Pioneer Womento Host Luncheon Club news The Greater Detroit Coun- cil of Pioneer Women will hold its annual Beit Nehama Community Center luncheon KINNERET CHAPTER, GREATER DETROIT PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT noon July 26 at Cong. Beth Pioneer Women, will host a BUSINESS AND PROFES- CLUB newly-elected Presi- Abraham-Hillel. dinner and games 5 p.m. SIONAL CHAPTER, Wom- dent Mrs. Meyer Nitzkin an- The luncheon will honor July 22 at the Workmen's en's American ORT, recently nounces the first meeting members who have assumed Circle Center. Friends are installed the following offi- will be held noon Monday at the cost of maintaining a invited. For reservations, cers: Mrs. Joseph Katz, presi- the Whitehall Apts. club child at the center for a call Rebecca Cohen, 557-9154 dent; Mesdames Joshua house. Luncheon will be serv- minimum of one month. or Sarah Kanter, 557-6785. Gray, Sam Zack, Harry Shu- ed. The annual Israel Emer- Beit Nehama, named in At the first meeting hosted maker and Maurice Glicklin, gency Fund garden party will by newly-elected President vice presidents; Irving Ja- be held noon Thursday at the honor of Emma Lazaroff Pearl Chafetz, plans for the cobs, Jack Graff, and J. home of Mrs. Joe Weinberg, coming year were discussed. Brainin, secretaries; Miss 24482 Lee Baker, Southfield. Carol Schatz, treasurer; and Hostesses are Mesdames INFANTS SERVICE Mrs. Alvin Graff, parliamen- Manuel Neiman, Harry Brown, Rose Shapiro, Morris GROUP will meet 8 p.m. tarian. * Shindler, Betty Snyder, Sam Monday at the Zionist Cul- GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER, Dean, Eli Rosenbaum, Harry tural Center. Tickets will be sold and reservations taken Pioneer Women, will hold an Blaize, Rose Millman, Sam Israeli cash shower noon Liptzen and Belle Cohen. For for the annual Cherub Ball. Wednesday at the home of tickets, call luncheon chair- Mrs. Gerald Brody, 13400 man, Mrs. Louis Friedman, Northfield, Oak Park. There 545-3995- will be prizes and games. Leave Everything to Us LADIES OF YESHIVATH Guests are welcome. * * BETH YEHUDAH AND WOMEN'S SABBATH JEWISH WOMEN EURO- LEAGUE will hold a lunch- PEAN WELFARE ORGANI- eon-meeting noon Wednesday ZATION will meet noon at the yeshiva building. The NORMA GOLDENBERG Monday at the home of Ann luncheon is sponsored by Mrs. Barkles, 20565 Patton. Plans Jennie Kramer and Mrs. Schaver of Southfield, is lo- for a garden party will be dis- cated in Ramat Eliyahu, a cussed and refreshments will Rivke Berman honoring life members and the birthday of suburb of Rishon le Zion. be served. Ida Goldsmith. Guest speaker The building was construct- * * for the afternoon will be Rab- ed, maintained exclusively NORTHGATE CHAPTER, I bi Eli Freedman of the yesh- by Pioneer Women in De- Pioneer Women, will meet iva. Hostesses are Mesdames troit. noon Monday at the North- Walter Epstein, Harld Kap- The structure houses three gate recreation hall. Refresh- lan, Mendel Stark, Gussie kinds of day care programs WYN and HAROLD LANDIS ments will be served. Mrs. Cardash, Solomon Oppen and as well as academic and Clara Sherizen, president, in- Becky Gendelman. Mrs. Leo vocational training courses vites guests. Laufer, president, invites for youth and -women. guests." This year, the center is * participating in a special Phone DAVID - HORODOK- summer vacation program • STYLE ER WOMEN'S ORGANIZA- for mothers of large families • ELEGANCE Orchestra and Entertainment TION will meet noon Tues- plus two of their youngest • BEAUTY day at the home of Mrs. children. The recipients of Harry Schechter, 25639 Gar- the program are drawn from WYN-HAROLD CATERING field, Southfield, announces the lowest socioeconomic Mrs. Alex Dorchen, president. group of those who have Plans for the Aug. 