Purely Commentary Collective Guilt for Terrorism and Holocaust Threat in Mideast Tragedy By Philip Slomovitz We Accuse All the Factions in Middle East Tragedy for Giving Comfort to Terrorists Aramco partners must have believed that the American people have come completely under the spell of a panic created by fears over an energy crisis. Else, in the midst of the continuing terrorism emanating from their partners in the Middle East, they might not have undertaken a pro-Arab propaganda that spelled anti- Israelism. While the objectionable letter from the head of the Standard Oil of California spoke about peace for all the peoples in the Middle East, it was all too evident that the target of the attack was Israel. It is impossible to fool all of the people all of the time, to resort to a Lin- colnism. You can't even fool a portion of the people all of the time. The fact is that from the Arab quarters have come hooligans, depraved lunatics, who have thrown bombs amid innocent crowds in airports. The fact is that these idiotic groups have destroyed jet planes. The fact is that the Arab governments have not repudiated the insane murderers who keep speaking in the name of Arabism. Aramco associates—Mobil, Standard Oil, Texaco—would serve a good purpose if they took the lead in condemning the terrorists. If they don't look, they, too, will be the victims of such insanities. Jack Anderson now warns that the United States may be the next area of attack by the idiots. Will Aramco's oil magnates join in preventing such outrages? The terrors are only part of the guilt. There is much more to it. There is the aim to destroy Israel. There are paths toward another Holocaust, and the bandits do not seem to realize that Israel and world Jewry will never again tolerate another Holocaust, that genocide will meet the resistance that may have been lacking in Hitler's days. Should anything tragic occur in our midst, the guilt will be not only on the heads of the murderers but also upon the Arab countries whence comes silence that must be interpreted as approval. Should anything else occur that may in any fashion trigger misery for a people determined to live and never again to be afflicted with horrors, the guilt will be shared by those who give comfort to the oil producers who could not survive a day without the billions derived from Americans. Should there be a reaction by angered Jews who may act irrationally, as some have threatened—and we pray that this may never occur!—the guilt will not be Jewry's but of the powers that permit emergence for such reactions. We assemble among the guilty not only the terrorists but also their govern- ments and the oil-soaked propagandists who give encouragement to terrorism by silence in a time of crisis. Let the record be straight on this tragic subject. Having set forth what is believed to be the Jewish position on the right to survival and the will to live, it is necessary to emphasize that heroics are not the basic Jewish aspirations. Israel's military geniuses would have been worshiped as heroes had they captured the Arab terrorist leaders in the intercepted plane. They failed and their actions are equated with the murderous acts of their enemies. That's unfortunate. Yet, the very failure at achieving glory in self-defensiveness was part of an illegalism that emerges as inexcusable. Israel hasn't received so many courtesies from either the UN Security Council or the International Civil Aviation Organization to be depressed by what they say or do. But, even the usually critical Christian Science Monitor must be taken seriously when it asserts editorially: "Israel has not only done itself a great disservice, but is causing acute embarrassment to its only true friend in the Security Council." That only true friend (the U.S.) joined in condemning Israel. To be viewed with special anxiety is the London Times editorial comment, under the heading "Not in the Interests of Jews." which emphasizes opposition to double standards in international law. The Lon( Times statement declares in part: It is not entirely Israel's fault that she is still struggling to become an ordinary legal state recognized as such by her neighbors. She has had to survive by force of arms and she can invoke the rules of war to do so. But if she is seeking legal status she cannot ignore the ordinary legal restraints that apply to other states, even those at war. If she is now claiming the right to kidnap anyone anywhere and then try them for acts committed outside Israel she puts herself utterly outside legality. "The ostensible justification is a recent amendment to the military penal code which gives the courts jurisdiction over persons constituting a threat to the security of the state even if they operate outside its borders. This has been invoked in the case of all 10 Arabs taken prisoner during the Israeli raids in the Lebanon. The defense argued that the court still had no jurisdiction but this was overruled. The manner in which the accused were brought to Israel does not seem to have been taken into account but presumably the justification for the kidnaping would !be that the Lebanon has no extradition agreement with Israel, and is indeed in a state of war with Israel. "Terrorism, particularly where it involves Israel, is indeed an international phe- nomenon for which ordinary national laws are not fully equipped, but Israel's action opens the precedents to illegality. That is not in the interests of the Jewish people." Claiming justice for Israel, we must adhere to a single standard of morality. If Israelis can kidnap, there is also the risk of Jews being kidnaped. Adolf Eichmann was a case all his own. Now those who rebuke Israel speak in terms of an Israeli act being "not in the interests of Jews." All Jews are affected by a blunder in the issue involving the downing of the Iraqi-chartered plane, and we must concur with the statement of Capt. Itzhak Shaked, chairman of the Israel Pilots' Union: "As a union that fights against hijackings and interference with civilian aviation, we couldn't accept this interception even if the aim was to capture Criminal No. 1 against civil aviation." JTA News Editor Exposes Oil Slick in Mideast Politics all parts of the world, but primar- ily to the prolific oil fields of the NEW YORK (JTA) — Oil is Arab/Persian Gulf area which con- America's most important business tains almost two-thirds of the Free in the Middle East, the Persian World's oil reserves." What makes this letter particu- Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula. Now the government and private larly enticing is