THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 46—Friday, August 10, 1973 40—EMPLOYMENT 50—BUSINESS CARDS 57—FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD GOODS & FURNISHINGS Watergate Hits Israel Press, Knesset another president—but there is political support to think WALLPAPER SALE single bedroom 'set, with dble. of as well as military. dresser & desk; Formica kit- We carry the very finest in And perhaps as dangerous set , all A-1. VERY REA- quality quality wallcoverings at dis- as an unfamiliar successor SONABLE count prices. Over 50,000 pat- to an ousted Nixon is a dras- 355-5550 terns to choose from, profes- tically weakened Nixon re- maining in office. Battered Teacher, music, (song 6- sional paperhanging, painters Mornings & Eves. or available. Hours 10-5, eve- by Watergate, lie might be LI 5-9837 dance), Yiddish & He- nings by appt. unable to stand up to the brew arts & crafts, for NATIONAL WALLCOVERINGS HANGING Lamp(Brass) $7: Russians, or to the Arabs bookcase. $5: mirror. $2. Curtains, and their oil threats, or to Secular Jewish. School 3950 W. 12 Mile Rd. drapes. sheers. 537-3368. his own oil lobby at home. Berkley, Mich. Sunday Class. Write by his two sons, the central Nixon has indicated that he Or conversely, he might 545-9896 GARAGE SALE figure in Zeev's drawing is would accede to Israel's seek to pull off some spec- The Jewish News a harassed looking President latest arms requests — and tacular Mideast peace settle- MENUS designed and printed. and Sun. 10-5. Antiques, Nixon and the two figures those requests would cover 9200, , Sot. 865 Box 1092 Brochures, catalogues. , ment — at Israel's expense call anytime. s misc. housewares, furniture, 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd. flanking him arc — of course supplies into 1977 and could — to boost his position. Suite 865 M E El AN ■ 14151 Oak Park Blvd., Oak — H. R. Haldeman and John hardly be turned back by Park. Corner of Gardner. Ehrlichman. They are strug- Southfield, Mich. 48075 H ON EST MAN gling not with the coiling, HELP WANTED to manage down- Painting, roofing, other home snaking, mythical serpent— town fast food shop. Salaried. but with spools and spools repairs. Will train. 965-8320. GARAGE SALE of recording tape. 837-57 97 William Stevenson, whose gestion from a Paris invr TOP RECEPTIONIST Everything you need, Bedrm. Sam Ervin Jr. is at bottom $140 per week to start in Post COMPLETE remodeling. altera- right, headphones on, wait- skill as a researcher into his- gator who relates how set, 13302 Nadine, corner of escaped Nazis were able to tions, repair, kitchens, den, new Southfield office, requires ing to plug in and hear the toric events has been estab- basement, fam. rm., reasonable. Berkley, Huntington Woods. buy citizenship. The Steven- poise s patience, and pulcritude 538-6894 recordings. At bottom left is lished in his exposes of the son warning of the perpet- Nazi era as well as his works (also typing, call 255-2555 or an obviously worried Dr. PLUMBING repairs, including uated Nazi menace con- come in to 18234 W. 7 Mile Henry Kissinger, holding a on events in Israel—he is the cludes: disposals and sump pumps, no 59-A—PIANOS FOR SALE author of "Zanek" which de- service charge. 398-1754. till 8 p.m. NEW PIANO w/bench. Fruitwood spool labelled "international scribed the Israel Air Force "George Santayana, a con- UP for Spring. Interior- finish. Upright. Gordon Laughead. relations" and apparently Permanent Staff Co. PAINT and "Strike Zion" about the temporary American philoso- exterior. Wallpapering & 4n- Call 357-2097 after 6 wondering whether this can Six-Day War—warns that the pher, made a statement in tiquing. 544-1646. EXPERIENCED salesperson for •ANTIQUE white apt. size Baby get a good hearing. `The Life of Reason' that is Nazi terror is not dead. active neighborhood dress shop A-1 PAPERHANGER, neat and Grand. $1,500 or bast offer. 544- The work is merely en- 2 or 3 days. 398-4240 or 398-5756. In "The Bormann Brother- ' profound and grimly applic- responsible. 542-4995. 1531. titled "Laoconixon." There hood," published by Harcourt able to the journey we ve Furniture & Vinyl Repair is no caption, for a caption Brace Ivanovich, a book pre- taken and to its point. He RELIABLE PERSON 75-C—RUMMAGE SALE Cig. burns, scratches, dents, is unnecessary. All Israeli senting "a new investigation said: 'Those who cannot re- To work in an electronic ware- crocks, dog bites, gogues, B.S.A. Explorer Post #1982 newspaper readers — and of the escape and survival of member the past are con- house, duties will include ship- most Israelis are avid news• the Nazi war criminals," he demned to repeat it.' Are we ping, receiving, & pulling orders, broken legs, loose joints, stains, RUMMAGE SALE good chance for advancement, touch ups. paper readers — are thor- relates the role of the arch to be condemned? Must we age no barrier, full time only. oughly