THE JEWISH NEWS FOR BEITIRVI$ION Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Associa- tion. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $8 a year. Foreign $9 PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ CHARLOTTE DUBIN DREW LIEBERWITZ Business Manager City Editor Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 27th day of Av, 5733, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Deut. 11:26-16:17. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 54:11-55:5. Torah readings for Rash Hodesh Elul, Tuesday and Wednesday, Num. 28:1-15. Candle lighting, Friday, Aug. 24, 8.01 p.m. VOL. LXIII. No. 24 Page Four PRIDE IN HAVING A JEWISH 1 .4 E RITAGE August 24, 1973 Diplomats, Pilots, Haters and Lovers A Libyan who unexpectedly visited Israel for five hours when a drunken compatriot hi- jacked a plane with 118 other Libyans, took back with him a pamphlet describing kibutz life in the Jewish state. The hijacker also avowed good will, explaining that he-wanted to prove that Arabs and Jews can live to- gether in amity. What a love feast! It was another example to the world that Israelis are not criminals, that they do not abuse, that their chief aim is self-protection whether the Arabs and the British and the French ,like it or not. Whether an American spokesman on an international platform sub- mits to pressures or vetoes the indignities. buring the tense week of Israel's failure to accomplish an operation of capturing one of the chief offenders in the wave of terror- ism that has struck the world, there were many who believed that Israelis had gone -too far. We shared the view that kidnaping involves risks because they provide the ex- cuse Arab terrorists seek to justify their in- sanities. Not that an Arab terrorist needs an excuse: anything goes with him and his ethics and morality. The guilty, however, are those who sit in the United Nations, the sponsors of a resolu- tion condemning Israel who are led to the altar of hate by . Great Britain and France, who often acquire either an abstention or an approval from our American delegate to the UN. These are the culprits: the propagators of hate at the United Nations who have never as yet seriously condemned Arab criminality but who never hesitate to utter unkindness when dealing with Israel. Yet, Israelis had one plane in a military area when a Lebanese jet was intercepted, and all on the jet were treated kindly. Another plane landed in Israel the day after the great minds in diplomatic ranks gathered to attack Israel. On both planes there were high-rank- ing Arab statesmen; all were treated well. Nevertheless, the associations of pilots utilized the interception to join in threats to Israel. They never did much to prevent terrorism that threatens them as much as the travelers, always much more than Israel and the Israelis —because non-Jews have suffered more from terrors than have Jews. Yet, Israel is such an easy target! Haven't Jews always been con- venient targets for attacks? It's a pity that the pilots should not have been more understanding. It is outrageous that the UN is so abortive. That's our gen- eration's experience with those who are ex- pected to advance freedom in a turbulent age. RighteousGentiles,Holocaust,Obstruction, Another Righteous Gentile was honored in Israel this week. Stanley Nowinski, a re- tired American army colonel, a Polish Catho- lic, visited Yad Vashem Memorial Institute in which the records of saintly as well as the victims of the Holocaust are preserved. He saw in action Jewish Agency and United Jew- ish Appeal installations. He conferred with former members of Briha — the movement that assisted oppressed Jews to escape from the Nazi horrors, many of them to find haven in Palestine which was soon to become the state of Israel. He was greeted by Abba Geffen, a cultural official of the Israel Foreign Ministry, who expressed gratitude for Nowinski's help to Jews in a way "we have never forgotten." Israel and Jewry do not forget the Right- eous Gentiles who helped elevate Briha—the Flight and Rescue—into one of the most hu- mane evidences of the last war as an indica- tion that not all men had turned into beasts. But there was injustice. The reason for the Briha—for the Flight—was that the Brit- ish, who had begun a friendship with Israel through the Balfour Declaration, were closing the doors to those who needed the haven the most. Then those who defied the obstruction- ists stepped in, as Nowinski did with them, to provide means of flight to freedom and sect , - Col. Stanley Nowinski's arrival in Israel, the warm welcome given him, was not only an expression of gratitude for humani- tarianism and nobility: it served to recall the inhumanity of a great power whose pledges were being broken by men like Ernest Bevin, whose high principles were abandoned in the struggle to save the empire. It was in Salzburg, Austria, that Nowinski assisted in assembling Jews for emigration to Palestine — an effort that the sancti- monious British officials chose to call "ille- gal." British intelligence agents did their ut- most to prevent such movements. But No- winski helped Briha and Hagana representa- tives in their tasks of organizing these efforts. He assisted in providing false passports where needed—something reminiscent