34—Friday, July 20, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Diplomatic Trickery, Cannibal Operation Among Nazi Victims Suggested in Bar-Zohar Novel Poor NY Jewish Po , Funds May Get I Conservative Picture Bright in S. America NEW YORK (JTA) — The in the ceremonies were Mar- The Seminario Rabbinic° i Conservatve movement is shall T. Meyer, rabbi of the of Buenos Aires, established C alive and well in Argentina, 600-member congregation and 12 years ago, now offers rab- From 0E0 NEW YORK (JTA)—Hope Brazil, Chile and Venezuela, founder of the Seminario binic ordination, and in fact was expressed by two Jewish states Rabbi Seymour Siegel, Rabbinico Latino Americano, several of its graduates are leaders active in seeking gov- who has just returned from Mrs. Sylvia Heschel, widow serving large congregations; ernment funding for pro- a "pastoral tour" to the Jew- of Dr. Heschel, and Rabbi they are among the first of these four Mordechai Edery, co-rabbi of native-born and native trained for New York City's fish communities rabbis in South America to- - Was there cannibalism in intrigue in which the United grams Jewish poor that the recent South American countries the synagogue. Rabbi Siegel said that in day, Rabbi Siegel said. the German concentration States was a factor eventual- which he conducted last Argentina there are fears "In Chile," he noted, "you camps? Have there been in- ly proved that the murderer unfreezing of Office of Eco- by month. that anti-Semitic elements in have a different situations stances when the inmates, was a tool in a plot of in- nomic Opportunity funds Rabbi Siegel, professor of a federal judge would enable the Peronist movement may altogether." While it is "a driven to madness of hunger, ternational dimensions. the city to honor its pledge ethics and rabbinic thought gain control, even though at lovely, lovely country, and But while the novelist devoured the bodies of dead leads up to a U.S.-USSR for additional funding of at the Jewish Theological present there are many Jews the people are extremely or dying fellow-inmates? such programs through the Seminary, represented the An intriguing novel by confrontation that was re- New York Metropolitan Co- JTS and the Rabbinical As in the party, and a Jew holds simpatico," the political and Michael Bar-Zohar, "The solved by finding the murd- ordinating Council on Jewish sembly at the dedication of the position of minister of ft- economic turmoil there has caused some 5,000 Jews, in- Third Truth," published by erer, in what the head of the rn nance in the government. the new synagogue of Co- Rut, Rabbi Siegel reported, eluding most of the rabbis, Houghton Mifflin Co., gives CIA portrayed in his files as Poverty. munidad Bet El in Buenos the main concern of Jews in to leave, Rabbi Siegel said. The statements were made "Operation Cannibal," the , Aires. that impression. Argentina is really whether There is now one rabbi — Bar-Zohar, a Tel-Avivian, application of the theme to to the Jewish Telegraphic In Buenos Aires, where, Peron can hold the govern- Ramon Kreiman, a graduate served as Paris correspond- the experiences u n d e r Agency after metropolitan ent for Israeli newspaper, Nazism are not to be elimin- press reports that Mayor despite the restive situation ment together. of the Seminario—who offi- ciates at four synagogues, fought in the Sinai Campaign ated. Drawn into the plot is John V. Lindsay had made occasioned by the imminent observing as far as possible during the Six-Day War and a director of a Nazi detec- a pledge in May 1972 of arrival of Juan Peron, the then became Defense Min_ tion office in Vienna, and $1,200,000 to the coordinating new sanctuary of Communi- 1,080 Off to Israel the traditions of each. ag ister Moshe Dayan's secre- the reader will recognize in council, which now represents dad Bet El was opened with _ for Intens i ve Study According to the Rabbi Kreiman, the Allende tary. His novel originally was his at once the role•of Simon 36 Jewish organizations and ceremonies in which ecclesi NEW YORK — A total of astral authorities, diplomatic published in French and the Wiesenthal, the hunter for grass groups. more than rc. resentatives and many 1,080 Americans left last government has been very It roots was formed English translation is by and detector of Nazi crim- a year ago to seek govern- leaders of the local Jewish month to spend seven or friendly to the Jews. In Brazil, Rabbi Siegel vis- eight weeks in intensive June P. Wilson and Walter finals. It is the involvement of mental funding to help New community participated. The synagogue was dedi- educational programs spon- ited Rabbi Shmuel Winter, a B. Michaels. York City's Jewish elderly "The Third Truth" is the CIA together with the KGB _ and the Jewish poor, and to cated to the late Abraham sored by the education and 1972 graduate of the Jewish type of thriller that will hold that gives this story unique _ establish slocal Jewish neigh- Joshua Heschel. Taking part culture department of the Theological Seminary who is American section of the the first rabbi ever to serve the reader's attention from ness as a plot with an in World Zionist Organization. the 15,000 Jews of the city of cover to cover. There is ternational coloration. It is borhood councils capable of Mainly high school and Porto Allegre. In Venezuela, drama at every step and the fantasy marked by factual delivering programs and serv- college youth, American stu- another seminary graduate, action is based on a con- backgrounds. It suggests be ices Jewish to these groups. for aid spokesmen dents came from e i g h t Rabbi Isidoro Aisenberg, tinuity of involvements re- hind-the-scenes plotting on a _ to the Jewish poor have con- some American colleges and 15 1 works closely with college lated to the Nazi terror, and governmental scale — tended that these Jewish poor communities in which their students and young people thing that reveals a novel- JERUSALEM (JTA) — have generally been by-pas- the vengeance it inspired. While the theme revolves fist's imagination that could sed by the present anti-pov- Finance Minister Pinhas tours were sponsored by as rabbi of Bnai Brith. around detecting a crime in well emerge into reality if erty structure in New York Sapir lashed out at Gahal either local boards of Jewish chief Menahem Begin in the education or individual He- The Best To You which survivors from the one believes in diplomatic City. Twenty-six sections of the I Knesset finance committee brew schools. Nazi terror were involved, it trickery. The eight colleges that I city have been designated for his allegations that state •commences with a world poverty areas, each having corporations had wasted IL sent groups to Israel this crisis—the danger of an Postdated Checks; I a locally-elected agency, call- 2 billion of the taxpayers' summer for educational East-West war, of a U.S.