28 lunch- immigrated to Israel. This Complete Line of China, Giftware, Crystal, Sterling Silver, Bridal Registry eon at the home of Mrs. overall effort involves 1,700 Philip Kutnick, 13201 Dart- mothers and 2,970 children mouth, Oak Park, will be dis- who are experiencing a cussed. Hostesses are Mrs. period of rest, relaxation and Kutnick and Mrs. Julius education for the first time Spielberg. in their lives. Norma Goldenberg, vocal- OAKFIELD CHAPTER, ist, will provide the music Women's American ORT, will at the luncheon. Mrs. Morris conclude its new and used Raskin will be chairman-of- book sale 10 a.m.-9 p.m. to- the-day. Mrs. Morris Mendel- Normally when day at the Livonia Mall. Pro- son will offer the invocation, you purchase sets of ceeds will support ORT pro- Mrs. Hyman Disner accom- International Sterling you jects. panied by Mrs. Jacob Wilk lace $30 to $100 over omen's I I WHY WORRY ! I HOME CATERING 557-6157 will perform the anthems, Mrs. Victor Ross, newly elected president of the Greater Detroit Council of Pioneer Women, will extend greetings. Mrs. Norman I. Leemon and Mrs. Milton Weiss are co-chairmen of Beit Nehama. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 13, 1973-27 University of Michigan Ar- tists and Craftsmen Guild will host a FREE ARTS FES- TIVAL 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Wed- nesday through July 21 on East University St. in Ann Arbor. The public is invited. \\1111,,,,, 8ngagement Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. Kremer of Larges Ave., Southfield, announce the en- gagement of their • daughter Mary Lou to Robert Warnke II, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Warnke of Plain- well, Mich. An August wed- ding is planned. \\ - ?1 4 111r, SAVE! Nr SAVE! BUY DIRECT FROM THE I M PORTER C) MUSIC BY SAM BARNETT SEYMOUR KAPLAN. and Co. IMPORTER AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 30555 Southfield, Suite 100 645-9200 AND HIS ORCHESTRA 968-2563 CLEARANCE SALE 50-75% OFF Larry Freedman Red Hot Buys 647-2367 Red Hot Days Ahead S /A\VIlh AT: 06 .. regular open sloth prices. Now until December 31, 1973 these facings '2"" are doubled. Bell-Gittleman Troth Announced Left to right: I.a Strada III, — Prelude I, Grande Regency III, 1810 II, DuBarry IV, Joan of Arc I, Royal Danish III. for the Come See ... Come Try . . . Come Buy .. • Slacks • Blouses • Blazers • All-Weather Coats • Short & Long Dresses • Pant Suits • Bags SIZES 12-20, 12 1/2-241/2 BOBYE GREEN'S `Better Half Fashions Mon. - Sat. 10:30 - 4:30 3055 W. 12 Mile, Berkley 398-1331 HAIR FASHIONS by RONALD is proud to announce that All Active Patterns available with this offer. Prices subject to change without notice. International Sterling 0.6 All patterns made in U.S.A. Gr o up Place Sriae P i eces I6-pc. Service for 4 Now Save $60 R e gular Opentocl: r Price No w Ptt e Sale $240.00 6180.00 36-Pc. Service for 8 including chest $599.00 6449.00 $839.00 $629.00 Now Save 815(1 all priced to give savings as described for Group I. Large size pieces are also 52-pc. Service for 12 including chest MISS ELLEN BELL Group II, Ill and (V pattern, available at sale prices. Now Save 8210 by Seymour Kaplan & Co., Suite 1 50—Congress 30555 Southfield Road 645-9203 Bldg. 1 Blic S. of 13 Mile Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Bell of Beverly Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Ellen to Lenny Gittleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. -Ed Gittleman of Hill- -brook Ave., Livonia. Mr. Gittleman was gradu- ated from Eastern Michigan University with a bachelor's degree. A December wedding is planned. (Formerly of The Second Look) Has joined our staff of stylists 23720 Southfield Road, Southfield, Mich. Hours: Tues. - Sun. by Appt. Call 557-0680