Hebrew University Inaugurates , Israel Can Strike Terrorists Anywhere: Former Spy Chief Romania- Jews Studies TEL AVIV (JTA) — Is- groups which he said num- rael has the ability to strike bered 14,000 men. at terrorists no matter where He said that terrorists had they are, Gen Aharon Yariv, missed 37 out of 48 Israeli former chief of Israel In- targets abroad. telligence, said in an inter- However, Yariv said Is- view in Yediot Aharonot. rael must take a serious The interview was given view of the murder of Col. after Yariv announced his Josef Alon, the air attache retirement as special adviser at the Israeli Embassy in to the prime minister for Washington. But he added. counter-terrorist activities in "We can rely on the Ameri- order to run as a Labor can authorities to take all Party candidate for the Knes- the measures necessary to set. expose the murderers." Yariv said that there has Yariv denied there was a been a recent decline in ; security failure in Washing- morale among Arab terrorist ton. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Manual Systems Under 50 x 50 $ Front Yard 100" DAVE SKLAR Sprinkler Service 358-5058 BEAT THE HEAT NEW '73 CATALINA 1 11111111n AIR CONDITIONED P.B., Hydramatic , P.S., Radio, White Walls, bum- glass. per strips, tinted NEW '73 LEMANS AIR CONDITIONED Tinted glass, pwr. disc. brakes, White Walls, P.S., Radio, Bumper Strips, decor. hydramatic, $3349 NEW '73 BONNEVILLE AIR CONDITIONED 4 door H.T., Tinted glass, Body Moldings, V-top, Body mirror, White Walls, AM-FM radio, Bumper Strips. Just a few selections from Our Huge Inventory. $4175 WOODY PONTIAC 12140 Jos. Campau - lust minutes from all x-ways 1/2 mile South of Davison call 891-1600 JERUSALEM — In two as co-chairmen of the corn- ceremonies at the Hebrew mittec. University, contracts were In another agreement, the signed to further the study Chief Rabbi J. Niemirower of European Jewish culture. Institute for Research on Under an agreement con- Romanian Jewry was incor- eluded with the Committee porated into the university's for Jewish Culture in Israel,1 Institute of Jewish Studies. selected classics of Yiddish The new center, which will literature will be published study Romanian Jewish his- jointly with the university tory, folklore, literature and at the rate of two books a periodicals, will serve as a year. Intended for use in scientific entity to prepare university-level classes both young scholars and open a in Israel and abroad. the new field of research: the of Romanian annotated series will present contribution each author's work with in- Jewry to the history and troduction a n d Yiddish- culture of the Jewish people. Signing on behalf of the English glossary. President Avraham Har- Niemirower Institute were man signed the agreement on its director, Dr. Michael behalf of the university, Landau; Dr. Theodor Lavi, while Itzhak Korn. M. K., director of the Romanian and Prof. Dow Sadan signed section at Yad Vashem Holo- caust Museum; and Adv. Ady Carmi. President Avra- ham Harman and Rector Prof. Michael Rabin signed on behalf of the university. Soviet Emigres to Perform at Tanglewood NEW YORK — Two Soviet musicians, both Jewish ar- tists permitted to leave their country, arrived at Kennedy Airport with their families on their way to Tanglewood, where, on the recommenda- tion of Leonard Bernstein, they have been accepted in the fellowship program of the Berkshire Music Center for the 1973 season which has just opened. They were auditioned by Bernstein in Rome while United Hias Service, the worldwide Jewish migration agency, was processing them for migration to the U. S. and making all the neces- sary arrangements for their transportation, reception and resettlement. The newcomers were Vic- tor Yampolski, 30, a violinist who was assistant conductor of the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and a one-time student of David Oistrach, and Michael Zaretsky, 26, a violist formerly with the Moscow Philharmonic Quar- tet and the Radio Orchestra of Moscow. Zubin Mehta, conductor of the Los Angeles Philhar- monic Orchestra, also audi- tioned the two artists in Rome, following which he wrote to United Hias Serv- ice: "I can say with absolute certainty that . . . they will both be absorbed immedi- ately in any one of the major American symphony orches- tras . . . string players of this caliber are very badly needed in the United States." Gaynor 1. Jacobson, ex- ecutive vice president of United Hias Service, report- ed that more than 800 Jew- ish refugees from Eastern Europe, over 700 of them from the Soviet Union, are now being assisted by Hias. While in transit, the refu- gees are maintained by the American Jewish Joint Dis- tribution Committee. Individualism I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to be creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for my- self. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to Heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all.—Thomas Jefferson. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14—Friday, July 13, 1973 SHIP AHOY! MR. & MRS. GROUP CITY OF HOPE PRESENTS 4th ANNUAL BOB-LO MOONLIGHT CRUISE WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 8th Leaving Foot of Woodward Avenue Promptly at 8 P.M. '3.50 Donation includes Boat Fare & Island Admission Prizes . . . Surprises . . . FUN . . . Entertainment COME AND JOIN US! MAKE UP A PARTY! • All Proceeds to City of Hope TICKET INFO: 547-5935 or 626-5240 really true th — a-t your store has the widest selecf ton of cio -nin9 in 'Oven 1-he bAgest ramie or-- regular aryl harci-o-Pii- s)2es omoi that- because you dorit- make alterations and -f-hal- because you davit extend Creclif and that because you don't accept c,recl cards you have been 691e to ini- roduce The "NEW WAY 70 SUY MEN'S CLOTHING" by offering the customer iip- --o--=he-rri . ivt [Ate nationally-advertised KNIT SUITS ) SPORT COATS , SLACKS OUTERWEAR , and SHI RTS (vsfittii some labels removed) ai- vvole5ale--yoe markups which make possible *incredible 5-cyre-wide SAVINGS 0C- 10% True. SAVINGS 40% ? WALKER'S OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 6; THURSDAY, FRIDAY TO 9; SUNDAY 1 27319 SOUTHFIELD RD., LATHRUP VILLAGE 2 blocks north of 11 Mile Rd. • Telt ,, lone 356-2228 . 0 5