• Impressive Role of Yugoslav Jews Yugoslav Jews in the U.S. volved in emigre politics. It is in the U. S. that Yugo- By MARTIN SHEFFIELD I evident especially in the what is now the Socialist Republic of Bosnia in Yugo- slav Jews are quite active. return for a visit to Yugo- But their members still have (Copyright 1973 JTA, Inc.) years of the last war." slavia to seek out and spend their independent views of Even today, whether they slavia that an official came To keep in contact with Jews More than a year ago, a time with relatives and be- Tito. Most note that in 1949 here and in Yugoslavia, the over to Joseph Levi of the tough-looking Israeli general live in New York or Belgrade U. S. and literally wept on Association of Yugoslav Jews cause Yugoslavia is "in" for Tito allowed about 8,000 or Tel Aviv, Yugoslav Jews sent a letter to the Associa- his shoulder that most of the puts out a monthly newsletter tourists and it continues year Jews to emigrate to Israel tion of Yugoslav Jews in the keep in touch. exchange with the news pub- by year to offer visitors im- and though there is disagree- There is a viable Jewish Jews had left that city. U. S. which read, "As I am lications of the Federation proved hotel facilities and ment in the club, many be- of Yugoslav origin, I am community of 12,000 in Yugo- Moreover, in 1970, Yugo- of Jewish communities in better transportation to its lieve Tito is not anti-Israel slavia. Jews there are very slav Jews gathered in Bel- happy to join in paying tri- Yugoslavia. Both publica- fashionable resorts in the and certainly not anti-Jewish bute to Chief Rabbi Dr. Isaac Jewish conscious. True, there grade on the occasion of the tions are in Serbo-Croatian Adriatic, such as Dubrovnik. even though he was friendly Alcalay, the spiritual and re- are no diplomatic relations 60th birthday of Dr. Lavo- and carry news of commu- In addition, many Yugoslav with the late President ligious leader of Yugoslav between Israel and Yugo- slav Kadelburg, president of nity events, articles of his- Jews in the U.S. are in the Nasser of Egypt. Jewry and one of the prom- slavia, but in effect it really the Federation of Jewish torical interest and social import-export business and to travelers American inent scholars and keepers couldn't matter less. For it communities in Yugoslavia. news, such as weddings and the Tito government is eager Yugoslavia point out that is well known that non- Pf the Sephardic tradition, on Dr. Paul Neuberber, a noted for trade and provides a good they observed numerous Is- Jewish Yugoslav laborers are attorney and past president bar mitzvas. his 90th birthdoy." market place for buyers. rael products on displ ---- Secondly, American Yugo- The writer was Lt. Gen. working in Israel in the Jew- of the Association of Yugo- slav-Jews travel often to Most of the Yugoslav Jews Yugoslav Christians, too, David Elazar, now the chief ish state's booming construc- slav Jews in the United their former homeland and in the U.S., Sephardim and visiting Israel, they add. of staff of the Israel defense tion industry, making money States, attended, as did other it is at international con- Ashkenazim alike, are mid- Thus, Yugoslav Jews here forces who was born in Yugo- and returning home to Yugo- delegates from Russia, and claves, anniversaries and dle class and most still speak are traveling and they are slavia with savings to buy a other Eastern European slavia and who goes under birthday celebrations that Serbo-Croatian as do some keeping in touch with their home in Yugoslavia. countries. the affectionate name . of brethren in Yugoslavia, and Yugoslav Jews from the U.S. of their children. At any rate, Jews in Yugo- "Dado," a Yugoslav nick- They meet Sunday after- with Israel, of course. And Often at international con- meet with other Yugoslav slavia, young and old alike, noons in their headquarters to the Yugoslays, Israel is, name. also travel to Israel and visit ferences, Yugoslav Jewry Jews who are living abroad. At that time, too, his boss, there. And Jews in Yugo- recalls the terrible losses Dr. Neuberger has visited at 247 W. 99th St., New York, as they themselves put it, the then-chief of staff, Gen. slavia do sing Hebrew songs, Jewry suffered in Yugo- Yugoslavia a half dozen and like other. landsmanshaf- "the re-established center Haim Bar-Lev, also a Yugo- learn Hebrew dances and slavia. At the end of World times as has Joseph Levi, ten, their activities include and the heart of the Jewish slav, wrote a letter to the are free to travel to Jewish War II, one could find in also a past president of the teas, Hanuka parties and people." lectures. Most Yugoslav Jews association. organizational conferences Yugoslavia itself only 500 group. Obviously, the contact is here are professionals, attor- Jewish survivors out of a And when you talk to throughout the world. The Best To You neys, accountants and clerks. Yugoslav Jews in the U. S., In Yugoslavia, they strike Jewish population of 80,000 crucial, not only for Ameri- The Yugoslav Jews here you can see how proud they back at vicious Arab propa- in 1940. There were 6,000 to can Jews and Israelis to are of generals Elazar and ganda. Since Jews are con- 10,000 other survivors who meet with Yugoslav Jews, have made it clear that they Bar-Lev. The latter is now sidered a national minority were alive, only because but also for Americans, are not a Yugoslav associa- Israel minister of commerce in Yugoslavia, they can point they hid in the forests; or Yugoslays and Israelis to tion, but a Jewish organiza- tion and they do not get in- and industry. out that Arab attacks are were with Tito's partisans; speak with Jews from behind ,...... .............. ••••••••••••••••••• •• .V Unknown to many, Yugo- slander against a