the date it was oil firms, caught in the crunch of written: July 26. That was the day a so-called energy crisis at home when the U.S. vetoed an anti-Israel and demands by Arab governments draft resolution in the Security that the U.S. reverse its Mideast Council. Miller's explanation Aug. policy regarding Israel, are walk- 9 of what he meant to convey in ing an economic and diplomatic his letter of July 26 can only be viewed as a rationalization under tightrope. The administration is under grow- pressure. But in the justifiable protests ing pressure by the powerful oil cartels through their lobby in against the letter, the second de- Washington to protect their invest- velopment appears to have been ments and economic future in the overlooked or, until now, at least, ignored. oil areas. Several days after Miller's letter The Arab governments are vow- ing to curtail the oil flow and was made public, Sisco presented threaten to nationalize and con- to an Israeli television audience his fiscate the billions of dollars worth view of American interests in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf and of equipment and capital. But the administration also feels the Arabian Peninsula. He said that "while our interests a deep moral obligation to support Israel as the democratic oasis in a in many respects are parallel to the interests of Israel, they are not desert of feudal sheikhdoms. By MURRAY ZUCKOFF JTA News Editor However, two events in as many weeks indicate that moral obliga- tions and economic necessity do not always coincide in the world of realpolitik. The first was a letter issued by Standard Oil of California; the sec- ond a television interview with As- sistant Secretary for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Joseph J. Sisco. The first created a storm. The second one passed unnoticed, al- most. On July 26, SOCAL sent a slick letter to its 40,000 employes and 262,000 stockholders noting that the U.S. is not producing enough oil and gas to meet the over-all de- mands for these energy resources. This, the letter stated, raises a "key question," namely, "From Where is all this oil to come?" Not one to waste too much time, Otto N. Miller, chairman of the board of SOCAL, came right to the point and stuck to it for the remaining 350-word letter. "Obviously," he wrote in answer to his question, "we must look to synonymous with the state of Is- rael." Sisco then drove home the point when the observed: "There is in- creasing concern in our country, for example, over the energy ques- tion, and I think it is foolhardy to believe that this is not a factor in the situation." Questions: Were the statements by Miller and Sisco coincidental or interrelated? Was Sisco's statement a hint to SOCAL and the Arabs that U.S. diplomatic pipelines in the Mid East are not merely conduits for Israel? Was Miller's letter written with some realization that it would stim- ulate a favorable State Department reflex? Was Sisco's statement off the cuff or cleared first with the State Department? Was Sisco's statement one o: policy or an emphasis on the ob- vious? There is some indication that Miller's letter and Sisco's state- ment are linked by the Saudi Ara- 2 Friday, August '17, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — bian connection. Research indicated that oil firms, eager to maintain and expand the profitable role in Saudi Arabia, have invested '$700,000,000 in that country in the last 12 months in order to increase capacity to 9,000,- 000 barrels a day, after assur- ances that Saudi Arabia would not use oil as a weapon. Oil firms are now taking 8,500,- 000 barrels a day, and the goal is to increase production to 20,000,000 barrels a day by 1980. This kind of investment and the prospects envisioned by the oil firms require more than a quick smile and a passing handshake be- tween the feudal oil sheikhs and U. S. administration officials, and more than a veto, so far as the oil companies and the sheikhs are con- cerned. It requires, as Miller phrased it, "understanding on our part of the aspirations of the Arab people and more positive support of their ef- forts toward peace in the Middle East" and "reinforcing bonds of friendship between our two peoples that were forged decades before." The need for this kind of support can also be inferred from a June 1 report by Shell Oil titled, "The National Energy Problem: The Short-Term Supply Prospect." On page 17 of that report is the observation that "greatly increased amounts of crude oil must come from ,foreign countries." This is followed immediately by an expression of concern, namely, "Since the United States has no control over production rates or political actions in foreign coun- tris, the matter of security and availability of supply naturally arisis." The basic anxiety over produc- tion rates, political actions, secur- ity and availability is currently ex- acerbated by Saudi Arabia, a long- time friend of the U. S., which is under strong pressure from other Arab states to curtail oil produc- tion if America does not find a way to help achieve a political set- tlement favorable to the Arab states. Incidentally, SOCAL along with Mobil are partners in the Arabian- Nixon administration, under heavy fire on all sides over the Watergate affair and Vice-President Spiro Ag e new's impending legal tangle, needs a victory somewhere. Achieving peace in the Middle East would give the administration ia diplomatic victory, assure the stability of the current Arab re- gimes and thus eliminate the an- xiety about investments, produc- tion rates and availability of oil supply and win the confidence of the economically powerful at home and the oil-soaked sheikhdoms that the administration is capable of protecting its own. In the world of Mideast realpoli- tik, moral obligations can easily skid on an oil slick. American Oil Co. (ARAMCO). In addition, the U. S. is seeking ways to reduce chances of national- ization and confiscation of oil firms' property and equipment and how to deal with the Arab governments if the threats are carried out. The administration is undoubted- ly caught in a tug of war between the pressure of the oil lobby and its obligation toward Israel. The U. S. veto in the Security Council was a diplomatic gesture but hardly a world-shaking declara- tion on behalf of Israel. Sisco's statement, however, put it on the line in terms of economic interests: the tangible of oil and cash flow. There is no doubt, too, that the NEW WORDS COINED BY THE HEBREW LANGUAGE ACADEMY VX173 713Dil •53 ntinn ix ni•v. 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