THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 17, 1973-3 NRP Support Firm for Judea, Samaria Polish Documents Incriminate Mrs. Ryan BONN (JTA)—Documents incriminating former concen- tration camp guard Hermine Braunsteiner-Ryan have been delivered to West German authorities by the Polish Minsk Court Jails Ex-Nazis MOSCOW—Four members of a Nazi police battalion in World War II have been sen- tenced to death by a firing for their part in re- pr. against civilians, the Communist daily, Pravda re- ported. The paper reported a mili- tary court in Minsk sen- tenced the four—K. M. Osipo- vich, P. G. Plotnikov, N. E. Braginets and P. P. Khristo- forov—who had all been members of the 57th Police Battalion under the command of a German officer, Hans Ziegling. One witness recalled how he and others had been mar- shalled into a cowshed in the Soligorsk area, about 90 miles south of the Belorus- sian capital, and shot by members of the battalion in February 1943. The witness said he had not been wounded seriously and had managed to crawl out and escape into a woods nearby. As the larger among fish swallow the smaller, so among men.—Abodah Zarah. „ 0\ NORTHLAND (%al ‘ v 7 zr i i r LOT G EASTLAND LOT 4 HOURS FOR THIS SALE Sunday —11 to 5:30 1 /2 off of 1 /2 Commission for the Investi- gation of Nazi Crimes, it was announced here. Mrs. Ryan, now held in a Duesseldorf jail, was extra- dited from the U.S. last week. TEL AVIV (JTA) — The National Religious Par t y platform committee has de- cided by a majority vote to incorporate in the party's platform a commitment that it "will leave any govern- men that would abandon Judea and Samarit." Another plank will favor urban Jewish settlement in the administered territories. This decision was adopted despite efforts by the party committee's chairman, Inte- rior Minister Yosef Burg, to introduce a less "hawkish" draft. It was the party's youth element who turned the tide towards the hawkish decision. Due to be cross-examined by a Duesseldorf public pros- ecutor, she is being held in connection with the murder of nearly 2,000 Jewish worn- en and children in the Lu- blin- Maidanek concentration camp in Poland during World War II. The new Polish documents provide evidence of Mrs. Ryan's role in the selection of camp inmates and in the Classifieds Get Quick Results mass-execution. Police, Protestors Clash in Demonstration Near Ikrit TEL AVIV (JTA) — Five persons were detained Sun- day in a clash between dem- onstrators of the Meri Move- ment and police near Ikrit in the upper Galilee. The Meri Movement headed by Knesseter Uri Av- neri announced its intention to come to Ikrit in a soli- darity demonstration with the people of Ikrit who were evacuated from their homes 25 years ago. There were no casualties The police were ready for the demonstration as the area and the five who were de- was declared closed by the tained were released later in military commander of the the day. northern command. The long convoy and the demonstrators — about 100 — was stopped by the police, but some attempted to break through the police cordon and a clash ensued. Daily—Hospital—Sympathy FRUIT BASKETS CARS TO BE DRIVEN TO any ,state. Also drivers furnish- ed to •drive your car anywhere. 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