national or because they fled to Italy the Iron Curtain. III SIC .. • Many of the meetings take slav Jewry is considered one minority, and that does not where it was a little easier IOU 11.1. of the best Jewish communi- sit very well in Titoist Yugo- for a Jew to survive. Thus place in Israel. Since the Ott* ISIO‘S ties in the world, "outstand- slavia. about 70,000 Yugoslav Jews establishment of the state of BIG BANDS OR Photography ing not only with its love of SMALL COMBOS Yugoslavia itself welcomes perished in the Holocaust. Israel, the Histadrut Olei Weddings • Bar Mitzvas Israel, but with its unique back Yugoslays, and that in- And it was the Ustshi, the Yugoslavia (Organization of inner discipline and heroism, cludes Jews. As in many fascists of Croatia who Yugoslav Jews in Israel) has 6-13-7392 countries of the world, Jews rounded up Jews at will and held several conferences, and a. delegates from the U. S., either murdered them or are missed when they leave, turned them over to the South America and Yugo- it appears. FACIAL HAIR or It so was, slavia attended. for instance, at a Nazis. PERMANENTLY celebration in Sarajevo which marked the 400th anniversary REMOVED of the Jewish community in eyebrows—Neckline—Arms — Legs or a Talit, does not have to By RABBI SAMUEL FOX Recommended by Physicians • Invitations • Gifts • Favors (Copyright 1973, JTA, Inc.) FREE CONSULTATION be worn at night (Monacot Stationery • Party Planning • . 1 SHIRLEY PERSIN Many pious Jews do not 43:A). It is interesting to Registered Electrologist For wear a Talit regularly before note that there are a number Available For All Occasions AUVANCE BUILDING WEDDINGS BAR MITZVAS CONFIRMATIONS of commandments involving they are married. 'Room 260 years experience 20. 23077 GREENFIELD practices which are not re- SWEET 16 & SHOWERS Nr. Northlond & Prondence Hospital This is traced back to the quired at night (E.G. Tefi- MAGICAL MEL PHONE 557-1108 16300 North Park Drive (at North Park Place) 15 Years Downtown Talmud (Kidushin, 29A) 547-2464 lin). Evidently, certain prac- 357-3111 Southfield, Mich. where it is written that one tices which serve as direct j 9:30-4:30 Mon.-Sat. Closed Sat. during July & August who is not married does not reminders for the immediate have to cover himself with a presence of God are not ob- Talit. Some trace this to a of all social services in lsrae served at a time when they Biblical source explaining cannot be clearly seen under that in one place in the Bible all circumstances, ie,. at the commandment to make 0 night. fringes (Tzitzit - G'dilim) 3 seems to be next to a refer- Gemara Wisdom ence to marriage. Basically, even a bachelor is required When Rabbi Elazar saw ty by tradition to at least wear that he had sinned, he went a four-cornered undergar- down from his donkey, pro- CL ment to which the Tzitzit are strated himself before the attached. Thus, he fulfills the man, and said, "Forgive me, Biblical commandment to at- I pray you!" But the other tach Tzitzit to a four-corner- replied, "I will not forgive ed garment. The Talit, there- you until you say to the fore, is an additional garment Craftsman who made me, besides the undergarment. `How ugly is this, the vessel Love comes at every age Apparently, wearing the Thou has made.' " And the Rabbi walked be- outer Talit indicates matur- ARNOLD LAKIND — PHOTOGRAPHER ity in one's development. The hind him, until they came 557-1227 occasion of being married. to the village. The men of or at least having been mar- the village came out to meet ried, was considered such a the Rabbi, and said, "Peace desirable state that wearing be to you, our Rabbi, our ROSE IS BACK AND READY TO SERVE YOU — the outer Talit may have Teacher!" And the man said, WITH THE LATEST HAIRSTYLE TRENDS been considered a status "Who is he whom you call symbol. Thus a bachelor was Rabbi and teacher!" And excused from this require- they said, "The man who is ment. Actually, this is con- walking behind yOu." "If he be a teacher," said sidered to be the reason why the bride traditionally gives the man, "may there be few Marion feuerman Eleanor Heyman the groom a gift of a Talit like him in Israel!" They asked him why he said this, for the wedding. WE CAN SELL YOUR MINK COATS, and he told them what had SEPTEMBER SPECIAL One only wears a Talit happened. "Forgive him nev- JACKETS, STOLES Reg. $25 in the morning and not at ertheless," they said, "for he FUN FURS, PERSIANS, BROADTAIL FURS, night. is a man great in the Torah." FUR TRIMMED SWEATERS, etc. The Bible speaks of the So finally the man said, "For Complete fringes of a Talit as being your sakes only I will for- something to see and to use give him, but let him never as a reminder (Numbers act in like fashion again." 15:39). During daytime ob- Rabbi Elazar soon came to 13661 W. 11 Mile, just West of Coolidge jects are visible; during the school, and taught that Oak Park, Mich. (Across from A & P) 25035 Coolidge Hwy., Oak Park, Mich. night-time things are general- day: "A man should be yield- Phone: 543-6515 North of 10 Mile Rd. ly less invisible because of ing, like the reed; not hard, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. the darkness. From this the like the cedar." — Ta'anit, o phone calls please. Friday, September 7, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS rabbis deduced that Tzitzit, 20a. HAL GORDON ■ ■ ■■■■•■■■■■ ■ MICHAEL KAPUT 626-3346 the paper place I NEW YEAR CARDS) Traditions of Talit Wearing p rov ides ove r 5 8% MAGICIAN Pioneer Women* Membership Telethon Sept. 9, 1973 0. If we don't call- you you call us at 851-0750 I FOR QUICK SALE OF YOUR UNWANTED USED FURS El-Mars Suburban Shop Breck Perm ....$15N leacher 3 geauly Salon 40 El-Mars Furs — • •t".. v. V: 4 s r, :Vt ., — N •■•:, -.V