Guenter Grass has been un- ists, and while reconstruct- relenting in his denunciation ing the past he also tells of of the crimes of his non-Jew- his visits in Israel, the re- ish countrymen in the Ger- newal of friendships with many of horror and Hitler- escapees from Danzig who ism. He is never the man to have settled in the Jewish be silent. He speaks and state. There were those who writes frankly and effective- had labored in Danzig Jew- ly about an old era the ter- ish schools when the children rors of which are not to be were ousted from the public repeated again. school system, and who found That is why he campaigned haven in Israel. A realisti- against Kurt Kiesinger, Ger- calls , moving note is append- man chanceller from 1966 to ed about these escapees, their 1972, and opposed Fritz trials and tribulations and Straus, in Willy Brandt's be- original opposition to the half for the German chancel- Zionism that built Israel. lorship. He had delivered Here's the brief note of glory some 100 speeches for to Israel and her settlers in Brandt, and he described his Grass' analyses of his re- experiences in messages to actions to Israel: his wife and four children, "For a long time a good and the story of his tours for many of them didn't want his candidate is embodied in what they later had to want. "From the Diary of a Snail," The state of Israel owes its a truly exciting Harcourt existence to a will so strong Brace Jovanovich book. that even the weak-willed "What do you mean by the were carried over the thres- snail?" it is asked at the hold: the will to survive." outset. "The snail is prog- He doesn't pull punches ress." "What's progress?" about those he exposes. For "Being a little quicker than example: he adamantly op- the snail . . ." posed Kiesinger, and he The snails' larvae, the rea- states in his "Diary of a soning that oozes out from Snail": using the symbol for prog- "On July 27, 1943, while ress, appear throughout the Kiesinger was busy at his book. In the process of submit- desk 31 Jewish furriers from ting his reports to his family, Mausegasse, where they had Grass draws upon his expe- been making fur coats for de- riences and those of the Jews German officers, were de- ported to Bromberg, where of Germany in the years of Hitler's rise to power and they were shot . . . Today, throughout the Nazi rule of Kiesinger has almost gone terror. It is as a Danzig Jew out of existence; then he ex- that he especially recapitul- isted intolerably." story his built Grass ates the story of the Free City of Danzig, as it was de- around Herman Ott—dubbed clared by the League of Na- Dr. Doubt—the school teach- tions, and where the bandit- er who went into hiding with ry was enacted in a process a sadistic Pole who became of destroying the Jewish corn- a Germ an national, who had one into bicycle repair- i munity. In delineating the snail as ing. With his host and his symbolized in his newest daughter, later to become work, Grass concludes: his wife, Dr. Doubt under- LOTS 73 Bp. ICKS TEL AVIV (JTA) — The European Security Confer- piration in the quest for prog- ence Coordinating Commit- ress. Snail-like, it is never- tee, which debated Israel's theless impressive; and the narrator again emerges as one of the brilliant literary geniuses who survived the Nazi terror and is here to join in the indictment of the Hitler crime. —P. S. possible participation at the upcoming conference, held an unscheduled meeting in Geneva to try to reach a de- cision. Israel's candidacy, sup- ported by Denmark, Holland, Norway and Canada, is op- posed by Yugoslavia and Malta. Earthquakes Rock Algeria and Tunisia, sup- Valleys ,in Israel ported by France, have al- JERUSALEM (JTA)—Two ready been assured partici- successive earth tremors, pation. The conference is due each lasting 2-3 seconds, to open Sept. 18. were felt in the Beisan, Jez- reel and Jordan valleys. Power is ever stealing from They caused minor damage. many to the few.—Wendell No casualties were reported. Phillips. 925 , 245... MORRIS . . BUICK W.1 Mile at Lodge X-way 342-1100 (n NOW THERE'S ANOTHER BLOCK'S ... RIGHT NEAR YOU... . $ SPECIAL PREVIEW 1 OF A SECOND 10thIS 0 1/11 in the new enclosed Orchard Mall on Orchard Lake Road lust North of Maple Road of th- “While writing — for my went the turbulence o nd own and other people's chil- var years. As Grass' sec - as his alter ego, insep- d ren—a book in which prog .sable from our author. Dr. ress is measured by snail ' -)tt represents a basic Ger- standards, I also described man personality who was what makes the heart heavy hounded for ha v;Tirr hp.” I have tried to put in a good ..ailed a Jew, something he word for m e 1 a n c h o ly . .„ en ri.q;rp + n I have shown its modern edge. The school experience, variations, in order that we a victim of the lva , is. he may see it as the social real- - -presents an important as- ity it is, and no longer as a of a story exposing the suspicious eccentricity. Only hrutal Nazi years while those who know and respect waiting the end of the crim- stasis in progress, who have 'nalities under the terlq;On once and more than once `hat are nevertheless repre- si given up, who have sat on - ented by snail-creeping an- an empty snail shell and ex- "icipation of the eventual perienced the dark side of nrn aress utopia, can evaluate prog- There is much that is ress." linked in the snail's diary: What makes the heart hea- the indictment of the Nazi vy? Grass gets right into the criminals, the review of the story of the anti-Jewish acts Jewish sufferings as empha- in Danzig, the inauguration sized in the Danzig recollec- of the campaign under the tions, the commentaries on slogan "Jews are our mis- the divisiveness in Jewish fortune," the gradual elim- ranks over craving for es- ination of Jews from the cape to the Zionist panacea area. and its conflict with vain He makes note of the di- hopes for German national visiveness in Jewish ranks, redemption, the tribute to Is- the struggles between Zion- rael and her builders—these ists and German National- combine to fulfill a great as- * 16—Friday, September 7, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Security Parley May Invite Israel Guenter Grass' Snail Diary' Depicts `Progress' in Expose of Hitler Terror You have known Block's for a long time. You have known that Block's doesn't go along with what is accepted as fitting these days. You have known that here it is still important that the suit be in perfect harmony with the man. Fabrics, patterns, colors must satisfy the individual requirements of the wearer. Size, of course, must be exact and tailoring is approached with care, skill. and,an eye to perfection. The result is flattery. comfort. and impressive elegance . . . a suit and a man which are one. . • ;-• With the opening of its second store. the Block's you've known has not changed, except perhaps for the better . . . better in its collection tin of distinguished clothing lines . .. better in its selection of superb haberdashery . . . better in its atmosphere of warm refinement. • N • AM& 4 Please visit us. Now we're neighbors again! . .. iiiii , ii I .(.1 i 1:4 :1 f fiC Aquascutum ; p GEOFFREY BEENE.Ltd lin Lonoon Pierre CARDIN lo 4 , MG. CORTEFIEL .. . _. orommeema*N BA,,.1,, l e, CLOTHES * Grass Cancels Trip to Russia; Blames Bonn Detente Effort BERLIN — Guenter Grass has called off a visit to Mos- cow after the West German ambassador there advised a postponement to avoid aggra- vating the atmosphere during the Soviet campaign against dissident intellectuals. protest against such advice from the West German gov- ernment. He warned, in a television interview, that Chancellor Willy Brandt may see "the moral effects of his policy of detente turned against him unless he adopts a -determined attitude toward Grass canceled the trip in persecuted minorities." nfitioR 0 • • • , J 7 &at",