l'HE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 24, 1973-11 Dr. Kissinger, Threatened by Arabs, Gets Protection Weizmann Scientist Gets 2 Grants for His Cancer Research No Imposition of Middle East Solution: Assurance by Rogers WASHINGTON (JTA)-Sec- to get discussions moving in REHOVOT - Prof. Nathan retary of State William P. the Middle East and ex- Trainin of the cell biology SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.- revelations have come not department of the Weizmann Rogers said Monday that the pressed hope that UN Secre- still rejects an imposed tary General Kurt Wald- For some time prior to his from phone or mail sources Institute of Science has just U.S. solution in the Middle East, heim's visit to the region will UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T nomination by President Nix- but from intelligence asser- been awarded initial re- continues to regard the status further that objective. BIND A FINER WINE THAN on as secretary of state, Dr. tions. search grants, totalling $234,- Asked if the U.S. can wait there as unstable and un- Henry A. Kissinger has had While Kissinger was as- 400, by the Gulton Founda- quo desirable for all parties con- for the situation to work out a bodyguard to protect him signed his first bodyguard in tion of New York and the cerned, and does not alter its in view of the energy prob- from threatening assailants. 1970, security for him was National Cancer Institute of policies in response to adver- lem, Rogers said the U.S. is Arab terrorists reportedly doubled recently not going to wait but reiter- the U. S. National Institutes tisements in newspapers. iinerios, Det °It, Mich. have threatened his life. These of Health, Washington, for Rogers' remarks, in reply ated that it could not impose his studies on the effect of to questions at a State De- solutions on nations. Rogers thymus hormone on cancer partment press conference, did not reply directly to a Save MSS Save SUSS Save MSS Jewish General development, and for work were in part an allusion to question by the Jewish Tele- Gets 4-Star Rank SUMMER CLEARANCE!!!! on various forms of therapy recent advertisements by the graphic Agency about reports FINAL Price Reduction FALL RIVER, Mass.-Gen. aimed at the control of Standard Oil Co. of Califor- that the U.S. has been prod- Hundreds of New Cars In Stock! Melvin Zais, a native of this cancer. nia calling for a more pro- ding Israel to come up with city, has been promoted to The NCI has awarded Arab stance by the U.S. in fresh plans for negotiations four-star rank, making him Prof. Trainin the annual sum the Middle East to ensure the and whether the U.S. has Mileage Low changed its Mideast policy one of only 12 such generals of $111,900 for a three-year continued flow of oil. All Models Demonstrators in the army today. The secretary of state said or its application in any All Colors extension of a research pro- All Models ways. All Equipment On the eve of his promo- ject concerning the effects that the only way a decision Rogers said that the U.S. will be reached in the region tion, Zais was honored by of thymus hormone on and all parties concerned and progress advanced as if tumors transplanted in mice. Fall River at "General Zais The Gulton Foundation there is "sensible and reason- were convinced that renewed See or Coll Day." He described himself warfare would not solve the as "an ordinary kid from a grant of $122,500 is for re- able discussion" among the Middle East problem but George M. Brant parties. He said that some- mill city" who rose to the search, during the same where along the line "the ur- would create new ones. He SUPERIOR OLDSMOBILE army elite. In Vietnam, he period of time, on tumor gency of reason will prevail" also said that terrorist activ- commanded the 101st Air- growth and the potential though no nation will get ities, blowing up airplanes 15000 7 MILE, Detroit, Mich. therapeutic effect of heat borne Division. and machine-gunning people combined simultaneously everything it wants. He said at airports "is idiotic and the U.S. would give "every with radiotherapy, with makes no sense at all." He chemotherapy, or with both. diplomatic support" to efforts made no reference to Israel's Aug. 10 interception of a Le- banese airliner for which it was unanimously condemned by the UN Security Council. While Rogers rejected pres- community and, in general, sure from oil companies to By BEN GALLOB prefer to seek out govern- alter U.S. Middle East poli- (Copyright 1973 JTA, Inc.) The number of Jews in ment welfare agencies, cies, other government of- Canada's jails is low, rela- rather than Jewish ones, ficials have admitted in pub- lic statements recently that tive to the general Canadian when they want help. oil affects U.S. policy in that Rabbi Kelman reported population. and the crimes for which they are convicted that during the past year, region. Assistant Secretary of State continue to be largely white- kosher food - previously for Near Eastern