P Dr. Carl Voss Recalls Christian Zionists' Many Experiences With the Late Dorothy Thompson Dr. Carl Hermann Voss, outstanding leader in the ranks of Christian Zionists, this week recalled early ex- periences with the la t e Dorothy Thompson when she was still cooperating in ef- forts for the establishment of the Jewish National Home. Prompted by the review of t h e Thompson biography, published by Houghton Mif- flin Co., which appeared in DR. CARL H. VOSS Elmer Berger, Lester Rosen- wald and their clique were able to reach in the mid and late 1940s, her greatest dis- service was to found the American Friends of t h e Middle East, supported for many years by almost a half million dollars per year aid from the mythical Dearborn Foundation (shades of Will- iam J. Cameron and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion!), emanating directly from the CIA. As you know, Hertzel Fishman did quite a job on exposing this outfit, but I believe it was Dorothy Thompson who really spear- headed the movement which did much more damage than did the American Council for Judaism. (The Hertzel Fishman book referred to by Dr. Voss is "A m e r i c an Protestantism and a Jewish State," a Wayne State University Press vol- ume. It was reviewed in The Jewish News on June 8). "An interesting footnote to her remarkable address of 1943 at Carnegie Hall on Bal- four Day, 'I Speak as a Christian,' is this: 14 months later she spoke at a great dinner of the A m e r i c an Christian Palestine Commit- tee in St. Louis for a large number of Christian leaders on a very apt topic with matchless eloquence and pre- cision, entitling it, 'I Speak Again as a Christian.' We circulated tens of thousands of these in the following, months and then were aston- ished by her change. Neither Meyer Weisgal nor you in your review (drawing on the Sanders book) have given any reason whatsoever for her change of mind. I still do not understand it. I do not know what went wrong. Do you? Does Meyer? Does anyone. It was not, I am absolutely positive, because her husband, Maxim Kopf, was a Sudeten. This is tom- myrot, for he was a quiet, placid, undemonstrative man with few passionate convic tions or visible prejudices. "And, thirdly, Sulamith Schwartz Nardi, Karl Baehr, and I went to see her on a winter's day in 1951, oddly enough, just a couple of days after her former husband Sinclair Lewis had died, and we tried to reason with her. It was impossible. She did 95 per cent of the talking, directing her discussion most- ly at the fourth person with us, one Father Awad, a Christian Lebanese who tried to give a few pro-Zionist viewpoints, but to no avail. She waltzed around with a The Jewish News Aug. 10, Dr. Voss recalled the Thomp- son role in support of the Jewish national movement. Dr. Voss, who is well known here, having lectured for the American Christian Palestine Committee under the chairmanship of the late Judge Fr a n k Picard and more recently in behalf of Israel Bonds, has just been named professor of philos- ophy and humanities at Ed- ward Waters College, Jack- sonville, Fla. Author of two volumes on the lives and works of Stephen S. Wise and John Haynes Holmes, Dr. Voss has authored a number of other books, and his most recent, "Quotations of Courage and Vision," published by Asso- ciated Press, was reviewed in The Jewish News March 23. His message to The Jewish News commenting on Dor- othy Thompson states: "Just as your review of Snyder's "The Dreyfus Case," is an instance of your excel- lent reviewing (this book I had read and thought of as highly as do you) so also your extended treatment of Marion King Sanders' biog- raphy of "Dorothy Thompson — a Legend in Her Time" was so very well done. You did a splendid job, eminently fair and quite readable. Three things come to mind: "While it is true that the American Council for Juda- ism made use. of her utter- ances and thus had consider- able influence in the area, Lubavitchers Open Center in Milwaukee Exclusive at SPITZER'S 10 Mile & Coolidge Dexter Davison Center Marc Chagall Complete Works Retail $35 SUPER SPECIAL MILWAUKEE ( LNS )—Th e director of the Milwaukee regional office of the Luba- vitch movement announced the acquisition of a new build- ing to serve as the head- quarters for its activities in the state of Wisconsin. Rabbi Israel Shmotkin said that the building would house Jewish students and the educational activities sponsored by the local Lu- bavitch chapter. The new center will pro- vide around-the-clock coun- seling and guidance. It will have a kosher kitchen and snack bar and a Jewish library. Classifieds Get Quick Results cigarette in a long holder in one hand and the ever re- freshed scotch-and-soda in the other, emoting about the Middle East and its complex- ities but giving us no satis- faction at all about her change of mind. What a fias- co—and I remember it pain- fully after 221/2 years." Karl Baehr referred to here was Dr. Voss' associate in the direction of the Amer- ican Christian Palestine Com- mittee. Sulamit Schwartz Nardi was the personal sec- retary of former President Zalman Shazar of Israel and has been retained, because of her knowledge and direc- torial expertness as exec- utive assistant by Shazar's successor, President Ephraim Katzir. I 12—Friday, September 7, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Abraham Hartzfeld, Pioneer, 85 TEL AVIV (JTA) — Abra- ham Hartzfeld, the "father" of the Jewish settlements in Palestine and in Israel, died Aug. 30 at the age of 85. Mr. Hartzfeld, who was a Mapai member of the first five Knessets, was born in the Ukraine. When he was 18 he joined the Zionist-Socialist movement for which he was arrested for two years and then sentenced again to life imprisonment and sent to Siberia. Three years later he es- caped and reached Palestine in 1914. He soon became a leading figure among Jewish agricultural laborers, found- ing the Agricultural Laborers Fund and becoming promin- ent as an organizer of new settlements. There was no new settlement that was es- tablished without Mr. Hartz- feld being present, encourag- ing, helping and singing. He was a delegate to many Zionist congresses. CARS TO BE DRIVEN TO any state. Also driven furnish: ed to •drive your car anywhere. 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