6—Friday, July 13, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel Unhurt by Drop of U.S. Dollar in European Market Christians' Statement Acclaimed as 'Perceptive' (Continued from Page 1) The "fierce persecution" of Jews by Christians has re- flected "gross ignorance of Jewish history and religion" and should be seen "as a fratricidal strife as well as a vast human tragedy." At the same time, "this sin has infected t h e non-Christian world as well." Christianity "is rooted in the life of the People Israel," and "it is a tragedy of his- tory that Jesus, our bond of unity with the Jews, has all too often become a symbol and source of division and bitterness because of human weakness and pride." "Two religious traditions, IF YOU TURN THE The Church must "attend to overcome and the opportun- its role as agent of reconcil- ities which can shape a new UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T iation," because "the only future for all of us." FIND A FINER WINE THAN road leading to peace is trust in a n d understanding of JERUSALEM (JTA) — the Bank of Israel was spec- Do not anticipate trouble neighbors and partners," not or worry about what may Monetary experts said that ulating, only that it is mak- militarism and fear. "We never happen. Keep in the Israel will not suffer because ing sure it will be able to strongly commend Jewish- sunlight. — Benjamin Fran- of the low state of the U. S. fulfill its future obligations. Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. Christian dialogue as a fa- klin. dollar on the European money The impact of higher Euro- vored instrument by which market even though the Is- pean prices will not be felt we may explore the richness raeli pound continues to be on the Israeli market for at of Judaism and the Jewish pegged to the dollar. least another 45 days, ex- roots of our Christian faith." They said, however, that perts said. Israel will eventually feel Most Israelis' "overriding The 90-day price freeze the pinch of higher prices on that went into effect last concern" is "peace, not more imports from Europe. month requires a 45-day no- territory," but "it would be Moshe Zanbar, governor of tice before a manufacturer quite unrealistic and unjust the Bank of Israel said the can apply for a price hike to expect Israel to become a at sharp drop in value of the here because of higher prices sort of heavenly society of WILSON-CRISSMAN CADII LAC U. S. dollar did not affect at his European source of which more is demanded than CALL BUS. MI 4-1930 RES. 642-6836 Israel because most of its supply. of other nations." Christians 1350 N. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM foreign currency reserves Meanwhile Israel will re- need not endorse every Is- are in West German marks. ceive credits from West Ger- not a single Judeo Christian raeli p o l i c y decision, but tradition, have shaped our Zanbar said that since Is- many of about DM 140,000,- must avoid a "double stand- rael's foreign debt is three 000 this year for civilian con- culture," and "one's under- ard" and "refrain from the standing of the spiritual na- times its foreign currency struction projects, the Bonn ture of the human person type of criticism that would assets, the Bank secured Foreign Office announced. use Israel's failures, real or itself by acquiring only The foreign office denied remains incomplete without imagined, to live up to the "those currencies which up press reports suggesting that the other." highest moral standards as their value" such as the in 1972 West Germany gave Jewish worship and life are an excuse to deny its right to Deutschmark. more aid to Israel than the "authentic forms of service exist." Wondering what happened to us since He said this did not mean United States had given. to the true God." our store was completely destroyed by To help achieve "peace If inflation and unemploy- with justice in the Middle fire? Looking in vain for those great fur- ment worsen or another de- East," the churches must niture values? pression sets in, "we can be e s c h e w "prejudice" and fairly sure that the radi- WASHINGTON (JTA)—The The letter was in response "give their prayerful atten- American Jewish Committee to a speech Rauh made to cal right and/or the radical tion to such central questions has taken issue with a re- the Jewish Community Coun- left will make Jews out to be as the legitimacy of the Jew- cent charge by Joseph Rauh, cil of Milwaukee, June 26. the culprits." To refuse to ish State, the rights of the Jr., a prominent civil liber- Rauh, who is Jewish and learn from history is to "re- Palestinians, and the problem tarian, that