Realistic Portrait of Jordan's King Hussein Thailand Jews.: Only 6 Families THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 7, 1973-53 am. In the biography "Hus- er, King Abdullah, when he tially what it was when he succeeded his father in 1952 sein," published by Robert was assassinated. Thailand was formerly —the management of a coun- Luce, Washington, P e ter Snow conferred with the known as Siam, and Jewish Snow, diplomatic correspond- leading figures in the Middle try split by the conflicting merchants occasionally visit- 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd. demands of the Palestinians ent of British Independent East, including Golda Meir, ed there on their travels in and the East Jordanians. His Suite 865 Television, News, has com- who gave him a good account own tribal roots and the Asia. But there is no record piled the basic facts about of her conversations with pressures of his power base of their having lived there Southfield, Mich. 48075 the Jordanian king and has AbdUllah. Described in this on the East Bank made him before the 20th Century. drawn interesting conclusions important biography is Mrs. an East Jordanian first ; and In 1921 the Siamese foreign that lead to a better under- Meir's account of her talks the bloody clash with the standing of one of the most with Abdullah and how they commandos became unavoid- minister wrote to express his important personalities in collapsed at a time when it able. But would any other government's accord with seemed that peace was near leader—of any other polit- the establishment of a na- the Middle East. It is noteworthy that this between Israel and the Jor- ical affiliation—have main- tional home for the Jewish tained the balance? It is very people. authoritative biographer has danian king. nitted most of the avail- In the 1920s a few refugees Snow states in his descrip- doubtful. Certainly, his vio- n material relating to tive work: "The truth about lent subjection of the Pales- from Soviet Russia arrived a ► . Hussein's interests, tactics, Hussein and Israel still re- tinians was the product not and settled in Bangkok. After associations with his fellow- mains shrouded behind a net- of the ruthless mind of a 1933, 120 refugees from Nazi Arab rulers. work of rumors and counter- military dictator but of an persecution settled there and Snow incorporated in his rumors, and the sense of my- agonizing process of decision- most of them left after World War II. biography the complete ra- stery is deliberately encour- making. dio - telephone conversation aged by the Israelis." He An Israel embassy was "It is the author's convic- between Hussein and Nasser, states that Mrs. , Meir refused tion that, in spite of all his opened in 1958 and friendly to divulge anything to him. on June 6, 1967, in which shortcomings, Hussein's per- relations between the two Hussein was led to believe The reference in Snow's com- ception of the realities of the countries were expressed in that Israel was about to col- ments is on the repeating Arabs' predicament and his technical and economic co- lapse, that the Egyptians views of a possible peace be- courage in frequently giving operation. were winning. That's when tween the two countries. And voice to what other Arab In 1966, a Jewish center Hussein proceeded to shell there remains the view that leaders may privately ap- Jerusalem, contrary to the in practice there is an un- prove but publicly condemn, with a synagogue was estab- advice of the Israelis.. He derstanding for amity be- far outweigh any more sel- lished. A number of Torah could have saved his position tween Jordan and Israel with fish reason for his personal scrolls were presented to the - and might have come to so much business conducted survival: and if he has, for community by the Singapore Jewish Welfare Board in between them. terms then with Israel. his own purposes, inflated 1960. There is no Jewish There is an impressive the mission of the Hashem- Snow's "Hussein" is a cemetery and burials are panoramic account of a young conclusion in which Hus- ites to ridiculous proportions, ruler's rise to power. The sein's character is interest- his rule has nevertheless conducted in a corner of the family background is drawn ingly interpreted. He states: made a positive start to the Protestant graveyard. The "Hussein's central prob- formidable challenge of mak- permanent Jewish commu- —including the future king's presence with his grandfath- lem in 1972 remained essen- ing the best of Jordan's high- nity of Thailand today con- ly vulnerable economic and sists of six families aug- I NAME mented by 250 temporary political situation. Please Allow Two Weeks Jewish residents. 1•• "We are left with Hussein himself—a gentle, sensitive The great menace to the man with a deep sincerity and personal charm that life of an industry is indus- even his bitterest enemies t r i a l self-complacency. — admire. His family life is David Sarnoff. more English than Arab, his friends men of action rather than intellectuals. He still regards life as an adventure and likes to be thought of more as the Brave Young King at the head of his army than the sophisticated states- man. His views are un- ashamedly conservative, and he shows no sign of relaxing the patriarchal authority of the crown over all matters of importance. He believes naively, passionately in his family's divine right — and of steadily rising costs of production duty — to rule, even if it is and mailing, over the past three years assailed from all sides. He The Jewish News is compelled to in- has grown powerfully into the task he inherited when crease its annual subscription rate to he was little more than a $10, effective , Oct. 5, 1973. boy, but, beneath the sur- face, he is still troubled by the complexes and uncer- tainities of his childhood. He enjoys life, but is somehow too modest in his tastes and too inhibited to be described as a playboy. He derives great pleasure from laughing we are making it possible for those loud and long with his friends desiring to do so to pay their sub- in private over his continu- ous feud with his Arab neigh- scriptions in advance, for one year, bors. He revels in living dan- at the old rate of 5 8, by using the gerously. blank below. The accounts of those `To many of his people, making use of this offer will be and most of his neighbours, his whole make-up is alien credited accordingly. and out-of-date, impervious to the demands of a fast NM NM MI MI maturing population. B u t The weekly rate per whether or not people regard starting on Oct. 5 copy 1 Hussein's leadership as de- 1 The Jewish News will be 30 cents. 117515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 1 sirable, it is a fact. After 20 years as king of the III - 'Southfield, Michigan 48075 most turbulent country in 1 the Middle East, Hussein has Gentlemen: 1 demonstrated that what de- The Jewish New s cides events is not the shout- 17315 R . ,, Mile Rd. insert my New Year Greeting. :Please III Suite 865 ing of slogans and the search Southfield. Nish. 18075 for acclaim but the exercise and Fami1y Gentlemen: 111Mr. and Mrs. of power." —P.S. for one additional year. To: The Jewish News WE'RE JUST from : NOW Classified Ads Get Fast Results ACT NOW! IS THE TIME TO Place Your New Year Greetings in Because .. . THE JEWISH NEWS Holiday Issue—Sept. 28 There's no better way to say But • • Jo all your relatives and friends 1 clta \VE 117:4W 1 I Please credit my subscription account cheek enclosed for '8.00. ' I Address _ Zip Code It is forbidden to pray that 1 State 1 a wicked man should die. 'City ICheck Enclosed (circle one) $5 —$10—$15— Had Terah died while he morel worshiped idols, his son Abraham would not have come into the world.—Mid- rash ha-Neelam. !SAME ADDRESS CITY STATE Offer e•pire. Sept. 28. 197:1 ZIP