- USSR involvement, Russia's Notes 'Without Cover ed a community corporation, money. Sapir said 41 of the seminars include the Detroit foreign minister is murdered. TEL AVIV (ZINS)—Israel's which receives and distributes 51 state corporations which College of Jewish Studies. .. • He had motored alone from Central Bank reports that for government funds for local conducted commercial trans- FHB ILI. Bar Mitzvas, Weddings New Jersey to New York the year 1972 there were in anti-poverty projects. actions ended the last fiscal year with a combined total MT %MONS and special occasions and his body was recovered circulation IL 4,014,000,000 in profit of IL 205,000,000. The BIG BANDS OR Garson Zeltzer when his automobile went off I postdated checks and promis- j other ten firms lost IL 19,- SMALL COMBOS an embankment. sort' notes without sufficient uSSIt's Former Photography The charges leveled by cover. This, despite the fact Arabic Announcer i 000,000, he said. Sapir wanred private build- Soviet extremists that is was I that 1972 was _a year of pros- Arrives in Israel ing contractors that unless perity with ample means of an American plot against TEL AVIV (JTA) — The they kept their commitment Russia led to an investiga- payment. During 1972 the tion that involved the CIA, amount of defaulted notes former chief Arabic announc- to cut down construction by YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH TRAVELS whose agent, Jeff Saunders, and checks without cover in- er of the Moscow Radio ar- some 14 per cent this year creased by 53 per cent over rived here last week as an the government would con- GATEWAY to uncovered not only the murderer but also a deeper the previous year. Taking immigrant from the Soviet sider gazetting orders to ISRAEL, U.S.A. and EVERYWHERE into account that the entire compel them to do so. He plot in which the American volume of checks and notes Union. Massrour Kattan, 56, an added that if disaster hit the help you plan your trip, We agency was involved. during 1972 amounted to IL Iraqi-born Jew who fled to building industry again, as you help us maintain our The murder was avenging 68,000,000,000, it is noted that the USSR from Baghdad 25 1965, the govern- Nursery and Kdgn.Dentc. the death of his father, who a substantial percentage was years ago during a purge of it did in not step in to was the victim of cannibal- issued without adequate cover. Communists, came to Israel ment would Eve. 559-7567 Call 557-6750 save it as it did at that time. in Dachau con- ism in a cell In Tel Aviv alone, notes in at the invitation of relatives Meanwhile, Premier Golda centration camp. But the default aggregated IL 3,300,- here. Meir and opposition leader 000,000; in Jerusalem, IL Kattan was regarded as a Menahem Begin clashed in P 3,330,000 and in Haifa IL 4,- political refugee when he the Knesset over the alleged 0 Creative Party Planning 640,000. went to Russia. Because of misuse of funds raised in A including his credentials as a Com- Jewish communities abroad. w Bear in mind that uncon- munist and his fluency in Candy 'Centerpieces thru Aug. 1st, 1973 N Mrs. Meir said that is was T trolled cars are lethal Arabic, he was given the impossible to develop the weapons. announcer's job. Kattan had S Personalized Party little to say about conditions country without the support Favors in the USSR. He thanked his of the Jewish people. She Invitations and Party S relatives for inviting him said that no one could ac- B Accessories for all occasions. cuse Gahal of wasting money, and thanked the Russians for P and his ORCHESTRA_ L a reference to the fact that letting him go. "Music of its Best 0 the opposition faction has 0 MARCIA MASSERMAN for Your Guests" neither the authority nor the R Ad Campaign Held 646-6138 557-7986 responsibilities of governing. 0 I Begin retorted that "It was S to Promote Brit Mila Cleveland (JTA) — Four the money of the Jewish peo- E S Cleveland Jews. concerned by pie, not of the Labor Party A REALLY GREAT SELECTION the state of religious observ- or Gahal." He insisted that S ance in the Jewish communi- "a lot of these funds have is ty, have joined in a modest been wasted." "CLIP THIS AD AND SAVE AN EXTRA 5 advertising campaign to in Bank of . Israel Governor .. 10% OFF THE ALREADY LOW SALE PRICES. duce more Jewish parents to Moshe Zanbar told the Knes- 11( F - provide ritual circumcisions set economic committee he I Aso New Foil Goods now in stock for their sons. They have convinced the cabinet to .,, been placing advertising in allow raising of bank interest K the Cleveland Jewish News as even during the 90-day price T Florsheim • Socialites - Cobbies • "Concerned Jews for Mitzva freeze. This was necessary, .. Observance." ThP insertions he said, because credit in ) Hush Puppies • Red Cross Shoes discuss the importance of I 1 Brit Mila as being "rootedsrael was too cheap and it NORTHLAND • EASTLAND • WESTLAND • SOUTHLAND • DOWNTOWN encourages establishment of to the continued existence of enterprises which lack eco- Th e 5102 ROCHESTER 26571 W. 12 MILE the Jewish People." nomic justification. Just N. of Long Lake Road Just W. of Northwestern four are a rabbi, an attorney Kings Row Center, Troy Southfield nad two businessmen who 689-0200 met while attending a Friday i I am an old man and have 1 • 354-3554 known a great many troubles, . night class in Talmud. SAVE AN EXTRA 10% i but most of them never hap- 1 -a ■■ . 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