familiar with the criminal. He expresses the be? I hope not. So I make Free Estimates AUG. 11-12 Call Mr. Faber twists and turns of the view that Bormann had this my valedictory: Remem- 532-7302 AL SUNSHINE 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Watergate affair. It is rarely escaped to South America. It ber." 399-5920 at 12058 Montrose off the front pages, and the will be recalled that in 1972 PAINTING — Plymouth and Greenfield new revelations daily lead there was the sensational East. Berlin Office PAPERHANGING 40-A—EMPLOYMENT off' the radio news bulletins. news stemming from Steven- WANTED Israel television has for son's findings that Bormann Planned by PLO QUALITY WORK BONN (JTA) — The Pal- some reason — perhaps cost had escaped to Bolivia, and REASONABLE PRICE EXPERIENCED day care for el- — been sparing in its screen- there was speculation about estine Liberation Organiza- Reasonable. Oak Park- Sfld. 544-4655. 547-7569 ing of videotape of the actual a suspect who had hidden his tion will open an office in East Berlin, according to hearings, but Jordan TV has identity and could have been DRESSMAKING alterations, 20 "Neues Deutschland," the of- Bormann. 45—BUSINESS years experience, daytime. WO JERUSALEM (JTA)—The shown it plentifully, and 1-2083, after 5, 541-7009. OPPORTUNITIES Stevenson's claim is that ficial East -German Commun- premiere performance of most Israelis can pick up Bormann, who was believed ist Party newspaper. "One City—Something About Jordan as well as Israel. An agreement has been PROFESSIONAL Established Industrial to have possessed $1,890,000 This deep and widespread Jerusalem" ended 20 minutes signed to this effect by Ger-/ in American securities, was PAINTING Catering earlier than expected July 31 consciousness of Watergate able to hide under a false hard Gruenenberg, Commun- With a golden touch. CUSTOM with the actors announcing has manifested itself in many ist Party politburo member. Route for sale, for someone WALLPAPERING. Free esti- that the controversial play ways. That indefatigable identity and to escape pros- and Yassir Arafat, leader of ecution. . who wants to be their own boss. mates, fully insured. CALL had been "censored." Knesseter Uri Avneri nowa- the PLO. No date has been Truck available if needed. In "The Bormann Brother- 352-3281 Dave Benkoff The censorship claim ap- days applies the terms "Is- announced for the opening. rael's Watergate" to any hood" Stevenson refers to 543-6842 pears to refer to several cuts Al Benkoff A statement said the PLO's 1-453-0087 other Nazi criminals who be- made jointly by the play's aspect of the government's long to this brotherhood of job will be "to promote. fur- PROFESSIONAL Established Vending Route researchers, journalists Mat- record he happens to be escapees and Gen. Reinhard ' Sher mutual understanding ti Golan and Dan Margalit of criticizing. Earning in excess of $1,000 PAINTING Gehlen is listed among this between the people of the The gradual but relentless per mo., requires only 5 hrs. With a customized look. Quality Haaretz, and the theater's cabal. Stevenson denies Geh- German Democratic Repub- exposure of Watergate by the len's per week, ideal supplement to paper hanging by request. board of directors. claim that Bormann lie and the Arab Palestinian present income, full price of The play, which caused an Washington Post has had a was a Russian spy and his People." T h e negotiations FREE ESTIMATES AND $5,000. Will allow a trust- uproar when shown to a pre- marked influence on Israel's counter-charge is that the were described by "Neues PAPER CONSULTATION worthy individual to pay out view audience earlier in July, leading daily, Haaretz. Al- Russian spy was Heinrich Deutschland" as "cordial and Insurance Estimates Given of earnings, contact Ed Harris was written on the basis of ready last year Haaretz ven- Mueller. friendly." Call at the interviews compiled by tured into the field of in- The Stevenson warning is CHRIS BIRCHALL the two journalists. vestigative reporting with a addressed as "a cautionary Party Line Crashers 525-0410 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 543-8692 According to the two, the fine series on crime. note to us and our inheri- After Watergate broke, the tors," and he states: Bounced by Police PANELING, partitions, floors, the director, Michael Alfreds, 50—BUSINESS CARDS ceilings tiled. Also small jobs. interpreted the play too free- paper's top political cor- "The despicable f or c e s JERUSALEM (JTA) — Reasonable. Ron, 9684576. ly by depicting Israel as a respondent, Dan Margalit, loosed by the Third Reich Three telephone technicians METRO ELECTRIC REPAIRS. Reasonable. harsh occupying power which teamed up with one of its are not expunged, although, have admitted to making il- 644-0409. 557-7228. did not fit in with their orig. Knesset reporters, Matti Go- like some virulent virus, they legal overseas telephone calls WINDOW CLEANING Ian, to embark on an Evans- may be changed to other over the communication min- FURNITURE refinished and re- inal material. Experts on aluminum storm paired. Free estimates. 474-8953. windows. Wall washing, free They also claimed the ver- Novak or Jack Anderson- forms and be difficult to istry's direct line, Jerusalem estimates. FIRST CLASS painting and dec- sion shown on the stage add- type column named, "The identify. They remain malig- police said. orating, wood finishing and an- nant and as such potentially About three weeks ago the ed scenes which were his- Government in Action." tiquing. Reasonable. 547-1438. 541-0278 To the extent that Water- dangerous as before. If there security officers at the Jeru- torically incorrect. is any value to the persis- Alfreds said the two jour- gate reflects the dangers of tence of the Bormann puzzle, salem Central Post Office re- JULIUS ROSS MOVING CO. too excessive executive pow- ported that overseas calls LARKINS MOVING CO. nalists gave him a large num- Local and Long Distance STOW er, Israeli public opinion is let it be to remind us of the amounting 'to thousands of Is- AGE. Packing, pianos, appliances, ber of interviews from which Household and Office darkest side of human nature raeli pounds had been placed household furnishings, office he was to select the ones ap- not drawing a parallel. Furniture -7 furniture. While the Knesset is mod- that he and his brothers so to Europe and the U.S. propriate for the stage for a monstrously exemplify." 7040 Puritan—Detroit eled on the British Parlia- the direct line of Commut._ .1- Local and Long Distance dramatic presentation of Je- Bormann's influence over Also Storage 861 6441 rusalem's current problems. ment rather than the U.S. Hitler is emphasized in his lions Ministry Director Gen- He said that Golan and Congress, it is — because of exposures. Stevenson reports eral Ministry Soroker. 894-4587 or 361-5222 CARPENTRY work. inside & out- Police tapped the line and facts of Israeli political life side. I. Schwartz. 545-7712 or YE Margalit followed the work on talks he had with anti- 8-5073. on the play and there was no — only a pale shadow of Nazis, on the interview he caught three technicians who admitted to placing the calli PLUMBING repairs and moderni- reason for them to be sur- Westminster as the public's had with Gehlen, on the mar- watchdog of administration. tyrdom of Otto John, a Ger- with their hand instruments. zation, new and old work, lic- prised at the outcome. ensed, guaranteed, reasonable. They reportedly made more With one party having held man anti-Nazi who was one 557-3799 or 557-9216. Alfreds rejected accusa- than 100 calls to Europe and power for 25 years and the of Gehlen's victims. tions of censorship or excess CARPENTER available for any other 13 squabbling and Stevenson declares in his the U.S. The police did not type of repair or new work. 353- editing on his part. He said uniting to charge that by 1970 Bormann say whom they called or what jousting but never 1947. he used his legitimate judge- topple the government, the was a wealthy man "who was said. Police are question- ment. 53-A--ENTERTAINMENT Knesset is necessarily limit- could have escaped from the ing four other suspects in 28635 Southfield ed in its ability to control confines of jungle life," yet connection with the unauthor- SINGING guitarist violinest Bar 357-3266 Mitzvas, w?ddings, house parties, He w h o hears himself the Cabinet. he relates how the criminal ized phone calls. dances. 398-2462. Overnite Service abused and is silent will be To the extent, then, that supposedly had found refuge What a man does, com- preserved from many Watergate represents a clash in the Bolivian jungle. INVITATIONS 55-C--COATS FOR SALE abuses. — Sanhedrin. between the President and The need for publicity to pared with what he is, is but PERSIAN Lamb coat, size 14, excellent condition. Also black Congress and perhaps a re- uproot these criminals is pro- a small part.—Henry David wool dress cc at, only worn a Classifieds Get Quick Results alignment of' their relative posed, and it comes as a sug- Thoreau. month. 557-3568. Whirlpool Dryer almost new, CREATIVE ENRICHMENT . strengths, there is no real DAVID LANDAU ;,parallel in Israel. JTA Middle East ' All this does not mean, Bureau Chief JERUSALEM (JTA) — In however, that Israelis—gov- this weekend's Ha a r e t z l ernment and people — are. magazine, the paper's car- not profoundly worried , by toonist, "Zeev" devotes an Watergate. They are. entire page to a reproduc- First, on a very simplistic coon they know that they tion of the group. famous sculpture , level, have a proven friend in of Ancient Greece, the Lao have and they would hate Instead of Laocoon flanked to see him go. True enough, By - 'Remember Nazism': Stevenson Exposes Bormann Brotherhood Censors Stop Israeli Play - PASSPORT PHOTOS 2 fon" Papertique 20% OFF •