Purely Commentary Facts and Figures: How the Oil-Rich Nations Also Are Being Additionally Enriched by the U.S. and the USSR and How Israel is Being Subjected to Unnecessary Fears By Philip Slomovitz Humanist Manifesto II . . . and a Dissent Israel's 'Guilt': That Arabs Get So Much Help, From Russia and U. S. That Sherwin Wine's name should be appended to a humanist manifesto is un- derstandable. After all, the Birmingham rabbi asserts his affiliation in the Humanist ranks. But Mordecai M. Kaplan? How does he fit into the picture? Nonagenarian Mordecai Kaplan will undoubtedly have an explanation. He is a remarkable man and at his age he continues to propagate his Reconstructionist views. His discourses with Arthur A. Cohen in the Schocken-published volume "If Not Now, When? Conversations Between Mordecai M. Kaplan and Arthur A. Cohen" (reviewed in The Jewish News, July 13), gave an indication of the genius of the man. In his debate with Cohen, Dr. Kaplan stated emphatically: "To me the belief in God is the result of collective action . . ." We'll be hearing more from him, un- doubtedly, and from his associates whose names were not appended to the manifesto. There was one negation to the manifesto. In a letter to the New York Times (Sept. 2), Eugene McGovern of Tarrytown, N.Y., wrote: To the Editor: Humanist Manifesto II, as represented by the "Highlights" drawn therefrom (Aug. 26), is an embarrassment. Among the 120 signers is the usual crowd of camp followers, but there are also many people of real distinction. It is depress- ing to see that so many of the illuminati have signed their names to a document which is illiterate, vulgar, vicious, nihilistic and fanatical. It is illiterate in saying "moral values derive their source from human experience." Things can be derived from their source, or have their source some- place, but they cannot derive their source. It is vulgar in trotting out, still again, "We strive for the good life, here and now," a sentiment one expects to see on the gift catalog of a trading-stamp firm rather than above distinguished signatures. It is vicious in its call for "a recognition of an individual's right to . . . euthanasia and . . . suicide." Will we have a Supreme Court decision requiring that the senile, retarded and disabled are fully informed of their rights? It is nihilistic, though the author doesn't seem to have noticed it. What grounds has he left himself for deciding what is "a disservice to the human species," what would constitute rectification of social injustices, what is "the good life," what is a "solution of human problems," what does "freedom and dignity" mean (with B. F. Skinner among the signers)? This reader cringes at the thought that the signers are modestly putting themselves forward to answer these questions. It is fanatical in its seeking a "solution" in just that humanism which "Mani- festo I" promoted and which is largely responsible for our present problems. Our philosophers should not be wasting their time with such worthless ges- tures-there is work to be done. They must find ways to formulate for the modern world the facts that God exists, that we are supernatural beings for whom the grave is not the end, that there is a Natural Law by which our actions are to be judged. Let them get to the task because time is running out. Western civiliza- tion has been fueled by these beliefs, but the fires have been banked for many years. When they die out, it will be a very cold place indeed. - Eugene McGovern, Tarrytown, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1973 Robert Green Ingersoll would have loved to get into this argument-especially when there is name calling, in which the 18th Century agnostic (1833-1899) was a master. But abusive resorts to branding those differed with as being vulgar and illiter- ate doesn't help much. We have a new youth to contend with, and an aging dis- illusionment to tackle. Perhaps the emerging humanists of our age, Mordecai Kaplan and Prof. Joseph L. Blau can lead us to straight paths of devotionalism. "Both sides are at fault," said President Richard Milhous Nixon. Israel may be guilty of many missteps: her friends could find much more to criticize than the Arabs, the anti-Israel forces in the United Nations, the President of the United States. That does not justify the accusation that there is a special favtoritism for Israel on the international arena and that the U. S. gives more aid to Israel than to the Arabs. Israel benefits from American friendship, but the aicl given by our govern- ment to the Arab states remains overwhelming in comparison to the aid extended to the Jewish state. And most of the funds allocated to Israel have been repayable to the U. S., and the military assistance has been through purchased hardware. It isn't the U. S. alone that plays a role in the Middle East. There is the Soviet Union. And the Kremlin's funds that have been poured into Arab treasuries remain staggering. Here are the figures of assistance given the Arab states by both the United States and the Soviet Union: From the United States 1946-1972 From Communist Countries 1954-1972 (in millions of dollars) (in millions of dollars) USSR E. Europe China Military Economic Economic Economic Algeria Egypt Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya Morocco Saudi Arabia South Yemen Sudan Syria Tunisia Yemen Total $ 421 1,198 549 $ 246 671 419 $ 92 106 45 15 - 25 65 715 - 75 - 88 - 14 64 317 34 92 40 - 16 153 287 73 17 - - 55 82 61 36 78 $4,998 $2,777 $1,922 $555 $ 400 2,700 1,000 - 3 Military Loans Grants Economic Grants Loans $ - $ - $ 48.5 $ 168.6 724.3 292.7 - - . 