of the work of Raoul Wallenberg who in this fashion res- cued many thousands of Hungarian Jews under the very noses of Nazis in Budapest. That's how Righteous Humanitarianism redeems humanity from the curse of bigotry and cruelty. What a pity that while honoring the righteous we must recall the nefarious acts of the British and their cohorts. Is it any wonder that, in judging the importance of the United Nations, we must, at the same time, recall the pledge-breaking and tyran- nical actions of the British? And isn't it pitiful that the French, who began a great friend- ship with Israel, are now yielding to the in- decencies of diplomatic chicanery? Complacency Can Be Damaging in M.E. Playing it cool toward pressures on Middle East developments may create admiration for Israeli stoicism, but anything involving com- placency should be resisted. Abba Eban's declarations on his brief visit in this country last weekend, on his way home after a Latin American tour, seem to indicate that Israelis are not so uncon- cerned about the pressures from oil interests. They represent a danger not to be ignored. Furthermore, the anxieties over State De- partment positions, with the new trends to secure concessions from Israel, and the United Nations threats, combine to create a renewal of seriousness in the Arab-Israel conflict. Un- concern and complacency can be damaging for the Jewish position. Revised Edition of 'Geography of Israel' Describes Status of Newly Administered Areas A third edition of "Geography of Israel," by Efraim Orni and Elisha Efrat, the two authoritative experts on the subject, just issued by the Jewish Publication Society of America, assures availability of up-to-date demographic information about Israel. The revised text, in a translation from the Hebrew, printed in Israel, is fully illustrated, contains the necessary geological maps, charts and statistics on vital subjects related to the various aspects of the land and its inhabitants. The authors have delved into the remotest periods of time, tracing the history, development and changing conditions dating from the Stone Age. Inevitably, this large work contains material of a current nature, evolving from data provided regarding settlements stemming from Zionist endeavors, as well as those that have arisen under the aegis of the state of Israel. The authors' foreword provides explanatory out- lines for an understanding of the approaches to this work. It points out that the third revised edition of the geographical account indicates the effects of the Six-Day War which necessitated inclusion of facts regarding new regions and the new opportunities that have been created for Israel's population. Because of the rapid changes in the country, the authors have had to rewrite many portions of their work since its original appearance as a Hebrew text in 1960. They make these important observations: "Over the centuries, the geography of the Holy Land has been the most amply documented in the world. Travelers and pilgrims — pagan, Christian, Jewish and Moslem — have reported their impressions for over 2,000 years, some with painstaking exactitude, others with an imagination fired by religious enthusiasm. In the Middle Ages, Palestine was the principal subject of map-makers. The development of the scientific approach to Bible research has, since the end of the 18th Century, brought to the country theologians, historians and archeolo- s- gists, geographers and naturalists, many of whom published their ings. With the Zionist movement's unique work of construction, an to founding of the state of Israel, literature on the country gained further scope, and included politics, sociology, economics, etc." The need for comprehensive compilations of available geographical material on the Holy Land was fulfilled by the efforts of Orni and Efrat who, first in the introductory "Geography of Israel" that appeared in 1960 and in the subsequent revised editions, make available factual data on the geology, morphology, climate of Israel, as well as its popu- lation, history and economy. This, therefore, is a geography implemented with material vital for an understanding of all aspects of the country's demography, its people, its climatic conditions. The significance of the revisions is indicated in the section on "Administered Areas" which deals with the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the Golan, Judea and Samaria. All aspects relating to these areas are as completely covered as those on the rest of the state of Israel. The authors give special atten- tion to the attempt at Jewish settlement in the Golan, to the new Jewish settlements in the rest of the administered territories, to the general settlement activities that followed the Six-Day War. They point out that plans are being made for the establishment of 22 farm- ing villages in the Golan, with a population of 12,500. New roads have been paved and "there are plans for a new urban center for the Golan and developing the branches of the Bethsaida Valley for farming, fishing and recreation." Analyses of the economy, of mining and industry, of foreign trade, provide additional information that makes the "Geography of Israel" valuable for students, researchers, general readers seeking data about the Israeli demography.