American Jews is general counsel of the live the errors and evils of of the refugees — Jewish as are swinging to the right and Leadership Council on Civil the past." well as Arab." that Jews and Jewish organ- Rights with which many Jew- Christians "share in the The 18•member Israel We're back in business izations "are largely on the ish organizations are affilia- dignity of Israel" and should Study Group includes Dr. A. at a new location at wrong side of the great civil ted, was the recipient of the be "grateful to God and to Roy Eckardt of Lehigh Uni- Orchard Lake Road and rights issue of the day." AJCommittee's Isaiah Award the people whom God has versity, Bethlehem, Pa.; the Cass Lake Road. Same That contention and others by last year "for a lifetime of chosen as a special instru- Rev. Edward H. Flannery of fine furniture names, Rauh that Jews were retreat- service to civil rights." ment of His kindness." the Secretariat for Catholic- same wide selection .. ing from their traditional God wanted the Jews to Jewish Relations, Washing- and everything is brand Bookbinder described as liberal stance, were chal- 2 9 "set up a special society ded- ton, D.C.; Dr. Franklin H. new! Same great values lenged by Hyman Bookbind- "particularly in t e m perate icated to the fulfillment of Littell of Temple University, 5 g and service! Nothing er, the AJComittee's Wash- language" . Rauh's charge the messianic aspirations for Philadelphia, and Msgr. John has changed but ington representative who is that a "brigade of wealthy righteousness and freedom," M. Oesterreicher of Seton the address. Jews" foresook "their long himself a long time civil allegiance to the Democratic and "many observers" have Hall University, South Or- rights advocate. Party last fall" and gave found that "the localizing of ange, N.J. "Even the most cursory re- "vast sums" to defeat a can- Jewish activities g i v es a Rabbi Bernards said the (Formerly of Detroit and Farmington Since 1951) view of the civil rights scene didate "whose crime was to greater opportunity to fulfill "perceptive" statement "pro- 3065 Orchard Lake Road in Keego Harbor across would reassure any objective propose some modicum of re- their universal vocation than vides guidance of an extra- from the.Keego Theater • Phone: 681-3900 OPEN MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY FROM 9:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. observer that the Jewish distribution of wealth." Book- would an unfocused global ordinary character to the TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY TILL 5:30 P.M. community is, proportionate- binder claimed that "for presence." difficulties which need to be ly, significantly better repre- every 'wealthy Jew' who sented than others in legisla- made a substantial contribu- tive, financial, personal, le- tion to the Nixon campaign gal and political support of there must have been three civil rights struggles," Book- or four who gave perhaps binder said in a "Dear Joe" even larger sums to the Mc- letter to Rauh. Govern campaign." Discussing "your genera] indictment of Jewish with- drawal from civil rights com- mitments largely on the NEW troublesome issue of quotas," Bookbinder wrote to Rauh 1973 that while "very few" now believe in quotas, "a year ago, when the quota issue COUPS was devised, there were many who did suport quotas DISTRIBUTORS FOR in the practice." With few exceptions, Bookbinder con- tinued, "Jewish agencies and Jewish activists do favor and other Steel Radials strong affirmative action, in- cluding the use of goals and • Mufflers • Brakes • Shocks • Alignments timetables as you define them. "While the problem re- "EXCELLENT SERVICE & COMPETITIVE PRICES" mains of "occasional distor- tion of 'goals and timetables' into defacto systems, it is a SAFE & DEPENDABLE— "Dunlop Quality Costs No More" bum rap to argue that Jew- ish concern about quotas makes them anti - ,civil rights," Bookbinder said. - 9,"740,e in BIRMINGHAM Looking for IRVING'S FURNITURE 'Rio- Mist Jewish Trend' Refuted Look for us in KEEGO HARBOR! IRVING'S FURNITURE MAkE RO ICE TO POPULAR DEMAN NEW SUMMER HOURS I Sunday 9.2 Daily 8.7 Saturday 8.4 D YNAMIC Tire Sales & Car Care Centerl VGA 51 929 • DUNLOP • MICHELIN . JOE STAMELL'S Don't part with your illu- sions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.—Mark Twain. DYNAMIC TIRE SALES 3826 N. Woodward at 131/2 Mile Road, Royal Oak, Mich. Phone: 549-7350 SAY IT WITH JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 22100 GREENFIELD RD. • OAK PARK, MICH. 48237 PHONE 968-0820 OFFICE HOURS: MON. THRU THURS., 9 to 5; FRIDAY, 9 to 4; CLOSED SUNDAYS JULY & AUGUST