30.9 26.1 - 46.7 642.2 33.7 69.0 120.0 - - 50.0 - 37.2 89.4 14.3 10.0 205.5 7.0 - 15.4 330.4 526.8 38.8 59.6 44.5 27.5 257.7 36.1 - - 2.7 - .7 38.2 67.5 1.5 24.0 36.8 - .1 395.8 5.2 37.0 356.9 42.7 $393 $309 $1,917 $2,332 By comparison, Israel's position weakens. While the Arabs have failed to assist their kinsmen, the refugees, they keep benefiting from oil, from military and economic aid from the two major world powers-and they keep crying because Israel insists on protecting her autonomy, the state and the people! Fortunately, the blackmail from the oil interests and from the Arab states that are benefiting from their black gold in the billions is now being exposed and condemned. Fortunately, there are well-meaning people who are not submitting to threats. Fortunately, there will not be a search for relief in the threatening dangers from an energy crisis. The facts must not be hidden. Let the available data serve the necessary pur- pose of exposing the lies to the non-Jewish world and to Jews everywhere who must not weaken under the blows that have come from panic-stricken worriers over an energy shortage that should be treated realistically by a great nation like ours. The Jews in American Cabinets "Equality Achieved by Jewish Blind," by Gerald M. Kass; Coming Boris Smolar's recollections on how he brought together Special Features Soviet and Zionist delegates at the UN in 1947; "St. Louis Elderly Solve Their Problems on Community Basis," by in Holiday Issue Ben Gallob; "Antwerp, Community of Hasidim and Diamond Sept. 28 Rosenfielder; "Art in Israel," by Edith Zartel; Book Re- Cutters," by Peggy Taylor; "Bahai in Haifa," by Reuven views, Recipes and many more features. Israel's Universities ... Bar-Ilan's Role in Educational Structure A researcher for the World Zionist Organization, in his analysis of difficulties now being encountered by Israeli students in securing admissions to the country's universities, presents some interesting facts. He points to the competitiveness for admissions to Bar-Ilan Uni- versity, indicating emphasis on oral as well as written entrance exams. He gives the4e vital figures: From 300 applicants, 100 will be admitted to the psy- chology department. There are 80 places for 1,000 seeking entrance in the de- partment of criminology, 150 to be chosen from the 800 desiring to specialize in economics, 50 places for the 300 desiring to study for social work, and 30 to be admitted out of 400 appli- cants for the computer sci- ences. These are indications of the great need for emphasis on education in the support that Diaspora Jewry gives to Israel. There are other facts list- ed in the study made of the status of Israel's uni- versities. More than 1,000 of the 6,000 applicants for admis- sion to the Hebrew Univer- sity will be rejected for lack of provisions for them in classes and in assuring housing for them. A new record has been set at Tel Aviv University which has 8,300 applicants for admission to the first year of studies. Some 4,200 have applied for admission to Haifa University. So far, 2,832 candidates have applied for the 1,200 student admissions avail- 2 Friday, Sept. 14, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS - able at Beersheba Univer- sity. At the Technion in Haifa, 2,500 have applied for ad- mission and only 1,000 can be admitted. Increased support for sec- ondary schools adds to the American interest in Isra- el's cultural needs. The aid provided for such schools by Detroiters is another compliment to the positivie concerns by American Jews in the upbuilding of the Jewish state. There are Arab students in all of Israel's higher in- stitutions of learning. The Shiloah Institute for Middle East Research reports that one of every 1,000 Arabs attends a school of higher learning, contrasted by 13 for every 1,000 Jews. The Shiloah figures show that 70 per cent of the Arab students are in the human- ities and social science de- partment, with 30 per cent in the exact sciences. There are 1,200 Arab stu- dents in Israel's univer- sities. The forecast for the 1980s is that 4,000 Arabs will be pursuing studies for academic degrees and that there will be 35,000 Arabs in the secondary schools. Arab pupils in Israel's post- primary classes have in- creased from 10,000 to 130,000 since the rebirth of Israel. These figures point to the emphasis on learning. They show the urge of Arab-Is- rael cooperation. They em- phasize progress. Bar-Ilan has a great role in the Israeli educational structure. This has inspired those in our midst who have joined forces with the supporters of this univer- sity whose 18th anniversary will be celebrated here at the - annual dinner next Thursday. Interest shown in the presidential selections of mem- bers of official cabinets was energized considerably by the selection of Dr. Henry Kissinger to be President Nixon's secretary of state. That inspired recollections about previous cabinet members in both the U. S. and the Confederacy-Oscar Straus, Abraham Ribicoff, Arthur Goldberg, Henry Mor- genthau and Judah P. Benjamin. Probers into history admonish us not to forget Prof. Wilbur Cohen of the University of Michigan who served in the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Wel- fare (HEW) as President Kennedy's appointee. We are indebted to Prof. William Haber for the reminder that when John Gardner resigned as head of HEW, Dr. Cohen became President Johnson's secretary of the department. That increases the record of the num- ber of Jews who served in presidential cabinets. Prof. Cohen has become very active in ORT, in UJA and other movements. His activity as a member of the board of Haifa University makes him especially akin to the cultural activities in Israel, and his colleague, Prof. Haber, speaks with pride of the role of Prof. Cohen in vital Jewish movements. For that matter, some may even claim that an eighth of our kinsmen should be listed in the stated category- the present secretary of HEW, Caspar H. Weinberger. But while Secretary Weinberger has affirmed Jewish her- itage-on his father's side-he is not Jewish on his moth- er's side. In any event, the interest is intriguing. Caspar Weinberger Wilbur Cohen