Affairs served only in Ontario jails collar offenses. Joseph J. Sisco said on a Many Canadian Jews are - had been made available television interview earlier in all government institutions involved in drugs, particular- this month that '"there is in- ly young Jews, but drug of- of correction in Canada. creasing concern in our coun- He said visits by him to try over the energy question fenses have not significantly increased the Jewish prison prisoners are arranged on and I think it foolhardy to request and recalled one oc- believe this is not a factor" population. This "fairly clear picture" casion when 22 prisoners in Mideast policy. John Love, emerged from information turned up for High Holy director of President Nixon's provided by Rabbi Joseph Day services in a jail known Office of Energy Policy, said Kelman of Toronto, who to have a maximum of five on the NBC-TV "Meet the heads the Ontario provincial Jewish inmates. Press" program Aug. 12 that chaplaincy services, and Syd- Harris said that much of the U.S. will have to give ney N. Harris, who directed the "new climate" to which Arab countries greater incen- a chaplaincy service study the increasing effectiveness tive to increase oil produc- committee. which examined of chaplaincy services to tion. Rogers said that the U.S. the situation of Jewish in- Jews should be attributed mates in provincial prisons. stemmed from the work of recognized the importance of Their conclusions were re- Alan Grossman, the former the energy problem and ported in a recent interview provincial corrections minis- thought that progress - ulti- in the Canadian Jewish ter. Harris said that it was mately will be made. "If my News. during Grossman's service instincts are right, then I think it is possible that ef- The participation of Cana- as minister that "a whole forts will be made to find dian Jews in violent crime is new philosophy on prison re- ways to have sensible, rea- low and does not appear to form - correction rather sonable discussions about the be on the increase, accord- than punishment - took future of the area, but I ing to Rabbi Kelman, who shape. would not want anyone to He added that it was has been coordinating chap- think that I had any indica- laincy services to Jewish largely because of Gross- tions that were clear enough man's labors that "this new prisoners in Ontario for the to be very optimistic about attitude which took shape in past nine years. it," he said. The chaplaincy study com- Ontario has now spread to Evaluating his accomplish- federal institutions through- mittee found that, at any ments as secretary of state, one time, there may be be- out the country." after he announced his resig- tween 59 and 68 Jewish in- nation, Rogers said his mates in local, provincial Israel Stock Report proudest achievement was and federal prisons in On- NEW YORK (JTA) - The the attainment of a cease following quotations from the fire in the Middle East. tario. However, the report stress- Tel Aviv Stock Exchange are ed that such figures were provided to the Jewish Tele- only estimates based on the graphic Agency by Leumi F i LT E>R S experience of the chaplaincy Securities, 18 E. 48 St., New service with those inmates York, N.Y. 10017. This is a who are willing to identify selected list of the most 1:11: 1 themselves as Jews. active stocks. : ,:: ;;; !.: Closing Prices Harris said that Jewish Because Labor Day wil : 8/20 8/13 prisoners are rarely ignored Africa Israel $ 6.83 ::`:fall on Monday, Sept. 3,:%::: .::::: $ 6.64 :: ,.. 12.50 12.38 or abandoned by their fami- Alliance 'B' ;:there will be early dead-:: .291/2 :; .29 'C' lies and that the majority ATA TAlines for the Jewish News .73 .73 Bank Leumi can rely on continuing sup- Bank Leumi : i ' ::issue of Friday, Sept. 7-12ii: .53 .52 Investment ::::::All copy must be in our port. .46 .46 Prisoners who have had Delek - :: :::hands-either by mail or Discount Bank 3.14 3.09 :::::hand delivery - by noon.:::: Investment .e.::: ties with the Jewish commu- 2.97 2.88 nity can usually depend on Electra :::: ::Friday, Aug. 31. Publicity Electric Wire 1.29 1.27 :;::Ireceived after the dead-% and Cable reacceptance by the commu- SUPER KING nity when they have finished General Mortgage ;;;I:line will be too late for 2.82 2.80 Bank OR KING ::::publication in the Sept. 7:::::: Hassneh their sentences. 5.86 .:::: 5.78 Insurance But, the officials said, Mehadrin ::::::issue. .53 .47 Citrus '.. ::: ©1972 RJ RFTNOIDSToeAcco co. 1.46 1.42 most Jews in jail have not Shemen ..geasW.:::::MSVAMISURVOINEMET.4::: 1.45 . ming The Surgeon General Has Determined 1.45 SUPER KING: 20 mg."tar",1.3 mg. nicotine, had close ties to the Jewish Taal Plywood at Cigarette Smoking k Dangerous to Your Health. KING: 20 mg."tar",1.4 mg. nicotine, ay. per cigarette, FTC Report FEB. '73. IF YOU TURN THE - 342-7000 " My Son, the Dancer" Number of Jewish Prisoners in Canadian Jails Reported Low low good it Winston tastes good when a cigarette should. :Early Deadline for Labor Day l : ,.: