich. 480'75. * * The U.S. Treasury, as part of its report to Congress dur- ing the 1969 income tax re- f o r m hearings, submitted proposals on the estate and gift tax laws. Congress main- ly reformed the income tax laws, making few changes in the estate and gift tax laws. House Ways and Means Committee Wilbur D. Mills (D., Ark.) says that he hopes his committee can begin con- sideration of estate and gift tax reform at the earliest op- portunity in this session of Congress. Estate ani gift taxes are presently two separate taxes. The individual who holds his wealth in forms which lend themselves to distribution by gift during life rather than at death may employ a num- ber of major advantages available through the gift tax system. He can take advan- tage of liberal gift-tax-ex- emptions. For gifts in excess of the exemption, gift tax rates are much lower than estate tax rates. Then, after a lifetime of giving at rates than estate tax rates. Then, after a lifetime of giving at rates that do go higher and higher, the taxation of the individual's remaining estate starts over with a new set of exemptions and with a whole new rate schedule starting at low rates. Further, the gift tax rates are applied only to the net amount of the gift so that the amount used to pay the gift tax does not enter the base; the estate tax, however, is leWed on the full value of the estate which includes whatever amount is needed to pay the tax. The advantages of lifetime giving over bequests at death great- are more valuable,. er the amount of wealth ealth in- volved. By splitting $1,000,- 000 worth of property be- tween lifetime gifts and be- quests at death, the heirs will receive about 15 per cent more than if the property were passed entirely in the estate at death. But splitting property worth $5,000,000 be- tween lifetime gifts and be- quests at death will increase the amount available to the heirs by as much as 37 per cent. Estate and gift taxes might be unified into a sin- gle-transfer tax. Under this unified transfer tax: 1. Lifetime gifts and trans- fers at death would be added together to determine the to- tal wealth subject to trans- fer taxation; 2. A single exemption and a single rate schedule would be made applicable to that total; 3. The base of the gift tax would be grossed up to in- clude the amount of tax, paral!el to the treatment for estate taxes. Charitable gifts under uni- fied transfer tax would qual- ify for an unlimited deduc- tion whenever the gift is of a type which qualifies for the income tax charitable contribution deduction. Proposed Elimination of Arrangements for Generation Skipping Treasury view of problem: Present law encourages the establishment of complex ar- rangements under which property is left in trust for succeeding generations. The objective of these arrange- ments is to avoid estate tax by skipping its application to the succeeding generation in the wealth-transfer-sequence. Under even more elaborate arrangements, trusts may be established to provide in- comes for children and then for grandchildren, and so on, with the trust property ulti- mately going to great-grand children, or beyond. Thus, estate taxation can be skipped for two or more en- tire generations. The enjoy- ment of the property by each successive generation is not skipped—it is only the estate tax that is being skipped. MILWAUKEE — Although Freud's antagonism to reli- gion is well documented in his writing, he denies his own thesis and advocates retain- ing the religious doctrinal system as the basis of edu- cation and of man's com- munal life, according to Dr. Abraham N. Franzblau, re- cipient of the first annual Maimonides Award of Wis- consin. The award, established by Mount Sinai Medical Center and the Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning, is pre- sented each year to a Jewish physician who has also made creative contributions to He- braic and Jewish studies. Dr. Franzblau of New York, was honored at the Jewish Center here. A pioneer in modern psy- chiatric methods, Dr. Franz- blau founded the first chair of pastoral psychiatry ever established in 1937, at the Hebrew Union College, Cin- cinnati. In his lecture entitled "Re- ligion and Science—Their Ul- timate Harmony," Dr. Franz- blau noted that "in our day the problem of the har- monization of religion and science, faith and reason, is perhaps even greater than it was in the time of Maimon- ides . . . The anti-establish- ment, anti-authority, anti-re- ligion, drug-sodden "now" culture threatens to drag down with it much of the adult value-system. "In the face of such con- flicts and dilemmas today, one need not blush to seek a harmonizing principle- . . . Freud was deciated, like Mai- monides before him, to the development of the rational intellect above all else," Dr. Franzblau said. He attributed to Maimon- ides the introduction of a ra- tional, scientific and critical spirit into the realm of reli- gion. "While harmonizing re- ligion and science, faith and reason, Maimonides pro- claimed the indispensable and indissoluble partnership of both, and drew a clear battle line against those who would embrace either one alone, without the other," Dr. Franzblau said. We oppose despotism and slavery, whether imposed by state or individual. — Ber- nard M. Baruch. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 18—Friday, Sept. 28, 1973 S incere Wi3heJ for Ile flew Year, From Al Steinberg And ART MORAN PONTIAC on Telegraph Road Just North of 12 Mile Rd. R N 353-9000 W. 12 Mile, -c .......29300 Telegraph g- cn - A substitute tax might be imposed upon arrangements accomplishing the avoidance of transfer taxation for one generation or more. This tax would be imposed at the time enjoyment of the transferred wealth actually passes to each succeeding generation. The tax would not be appli- cable to transfers whether direct or in trust which have heretofore become irrevoca- ble. Treasury estimates that $15 billion a year falls com- pletely outside of our income tax system when appreciated assets are transferred. Our next column will ap- pear in November and will discuss how the Treasury views the capital gains tax. May IL peacelut 3pirit oi 1413 Jl oticlay remain wit4 you and your l oved ones during Ae coming ear MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK We Extend Our Best Wishes For a Year of Abundance, Peace and Health To All our Friends and Relatives Mr. & Mrs. Max Fisher .:•:•:. F e: •:•:.: