Seek Exoneration of Accused in Murder of Chaim Arlosoroff abroad and will shortly go off murder 40 years ago arose friends were guilty, while 22, joined the army and was of girls. in the Knesset when Benya- • • • to Mexico. the other side was convinced sent to the front. He also be- The Role of the Former Jewish Agency leaders held min Halevy, of the Gahal that this was a libel. There came a parachutist. President Zalman Shazar held a festive dinner at the faction, demanded a new in- TEL AVIV — Some tra- were clashes between these Now came the turn of the An article in Ha'aretz com- King David Hotel in Jeru- vestigation of the crime to gedies can never be for- two camps in the streets of fourth son, Shlomo, 20. He plains about the heartless salem for the former presi- remove the pall of suspicion gotten. One such case is the Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. joined the army as a para- behavior towards Israel's dent. David Ben-Gurion at- from three members of the murder of Chaim Arlosoroff Some prominent Jews, in- chutist. former President Zalman tended, as well as the general rightist Zionist-Revisionist The four brothers jumped Shazar. The paper wrote that secretary of the Jewish movement who were accused eluding Chief Rabbi Abra- 40 years ago. of murdering the Labor Zion- During a memorial service ham Kook, Zionist leader together — Ben-Zion and Naf- after the inauguration cere- Agency, Moshe Rivlin. 1st leader but were eventually • • • at Tel Aviv cemetery for Moshe Smilanski and the tali as reservists and Moshe mony of the new president, acquitted. the late Herut leader, Aba journalist Benzion Kook, led and Sholomo as regular sol- Professor Ephraim Kazir, in Eban Against Reviving Haim Zadok, speaking for Achimeir, there was a dra- an open campaign for the diers. A short time ago the the Knesset, the former pres- Arlosoroff Hearings JERUSALEM (JTA)—For- the Labor Party, rejected a four brothers thought of an ident left his former home matic m omen t. Israel's liberation of the accused. The Jerusalem District original birthday present for unaccompanied except for eign Minister Abba Eban new inquiry. He said there former ambassador to Tur- their father. They decided to said there was no justifica- was no reason for one be- key, Tuvia Arazi, declared Court sentenced Abraham ask the military authorities his family, that his car took tion in reopening the Arlosor- cause of the acquittals. Stawsky to death an dfound him to the Moriah Hotel, that he had definite proof for permission to jump to- where nobody awaited him off murder investigation al- Halevy said that even that the three Jews,, includ- Zvi Rosenblatt not guilty. The re- gether in front of their fath- except the hotel's manager. though the affair might be though the accused were ac- ing Achimeir, who were ac- death sentence was later er. The authorities agreed. Alone and lonesome he en- reviewed in the context of quitted for lack of evidence, cused of murdering Chaim vised by the High Court of the left-wing continued to Justice and Stawsky was re- The Chief Commander of tered the hotel room, where history. Arlosoroff in 1933, were in Eban said there was his- charge them with the murder fact innocent. Arazi referred leased after 13 months in the Parachutists, Brig. Eman- again no one visited him. I had the honor of meeting torical value in reviewing the of Chaim Arlosoroff who to a document written by his prison. He left for the U.S. uel Shaked, was host to the and after World War II was father and his four sons the former president and case. He said one question •headed the Jewish Agencv'c late brother, Yehuda Arazi, heard from him that he was that might be raised was why political department wher who had been a senior police active smuggling arms to after the jump. Eretz Israel for I.Z.L. and not as lonesome as the news- internal conflict among rival was slain in 1933. I was told that in another officer in 1933 and later a One of the accused, Zvi Ro- Lechi. After the establish- two years, the fifth brother paper had stated. On the political groups reached such Hagana leader. a high pitch of hatred that senblatt, said he is consider- ment of Israel, he brought contrary, many old and new will also join the Parachu- In his document, Yehuda arms on boardthe tists. Maybe the sixth child friends visited him as well some groups described Dr. ing suing Histadrut Secretary Arazi confirmed the version heavy Chaim Weizmann as Fla- General Yitzhak Ben Aharon of the story that Arabs had SS Atalena, and was killed will become a girl parachu- as senior government offi- vius's brother and the Jew- for libel for saying in a Da- when Hagana blew up the tist. But in the meantime, cials. He is already busy with murdered Arlosoroff on Fri- oat off the Tel Aviv coast- the religious establishment at his literary and scientific ish Agency as the Jewish var interview recently that day, June 16, 1933. on Tel boat of fate which this daughter is study- work. He had agreed to visit Wakf (the Moslem institute). he was not convinced of the i line. It was an irony Aviv beach, and not Jews, A dispute over the Arlosor- innocence of the accused. that the Atalena was shot at ing, is against the enlistment some Jewish communities at a meeting of the Bnai from a place on the beach at Brith in Tel Aviv. It had been a dark evening; Arloso- which Arlosoroff was mur- roff and his wife went for dered some years earlier. a walk along a deserted Yehuda Arazi, the Jewish stretch of the beach, when police officer, said he had Ezekiel's career as a pro- The Israel Philatelic Marc Chagall; multicolor prophetess. Jeremiah (IL .65 value) phet spanned 22 years, all two shots were fired causing only believed in Stawsky's Agency in America an- Photolithography by E. Lew- severe injury to Arlosoroff, guilt for 48 hours. After that, was active for some 40 years, in exile. Until the destruc- nounces that on Aug. 21 Is- in-Epstein, Ltd. who later died at Tel Aviv's he had become convinced of rael will issue six stamps Biblical Prophets on Israel's beginning in the late seventh tion of the First Temple in Hadassah Hospital. his innocence. His view was century, a time of prosperity, 586, they dealt with Jeru- Arlosoroff was only 34 that the British authorities showing the remaining win- Three Festival Stamps when his dire warnings went salem's fate; thereafter, with dows that Chagall completed Also on Aug. 21 the Israel years old when he died. The were interested in forging for the chapel of Hadassah Philatelic Agency reports, unheeded. He lived to see the return, rebuilding, restora- death- of this popular Zionist testimony and changing facts Hospital in Jerusalem. The Israel will issue another fall of Judah to Babylon in tion. His famous parable of leader, who had been the in order to prove that Ar- first six were issued on significant set: its annual 5B6 BC, surviving to pro- the Valley of the Dry Bones director of the political de- losoroff had been murdered March 26. All are IL $1 Festivals set, with the Proph- phesie its fall in turn (as (scattered Judah and Israel) partment of the Jewish by Jews. As a protest, he ets Isaiah, Jeremiah a n d well as Moab, Edom and concludes with a vision of the Agency, stirred the entire handed in his resignation to values. Egypt itself) and Jerusalem river of life flowing from the population of Eretz Israel. the police. After his resigna- The six newly - issued Ezekiel, residents of the rebuilt with Judah and Is- reestablished Temple, which Kingdom of Judah from mid- He was murdered after re- tion, a senior British police starrsns portray the windows rael back in their homeland. he described in great and ex- turning from an important officer warned him that if for the tribes of Dan, Gad, eighth century, B.C., to the Still, his reputation is that plicit detail. Ezekiel appears Babylonial conquest. political mission to Europe. he were to reveal any details Asher, Naphtali, Joseph and Isaiah (IL .18 value), was of a doom-sayer, somehow on the IL 1.10 value. The designer is P. Grebu. Arlosoroff was a partisan about the investigation, he Benjamin. They were the the first chronologically, a appealing to the modern children of Rachel, Zilpah Multicolor photogravure by of Dr. Chaim Weizmann's would be severly punished. mind (cf. Bernstein's "Jere- poet from Jerusalem whose Arazi revealed that he had and Bilhar; while the first Government Printers. moderate attitude towards wife was considered a miah" Symphony). the British mandatory re- met with labor leaders and sixborn were all the child- gime. He was often sharply had tried to convince them ren of Leah, Jacob's first criticized even by Revision- that the accused Jews were wife, and the subjects of the ists for his attitude. A few not guilty, and that Arloso- first six windows in the years later, when his diary roff had been murdered by series. was published posthumously, two Arabs, who were walk- Dan, Bilhar's eldest son, it became clear that Arloso- ing on the beach and who has a window predominantly had tried to assault Arloso- roff had been of the opinion blue, with the text from that the British authorities roff's wife. Genesis (49:16) foretelling Yehuda Arazi died several would not keep the promises his role as a judge of Israel, years ago and now his to the Jewish people made and a central double candel- l as in the Balfour Declaration. brother Tuvia says that the abrum (for the scales of He prophesied that the day time had come to fulfill his justice?). Zilpah's son Gad would come when the Zionist late brother's legacy of tell- was a warrior; his window movement would have to ac- ing the truth about the false 4 ' is dark green and peopled by accusations made against the tively fight the British re- )1\Z11_1j1 1.00 three Jews who had nothing vaguely-shaped horrors of )N 1 U-11 1.00 ISRAEL .1:1,,-1)N1W 1 gime in Eretz Israel. 1.00 war and red streaks. For •••••••••••••• OOOOOOO OOO O O O •• •• •• • • • •• •• •• • Immediately after the to do with * this : crime. •••••••••••••••••••••• * Asher (in Hebrew: "con- a tubes of israel )ere" •nV murder, rumors began to tribes of israel )onty .urn 41r- tribes of israel )giv' ,u)vi tentment a n d wealth"), Four Parachutist 411, circulate that Revisionists there is a contrasting cheer- GA011 ASHER•1111N NAPHTA1.1. 1)1191 had committed the crime Brothers Jump Together [Owe ,151.1-)roxe, noon The ranks of the Israeli ful window, multicolored with °Owl. aoto -)roxv rhino and deep hatreds broke out 0')r/IV apla -)roxt, union chagall windows hadassah Jerusalem chagail windows hadassah Jeor,oeiii chagall windows hadassah Jerusalem among Jews all over the parachutists were increased doves of peace and olive world. The Revisionists de- by the addition of four broth- branches, foliage and con- nied any responsibility for ers. Veterans showed keen tainers of olive oil, for his the crime. After the funeral, interest watching them jump, traditional tribal lands in- cluded the rich olive groves a member of Betar, Abra- one after the other. of Galilee. Guest of honor on this oc- ham Stawsky, was arrested on a charge of murdering casion was the father of the Naphtali was Dan's full Dr. Arlosoroff. Soon after, four. It was his birthday brother, remembered as the another Betar member, Zvi present. At the end of the runner who brought the good Rosenblatt, was arrested and Second World War, Eliezer news of Joseph's survival: later the editor of the Re- Rosenfeld was a lonely and accordingly, a crouching deer visionist newspaper, the broken man. His wife and is prominent in the yellow People's Front, which had children and most of his fam- window. For the window re- been active in criticizing Dr. ily were killed by the Nazis. presenting Joseph, there is a Arlosoroff's political line, He decided to leave for Eretz position of honor in the syna- was also arrested. Israel, where he married gogue, above the Holy Ark The arrest of these three again and became the father and opposite the entrance. Jews led to a storm of pro- of seven children. The remaining window is The oldest son, Ben-Zion, tests but many believed in )N -1 1..!J 1.00 ISRAEL their guilt. Among them was 25, attended Kfar Haroe Ye- Benjamin's, baby of the fam- 11.) I 1.00 ISRAEL J,,̀ 1ru_il 1.00 ISRAEL M.rwl )N111.1 1 ••••••••••••••••• OOOOO David Ben-Gurion, who was shiva of Rabbi Neria. He ily, whose birth cost Rachel •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• OOOOOOO • then in Poland and who ac- became a parachutist in the her life. A rainbow-hued win- tribes of israel ),ov"uiv tribes of Israel )XLEP '113V dow represents this "beloved tribes of Israel )711CP cused the Revisionists open- Israeli Army. His brother DAN.I1 ly in one of his speeches. Naftali, 23, followed in his of the Lord" (according to BENJAMIN-1 1 1P)1 JOSEP H• 9011 The Jewish population, footsteps. Both served in the Moses's blessing, D e u t. nvo' mom-Ulm ninon nem. autl-)XlKet noOrt O')eur aotd -)roxet noon chagall windows hadassah. Jerusalem both in and out of Palestine, front lines in the War of At- 33:12), filled with a galaxy chagall windows hadassah Jerusalem chagall windows hadassah lerusa:ern of planets, flowering trees, was divided into two camps: trition. Later, the third son, Moshe, golden Jerusalem itself. one believed Stawsky and his The design is credited to THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS By MOSHE RON Jewish News Special Israel Correspondent New Israeli Stamps: Chagall Windows, Bible Prophets . 43 Friday, July 20, 1973 —